Example #1
 * Note this is NOT thread-safe, lockSources() should be called around any calls
 * to this.
void gravManager::moveToTop( std::vector<RectangleBase*>::iterator i,
                                bool checkGrouping )
    RectangleBase* temp = (*i);
    RectangleBase* orig = temp;

    // find highest group in the chain, to move up group members from the top
    // of the chain
    while ( checkGrouping && temp->isGrouped() )
        temp = temp->getGroup();

    // do this to properly find iterator position, since i != temp now
    if ( temp != orig )
        moveToTop( temp, checkGrouping );
        drawnObjects->erase( i );
        drawnObjects->push_back( temp );

        if ( temp->isGroup() )
            Group* g = (Group*)temp;
            for ( int i = 0; i < g->numObjects(); i++ )
                moveToTop( (*g)[i], false );
Example #2
void SessionManager::recalculateSize()
    int num = std::max( videoSessions->numObjects(),
                        availableVideoSessions->numObjects() );
    float Xscale = std::min( 0.9f, 0.4f + ( (float)num * 0.05f ) );
    RectangleBase screen = objectManager->getScreenRect();
    setScale( screen.getDestWidth() * Xscale, screen.getDestHeight() * 0.2f,
              true );
Example #3
	// Clamp the parameter to this rectangle
	RectangleBase Clamp(const RectangleBase& other) const
		float top = Math::Max(other.Top(), Top());
		float bottom = Math::Min(other.Bottom(), Bottom());
		float left = Math::Max(other.Left(), Left());
		float right = Math::Min(other.Right(), Right());
		if(right < left)
			right = left;
		if(bottom < top)
			bottom = top;
		return RectangleBase(left, top, right, bottom);
Example #4
void VenueClientController::rearrange()
    std::map<std::string, std::string> opts;

    std::map<std::string, std::vector<RectangleBase*> > data;
    data["objects"] = objects;

    RectangleBase smaller = *this;
    // uneven since most screens will be widescreen - so make vertical area
    // bigger so objects on top/bottom are bigger and text more readable
    smaller.setScale( smaller.getScaleX() * 0.6f,
                        smaller.getScaleY() * 0.45f );
    layouts.arrange( "perimeter", *this, smaller, data, opts );
Example #5
void gravManager::addTestObject()

    RectangleBase* obj = new RectangleBase( 0.0f, 0.0f );
    drawnObjects->push_back( obj );
    bool useRandName = false;
    if ( useRandName )
        int nameLength = 10;
        std::string randName;
        for( int i = 0; i < nameLength; i++ )
            int rand = ((float)random32() / (float)random32_max() * 95) + 32;
            randName += (char)rand;
        obj->setName( randName );
    else if ( drawnObjects->size() % 2 == 0 )
        obj->setName( " " );
        obj->setName( "TEST" );
    Texture t = GLUtil::getInstance()->getTexture( "border" );
    obj->setTexture( t.ID, t.width, t.height );
    obj->setUserDeletable( true );

Example #6
void gravManager::scaleSelectedObjects( float scaleAmt )
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < selectedObjects->size(); i++ )
        RectangleBase* temp = (*selectedObjects)[i];
        temp->setScale( temp->getScaleX()+temp->getScaleX()*scaleAmt,
                         temp->getScaleY()+temp->getScaleY()*scaleAmt );
Example #7
void gravManager::deleteSource( std::vector<VideoSource*>::iterator si )

    RectangleBase* temp = (RectangleBase*)(*si);
    VideoSource* s = *si;

    removeFromLists( temp );

    sources->erase( si );

    // TODO need case for runway grouping?
    if ( temp->isGrouped() )
        Group* g = temp->getGroup();

        // remove object from the group, regardless of whether it's a siteID
        // group or not.
        // this should work for runways, but should be more generic, ie for
        // groups of groups? maybe in removefromlists, but careful not to
        // degroup object before it hits that siteID check above or siteIDgroups
        // will have invalid references
        g->remove( temp );

        // delete the group the object was in if this is the last object in it
        // and it's an automatically made siteID group
        // TODO probably have a better metric for determining auto-siteID groups
        if ( g->getSiteID().compare( "" ) != 0 && g->numObjects() == 0 )
            // note this duplicates the deleteGroup function since that does
            // mutex locking itself, and we already did that here
            removeFromLists( (RectangleBase*)g );

            // remove the group from the list of siteIDgroups
            std::map<std::string,Group*>::iterator gi =
                    siteIDGroups->find( g->getSiteID() );
            siteIDGroups->erase( gi );

            // put off the group delete, since removing it from the tree has to
            // happen on the main thread, and can't delete it before we remove
            // it from the tree
            objectsToDelete->push_back( g );

    if ( gridAuto )
        std::map<std::string, std::vector<RectangleBase*> > data =
            std::map<std::string, std::vector<RectangleBase*> >();
        data["objects"] = getMovableObjects();
        layouts->arrange("grid", getScreenRect(), getEarthRect(), data);

    // we need to do videosource's delete somewhere else, since this function
    // might be on a second thread, which would crash since the videosource
    // delete needs to do a GL call to delete its texture and GL calls can only
    // be on the main thread
    objectsToDelete->push_back( s );

Example #8
void VideoSource::resizeBuffer()
    // get intended size so we can resize, since the width might change here
    RectangleBase intended;
    intended.setScale( intendedWidth, intendedHeight );
    float posX = getDestX();
    float posY = getDestY();
    if ( !lastFillFull )
        posX += getCenterOffsetX();
        posY += getCenterOffsetY();
    intended.setPos( posX, posY );

    listener->updatePixelCount( -( vwidth * vheight ) );
    vwidth = videoSink->getImageWidth();
    vheight = videoSink->getImageHeight();
    listener->updatePixelCount(  vwidth * vheight );

    if ( vheight > 0 )
        destAspect = (float)vwidth / (float)vheight;
        destAspect = 1.33f;

    if ( animated )
        aspectAnimating = true;
        aspect = destAspect;

    tex_width = GLUtil::getInstance()->pow2( vwidth );
    if ( videoSink->getImageFormat() == VIDEO_FORMAT_YUV420 )
        tex_height = GLUtil::getInstance()->pow2( 3*vheight/2 );
        tex_height = GLUtil::getInstance()->pow2( vheight );

    gravUtil::logVerbose( "VideoSource::resizeBuffer: image size is %ix%i\n",
                          vwidth, vheight );
    gravUtil::logVerbose( "VideoSource::resizeBuffer: texture size is %ix%i\n",
                          tex_width, tex_height );

    // if it's not the first time we're allocating a texture
    // (ie, it's a resize) delete the previous texture
    if ( !init )
        glDeleteTextures( 1, &texid );

    glGenTextures( 1, &texid );

    glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texid );

    glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP );
    glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP );

    unsigned char *buffer = new unsigned char[ tex_width * tex_height * 3 ];
    memset( buffer, 128, tex_width * tex_height * 3 );
    glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D,
                  buffer );
    delete[] buffer;

    // fill to intended size
    fillToRect( intended, lastFillFull );

    // update text bounds since the width might be different