Example #1
bool DataSignal :: ReportSmartNoticeObjects (RGTextOutput& text, const RGString& indent, const RGString& delim) {

	if (NumberOfSmartNoticeObjects () > 0) {

		int msgLevel = GetHighestMessageLevelWithRestrictionSM ();
		RGDListIterator it (*mSmartMessageReporters);
		SmartMessageReporter* nextNotice;
		text.SetOutputLevel (msgLevel);

		if (!text.TestCurrentLevel ()) {

			text.ResetOutputLevel ();
			return false;

		Endl endLine;
		text << endLine;
		text << indent << "Notices for curve with (Mean, Sigma, Peak, 2Content, Fit) = " << delim << delim << delim << delim << delim << delim;
		text << GetMean () << delim << GetStandardDeviation () << delim << Peak () << delim << GetScale (2) << delim << Fit << endLine;

		while (nextNotice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ())
			text << indent << nextNotice->GetMessage () << nextNotice->GetMessageData () << endLine;

		text.ResetOutputLevel ();
		text.Write (1, "\n");

		return false;

	return true;
Boolean CoreBioComponent :: ReportAllSmartNoticeObjects (RGTextOutput& text, const RGString& indent, const RGString& delim, Boolean reportLink) {

	int severity;	
	Boolean reportedNotices = ReportSmartNoticeObjects (text, indent, delim, reportLink);

	if (!reportedNotices) {

		severity = GetLocusAndChannelHighestMessageLevel ();

		if ((severity > 0) && (severity <= Notice::GetMessageTrigger())) {

			text.SetOutputLevel (severity);
			Endl endLine;
			text << indent << GetSampleName () << " Notices:  " << endLine;
			text.ResetOutputLevel ();

	RGString indent2 = indent + "\t";
	bool report = false;

	if (reportLink)
		report = true;

	mLSData->ReportSmartNoticeObjects (text, indent2, delim, report);

	for (int i=1; i<=mNumberOfChannels; i++) {

		if (i != mLaneStandardChannel)
			mDataChannels[i]->ReportAllSmartNoticeObjects (text, indent2, delim, reportLink);

	return TRUE;
Example #3
int CopyVolumeFile (const RGString& inputFileName, const RGString& outputFileName) {

	RGFile inputFile (inputFileName, "rt");

	if (!inputFile.isValid ()) {

		cout << "Could not read " << inputFileName.GetData () << " for default volume...exiting" << endl;
		return -1;

	RGString inputFileString;
	inputFileString.ReadTextFile (inputFile);

	RGTextOutput outputFile (outputFileName, FALSE);

	if (!outputFile.FileIsValid ()) {

		cout << "Could not create " << outputFileName.GetData () << "...exiting" << endl;
		return -1;

	outputFile << inputFileString;
	return 0;
Boolean CoreBioComponent :: ReportSmartNoticeObjects (RGTextOutput& text, const RGString& indent, const RGString& delim, Boolean reportLink) {

	if (NumberOfSmartNoticeObjects () > 0) {

		int msgLevel = GetHighestMessageLevelWithRestrictionSM ();
		RGDListIterator it (*mSmartMessageReporters);
		SmartMessageReporter* nextNotice;
		text.SetOutputLevel (msgLevel);

		if (!text.TestCurrentLevel ()) {

			text.ResetOutputLevel ();
			return FALSE;

		Endl endLine;
		text << endLine;

		if (reportLink)
			text << mTableLink;

		text << indent << GetSampleName () << " Notices:  " << endLine;

		while (nextNotice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) {

			text << indent << nextNotice->GetMessage () << nextNotice->GetMessageData () << endLine;

		text.ResetOutputLevel ();

		if (reportLink) {

			text.SetOutputLevel (msgLevel);
			text << mTableLink;
			text.ResetOutputLevel ();

		text.Write (1, "\n");

		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Example #5
void DataSignal :: WriteSmartTableArtifactInfoToXML (RGTextOutput& text, RGTextOutput& tempText, const RGString& indent, const RGString& bracketTag, const RGString& locationTag) {

	int peak;
	Endl endLine;
	RGString suffix;
	RGString label;
	SmartMessageReporter* notice;
	int i;
	RGString virtualAllele;
	SmartMessageReporter* nextNotice;
	text.SetOutputLevel (1);
	int msgNum;

	smAcceptedOLLeft acceptedOLLeft;
	smAcceptedOLRight acceptedOLRight;

	int reportedMessageLevel = GetHighestMessageLevelWithRestrictionSM ();
	//bool hasThreeLoci;
	//bool needLocus0;

	if ((!DontLook ()) && (NumberOfSmartNoticeObjects () != 0)) {
		bool firstNotice = true;
		peak = (int) floor (Peak () + 0.5);
		virtualAllele = GetVirtualAlleleName ();

		text << indent << "<" << bracketTag << ">" << endLine;  // Should be <Artifact>
		text << indent << "\t<Id>" << GetSignalID () << "</Id>" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<Level>" << reportedMessageLevel << "</Level>" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<RFU>" << peak << "</RFU>" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<" << locationTag << ">" << GetApproximateBioID () << "</" << locationTag << ">" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<PeakArea>" << TheoreticalArea () << "</PeakArea>" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<Time>" << GetMean () << "</Time>" << endLine;
		text << indent << "\t<Fit>" << GetCurveFit () << "</Fit>" << endLine;

		if (!mAllowPeakEdit)
			text << indent << "\t<AllowPeakEdit>false</AllowPeakEdit>" << endLine;
		RGDListIterator it (*mSmartMessageReporters);
		i = 0;

		while (notice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) {

			if (!notice->GetDisplayOsirisInfo ())

			if (firstNotice) {

				label = indent + "\t<Label>";
				firstNotice = false;

			if (i > 0)
				label << "&#10;";

			label += notice->GetMessage ();
			label += notice->GetMessageData ();

		if (i > 0) {

			label << "</Label>";
			text << label << endLine;

		// Now add list of notices...

		it.Reset ();

		while (nextNotice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) {

			msgNum = Notice::GetNextMessageNumber ();
			nextNotice->SetMessageCount (msgNum);
			text << indent << "\t<MessageNumber>" << msgNum << "</MessageNumber>" << endLine;
			tempText << "\t\t<Message>\n";
			tempText << "\t\t\t<MessageNumber>" << msgNum << "</MessageNumber>\n";
			tempText << "\t\t\t<Text>" << nextNotice->GetMessage () << nextNotice->GetMessageData () << "</Text>\n";

			if (nextNotice->HasViableExportInfo ()) {

				if (nextNotice->IsEnabled ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<Hidden>false</Hidden>\n";

					tempText << "\t\t\t<Hidden>true</Hidden>\n";

				if (!nextNotice->IsCritical ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<Critical>false</Critical>\n";

				if (nextNotice->IsEnabled ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<Enabled>true</Enabled>\n";

					tempText << "\t\t\t<Enabled>false</Enabled>\n";

				if (!nextNotice->IsEditable ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<Editable>false</Editable>\n";

				if (nextNotice->GetDisplayExportInfo ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayExportInfo>true</DisplayExportInfo>\n";

					tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayExportInfo>false</DisplayExportInfo>\n";

				if (!nextNotice->GetDisplayOsirisInfo ())
					tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayOsirisInfo>false</DisplayOsirisInfo>\n";

				tempText << "\t\t\t<MsgName>" << nextNotice->GetMessageName () << "</MsgName>\n";

				//tempText << "\t\t\t<ExportProtocolList>";
				//tempText << "\t\t\t" << nextNotice->GetExportProtocolInformation ();
				//tempText << "\t\t\t</ExportProtocolList>\n";

			tempText << "\t\t</Message>\n";

		// Now add list of alleles

		//hasThreeLoci = (mLocus != NULL) && (mLeftLocus != NULL) && (mRightLocus != NULL);

		//if (mLocus != NULL) {

		//	if ((mLeftLocus == NULL) && (mRightLocus == NULL))
		//		needLocus0 = true;

		//	else
		//		needLocus0 = false;

		//	needLocus0 = false;

		//needLocus0 = (!hasThreeLoci) && ((mLocus != mLeftLocus) || (mLocus != mRightLocus));

		if (mLocus != NULL) {

			RGString locusName = mLocus->GetLocusName ();
			suffix = GetAlleleName (0);

			if ((suffix.Length () > 0) || (virtualAllele.Length () > 0)) {

				text << indent << "\t<Allele>" << endLine;

				if (suffix.Length () > 0)
					text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << suffix << "</Name>" << endLine;

					text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << virtualAllele << "</Name>" << endLine;

				if (mOffGrid)
					suffix = "true";

				else if (mAcceptedOffGrid)
					suffix = "accepted";

					suffix = "false";

				text << indent << "\t\t<OffLadder>" << suffix << "</OffLadder>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<BPS>" << GetBioID (0) << "</BPS>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Locus>" << mLocus->GetLocusName () << "</Locus>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Location>0</Location>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t</Allele>" << endLine;

		if ((mLeftLocus != NULL) && (mLeftLocus != mLocus)) {

			if (mAlleleNameLeft.Length () > 0) {

				text << indent << "\t<Allele>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << mAlleleNameLeft << "</Name>" << endLine;

				if (mIsOffGridLeft)
					suffix = "true";

				else if (GetMessageValue (acceptedOLLeft))
					suffix = "accepted";

					suffix = "false";

				text << indent << "\t\t<OffLadder>" << suffix << "</OffLadder>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<BPS>" << GetBioID (-1) << "</BPS>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Locus>" << mLeftLocus->GetLocusName () << "</Locus>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Location>-1</Location>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t</Allele>" << endLine;

		if ((mRightLocus != NULL) && (mRightLocus != mLocus)) {

			if (mAlleleNameRight.Length () > 0) {

				text << indent << "\t<Allele>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << mAlleleNameRight << "</Name>" << endLine;

				if (mIsOffGridRight)
					suffix = "true";

				else if (GetMessageValue (acceptedOLRight))
					suffix = "accepted";

					suffix = "false";

				text << indent << "\t\t<OffLadder>" << suffix << "</OffLadder>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<BPS>" << GetBioID (1) << "</BPS>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Locus>" << mRightLocus->GetLocusName () << "</Locus>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t\t<Location>1</Location>" << endLine;
				text << indent << "\t</Allele>" << endLine;

		text << indent << "</" + bracketTag << ">" << endLine;

	text.ResetOutputLevel ();
bool CoreBioComponent :: ReportXMLSmartNoticeObjects (RGTextOutput& text, RGTextOutput& tempText, const RGString& delim) {

	if (NumberOfSmartNoticeObjects () > 0) {

		int msgLevel = GetHighestMessageLevelWithRestrictionSM ();
		RGDListIterator it (*mSmartMessageReporters);
		SmartMessageReporter* nextNotice;
		text.SetOutputLevel (msgLevel);
		tempText.SetOutputLevel (1);
		int msgNum;
		int triggerLevel = Notice::GetMessageTrigger ();
		bool includesExportInfo = false;
		bool viable;

		while (nextNotice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) {

			if (nextNotice->HasViableExportInfo ()) {

				includesExportInfo = true;

		if (!text.TestCurrentLevel () && !includesExportInfo) {

			text.ResetOutputLevel ();
			tempText.ResetOutputLevel ();
			return FALSE;

		text.ResetOutputLevel ();
		text << CLevel (1) << "\t\t\t<SampleAlerts>\n" << PLevel ();
		it.Reset ();
		text.SetOutputLevel (1);

		while (nextNotice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) {

			viable = nextNotice->HasViableExportInfo ();
			msgLevel = nextNotice->GetMessagePriority ();

			if (((msgLevel > 0) && (msgLevel <= triggerLevel)) || viable) {

				msgNum = Notice::GetNextMessageNumber ();
				nextNotice->SetMessageCount (msgNum);
				text << "\t\t\t\t<MessageNumber>" << msgNum << "</MessageNumber>\n";
				tempText << "\t\t<Message>\n";
				tempText << "\t\t\t<MessageNumber>" << msgNum << "</MessageNumber>\n";
				tempText << "\t\t\t<Text>" << nextNotice->GetMessage () << nextNotice->GetMessageData () << "</Text>\n";

				if (viable) {

					if (nextNotice->IsEnabled ())
						tempText << "\t\t\t<Hidden>false</Hidden>\n";

						tempText << "\t\t\t<Hidden>true</Hidden>\n";

					if (!nextNotice->IsCritical ())
						tempText << "\t\t\t<Critical>false</Critical>\n";

					if (nextNotice->IsEnabled ())
						tempText << "\t\t\t<Enabled>true</Enabled>\n";

						tempText << "\t\t\t<Enabled>false</Enabled>\n";

					if (!nextNotice->IsEditable ())
						tempText << "\t\t\t<Editable>false</Editable>\n";

					if (nextNotice->GetDisplayExportInfo ())
						tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayExportInfo>true</DisplayExportInfo>\n";

						tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayExportInfo>false</DisplayExportInfo>\n";

					if (!nextNotice->GetDisplayOsirisInfo ())
						tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayOsirisInfo>false</DisplayOsirisInfo>\n";

					tempText << "\t\t\t<MsgName>" << nextNotice->GetMessageName () << "</MsgName>\n";

					//tempText << "\t\t\t<ExportProtocolList>";
					//tempText << "\t\t\t" << nextNotice->GetExportProtocolInformation ();
					//tempText << "\t\t\t</ExportProtocolList>\n";

				tempText << "\t\t</Message>\n";

		text.ResetOutputLevel ();
		text << CLevel (1) << "\t\t\t</SampleAlerts>\n" << PLevel ();
		tempText.ResetOutputLevel ();

		return false;

	return true;
Example #7
int Ladder :: AmendLadderData (LadderInputFile* inFile, RGString& oldLadderString) {

	RGString newLadderString;

	// Parse oldLadder data into pieces for individual edits
	RGString locusString;
	RGString* newLocusString;
	RGDList locusStrings;
	size_t startPos = 0;
	size_t endPos;
	RGXMLTagSearch locusSearch ("Locus", oldLadderString);
	RGXMLTagSearch searchRegionsSearch ("SearchRegions", oldLadderString);

	RGString* ilsName = (RGString*)inFile->GetILSNameList ().First ();
	endPos = 0;
	oldLadderString.FindNextSubstring (0, "\t\t\t<Locus>", endPos);
	RGString insertBase;
	insertBase << "\t\t\t\t\t<ILSName>" << ilsName->GetData () << "</ILSName>\n";
	insertBase << "\t\t\t\t</LSBases>";
	RGString leadString = oldLadderString.ExtractSubstring (0, endPos - 1);
	//cout << "Lead string = \n" << leadString.GetData () << endl;
	endPos = 0;
	leadString.FindAndReplaceNextSubstring ("\t\t\t\t</LSBases>", insertBase, endPos);
	//cout << "Lead string = \n" << leadString.GetData () << endl;
	newLadderString << leadString;

	startPos = 0;

	while (locusSearch.FindNextTag (startPos, endPos, locusString)) {

		newLocusString = new RGString (locusString);
		locusStrings.Append (newLocusString);
		startPos = endPos;

	if (mLocusList.size () != locusStrings.Entries ()) {

		cout << "Number of loci in bins file does not match number of loci in ladder file" << endl;
		return -152;

	Locus* nextLocus;
	RGString locusInsert;
	RGString currentLocusString;
	RGString nameString;
	RGXMLTagSearch locusNameSearch ("Name", currentLocusString);
	RGXMLTagSearch coreRepeatSearch ("CoreRepeatNumber", currentLocusString);
	double minSearch;
	double maxSearch;
	RGString repeatString;
	int repeatNumber;

	while (locusStrings.Entries () > 0) {

		newLocusString = (RGString*) locusStrings.GetFirst ();
		currentLocusString = *newLocusString;
		locusNameSearch.ResetSearch ();
		coreRepeatSearch.ResetSearch ();

		locusNameSearch.FindNextTag (0, endPos, nameString);
		nextLocus = FindLocusByName (nameString);

		if (nextLocus == NULL) {

			cout << "Could not find locus named " << nameString.GetData () << ".  Exiting..." << endl;
			return -155;

		if (!coreRepeatSearch.FindNextTag (0, endPos, repeatString))
			repeatNumber = 4;

			repeatNumber = repeatString.ConvertToInteger ();

		locusInsert = "";
		minSearch = nextLocus->GetMinSearchILSBP () - repeatNumber + 1;
		maxSearch = nextLocus->GetMaxSearchILSBP () + repeatNumber -1;

		locusInsert << "\t\t\t\t\t<Region>\n";
		locusInsert << "\t\t\t\t\t\t<ILSName>" << ilsName->GetData () << "</ILSName>\n";
		locusInsert << "\t\t\t\t\t\t<MinGrid>" << 0.01 * floor (100.0 * minSearch + 0.5) << "</MinGrid>\n";
		locusInsert << "\t\t\t\t\t\t<MaxGrid>" << 0.01 * floor (100.0 * maxSearch + 0.5) << "</MaxGrid>\n";
		locusInsert << "\t\t\t\t\t</Region>\n";
		locusInsert << "\t\t\t\t</SearchRegions>";
		endPos = 0;
		currentLocusString.FindAndReplaceNextSubstring ("\t\t\t\t</SearchRegions>", locusInsert, endPos);

		newLadderString << "\t\t\t<Locus>" << currentLocusString << "</Locus>\n";
		delete newLocusString;

	newLadderString << "\t\t</Set>\n";
	newLadderString << "\t</Kits>\n";
	newLadderString << "</KitData>\n";

	RGString ladderPath = inFile->GetOutputConfigDirectoryPath () + "/" + inFile->GetLadderFileName ();
	RGTextOutput ladderOutput (ladderPath, FALSE);

	if (!ladderOutput.FileIsValid ()) {

		cout << "Could not open ladder output file:  " << ladderPath.GetData () << endl;
		return -161;

	ladderOutput << newLadderString;

	cout << "Ladder update completed successfully..." << endl;
	return 0;