Example #1
ErrorCode WriteDamsel::write_vertices(RangeSeqIntersectIter &rsi) 
    // write the vertices; these vertices will be in the same sequence and will be contiguous, guaranteed
  EntityHandle start_vert = rsi.get_start_handle(), end_vert = rsi.get_end_handle();

    // create a damsel container for these vertex handles
  damsel_container vertex_cont = DMSLcontainer_create_sequence(dU.dmslModel, start_vert, (int)(end_vert-start_vert+1), 1);
  std::cerr << "MOAB: created model container: vertex_cont = " << vertex_cont <<std::endl;
  if (DAMSEL_CONTAINER_INVALID == vertex_cont) 
    CHK_MB_ERR_2(MB_FAILURE, "Failed to create vertex sequence for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
  damsel_err_t err = DMSLmodel_map_handles_inventing_file_handles(vertex_cont);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Failed to map handles.");

    // define the entities to damsel
  err = DMSLentity_define(vertex_cont, DAMSEL_ENTITY_TYPE_VERTEX, 1, vertex_cont);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failure in DMSLentity_define for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
    // get the vertex coordinates storage locations and pass to damsel
  Range vert_range(start_vert, end_vert);
  double *xcoords = NULL, *ycoords = NULL, *zcoords = NULL;
  int count;
  ErrorCode rval = mbImpl->coords_iterate(vert_range.begin(), vert_range.end(),
                                          xcoords, ycoords, zcoords, count);
  CHK_MB_ERR_2(rval, "Failed to get coordinate iterator for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
  if (count != (int)vert_range.size()) {
    CHK_MB_ERR_2(MB_FAILURE, "Vertex subrange not in the same sequence for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
  if (xcoords && !ycoords && !zcoords) {
      // interleaved

      // map the data to damsel
    err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(xcoords, vertex_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dU.xcoordsTag.mTagh);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failed to assign vertex coordinates tag for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
  else {
      // map the data to damsel
    err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(xcoords, vertex_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dU.xcoordsTag.mTagh);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failed to assign vertex x coordinates tag for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
    err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(ycoords, vertex_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dU.ycoordsTag.mTagh);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failed to assign vertex y coordinates tag for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 
    err = DMSLmodel_map_tag(zcoords, vertex_cont, (damsel_handle_ptr)&dU.zcoordsTag.mTagh);
    CHK_DMSL_ERR_2(err, "Failed to assign vertex z coordinates tag for vertices starting with handle %lu.", 

    // write/map dense tags
  rval = map_dense_tags(rsi, vertex_cont);
  CHK_MB_ERR(rval, NULL);
  err = DMSLcontainer_release(vertex_cont);
  CHK_DMSL_ERR(err, "Problem releasing vertex handle container.");

  return MB_SUCCESS;