Example #1
bool GuiList::OnMouseButtonEvent(const MouseButtonEvent& mbe)
  if (!IsVisible())
    return false;

  Vec2f cursorPos(mbe.x, mbe.y);
  if (mbe.button == AMJU_BUTTON_MOUSE_LEFT &&
    // Stop scrolling, no?
    GuiScroll* scroll = dynamic_cast<GuiScroll*>(GetParent());

    // Check each item
    int selected = -1;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_children.size(); i++)
      GuiElement* item = m_children[i];

      Rect r = GetRect(item);

      if (r.IsPointIn(cursorPos))
        selected = i;

    if (selected != -1)
      // TODO Should react on mouse up when up item == down item ??

      if (IsMultiSel())
        // Toggle selected flag for this child
        SetSelected(selected, !IsSelected(selected));
        SetSelected(selected, true);
        if (m_singleClickFunc)
          m_singleClickFunc(this, selected);

      // TODO Why is this a bad idea ?

      // Problem with nested item, but should open up on mouse over anyway...
//      SetVisible(false); // TODO flag for this behaviour
      return true; // handled
  return false; // not handled
Example #2
bool GuiTextEdit::OnCursorEvent(const CursorEvent& ce)
  // TODO In drag mode, select part of the text

  Rect r = GetRect(this);
  if (!r.IsPointIn(Vec2f(ce.x, ce.y)))
    //return false; // not handled - cursor not in edit box
    // We do want to hande this, e.g. if we drag mouse past the right hand end, we want to select all text.

  if (s_drag && HasFocus())
    m_selectedText = CalcCursorPos(ce.x);
    m_triListSelection = 0;
std::cout << "Selected: m_caret: " << m_caret << " m_selectedText: " << m_selectedText << ": \"";
if (m_caret > m_selectedText)
  std::cout << m_text.substr(m_selectedText, m_caret - m_selectedText);
  std::cout << m_text.substr(m_caret, m_selectedText - m_caret);
std::cout << "\"\n";

  return false;
Example #3
bool GuiList::OnDoubleClickEvent(const DoubleClickEvent& dce)
  if (dce.button != AMJU_BUTTON_MOUSE_LEFT)
    return false;

  if (!IsVisible())
    return false;

  if (m_doubleClickFunc)
    Vec2f cursorPos(dce.x, dce.y);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_children.size(); i++)
      GuiElement* item = m_children[i];
      Rect r = GetRect(item);
      if (r.IsPointIn(cursorPos))
        m_doubleClickFunc(this, i);
        return true; 

  return false;
Example #4
bool GuiTextEdit::OnMouseButtonEvent(const MouseButtonEvent& mbe)
  if (!IsVisible())
    return false;

  Rect r = GetRect(this);
  if (!r.IsPointIn(Vec2f(mbe.x, mbe.y)))
    return false; // not handled - cursor not in edit box

  // We want to drag to select text even if this is not the focus ?
  //if (HasFocus())
    s_drag = mbe.isDown;
std::cout << "GuiTextEdit Drag is now " << (s_drag ? "ON" : "OFF") << "\n";

  // If clicked in bounding rect, this element gets focus

  if (!mbe.isDown)
    return true;  

  m_caret = CalcCursorPos(mbe.x);
  m_selectedText = m_caret;
  m_triListSelection = 0;

std::cout << "MB down, resetting selection trilist.\n";

  return true; // ?