void emit(Stream & stream,
                RDPOrderCommon & common,
                const RDPOrderCommon & oldcommon,
                const RDPScrBlt & oldcmd) const
        using namespace RDP;
        RDPPrimaryOrderHeader header(STANDARD, 0);

        if (!common.clip.contains(this->rect)){
            header.control |= BOUNDS;

        // SCREENBLT fields bytes (1 byte)
        // ------------------------------
        // 0x01: x coordinate
        // 0x02: y coordinate
        // 0x04: cx coordinate
        // 0x08: cy coordinate
        // 0x10: rop byte
        // 0x20: srcx coordinate
        // 0x40: srcy coordinate

        DeltaRect dr(this->rect, oldcmd.rect);

        // RDP specs says that we can have DELTA only if we
        // have bounds. Can't see the rationale and rdesktop don't do it
        // by the book. Behavior should be checked with server and clients
        // from Microsoft. Looks like an error in RDP specs.
        header.control |= ((dr.fully_relative()
                   && is_1_byte(this->srcx - oldcmd.srcx)
                   && is_1_byte(this->srcy - oldcmd.srcy))
                                                          * DELTA);

        header.fields = (dr.dleft     != 0               ) * 0x01
                      | (dr.dtop      != 0               ) * 0x02
                      | (dr.dwidth    != 0               ) * 0x04
                      | (dr.dheight   != 0               ) * 0x08
                      | (this->rop    != oldcmd.rop      ) * 0x10
                      | ((this->srcx - oldcmd.srcx) != 0 ) * 0x20
                      | ((this->srcy - oldcmd.srcy) != 0 ) * 0x40

        common.emit(stream, header, oldcommon);

        header.emit_rect(stream, 0x01, this->rect, oldcmd.rect);

        if (header.fields & 0x10){

        header.emit_src(stream, 0x20,
                        this->srcx, this->srcy,
                        oldcmd.srcx, oldcmd.srcy);

    void emit( Stream & stream, RDPOrderCommon & common, const RDPOrderCommon & oldcommon
             , const RDPMultiOpaqueRect & oldcmd) const {
        RDPPrimaryOrderHeader header(RDP::STANDARD, 0);

        int16_t nLeftRect = 0;
        int16_t nTopRect  = 0;
        int16_t nWidth    = 0;
        int16_t nHeight   = 0;
        if (!common.clip.contains(Rect(nLeftRect, nTopRect, nWidth, nHeight))) {
            header.control |= RDP::BOUNDS;
        else {
            for (uint8_t i = 0; i < this->nDeltaEntries; i++) {
                nLeftRect += this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].leftDelta;
                nTopRect  += this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].topDelta;
                nWidth    =  this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].width;
                nHeight   =  this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].height;

                if (!common.clip.contains(Rect(nLeftRect, nTopRect, nWidth, nHeight))) {
                    header.control |= RDP::BOUNDS;

        header.control |= (is_1_byte(this->nLeftRect - oldcmd.nLeftRect) && is_1_byte(this->nTopRect - oldcmd.nTopRect) &&
            is_1_byte(this->nWidth - oldcmd.nWidth) && is_1_byte(this->nHeight - oldcmd.nHeight)) * RDP::DELTA;

        header.fields =
                (this->nLeftRect           != oldcmd.nLeftRect          ) * 0x0001
              | (this->nTopRect            != oldcmd.nTopRect           ) * 0x0002
              | (this->nWidth              != oldcmd.nWidth             ) * 0x0004
              | (this->nHeight             != oldcmd.nHeight            ) * 0x0008
              | ((this->_Color & 0x0000FF) != (oldcmd._Color & 0x0000FF)) * 0x0010
              | ((this->_Color & 0x00FF00) != (oldcmd._Color & 0x00FF00)) * 0x0020
              | ((this->_Color & 0xFF0000) != (oldcmd._Color & 0xFF0000)) * 0x0040
              | (this->nDeltaEntries       != oldcmd.nDeltaEntries      ) * 0x0080
              | (
                 (this->nDeltaEntries != oldcmd.nDeltaEntries) ||
                 memcmp(this->deltaEncodedRectangles, oldcmd.deltaEncodedRectangles,
                        this->nDeltaEntries * sizeof(RDP::DeltaEncodedRectangle))
                                                                        ) * 0x0100

        common.emit(stream, header, oldcommon);

        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0001, this->nLeftRect, oldcmd.nLeftRect);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0002, this->nTopRect,  oldcmd.nTopRect);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0004, this->nWidth,    oldcmd.nWidth);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0008, this->nHeight,   oldcmd.nHeight);

        if (header.fields & 0x0010) { stream.out_uint8(this->_Color); }
        if (header.fields & 0x0020) { stream.out_uint8(this->_Color >> 8); }
    void emit(OutStream & stream,
            RDPOrderCommon & common,
            const RDPOrderCommon & oldcommon,
            const RDPLineTo & oldcmd) const
        using namespace RDP;
        RDPPrimaryOrderHeader header(STANDARD, 0);

        // TODO check that
        if (!(common.clip.contains_pt(this->startx, this->starty)
           && common.clip.contains_pt(this->endx, this->endy))){
           header.control |= BOUNDS;

        header.control |= (is_1_byte(this->startx - oldcmd.startx)
                 && is_1_byte(this->starty - oldcmd.starty)
                 && is_1_byte(this->endx - oldcmd.endx)
                 && is_1_byte(this->endy - oldcmd.endy)) * DELTA;

        header.fields =
                (this->back_mode  != oldcmd.back_mode  ) * 0x001
              | (this->startx     != oldcmd.startx     ) * 0x002
              | (this->starty     != oldcmd.starty     ) * 0x004
              | (this->endx       != oldcmd.endx       ) * 0x008
              | (this->endy       != oldcmd.endy       ) * 0x010
              | (this->back_color != oldcmd.back_color ) * 0x020
              | (this->rop2       != oldcmd.rop2       ) * 0x040
              | (this->pen.style  != oldcmd.pen.style  ) * 0x080
              | (this->pen.width  != oldcmd.pen.width  ) * 0x100
              | (this->pen.color  != oldcmd.pen.color  ) * 0x200

        common.emit(stream, header, oldcommon);

        if (header.fields & 0x001) { stream.out_uint16_le(this->back_mode); }

        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x02, this->startx, oldcmd.startx);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x04, this->starty, oldcmd.starty);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x08, this->endx,   oldcmd.endx);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x10, this->endy,   oldcmd.endy);

        if (header.fields & 0x20) {
            emit_rdp_color(stream, this->back_color);
        if (header.fields & 0x40) { stream.out_uint8(this->rop2); }
        header.emit_pen(stream, 0x80, this->pen, oldcmd.pen);
    void emit(OutStream & stream, RDPOrderCommon & common, const RDPOrderCommon & oldcommon,
              const RDPEllipseSC & oldcmd) const {
        RDPPrimaryOrderHeader header(RDP::STANDARD, 0);

        if (!common.clip.contains(this->el.get_rect())){
            header.control |= RDP::BOUNDS;

        const int16_t oldleft   = oldcmd.el.left();
        const int16_t oldtop    = oldcmd.el.top();
        const int16_t oldright  = oldcmd.el.right();
        const int16_t oldbottom = oldcmd.el.bottom();

        header.control |= (is_1_byte(this->el.left() - oldleft) &&
                           is_1_byte(this->el.top() - oldtop) &&
                           is_1_byte(this->el.right() - oldright) &&
                           is_1_byte(this->el.bottom() - oldbottom)) * RDP::DELTA;

        header.fields =
            ( this->el.left()   != oldleft        ) * 0x0001
            |(this->el.top()    != oldtop         ) * 0x0002
            |(this->el.right()  != oldright       ) * 0x0004
            |(this->el.bottom() != oldbottom      ) * 0x0008
            |(this->bRop2    != oldcmd.bRop2   ) * 0x0010
            |(this->fillMode != oldcmd.fillMode) * 0x0020
            |(this->color    != oldcmd.color   ) * 0x0040;

        common.emit(stream, header, oldcommon);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0001, this->el.left(),   oldleft);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0002, this->el.top(),    oldtop);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0004, this->el.right(),  oldright);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0008, this->el.bottom(), oldbottom);

        if (header.fields & 0x0010) { stream.out_uint8(this->bRop2); }

        if (header.fields & 0x0020) { stream.out_uint8(this->fillMode); }

        if (header.fields & 0x0040) {
            emit_rdp_color(stream, this->color);

        // LOG(LOG_INFO, "RDPEllipseSC::emit: header fields=0x%02X", header.fields);
        // LOG(LOG_INFO, "RDPEllipseSC::emit: header color=0x%02X", this->color);
    void emit(OutStream & stream, RDPOrderCommon & common, const RDPOrderCommon & oldcommon,
              const RDPPolygonCB & oldcmd) const {
        RDPPrimaryOrderHeader header(RDP::STANDARD, 0);

        // TODO check that
        int16_t pointx = this->xStart;
        int16_t pointy = this->yStart;
        if (!common.clip.contains_pt(pointx, pointy)) {
            header.control |= RDP::BOUNDS;
        else {
            for (uint8_t i = 0; i < this->NumDeltaEntries; i++) {
                pointx += this->deltaPoints[i].xDelta;
                pointy += this->deltaPoints[i].yDelta;

                if (!common.clip.contains_pt(pointx, pointy)) {
                    header.control |= RDP::BOUNDS;

        header.control |= (is_1_byte(this->xStart - oldcmd.xStart) && is_1_byte(this->yStart - oldcmd.yStart)) * RDP::DELTA;

        header.fields =
              (this->xStart          != oldcmd.xStart         ) * 0x0001
            | (this->yStart          != oldcmd.yStart         ) * 0x0002
            | (this->bRop2           != oldcmd.bRop2          ) * 0x0004
            | (this->fillMode        != oldcmd.fillMode       ) * 0x0008
            | (this->backColor       != oldcmd.backColor      ) * 0x0010
            | (this->foreColor       != oldcmd.foreColor      ) * 0x0020
            | (this->brush.org_x     != oldcmd.brush.org_x    ) * 0x0040
            | (this->brush.org_y     != oldcmd.brush.org_y    ) * 0x0080
            | (this->brush.style     != oldcmd.brush.style    ) * 0x0100
            | (this->brush.hatch     != oldcmd.brush.hatch    ) * 0x0200
            | (memcmp(this->brush.extra, oldcmd.brush.extra, 7) != 0) * 0x0400
            | (this->NumDeltaEntries != oldcmd.NumDeltaEntries) * 0x0800
            | ((this->NumDeltaEntries != oldcmd.NumDeltaEntries) ||
               memcmp(this->deltaPoints, oldcmd.deltaPoints,
                      this->NumDeltaEntries * sizeof(DeltaPoint))
               ) * 0x1000

        common.emit(stream, header, oldcommon);

        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0001, this->xStart, oldcmd.xStart);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0002, this->yStart, oldcmd.yStart);

        if (header.fields & 0x0004) { stream.out_uint8(this->bRop2); }

        if (header.fields & 0x0008) { stream.out_uint8(this->fillMode); }

        if (header.fields & 0x0010) {
            emit_rdp_color(stream, this->backColor);
        if (header.fields & 0x0020) {
            emit_rdp_color(stream, this->foreColor);

        header.emit_brush(stream, 0x0040, this->brush, oldcmd.brush);

        if (header.fields & 0x0800) { stream.out_uint8(this->NumDeltaEntries); }

        if (header.fields & 0x1000) {
            uint32_t offset_cbData = stream.get_offset();

            uint8_t * zeroBit = stream.get_current();
            stream.out_clear_bytes((this->NumDeltaEntries + 3) / 4);
            *zeroBit = 0;

            for (uint8_t i = 0, m4 = 0; i < this->NumDeltaEntries; i++, m4++) {
                if (m4 == 4) {
                    m4 = 0;

                if (i && !m4) {
                    *(++zeroBit) = 0;

                if (!this->deltaPoints[i].xDelta) {
                    *zeroBit |= (1 << (7 - m4 * 2));
                else {

                if (!this->deltaPoints[i].yDelta) {
                    *zeroBit |= (1 << (6 - m4 * 2));
                else {

            stream.set_out_uint8(stream.get_offset() - offset_cbData - 1, offset_cbData);
Example #6
    void emit( OutStream & stream, RDPOrderCommon & common, const RDPOrderCommon & oldcommon
             , const RDPMultiDstBlt & oldcmd) const {
        RDPPrimaryOrderHeader header(RDP::STANDARD, 0);

        int16_t nLeftRect = 0;
        int16_t nTopRect  = 0;
        int16_t nWidth    = 0;
        int16_t nHeight   = 0;
        if (!common.clip.contains(Rect(nLeftRect, nTopRect, nWidth, nHeight))) {
            header.control |= RDP::BOUNDS;
        else {
            for (uint8_t i = 0; i < this->nDeltaEntries; i++) {
                nLeftRect += this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].leftDelta;
                nTopRect  += this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].topDelta;
                nWidth    =  this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].width;
                nHeight   =  this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].height;

                if (!common.clip.contains(Rect(nLeftRect, nTopRect, nWidth, nHeight))) {
                    header.control |= RDP::BOUNDS;

        header.control |= (is_1_byte(this->nLeftRect - oldcmd.nLeftRect) && is_1_byte(this->nTopRect - oldcmd.nTopRect) &&
            is_1_byte(this->nWidth - oldcmd.nWidth) && is_1_byte(this->nHeight - oldcmd.nHeight)) * RDP::DELTA;

        header.fields =
                (this->nLeftRect     != oldcmd.nLeftRect    ) * 0x0001
              | (this->nTopRect      != oldcmd.nTopRect     ) * 0x0002
              | (this->nWidth        != oldcmd.nWidth       ) * 0x0004
              | (this->nHeight       != oldcmd.nHeight      ) * 0x0008
              | (this->bRop          != oldcmd.bRop         ) * 0x0010
              | (this->nDeltaEntries != oldcmd.nDeltaEntries) * 0x0020
              | (
                 (this->nDeltaEntries != oldcmd.nDeltaEntries) ||
                 memcmp(this->deltaEncodedRectangles, oldcmd.deltaEncodedRectangles,
                        this->nDeltaEntries * sizeof(RDP::DeltaEncodedRectangle))
                                                            ) * 0x0040

        common.emit(stream, header, oldcommon);

        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0001, this->nLeftRect, oldcmd.nLeftRect);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0002, this->nTopRect,  oldcmd.nTopRect);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0004, this->nWidth,    oldcmd.nWidth);
        header.emit_coord(stream, 0x0008, this->nHeight,   oldcmd.nHeight);

        if (header.fields & 0x0010) { stream.out_uint8(this->bRop); }

        if (header.fields & 0x0020) { stream.out_uint8(this->nDeltaEntries); }

        if (header.fields & 0x0040) {
            uint32_t offset_cbData = stream.get_offset();

            uint8_t * zeroBit = stream.get_current();
            stream.out_clear_bytes((this->nDeltaEntries + 1) / 2);

            *zeroBit = 0;
            for (uint8_t i = 0, m2 = 0; i < this->nDeltaEntries; i++, m2++) {
                if (m2 == 2) {
                    m2 = 0;

                if (i && !m2) {
                    *(++zeroBit) = 0;

                if (!this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].leftDelta) {
                    *zeroBit |= (1 << (7 - m2 * 4));
                else {

                if (!this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].topDelta) {
                    *zeroBit |= (1 << (6 - m2 * 4));
                else {

                if (!this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].width) {
                    *zeroBit |= (1 << (5 - m2 * 4));
                else {

                if (!this->deltaEncodedRectangles[i].height) {
                    *zeroBit |= (1 << (4 - m2 * 4));
                else {

            stream.set_out_uint16_le(stream.get_offset() - offset_cbData - 2, offset_cbData);
    }   // void emit(OutStream & stream, RDPOrderCommon & common, const RDPOrderCommon & oldcommon, const RDPMultiDstBlt & oldcmd) const
    // order to stream returns true if state clip must be changed
    // it does not change state by itself
    void emit(OutStream & stream,
                RDPOrderCommon & common,
                const RDPOrderCommon & oldcommon,
                const RDPOpaqueRect & oldcmd) const
        using namespace RDP;
        RDPPrimaryOrderHeader header(STANDARD, 0);

        if (!common.clip.contains(this->rect)){
            header.control |= BOUNDS;

        // OPAQUERECT fields bytes (1 byte)
        // ------------------------------
        // 0x01: x coordinate
        // 0x02: y coordinate
        // 0x04: cx coordinate
        // 0x08: cy coordinate
        // 0x10: red color byte
        // 0x20: green color byte
        // 0x40: blue color byte

        // Note by CGR:
        // ------------
        // As far as we can see the OPAQUERECT fields called "red" "green" and
        // "blue" don't care much for actual color components. Really they
        // should be called "first color byte", "second color byte" and "third
        // color byte". They are red green and blue only in 24 bits. In 15 or 16
        // one byte is always empty and changing green component will
        // change both used bytes.

        DeltaRect dr(this->rect, oldcmd.rect);

        // RDP specs says that we can have DELTA only if we
        // have bounds. Can't see the rationale and rdesktop don't do it
        // by the book. Behavior should be checked with server and clients
        // from Microsoft. Looks like an error in RDP specs.
        header.control |= dr.fully_relative() * DELTA;

        uint32_t diff_color = this->color ^ oldcmd.color;

//        LOG(LOG_INFO, "emit opaque rect old_color = %.6x new_color = %.6x\n", oldcmd.color, this->color);

        header.fields =   (dr.dleft                != 0) * 0x01
                        | (dr.dtop                 != 0) * 0x02
                        | (dr.dwidth               != 0) * 0x04
                        | (dr.dheight              != 0) * 0x08
                        | ((diff_color & 0x0000FF) != 0) * 0x10
                        | ((diff_color & 0x00FF00) != 0) * 0x20
                        | ((diff_color & 0xFF0000) != 0) * 0x40

        common.emit(stream, header, oldcommon);
        header.emit_rect(stream, 0x01, this->rect, oldcmd.rect);

        if (header.fields & 0x10){
        if (header.fields & 0x20){
            stream.out_uint8(this->color >> 8);