void ScrollZoomer::updateScrollBars() { if ( !canvas() ) return; const int xAxis = QwtPlotZoomer::xAxis().pos; const int yAxis = QwtPlotZoomer::yAxis().pos; int xScrollBarAxis = xAxis; if ( hScrollBarPosition() == OppositeToScale ) xScrollBarAxis = oppositeAxis( xScrollBarAxis ); int yScrollBarAxis = yAxis; if ( vScrollBarPosition() == OppositeToScale ) yScrollBarAxis = oppositeAxis( yScrollBarAxis ); QwtPlotLayout *layout = plot()->plotLayout(); bool showHScrollBar = needScrollBar( Qt::Horizontal ); if ( showHScrollBar ) { ScrollBar *sb = scrollBar( Qt::Horizontal ); sb->setPalette( plot()->palette() ); sb->setInverted( !plot()->axisScaleDiv( xAxis ).isIncreasing() ); sb->setBase( zoomBase().left(), zoomBase().right() ); sb->moveSlider( zoomRect().left(), zoomRect().right() ); if ( !sb->isVisibleTo( canvas() ) ) { sb->show(); layout->setCanvasMargin( layout->canvasMargin( xScrollBarAxis ) + sb->extent(), xScrollBarAxis ); } } else { if ( horizontalScrollBar() ) { horizontalScrollBar()->hide(); layout->setCanvasMargin( layout->canvasMargin( xScrollBarAxis ) - horizontalScrollBar()->extent(), xScrollBarAxis ); } } bool showVScrollBar = needScrollBar( Qt::Vertical ); if ( showVScrollBar ) { ScrollBar *sb = scrollBar( Qt::Vertical ); sb->setPalette( plot()->palette() ); sb->setInverted( !plot()->axisScaleDiv( yAxis ).isIncreasing() ); sb->setBase( zoomBase().top(), zoomBase().bottom() ); sb->moveSlider( zoomRect().top(), zoomRect().bottom() ); if ( !sb->isVisibleTo( canvas() ) ) { sb->show(); layout->setCanvasMargin( layout->canvasMargin( yScrollBarAxis ) + sb->extent(), yScrollBarAxis ); } } else { if ( verticalScrollBar() ) { verticalScrollBar()->hide(); layout->setCanvasMargin( layout->canvasMargin( yScrollBarAxis ) - verticalScrollBar()->extent(), yScrollBarAxis ); } } if ( showHScrollBar && showVScrollBar ) { if ( d_cornerWidget == NULL ) { d_cornerWidget = new QWidget( canvas() ); d_cornerWidget->setAutoFillBackground( true ); d_cornerWidget->setPalette( plot()->palette() ); } d_cornerWidget->show(); } else { if ( d_cornerWidget ) d_cornerWidget->hide(); } layoutScrollBars( canvas()->contentsRect() ); plot()->updateLayout(); }
/*! Paint the contents of a QwtPlot instance into a given rectangle. \param plot Plot to be rendered \param painter Painter \param plotRect Bounding rectangle \sa renderDocument(), renderTo(), QwtPainter::setRoundingAlignment() */ void QwtPlotRenderer::render( QwtPlot *plot, QPainter *painter, const QRectF &plotRect ) const { if ( painter == 0 || !painter->isActive() || !plotRect.isValid() || plot->size().isNull() ) { return; } if ( !( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardBackground ) ) QwtPainter::drawBackgound( painter, plotRect, plot ); /* The layout engine uses the same methods as they are used by the Qt layout system. Therefore we need to calculate the layout in screen coordinates and paint with a scaled painter. */ QTransform transform; transform.scale( double( painter->device()->logicalDpiX() ) / plot->logicalDpiX(), double( painter->device()->logicalDpiY() ) / plot->logicalDpiY() ); QRectF layoutRect = transform.inverted().mapRect( plotRect ); if ( !( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardBackground ) ) { // subtract the contents margins int left, top, right, bottom; plot->getContentsMargins( &left, &top, &right, &bottom ); layoutRect.adjust( left, top, -right, -bottom ); } QwtPlotLayout *layout = plot->plotLayout(); int baseLineDists[QwtAxis::PosCount]; int canvasMargins[QwtAxis::PosCount]; for ( int axisPos = 0; axisPos < QwtAxis::PosCount; axisPos++ ) { canvasMargins[ axisPos ] = layout->canvasMargin( axisPos ); if ( d_data->layoutFlags & FrameWithScales ) { const QwtAxisId axisId( axisPos, QWT_DUMMY_ID ); QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = plot->axisWidget( axisId ); if ( scaleWidget ) { baseLineDists[ axisPos ] = scaleWidget->margin(); scaleWidget->setMargin( 0 ); } if ( !plot->isAxisVisible( axisId ) ) { int left = 0; int right = 0; int top = 0; int bottom = 0; // When we have a scale the frame is painted on // the position of the backbone - otherwise we // need to introduce a margin around the canvas switch( axisPos ) { case QwtAxis::yLeft: layoutRect.adjust( 1, 0, 0, 0 ); break; case QwtAxis::yRight: layoutRect.adjust( 0, 0, -1, 0 ); break; case QwtAxis::xTop: layoutRect.adjust( 0, 1, 0, 0 ); break; case QwtAxis::xBottom: layoutRect.adjust( 0, 0, 0, -1 ); break; } layoutRect.adjust( left, top, right, bottom ); } } } // Calculate the layout for the document. QwtPlotLayout::Options layoutOptions = QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreScrollbars; if ( ( d_data->layoutFlags & FrameWithScales ) || ( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardCanvasFrame ) ) { layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreFrames; } if ( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardLegend ) layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreLegend; if ( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardTitle ) layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreTitle; if ( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardFooter ) layoutOptions |= QwtPlotLayout::IgnoreFooter; layout->update( plot, layoutRect, layoutOptions ); // canvas QwtScaleMapTable mapTable = buildCanvasMaps( plot, layout->canvasRect() ); if ( updateCanvasMargins( plot, layout->canvasRect(), mapTable ) ) { // recalculate maps and layout, when the margins // have been changed layout->update( plot, layoutRect, layoutOptions ); mapTable = buildCanvasMaps( plot, layout->canvasRect() ); } // now start painting painter->save(); painter->setWorldTransform( transform, true ); renderCanvas( plot, painter, layout->canvasRect(), mapTable ); if ( !( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardTitle ) && ( !plot->titleLabel()->text().isEmpty() ) ) { renderTitle( plot, painter, layout->titleRect() ); } if ( !( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardFooter ) && ( !plot->footerLabel()->text().isEmpty() ) ) { renderFooter( plot, painter, layout->footerRect() ); } if ( !( d_data->discardFlags & DiscardLegend ) && plot->legend() && !plot->legend()->isEmpty() ) { renderLegend( plot, painter, layout->legendRect() ); } for ( int axisPos = 0; axisPos < QwtAxis::PosCount; axisPos++ ) { for ( int i = 0; i < plot->axesCount( i ); i++ ) { const QwtAxisId axisId( axisPos, i ); QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = plot->axisWidget( axisId ); if ( scaleWidget ) { int baseDist = scaleWidget->margin(); int startDist, endDist; scaleWidget->getBorderDistHint( startDist, endDist ); renderScale( plot, painter, axisId, startDist, endDist, baseDist, layout->scaleRect( axisId ) ); } } } painter->restore(); // restore all setting to their original attributes. for ( int axisPos = 0; axisPos < QwtAxis::PosCount; axisPos++ ) { if ( d_data->layoutFlags & FrameWithScales ) { const QwtAxisId axisId( axisPos, QWT_DUMMY_ID ); QwtScaleWidget *scaleWidget = plot->axisWidget( axisId ); if ( scaleWidget ) scaleWidget->setMargin( baseLineDists[axisPos] ); } layout->setCanvasMargin( canvasMargins[axisPos] ); } layout->invalidate(); }