Example #1
void CaveRendermode::draw(RGBAImage& image, const mc::BlockPos& pos,
		uint16_t id, uint16_t data) {
	// a nice color gradient to see something
	// (because the whole map is just full of cave stuff,
	// one can't differentiate the single caves)

	double h1 = (double) (64 - pos.y) / 64;
	if (pos.y > 64)
		h1 = 0;

	double h2 = 0;
	if (pos.y >= 64 && pos.y < 96)
		h2 = (double) (96 - pos.y) / 32;
	else if (pos.y > 16 && pos.y < 64)
		h2 = (double) (pos.y - 16) / 48;

	double h3 = 0;
	if (pos.y > 64)
		h3 = (double) (pos.y - 64) / 64;
	int R = h1 * 128.0 + 128.0;
	int G = h2 * 255.0;
	int B = h3 * 255.0;
	int Y = (R*3+G*10+B)/14; //get luminance of recolor
	// We try to do luminance-neutral additive/subtractive color instead of alpha blending, for better contrast
	// So first subtract luminance from each component.
	R = (R-Y)/3; // /3 is similar to alpha=85
	G = (G-Y)/3;
	B = (B-Y)/3;
	int size = image.getWidth();
	for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < size; x++) {
			uint32_t pixel = image.getPixel(x, y);
			if (pixel != 0) {				
				image.setPixel(x,y, rgba_add_clamp(pixel, R, G, B));
void testOctreeWithImage(const RGBAImage& image) {
	std::set<RGBAPixel> colors;
	int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, count = 0;

	Octree octree;

	// insert all pixels into an octree
	for (int x = 0; x < image.getWidth(); x++) {
		for (int y = 0; y < image.getHeight(); y++) {
			RGBAPixel color = image.getPixel(x, y);
			r += rgba_red(color);
			g += rgba_green(color);
			b += rgba_blue(color);

			Octree::findOrCreateNode(&octree, color)->setColor(color);

	// make sure that all colors are inserted correctly
	BOOST_CHECK(octree.isRoot() && !octree.isLeaf());

	// reduce all colors up to the root of the tree
	// the color should be the overall average color

	RGBAPixel average1 = octree.getColor();
	RGBAPixel average2 = rgba(r / count, g / count, b / count, 255);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(average1, average2);

	BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Overall colors: " << colors.size());
	BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Pixels per color: " << (double) (image.getWidth() * image.getHeight()) / colors.size());
	BOOST_TEST_MESSAGE("Average color: " << (int) rgba_red(average1) << ","
			<< (int) rgba_green(average1) << "," << (int) rgba_blue(average1));