/** Write the results to the result file, to be later extracted by testexecute test case. These contain the results of the individual tests. The order in which these results are written in MUST match the order in which they are read and tested in CSysStartApparcTestStep::GetApparcResultsL() and the expected result tested in CSysStartApparcTestStep::Testxxx must match that in the test specification\n The format is: StartApp1LRes1 count=value1 StartApp1LRes2 count=value2 '=' is used as the deliminator. */ void CSysStartApparcTestCase::WriteResultFileL() { RFs fs; User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect()); CleanupClosePushL(fs); RFileWriteStream writer; User::LeaveIfError(writer.Replace(fs, KSsaacResultFile, EFileWrite)); CleanupClosePushL(writer); // write data to file writer << _L("StartApp1LRes1 count="); writer.WriteInt16L(iStartApp1LRes1); writer << _L("\n"); writer << _L("StartApp1LRes2 count="); writer.WriteInt16L(iStartApp1LRes2); writer << _L("\n"); writer.CommitL(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &fs); }
void CVideoEntry::ExportL( RFileWriteStream &aStream ) { aStream.WriteInt16L( iMediaTitle->Length() ); aStream.WriteL( *iMediaTitle, iMediaTitle->Length() ); aStream.WriteInt16L( iUrl->Length() ); aStream.WriteL( *iUrl, iUrl->Length() ); aStream.WriteInt16L( iThumbnailUrl->Length() ); aStream.WriteL( *iThumbnailUrl, iThumbnailUrl->Length() ); aStream.WriteInt16L( iThumbnailFile->Length() ); aStream.WriteL( *iThumbnailFile, iThumbnailFile->Length() ); aStream.WriteInt16L( iVideoId->Length() ); aStream.WriteL( *iVideoId, iVideoId->Length() ); aStream.WriteInt16L( iAuthorName->Length() ); aStream.WriteL( *iAuthorName, iAuthorName->Length() ); aStream.WriteInt16L( iAuthorUrl->Length() ); aStream.WriteL( *iAuthorUrl, iAuthorUrl->Length() ); aStream.WriteInt16L( iRelatedUrl->Length() ); aStream.WriteL( *iRelatedUrl, iRelatedUrl->Length() ); aStream.WriteInt16L( iAuthorVideosUrl->Length() ); aStream.WriteL( *iAuthorVideosUrl, iAuthorVideosUrl->Length() ); aStream.WriteInt32L( iThumbnailHeight ); aStream.WriteInt32L( iThumbnailWidth ); aStream.WriteInt32L( iDuration ); aStream.WriteReal32L( iAverageRating ); aStream.WriteInt32L( iViewCount ); aStream.CommitL(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CAiwPrintingProvider::DoHandleCmdL(TInt aMenuCmdId, const CAiwGenericParamList& aInParamList, CAiwGenericParamList& aOutParamList, TUint /*aCmdOptions*/, const MAiwNotifyCallback* aCallback) { if ( aMenuCmdId == KAiwCmdPrint || aMenuCmdId == KAiwCmdPrintPreview ) { FLOG(_L("[CAiwPrintingProvider]<<< DoHandleCmdL")); CAiwGenericParamList* checkedParams = CAiwGenericParamList::NewL(); iConsumerInParamList = &aInParamList; iConsumerOutParamList = &aOutParamList; iConsumerCallback = aCallback; TInt index( 0 ); const TAiwGenericParam* param = aInParamList.FindFirst(index, EGenericParamFile, EVariantTypeDesC); while ( index != KErrNotFound ) { TFileName filename( param->Value().AsDes() ); TInt err = KErrNone; TBool result = EFalse; TRAP( err, result = IsPrintingSupportedL( filename ) ); if ( err == KErrNone && result ) { FLOG(_L("[CAiwPrintingProvider] DoHandleCmdL; supported file")); checkedParams->AppendL(*param); } else { FLOG(_L("[CAiwPrintingProvider] DoHandleCmdL; not supported")); ++iNumberOfUnSuppFiles; iUnsupportedFiles = ETrue; } param = aInParamList.FindNext(index, EGenericParamFile, EVariantTypeDesC); } FTRACE(FPrint(_L("[CAiwPrintingProvider] UnSuppFiles is %d"), iNumberOfUnSuppFiles )); RFileWriteStream stream; CleanupClosePushL(stream); if((stream.Replace(iEikEnv.FsSession(), *iUnsuppFileName ,EFileWrite)) == KErrNone) { stream.WriteInt16L(iNumberOfUnSuppFiles); stream.CommitL(); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&stream); FLOG(_L("[IMAGEPRINTUI]<<< CAiwPrintingProvider;Save iUnsupportedFiles is done")); RFileWriteStream writeStream; User::LeaveIfError( writeStream.Replace(iEikEnv.FsSession(), *iPrintFileName , EFileWrite) ); writeStream.PushL(); checkedParams->ExternalizeL(writeStream); writeStream.CommitL(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &writeStream ); iNumberOfUnSuppFiles = 0; delete checkedParams; checkedParams = NULL; LaunchImagePrintApplicationL(); FLOG(_L("[CAiwPrintingProvider]>>> DoHandleCmdL ")); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLbtCleanupHandler::WriteCleanupDataToFileL // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CLbtCleanupHandler::WriteCleanupDataToFileL() { FUNC_ENTER("CLbtCleanupHandler::WriteCleanupDataToFileL"); RFs fs; User::LeaveIfError( fs.Connect() ); CleanupClosePushL( fs ); // Obtain the file path TFileName file; // Gets the path in which the file can be created fs.SessionPath(file); // Create the file Directory ie the private directory of the process fs.MkDirAll(file); // Append the name of the file file.Append(KLbtAppCleanupFileName); // Open write stream to write to the file RFileWriteStream writeStream; // Open the file to replace the contents. If the file is not preset // this method will create the file TInt error = writeStream.Replace( fs, file, EFileWrite ); if( error != KErrNone ) { ERROR("Opening of cleanup file failed with : %d", error); writeStream.Close(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //fs User::Leave(error); } CleanupClosePushL( writeStream ); // First write the number of cleanup items writeStream.WriteInt16L( iCleanupItems.Count() ); for(TInt i=0;i<iCleanupItems.Count();++i) { RArray<TLbtTriggerId>& triggers = iCleanupItems[i]->GetTriggers(); // Write the trigger ids into the file writeStream.WriteInt16L( triggers.Count() ); for(TInt j=0;j<triggers.Count();++j) { writeStream.WriteUint32L( triggers[j] ); } // Write the time into the file const TDateTime dateTime = iCleanupItems[i]->GetTime().DateTime(); // Write the year writeStream.WriteInt32L( dateTime.Year() ); // Write the month writeStream.WriteInt32L( dateTime.Month() ); // Write the day writeStream.WriteInt32L( dateTime.Day() ); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //fs and writeSteam }