virtual bool run(const string& dbname , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool) { string p = cmdObj.firstElement().String(); if ( p == "*" ) { vector<string> names; RamLog::getNames( names ); BSONArrayBuilder arr; for ( unsigned i=0; i<names.size(); i++ ) { arr.append( names[i] ); } result.appendArray( "names" , arr.arr() ); } else { RamLog* rl = RamLog::get( p ); if ( ! rl ) { errmsg = str::stream() << "no RamLog named: " << p; return false; } result.appendNumber( "totalLinesWritten", rl->getTotalLinesWritten() ); vector<const char*> lines; rl->get( lines ); BSONArrayBuilder arr( result.subarrayStart( "log" ) ); for ( unsigned i=0; i<lines.size(); i++ ) arr.append( lines[i] ); arr.done(); } return true; }
void fillRsLog(stringstream& s) { _rsLog.toHTML( s ); }
namespace mongo { using namespace mongoutils::html; using namespace bson; static RamLog _rsLog; Tee *rsLog = &_rsLog; string ago(time_t t) { if( t == 0 ) return ""; time_t x = time(0) - t; stringstream s; if( x < 180 ) { s << x << " sec"; if( x != 1 ) s << 's'; } else if( x < 3600 ) { s.precision(2); s << x / 60.0 << " mins"; } else { s.precision(2); s << x / 3600.0 << " hrs"; } return s.str(); } void Member::summarizeMember(stringstream& s) const { s << tr(); { stringstream u; u << "http://" << h().host() << ':' << (h().port() + 1000) << "/_replSet"; s << td( a(u.str(), "", fullName()) ); } s << td( id() ); double h = hbinfo().health; bool ok = h > 0; s << td(red(str::stream() << h,h == 0)); s << td(ago(hbinfo().upSince)); bool never = false; { string h; time_t hb = hbinfo().lastHeartbeat; if( hb == 0 ) { h = "never"; never = true; } else h = ago(hb) + " ago"; s << td(h); } s << td(config().votes); { string stateText = ReplSet::stateAsStr(state()); if( ok || stateText.empty() ) s << td(stateText); // text blank if we've never connected else s << td( grey(str::stream() << "(was " << ReplSet::stateAsStr(state()) << ')', true) ); } s << td( grey(hbinfo().lastHeartbeatMsg,!ok) ); stringstream q; q << "/_replSetOplog?" << id(); s << td( a(q.str(), "", never ? "?" : hbinfo().opTime.toString()) ); if( hbinfo().skew > INT_MIN ) { s << td( grey(str::stream() << hbinfo().skew,!ok) ); } else s << td(""); s << _tr(); } string ReplSetImpl::stateAsHtml(MemberState s) { if( s.s == MemberState::RS_STARTUP ) return a("", "serving still starting up, or still trying to initiate the set", "STARTUP"); if( s.s == MemberState::RS_PRIMARY ) return a("", "this server thinks it is primary", "PRIMARY"); if( s.s == MemberState::RS_SECONDARY ) return a("", "this server thinks it is a secondary (slave mode)", "SECONDARY"); if( s.s == MemberState::RS_RECOVERING ) return a("", "recovering/resyncing; after recovery usually auto-transitions to secondary", "RECOVERING"); if( s.s == MemberState::RS_FATAL ) return a("", "something bad has occurred and server is not completely offline with regard to the replica set. fatal error.", "FATAL"); if( s.s == MemberState::RS_STARTUP2 ) return a("", "loaded config, still determining who is primary", "STARTUP2"); if( s.s == MemberState::RS_ARBITER ) return a("", "this server is an arbiter only", "ARBITER"); if( s.s == MemberState::RS_DOWN ) return a("", "member is down, slow, or unreachable", "DOWN"); if( s.s == MemberState::RS_ROLLBACK ) return a("", "rolling back operations to get in sync", "ROLLBACK"); return ""; } string ReplSetImpl::stateAsStr(MemberState s) { if( s.s == MemberState::RS_STARTUP ) return "STARTUP"; if( s.s == MemberState::RS_PRIMARY ) return "PRIMARY"; if( s.s == MemberState::RS_SECONDARY ) return "SECONDARY"; if( s.s == MemberState::RS_RECOVERING ) return "RECOVERING"; if( s.s == MemberState::RS_FATAL ) return "FATAL"; if( s.s == MemberState::RS_STARTUP2 ) return "STARTUP2"; if( s.s == MemberState::RS_ARBITER ) return "ARBITER"; if( s.s == MemberState::RS_DOWN ) return "DOWN"; if( s.s == MemberState::RS_ROLLBACK ) return "ROLLBACK"; return ""; } extern time_t started; // oplogdiags in web ui static void say(stringstream&ss, const bo& op) { ss << "<tr>"; set<string> skip; be e = op["ts"]; if( e.type() == Date || e.type() == Timestamp ) { OpTime ot = e._opTime(); ss << td( time_t_to_String_short( ot.getSecs() ) ); ss << td( ot.toString() ); skip.insert("ts"); } else ss << td("?") << td("?"); e = op["h"]; if( e.type() == NumberLong ) { ss << "<td>" << hex << e.Long() << "</td>\n"; skip.insert("h"); } else ss << td("?"); ss << td(op["op"].valuestrsafe()); ss << td(op["ns"].valuestrsafe()); skip.insert("op"); skip.insert("ns"); ss << "<td>"; for( bo::iterator i(op); i.more(); ) { be e =; if( skip.count(e.fieldName()) ) continue; ss << e.toString() << ' '; } ss << "</td>"; ss << "</tr>"; ss << '\n'; } void ReplSetImpl::_getOplogDiagsAsHtml(unsigned server_id, stringstream& ss) const { const Member *m = findById(server_id); if( m == 0 ) { ss << "Error : can't find a member with id: " << server_id << '\n'; return; } ss << p("Server : " + m->fullName() + "<br>ns : " + rsoplog ); //const bo fields = BSON( "o" << false << "o2" << false ); const bo fields; ScopedConn conn(m->fullName()); auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = conn->query(rsoplog, Query().sort("$natural",1), 20, 0, &fields); if( c.get() == 0 ) { ss << "couldn't query " << rsoplog; return; } static const char *h[] = {"ts","optime", "h","op","ns","rest",0}; ss << "<style type=\"text/css\" media=\"screen\">" "table { font-size:75% }\n" // "th { background-color:#bbb; color:#000 }\n" // "td,th { padding:.25em }\n" "</style>\n"; ss << table(h, true); //ss << "<pre>\n"; int n = 0; OpTime otFirst; OpTime otLast; OpTime otEnd; while( c->more() ) { bo o = c->next(); otLast = o["ts"]._opTime(); if( otFirst.isNull() ) otFirst = otLast; say(ss, o); n++; } if( n == 0 ) { ss << rsoplog << " is empty\n"; } else { auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = conn->query(rsoplog, Query().sort("$natural",-1), 20, 0, &fields); if( c.get() == 0 ) { ss << "couldn't query [2] " << rsoplog; return; } string x; bo o = c->next(); otEnd = o["ts"]._opTime(); while( 1 ) { stringstream z; if( o["ts"]._opTime() == otLast ) break; say(z, o); x = z.str() + x; if( !c->more() ) break; o = c->next(); } if( !x.empty() ) { ss << "<tr><td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td><td>...</td></tr>\n" << x; //ss << "\n...\n\n" << x; } } ss << _table(); ss << p(time_t_to_String_short(time(0)) + " current time"); //ss << "</pre>\n"; if( !otEnd.isNull() ) { ss << "<p>Log length in time: "; unsigned d = otEnd.getSecs() - otFirst.getSecs(); double h = d / 3600.0; ss.precision(3); if( h < 72 ) ss << h << " hours"; else ss << h / 24.0 << " days"; ss << "</p>\n"; } } void ReplSetImpl::_summarizeAsHtml(stringstream& s) const { s << table(0, false); s << tr("Set name:", _name); s << tr("Majority up:", elect.aMajoritySeemsToBeUp()?"yes":"no" ); s << _table(); const char *h[] = {"Member", "<a title=\"member id in the replset config\">id</a>", "Up", "<a title=\"length of time we have been continuously connected to the other member with no reconnects (for self, shows uptime)\">cctime</a>", "<a title=\"when this server last received a heartbeat response - includes error code responses\">Last heartbeat</a>", "Votes", "State", "Status", "<a title=\"how up to date this server is. this value polled every few seconds so actually lag is typically much lower than value shown here.\">optime</a>", "<a title=\"Clock skew in seconds relative to this server. Informational; server clock variances will make the diagnostics hard to read, but otherwise are benign..\">skew</a>", 0}; s << table(h); /* this is to sort the member rows by their ordinal _id, so they show up in the same order on all the different web ui's; that is less confusing for the operator. */ map<int,string> mp; string myMinValid; try { readlocktry lk("local.replset.minvalid", 300); if( ) { BSONObj mv; if( Helpers::getSingleton("local.replset.minvalid", mv) ) { myMinValid = "minvalid:" + mv["ts"]._opTime().toString(); } } else myMinValid = "."; } catch(...) { myMinValid = "exception fetching minvalid"; } { stringstream s; /* self row */ s << tr() << td(_self->fullName() + " (me)") << td(_self->id()) << td("1") << //up td(ago(started)) << td("") << // last heartbeat td(ToString(_self->config().votes)) << td(stateAsHtml(box.getState())); s << td( _hbmsg ); stringstream q; q << "/_replSetOplog?" << _self->id(); s << td( a(q.str(), myMinValid, theReplSet->lastOpTimeWritten.toString()) ); s << td(""); // skew s << _tr(); mp[_self->hbinfo().id()] = s.str(); } Member *m = head(); while( m ) { stringstream s; m->summarizeMember(s); mp[m->hbinfo().id()] = s.str(); m = m->next(); } for( map<int,string>::const_iterator i = mp.begin(); i != mp.end(); i++ ) s << i->second; s << _table(); } void fillRsLog(stringstream& s) { _rsLog.toHTML( s ); } const Member* ReplSetImpl::findById(unsigned id) const { if( id == _self->id() ) return _self; for( Member *m = head(); m; m = m->next() ) if( m->id() == id ) return m; return 0; } void ReplSetImpl::_summarizeStatus(BSONObjBuilder& b) const { vector<BSONObj> v; // add self { HostAndPort h(getHostName(), cmdLine.port); BSONObjBuilder bb; bb.append("_id", (int) _self->id()); bb.append("name", h.toString()); bb.append("health", 1.0); bb.append("state", (int) box.getState().s); string s = _self->lhb(); if( !s.empty() ) bb.append("errmsg", s); bb.append("self", true); v.push_back(bb.obj()); } Member *m =_members.head(); while( m ) { BSONObjBuilder bb; bb.append("_id", (int) m->id()); bb.append("name", m->fullName()); bb.append("health", m->hbinfo().health); bb.append("state", (int) m->state().s); bb.append("uptime", (unsigned) (m->hbinfo().upSince ? (time(0)-m->hbinfo().upSince) : 0)); bb.appendTimeT("lastHeartbeat", m->hbinfo().lastHeartbeat); string s = m->lhb(); if( !s.empty() ) bb.append("errmsg", s); v.push_back(bb.obj()); m = m->next(); } sort(v.begin(), v.end()); b.append("set", name()); b.appendTimeT("date", time(0)); b.append("myState", box.getState().s); b.append("members", v); } static struct Test : public UnitTest { void run() { HealthOptions a,b; assert( a == b ); assert( a.isDefault() ); } } test; }
bool run(const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) { _runCalled = true; long long start = Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis(); BSONObjBuilder timeBuilder(256); const ClientBasic* myClientBasic = ClientBasic::getCurrent(); AuthorizationManager* authManager = myClientBasic->getAuthorizationManager(); // --- basic fields that are global result.append("host", prettyHostName() ); result.append("version", versionString); result.append("process",cmdLine.binaryName); result.append("pid", (int)getpid()); result.append("uptime",(double) (time(0)-cmdLine.started)); result.append("uptimeMillis", (long long)(curTimeMillis64()-_started)); result.append("uptimeEstimate",(double) (start/1000)); result.appendDate( "localTime" , jsTime() ); timeBuilder.appendNumber( "after basic" , Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis() - start ); // --- all sections for ( SectionMap::const_iterator i = _sections->begin(); i != _sections->end(); ++i ) { ServerStatusSection* section = i->second; std::vector<Privilege> requiredPrivileges; section->addRequiredPrivileges(&requiredPrivileges); if (!authManager->checkAuthForPrivileges(requiredPrivileges).isOK()) continue; bool include = section->includeByDefault(); BSONElement e = cmdObj[section->getSectionName()]; if ( e.type() ) { include = e.trueValue(); } if ( ! include ) continue; BSONObj data = section->generateSection(e); if ( data.isEmpty() ) continue; result.append( section->getSectionName(), data ); timeBuilder.appendNumber( static_cast<string>(str::stream() << "after " << section->getSectionName()), Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis() - start ); } // --- counters if ( MetricTree::theMetricTree ) { MetricTree::theMetricTree->appendTo( result ); } // --- some hard coded global things hard to pull out { RamLog* rl = RamLog::get( "warnings" ); massert(15880, "no ram log for warnings?" , rl); if (rl->lastWrite() >= time(0)-(10*60)){ // only show warnings from last 10 minutes vector<const char*> lines; rl->get( lines ); BSONArrayBuilder arr( result.subarrayStart( "warnings" ) ); for ( unsigned i=std::max(0,(int)lines.size()-10); i<lines.size(); i++ ) arr.append( lines[i] ); arr.done(); } } timeBuilder.appendNumber( "at end" , Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis() - start ); if ( Listener::getElapsedTimeMillis() - start > 1000 ) { BSONObj t = timeBuilder.obj(); log() << "serverStatus was very slow: " << t << endl; result.append( "timing" , t ); } return true; }