Example #1
SEXP returnRealIfPossible(Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &matvec)
    SEXP result;
        result = wrap(matvec.real());
        result = wrap(matvec);
    return result;
Example #2
    List fastLm(Rcpp::NumericMatrix Xs, Rcpp::NumericVector ys, int type) {
        const Map<MatrixXd>  X(as<Map<MatrixXd> >(Xs));
        const Map<VectorXd>  y(as<Map<VectorXd> >(ys));
        Index                n = X.rows();
        if ((Index)y.size() != n) throw invalid_argument("size mismatch");

			    // Select and apply the least squares method
        lm                 ans(do_lm(X, y, type));

			    // Copy coefficients and install names, if any
        NumericVector     coef(wrap(ans.coef()));

        List          dimnames(NumericMatrix(Xs).attr("dimnames"));
        if (dimnames.size() > 1) {
            RObject   colnames = dimnames[1];
            if (!(colnames).isNULL())
                coef.attr("names") = clone(CharacterVector(colnames));
        VectorXd         resid = y - ans.fitted();
        int               rank = ans.rank();
        int                 df = (rank == ::NA_INTEGER) ? n - X.cols() : n - rank;
        double               s = resid.norm() / std::sqrt(double(df));
			    // Create the standard errors
        VectorXd            se = s * ans.se();

        return List::create(_["coefficients"]  = coef,
                            _["se"]            = se,
                            _["rank"]          = rank,
                            _["df.residual"]   = df,
                            _["residuals"]     = resid,
                            _["s"]             = s,
                            _["fitted.values"] = ans.fitted());
Example #3
    extern "C" SEXP fastLm(SEXP Xs, SEXP ys, SEXP type) {
	try {
	    const Map<MatrixXd>  X(as<Map<MatrixXd> >(Xs));
	    const Map<VectorXd>  y(as<Map<VectorXd> >(ys));
	    Index                n = X.rows();
	    if ((Index)y.size() != n) throw invalid_argument("size mismatch");

				// Select and apply the least squares method
	    lm                 ans(do_lm(X, y, ::Rf_asInteger(type)));

				// Copy coefficients and install names, if any
	    NumericVector     coef(wrap(ans.coef()));
	    List          dimnames(NumericMatrix(Xs).attr("dimnames"));
	    if (dimnames.size() > 1) {
		RObject   colnames = dimnames[1];
		if (!(colnames).isNULL())
		    coef.attr("names") = clone(CharacterVector(colnames));
	    VectorXd         resid = y - ans.fitted();
	    int               rank = ans.rank();
	    int                 df = (rank == ::NA_INTEGER) ? n - X.cols() : n - rank;
	    double               s = resid.norm() / std::sqrt(double(df));
				// Create the standard errors
	    VectorXd            se = s * ans.se();

	    return List::create(_["coefficients"]  = coef,
				_["se"]            = se,
				_["rank"]          = rank,
				_["df.residual"]   = df,
				_["residuals"]     = resid,
				_["s"]             = s,
				_["fitted.values"] = ans.fitted());

	} catch( std::exception &ex ) {
	    forward_exception_to_r( ex );
	} catch(...) { 
	    ::Rf_error( "c++ exception (unknown reason)" ); 
	return R_NilValue; // -Wall
Example #4
Rcpp::List EigsGen::extract()
    int nconv = iparam[5 - 1];
    int niter = iparam[9 - 1];

    // Sometimes there are nconv = nev + 1 converged eigenvalues,
    // mainly due to pairs of complex eigenvalues.
    // We will truncate at nev.
    int truenconv = nconv > nev ? nev : nconv;

    // Converged eigenvalues from aupd()
    VectorXcd evalsConverged(nconv);
    evalsConverged.real() = MapVec(workl + ncv * ncv, nconv);
    evalsConverged.imag() = MapVec(workl + ncv * ncv + ncv, nconv);
    // If only eigenvalues are requested
        if(nconv < nev)
            ::Rf_warning("only %d eigenvalues converged, less than k", nconv);

        if(evalsConverged.size() > truenconv)
        return returnResult(returnRealIfPossible(evalsConverged),
                            R_NilValue, wrap(truenconv), wrap(niter));
    // Recompute the Hessenburg matrix, since occasionally
    // aupd() will give us the incorrect one

    MapMat Hm(workl, ncv, ncv);
    MapMat Vm(V, n, ncv);
    RealSchur<MatrixXd> schur(Hm);
    MatrixXd Qm = schur.matrixU();
    MatrixXd Rm = schur.matrixT();
    VectorXcd evalsRm(ncv);
    VectorXi selectInd(nconv);
    eigenvalueSchur(Rm, evalsRm);
    findMatchedIndex(evalsConverged.head(nconv), evalsRm, selectInd);
    //Rcpp::Rcout << evalsRm << "\n\n";
    //Rcpp::Rcout << evalsConverged << "\n\n";
    truenconv = selectInd.size();
    if(truenconv < 1)
        ::Rf_warning("no converged eigenvalues found");
        return returnResult(R_NilValue, R_NilValue, wrap(0L),
    // Shrink Qm and Rm to the dimension given by the largest value
    // in selectInd. Since selectInd is strictly increasing,
    // we can just use its last value.
    int lastInd = selectInd[selectInd.size() - 1];
    Qm.conservativeResize(Eigen::NoChange, lastInd + 1);
    Rm.conservativeResize(lastInd + 1, lastInd + 1);
    // Eigen decomposition of Rm
    EigenSolver<MatrixXd> es(Rm);
    evalsRm = es.eigenvalues();
    MatrixXcd evecsA = Vm * (Qm * es.eigenvectors());
    // Order and select eigenvalues/eigenvectors
    for(int i = 0; i < truenconv; i++)
        // Since selectInd[i] >= i for all i, it is safe to
        // overwrite the elements and columns.
        evalsRm[i] = evalsRm[selectInd[i]];
    if(evalsRm.size() > truenconv)
    // Now (evalsRm, selectInd) gives the pair of (value, location)
    sortDescPair(evalsRm, selectInd);
    if(truenconv > nev)
        truenconv = nev;
    MatrixXcd evecsConverged(n, truenconv);
    for(int i = 0; i < truenconv; i++)
        evecsConverged.col(i) = evecsA.col(selectInd[i]);
    if(truenconv < nev)
        ::Rf_warning("only %d eigenvalues converged, less than k", truenconv);

    return returnResult(returnRealIfPossible(evalsRm),