Example #1
// write the actuator state to the actuator buffer
    void write_state( void ) {
        //if( VERBOSE ) printf( "(dynamics::write_state)\n" );

        // get a reference to the actuator
        JointPtr pivot = pendulum->find_joint( "pivot" );

        // write the actuator state out to the command buffer
        actuator_msg_c msg = actuator_msg_c( );
        msg.header.type = ACTUATOR_MSG_REPLY;
        msg.state.position = pivot->q[0];
        msg.state.velocity = pivot->qd[0];
        msg.state.time = sim->current_time;

        // this was a part of the Dynamic ode_both(.) procedure but if the accumulators are
        // cleared there they can never change from zero as they were also originally added there.
        // So, had to relocate the reset procedure here.

        // Note: will block on acquiring mutex
        if( dyn_amsgbuffer.write( msg ) != BUFFER_ERROR_NONE ) {
            sprintf( strbuffer, "(dynamics.cpp) write_state() failed calling actuator_msg_buffer_c.write(msg)\n" );
            dyn_error_log.write( strbuffer );
            // TODO : return error condition
Example #2
  publish the state of the actuators to the command buffers.  In this case, one actuator
  and one controller.
void publish_state( void ) {
    //printf( "(dynamics::publish_state)\n" );

    // get a reference to the actuator
    JointPtr pivot = pendulum->find_joint( "pivot" );

    // write the actuator state out to the command buffer
    Command cmd = Command( );
    cmd.state.position = pivot->q[0];
    cmd.state.velocity = pivot->qd[0];
    cmd.state.time = sim->current_time;
    cmdbuffer.write( cmd );

    // this was a part of the Dynamic ode_both(.) procedure but if the accumulators are
    // cleared there they can never change from zero.  So, had to relocate the reset procedure
    // here.
Example #3
  publish the state of the actuators to the command buffers.  In this case, one actuator
  and one controller.
void publish_state( void ) {
    if( VERBOSE ) printf( "(dynamics::publish_state)\n" );

    // get a reference to the actuator
    JointPtr pivot = pendulum->find_joint( "pivot" );

    // write the actuator state out to the command buffer
    ActuatorMessage msg = ActuatorMessage( );
    msg.header.type = MSG_TYPE_STATE_REPLY;
    msg.state.position = pivot->q[0];
    msg.state.velocity = pivot->qd[0];
    msg.state.time = sim->current_time;

    // this was a part of the Dynamic ode_both(.) procedure but if the accumulators are
    // cleared there they can never change from zero as they were also originally added there.
    // So, had to relocate the reset procedure here.
    // Note: will block on acquiring mutex
    amsgbuffer.write( msg );