initialize_von_karman_strain_operator_sensitivity(const unsigned int qp,
                                                  RealMatrixX &vk_dwdxi_mat_sens) {
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::RealVectorValue> >& dphi = _fe->get_dphi();
    const unsigned int n_phi = (unsigned int)dphi.size();
    libmesh_assert_equal_to(vk_dwdxi_mat_sens.rows(), 3);
    libmesh_assert_equal_to(vk_dwdxi_mat_sens.cols(), 2);
    Real dw=0.;
    RealVectorX phi_vec  = RealVectorX::Zero(n_phi);
    dw = 0.;
    for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<n_phi; i_nd++ ) {
        phi_vec(i_nd) = dphi[i_nd][qp](0);  // dphi/dx
        dw += phi_vec(i_nd)*_local_sol_sens(2*n_phi+i_nd); // dw/dx
    vk_dwdxi_mat_sens(0, 0) = dw;  // epsilon-xx : dw/dx
    vk_dwdxi_mat_sens(2, 1) = dw;  // gamma-xy : dw/dx
    dw = 0.;
    for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<n_phi; i_nd++ ) {
        phi_vec(i_nd) = dphi[i_nd][qp](1);  // dphi/dy
        dw += phi_vec(i_nd)*_local_sol_sens(2*n_phi+i_nd); // dw/dy
    vk_dwdxi_mat_sens(1, 1) = dw;  // epsilon-yy : dw/dy
    vk_dwdxi_mat_sens(2, 0) = dw;  // gamma-xy : dw/dy
MAST::StructuralElement2D::_convert_prestress_B_mat_to_vector(const RealMatrixX& mat,
                                                              RealVectorX& vec) const {
    libmesh_assert_equal_to(mat.rows(), 2);
    libmesh_assert_equal_to(mat.cols(), 2);
    vec = RealVectorX::Zero(3);
    vec(0) = mat(0,0);  // sigma x
    vec(1) = mat(1,1);  // sigma y
    vec(2) = mat(0,1);  // tau xy
 virtual void operator() (const libMesh::Point& p,
                          const Real t,
                          RealMatrixX& m) const {
     // add the values of each matrix to get the integrated value
     RealMatrixX mi;
     for (unsigned int i=0; i<_layer_mats.size(); i++) {
         (*_layer_mats[i])(p, t, mi);
         // use the size of the layer matrix to resize the output
         // all other layers should return the same sized matrices
         if (i==0)
             m = RealMatrixX::Zero(mi.rows(), mi.cols());
         m += mi;
 virtual void derivative (    const MAST::FunctionBase& f,
                     const libMesh::Point& p,
                     const Real t,
                     RealMatrixX& m) const {
     // add the values of each matrix to get the integrated value
     RealMatrixX mi;
     m = RealMatrixX::Zero(2,2);
     for (unsigned int i=0; i<_layer_mats.size(); i++) {
         _layer_mats[i]->derivative( f, p, t, mi);
         // use the size of the layer matrix to resize the output
         // all other layers should return the same sized matrices
         if (i==0)
             m = RealMatrixX::Zero(mi.rows(), mi.cols());
         m += mi;
initialize_von_karman_strain_operator(const unsigned int qp,
                                      RealVectorX& vk_strain,
                                      RealMatrixX& vk_dwdxi_mat,
                                      MAST::FEMOperatorMatrix& Bmat_vk) {
    const std::vector<std::vector<libMesh::RealVectorValue> >& dphi = _fe->get_dphi();
    const unsigned int n_phi = (unsigned int)dphi.size();
    libmesh_assert_equal_to(vk_strain.size(), 3);
    libmesh_assert_equal_to(vk_dwdxi_mat.rows(), 3);
    libmesh_assert_equal_to(vk_dwdxi_mat.cols(), 2);
    libmesh_assert_equal_to(Bmat_vk.m(), 2);
    libmesh_assert_equal_to(Bmat_vk.n(), 6*n_phi);
    Real dw=0.;
    RealVectorX phi_vec  = RealVectorX::Zero(n_phi);
    dw = 0.;
    for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<n_phi; i_nd++ ) {
        phi_vec(i_nd) = dphi[i_nd][qp](0);  // dphi/dx
        dw += phi_vec(i_nd)*_local_sol(2*n_phi+i_nd); // dw/dx
    Bmat_vk.set_shape_function(0, 2, phi_vec); // dw/dx
    vk_dwdxi_mat(0, 0) = dw;  // epsilon-xx : dw/dx
    vk_dwdxi_mat(2, 1) = dw;  // gamma-xy : dw/dx
    vk_strain(0) = 0.5*dw*dw; // 1/2 * (dw/dx)^2
    vk_strain(2) = dw;        // (dw/dx)*(dw/dy)  only dw/dx is provided here
    dw = 0.;
    for ( unsigned int i_nd=0; i_nd<n_phi; i_nd++ ) {
        phi_vec(i_nd) = dphi[i_nd][qp](1);  // dphi/dy
        dw += phi_vec(i_nd)*_local_sol(2*n_phi+i_nd); // dw/dy
    Bmat_vk.set_shape_function(1, 2, phi_vec); // dw/dy
    vk_dwdxi_mat(1, 1) = dw;  // epsilon-yy : dw/dy
    vk_dwdxi_mat(2, 0) = dw;  // gamma-xy : dw/dy
    vk_strain(1) = 0.5*dw*dw; // 1/2 * (dw/dy)^2
    vk_strain(2) *= dw;       // (dw/dx)*(dw/dy)
MAST::TimeDomainFlutterRoot::init(const Real ref_val, const Real b_ref,
                                  const Complex num,
                                  const Complex den,
                                  const RealMatrixX& Bmat,
                                  const ComplexVectorX& evec_right,
                                  const ComplexVectorX& evec_left)
    V = ref_val;
    if (std::abs(den) > 0.)
        root = num/den;
        if (std::real(root) > 0.)
            V     = sqrt(1./std::real(root));
            g     = std::imag(root)/std::real(root);
            omega = k_red*V/b_ref;
            if_nonphysical_root = false;
            V     = 0.;
            g     = 0.;
            omega = 0.;
            if_nonphysical_root = true;
    // calculate the modal participation vector
    const unsigned int nvals = (int)Bmat.rows();
    eig_vec_right = evec_right;
    eig_vec_left  = evec_left;
    ComplexVectorX k_q;
    k_q = Bmat * evec_right;
    modal_participation.resize(nvals, 1);
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<nvals; i++)
        modal_participation(i) =  std::abs(std::conj(evec_right(i)) * k_q(i));
    modal_participation *= (1./modal_participation.sum());
(const unsigned int n2,
 const unsigned int qp,
 const std::vector<Real>& JxW,
 RealMatrixX& local_jac,
 FEMOperatorMatrix& Bmat_mem,
 FEMOperatorMatrix& Bmat_bend,
 FEMOperatorMatrix& Bmat_vk,
 RealMatrixX& stress_l,
 RealMatrixX& vk_dwdxi_mat,
 RealMatrixX& material_A_mat,
 RealMatrixX& material_B_mat,
 RealVectorX& vec1_n1,
 RealVectorX& vec2_n1,
 RealMatrixX& mat1_n1n2,
 RealMatrixX& mat2_n2n2,
 RealMatrixX& mat3)
    this->initialize_direct_strain_operator(qp, Bmat_mem);
    _bending_operator->initialize_bending_strain_operator(qp, Bmat_bend);
    // first handle constant throught the thickness stresses: membrane and vonKarman
    Bmat_mem.vector_mult(vec1_n1, _local_sol_sens);
    vec2_n1 = material_A_mat * vec1_n1; // linear direct stress
    // copy the stress values to a matrix
    stress_l(0,0) = vec2_n1(0); // sigma_xx
    stress_l(0,1) = vec2_n1(2); // sigma_xy
    stress_l(1,0) = vec2_n1(2); // sigma_yx
    stress_l(1,1) = vec2_n1(1); // sigma_yy
    // get the von Karman operator matrix
                                                vec2_n1, // epsilon_vk
    // sensitivity of the vk_dwdxi matrix due to solution sensitivity
    // membrane - vk
    mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(vk_dwdxi_mat.rows(), n2);
    Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, vk_dwdxi_mat);
    mat3 = material_A_mat * mat3;
    Bmat_mem.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
    local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
    // vk - membrane
    Bmat_mem.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_A_mat);
    mat3 = vk_dwdxi_mat.transpose() * mat1_n1n2;
    Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
    local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
    // vk - vk: first order term
    mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(2, n2);
    Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, stress_l);
    Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
    local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
    // bending - vk
    mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(vk_dwdxi_mat.rows(), n2);
    Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, vk_dwdxi_mat);
    mat3 = material_B_mat.transpose() * mat3;
    Bmat_bend.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
    local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
    // vk - bending
    Bmat_bend.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_B_mat);
    mat3 =  vk_dwdxi_mat.transpose() * mat1_n1n2;
    Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
    local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
(bool if_bending,
 bool if_vk,
 const unsigned int n2,
 const unsigned int qp,
 const std::vector<Real>& JxW,
 bool request_jacobian,
 bool if_ignore_ho_jac,
 RealVectorX& local_f,
 RealMatrixX& local_jac,
 FEMOperatorMatrix& Bmat_mem,
 FEMOperatorMatrix& Bmat_bend,
 FEMOperatorMatrix& Bmat_vk,
 RealMatrixX& stress,
 RealMatrixX& stress_l,
 RealMatrixX& vk_dwdxi_mat,
 RealMatrixX& material_A_mat,
 RealMatrixX& material_B_mat,
 RealMatrixX& material_D_mat,
 RealVectorX& vec1_n1,
 RealVectorX& vec2_n1,
 RealVectorX& vec3_n2,
 RealVectorX& vec4_2,
 RealVectorX& vec5_2,
 RealMatrixX& mat1_n1n2,
 RealMatrixX& mat2_n2n2,
 RealMatrixX& mat3,
 RealMatrixX& mat4_2n2)
    this->initialize_direct_strain_operator(qp, Bmat_mem);
    // first handle constant throught the thickness stresses: membrane and vonKarman
    Bmat_mem.vector_mult(vec1_n1, _local_sol);
    vec2_n1 = material_A_mat * vec1_n1; // linear direct stress
    // copy the stress values to a matrix
    stress_l(0,0) = vec2_n1(0); // sigma_xx
    stress_l(0,1) = vec2_n1(2); // sigma_xy
    stress_l(1,0) = vec2_n1(2); // sigma_yx
    stress_l(1,1) = vec2_n1(1); // sigma_yy
    stress = stress_l;
    // get the bending strain operator
    vec2_n1.setConstant(0.); // used to store vk strain, if applicable
    if (if_bending) {
        _bending_operator->initialize_bending_strain_operator(qp, Bmat_bend);
        Bmat_bend.vector_mult(vec2_n1, _local_sol);
        vec1_n1 = material_B_mat * vec2_n1;
        stress_l(0,0) += vec2_n1(0); // sigma_xx
        stress_l(0,1) += vec2_n1(2); // sigma_xy
        stress_l(1,0) += vec2_n1(2); // sigma_yx
        stress_l(1,1) += vec2_n1(1); // sigma_yy
        stress(0,0) += vec2_n1(0); // sigma_xx
        stress(0,1) += vec2_n1(2); // sigma_xy
        stress(1,0) += vec2_n1(2); // sigma_yx
        stress(1,1) += vec2_n1(1); // sigma_yy
        if (if_vk)  { // get the vonKarman strain operator if needed
                                                        vec2_n1, // epsilon_vk
            vec1_n1 = material_A_mat * vec2_n1; // stress
            stress(0,0) += vec1_n1(0); // sigma_xx
            stress(0,1) += vec1_n1(2); // sigma_xy
            stress(1,0) += vec1_n1(2); // sigma_yx
            stress(1,1) += vec1_n1(1); // sigma_yy
    // add the linear and nonlinear direct strains
    Bmat_mem.vector_mult(vec1_n1, _local_sol);
    vec2_n1 += vec1_n1;  // epsilon_mem + epsilon_vk
    // copy the total integrated stress to the vector
    vec1_n1(0) = stress(0,0);
    vec1_n1(1) = stress(1,1);
    vec1_n1(2) = stress(0,1);
    // now the internal force vector
    // this includes the membrane strain operator with all A and B material operators
    Bmat_mem.vector_mult_transpose(vec3_n2, vec1_n1);
    local_f += JxW[qp] * vec3_n2;
    if (if_bending) {
        if (if_vk) {
            // von Karman strain
            vec4_2 = vk_dwdxi_mat.transpose() * vec1_n1;
            Bmat_vk.vector_mult_transpose(vec3_n2, vec4_2);
            local_f += JxW[qp] * vec3_n2;
        // now coupling with the bending strain
        // B_bend^T [B] B_mem
        vec1_n1 = material_B_mat * vec2_n1;
        Bmat_bend.vector_mult_transpose(vec3_n2, vec1_n1);
        local_f += JxW[qp] * vec3_n2;
        // now bending stress
        Bmat_bend.vector_mult(vec2_n1, _local_sol);
        vec1_n1 = material_D_mat * vec2_n1;
        Bmat_bend.vector_mult_transpose(vec3_n2, vec1_n1);
        local_f += JxW[qp] * vec3_n2;
    if (request_jacobian) {
        // membrane - membrane
        Bmat_mem.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_A_mat);
        Bmat_mem.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat1_n1n2);
        local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
        if (if_bending) {
            if (if_vk) {
                // membrane - vk
                mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(vk_dwdxi_mat.rows(), n2);
                Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, vk_dwdxi_mat);
                mat3 = material_A_mat * mat3;
                Bmat_mem.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                // vk - membrane
                Bmat_mem.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_A_mat);
                mat3 = vk_dwdxi_mat.transpose() * mat1_n1n2;
                Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                // if only the first order term of the Jacobian is needed, for
                // example for linearized buckling analysis, then the linear
                // stress combined with the variation of the von Karman strain
                // is included. Otherwise, all terms are included
                if (if_ignore_ho_jac) {
                    // vk - vk: first order term
                    mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(2, n2);
                    Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, stress_l);
                    Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                    local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                else {
                    // vk - vk
                    mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(2, n2);
                    Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, stress);
                    Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                    local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                    mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(vk_dwdxi_mat.rows(), n2);
                    Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, vk_dwdxi_mat);
                    mat3 = vk_dwdxi_mat.transpose() * material_A_mat * mat3;
                    Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                    local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                // bending - vk
                mat3 = RealMatrixX::Zero(vk_dwdxi_mat.rows(), n2);
                Bmat_vk.left_multiply(mat3, vk_dwdxi_mat);
                mat3 = material_B_mat.transpose() * mat3;
                Bmat_bend.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
                // vk - bending
                Bmat_bend.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_B_mat);
                mat3 = vk_dwdxi_mat.transpose() * mat1_n1n2;
                Bmat_vk.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat3);
                local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
            // bending - membrane
            Bmat_mem.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_B_mat);
            Bmat_bend.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat1_n1n2);
            local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
            // membrane - bending
            Bmat_bend.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_B_mat);
            Bmat_mem.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat1_n1n2);
            local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
            // bending - bending
            Bmat_bend.left_multiply(mat1_n1n2, material_D_mat);
            Bmat_bend.right_multiply_transpose(mat2_n2n2, mat1_n1n2);
            local_jac += JxW[qp] * mat2_n2n2;
MAST::LAPACK_DGGEV::compute(const RealMatrixX &A,
                            const RealMatrixX &B,
                            bool computeEigenvectors) {
    libmesh_assert(A.cols() == A.rows() &&
                   B.cols() == A.rows() &&
                   B.cols() == B.rows());
    _A = A;
    _B = B;
    Amat = A,
    Bmat = B;
    int n = (int)A.cols();
    char L='N',R='N';
    if (computeEigenvectors) {
        L = 'V'; R = 'V';
        VL.setZero(n, n);
        VR.setZero(n, n);
    *a_vals    = Amat.data(),
    *b_vals    = Bmat.data(),
    *alpha_r_v = aval_r.data(),
    *alpha_i_v = aval_i.data(),
    *beta_v    = bval.data(),
    *vecl_v    = vecl.data(),
    *vecr_v    = vecr.data(),
    *work_v    = work.data();
    dggev_(&L, &R, &n,
           &(a_vals[0]), &n,
           &(b_vals[0]), &n,
           &(alpha_r_v[0]), &(alpha_i_v[0]), &(beta_v[0]),
           &(vecl_v[0]), &n, &(vecr_v[0]), &n,
           &(work_v[0]), &lwork,
    // now sort the eigenvalues for complex conjugates
    unsigned int n_located = 0;
    while (n_located < n) {
        // if the imaginary part of the eigenvalue is non-zero, it is a
        // complex conjugate
        if (aval_i(n_located) != 0.) { // complex conjugate
            alpha(  n_located) = std::complex<double>(aval_r(n_located),  aval_i(n_located));
            alpha(1+n_located) = std::complex<double>(aval_r(n_located), -aval_i(n_located));
            beta (  n_located) = bval(n_located);
            beta (1+n_located) = bval(n_located);

            // copy the eigenvectors if they were requested
            if (computeEigenvectors) {
                std::complex<double> iota = std::complex<double>(0, 1.);
                VL.col(  n_located) = (vecl.col(  n_located).cast<Complex>() +
                                       vecl.col(1+n_located).cast<Complex>() * iota);
                VL.col(1+n_located) = (vecl.col(  n_located).cast<Complex>() -
                                       vecl.col(1+n_located).cast<Complex>() * iota);
                VR.col(  n_located) = (vecr.col(  n_located).cast<Complex>() +
                                       vecr.col(1+n_located).cast<Complex>() * iota);
                VR.col(1+n_located) = (vecr.col(  n_located).cast<Complex>() -
                                       vecr.col(1+n_located).cast<Complex>() * iota);
            // two complex conjugate roots were found
            n_located +=2;
        else {
            alpha(  n_located) = std::complex<double>(aval_r(n_located),  0.);
            beta (  n_located) = bval(n_located);
            // copy the eigenvectors if they were requested
            if (computeEigenvectors) {
                VL.col(n_located) = vecl.col(n_located).cast<Complex>();
                VR.col(n_located) = vecr.col(n_located).cast<Complex>();
            // only one real root was found
    if (info_val  != 0)
        << "Warning!!  DGGEV returned with nonzero info = "
        << info_val << std::endl;