Example #1
bool checkMesh3D ( RegionMesh& mesh,
                   Switch& sw,
                   bool fix = true,
                   bool verbose = false,
                   std::ostream& out = std::cerr,
                   std::ostream& err = std::cerr,
                   std::ostream& clog = std::clog )
    verbose = verbose && ( mesh.comm()->MyPID() == 0 );
    typedef typename RegionMesh::point_Type point_Type;

    if ( mesh.storedPoints() == 0 )
        err << "FATAL: mesh does not store points: I cannot do anything"
            << std::endl;
        sw.create ( "ABORT_CONDITION", true );
        sw.create ( "NOT_HAS_POINTS", true );
        return false;

    if (verbose)
        out << " Check point marker ids" << std::endl;
    if ( !MeshUtility::checkIsMarkerSet ( mesh.pointList ) )
        if (verbose)
            err << "WARNING: Not all points have marker id set" << std::endl;

        sw.create ( "POINTS_MARKER_UNSET", true );

    //                                    VOLUMES

    if ( mesh.storedVolumes() == 0 )
        if (verbose) err << "FATAL: mesh does not store volumes: I cannot do anything"
                             << std::endl;
        sw.create ( "ABORT_CONDITION", true );
        sw.create ( "NOT_HAS_VOLUMES", true );
        return false;

    if ( !MeshUtility::checkId ( mesh.volumeList ) )
        if (verbose)
            err << "ERROR: volume ids were wrongly set" << std::endl;
            err << "FIXED" << std::endl;
        if ( fix )
            sw.create ( "FIXED_VOLUMES_ID", true );
        if ( fix )
            MeshUtility::fixId ( mesh.volumeList );

    if (verbose)
        out << " Check volum marker ids" << std::endl;
    if ( !MeshUtility::checkIsMarkerSet ( mesh.volumeList ) )
        if (verbose)
            err << "WARNING: Not all volumes have marker flag set" << std::endl;

        sw.create ( "VOLUMES_MARKER_UNSET", true );

        if ( fix )
            if (verbose)
                out << "Fixing volume marker ids" << std::endl;
            for ( typename RegionMesh::volumes_Type::iterator iv = mesh.volumeList.begin();
                    iv != mesh.volumeList.end(); ++iv )
                if ( iv->isMarkerUnset() )
                    iv->setMarkerID ( mesh.markerID() );

    if ( mesh.numElements() < mesh.storedVolumes() )
        if (verbose)
            err << "WARNING: Mesh Volumes must be at least "
                << mesh.storedVolumes() << std::endl;
        if ( fix )
            mesh.setNumVolumes ( mesh.storedVolumes() );
        if ( fix )
            sw.create ( "FIXED_VOLUME_COUNTER", true );

    // test now orientation

    boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<bool> > elSign ( new std::vector<bool> );

    Real meshMeasure = checkVolumes ( mesh, *elSign, sw );
    UInt positive;

    if ( sw.test ( "SKIP_ORIENTATION_TEST" ) )
        if (verbose)
    else if ( sw.test ( "HAS_NEGATIVE_VOLUMES" ) )
        if (verbose)
            out << "Checking volume orientation" << std::endl;
        positive = count ( elSign->begin(), elSign->end(), true );
        if ( verbose ) clog << positive << "W: positive elements out of"
                                << mesh.storedVolumes() << std::endl;
        if ( fix )
            if ( verbose )
                clog << "Fixing negative elements" << std::endl;
            fixVolumes ( mesh, *elSign, sw );

        if ( sw.test ( "ABORT_CONDITION" ) )
            if (verbose) err << "ABORT: Cannot fix volumes, this element is not supported"
                                 << std::endl;
            return false;
            sw.unset ( "HAS_NEGATIVE_VOLUMES" );
            meshMeasure = checkVolumes ( mesh, *elSign, sw );
            if ( sw.test ( "HAS_NEGATIVE_VOLUMES" ) )
                if ( fix )
                    if ( verbose )
                        err << "ABORT: Cannot fix volumes: something wrong with this mesh" << std::endl;
                    sw.create ( "ABORT_CONDITION", true );
                return false;

    if ( verbose ) clog << "Volume enclosed by the mesh= " << meshMeasure << std::endl
                            << "(Computed by integrating mesh elements measures)" << std::endl
                            << "(Using 1 point Quadrature rule)" << std::endl;

    //                                    BOUNDARY FACES

    boost::shared_ptr<MeshUtility::temporaryFaceContainer_Type> bfaces (
        new MeshUtility::temporaryFaceContainer_Type );
    UInt numInternalFaces, numFaces;

    if (verbose)
        out << "Finding boundary faces from mesh topology" << std::endl;

    UInt bFacesFound = MeshUtility::findBoundaryFaces ( mesh, *bfaces, numInternalFaces );

    numFaces = bFacesFound + numInternalFaces;

    MeshUtility::EnquireBFace<RegionMesh> enquireBFace (*bfaces );

    UInt meshNumBoundaryFaces ( mesh.numBFaces() + mesh.faceList.countElementsWithFlag ( EntityFlags::SUBDOMAIN_INTERFACE, &Flag::testOneSet ) );

    if ( mesh.storedFaces() == 0 ||
            meshNumBoundaryFaces > mesh.storedFaces() ||
            bFacesFound > mesh.storedFaces() || bFacesFound > meshNumBoundaryFaces )
        // Something strange with boundary faces
        if (verbose)
            err << "ERROR: Not all boundary faces stored" << std::endl;
            err << "Found " << bFacesFound << " stored " << mesh.storedFaces() <<
                "B faces declared in mesh " << meshNumBoundaryFaces << std::endl;
        if ( fix )
            sw.create ( "BUILD_BFACES", true );
            if (verbose)
                out << "Building boundary faces from topology data" << std::endl;
            MeshUtility::buildFaces ( mesh, clog, err, bFacesFound, numInternalFaces,
                                      true, false, false, bfaces.get() );
        if (verbose)
            err << "After buildFaces" << std::endl;
            err << "Found " << bFacesFound << " stored " << mesh.storedFaces()
                << "B faces declared in mesh " << meshNumBoundaryFaces << std::endl;
        if ( mesh.storedFaces() == 0 )
            if ( verbose )
                err << "ABORT CONDITION: cannot find boundary faces" << std::endl;
            sw.create ( "NOT_HAS_FACES", true );
            sw.create ( "ABORT_CONDITION", true );
        // The mesh declares to have the correct boundary faces. Yet, are we sure that the flag has been properly set
        // and that they are stored first? If fix is set we don't trust anybody!
        // Make sure that flags are set using the info in bfaces, which depends ONLY on the mesh topology. No messing bout with markers
        // Make sure BFaces are stored first

        if (fix)
            if (verbose)
                out << "Rearranging faces so that boundary faces are first" << std::endl;
            MeshUtility::rearrangeFaces ( mesh, clog, err, sw, numFaces, bFacesFound,
                                          verbose, bfaces.get() );
        if ( meshNumBoundaryFaces !=  bFacesFound)
            if ( verbose )
                err << " ERROR: Number of B faces does not correspond to real one" << std::endl;
            if (fix)
                if ( verbose )
                    err << "FIXED Number of B faces has been fixed to:" << bFacesFound << std::endl;
                mesh.setNumBFaces ( bFacesFound);

        if ( !MeshUtility::checkId ( mesh.faceList ) )
            if ( verbose )
                err << "ERROR: face ids were wrongly set" << std::endl;
                err << "FIXED" << std::endl;
            if ( fix )
                sw.create ( "FIXED_FACES_ID", true );
                MeshUtility::fixId ( mesh.faceList );

        // Check Consistency with the mesh.

        if ( fix )
            if (verbose)
                out << "Make sure that adjacent elements of boundary faces are correct" << std::endl;
            MeshUtility::fixBoundaryFaces ( mesh, clog, err, sw, numFaces, bFacesFound,
                                            false, verbose, bfaces.get() );

        if ( mesh.numBFaces() == 0 )
            if ( verbose )
                err << " MeshBFaces counter is unset" << std::endl;
            if ( fix )
                mesh.setNumBFaces ( mesh.storedFaces() );
                sw.create ( "FIXED_BFACE_COUNTER", true );
                mesh.setLinkSwitch ( "HAS_BOUNDARY_FACETS" );

        if ( !MeshUtility::checkIsMarkerSet ( mesh.faceList ) )
            if (verbose)
                out << "Fix markers id for faces" << std::endl;
            if ( verbose )
                err << "WARNING: Not all faces have marker flag set" << std::endl;
            sw.create ( "FACE_MARKER_UNSET", true );
            if ( fix )
                MeshUtility::setBoundaryFacesMarker ( mesh, clog, err, verbose );
            if ( fix && MeshUtility::checkIsMarkerSet ( mesh.faceList ) )
                sw.create ( "FACE_MARKER_UNSET", false );
                sw.create ( "FACE_MARKER_FIXED", true );

    if ( mesh.numFaces() != bFacesFound + numInternalFaces )
        if ( verbose )
            err << "WARNING Number of faces incorrectly set" << std::endl;
            err << "        It was       " << mesh.numFaces() << std::endl;
            err << "        It should be " << bFacesFound + numInternalFaces
                << std::endl;
        if ( fix )
            if ( verbose )
                err << "        Fixing" << std::endl;
            mesh.setNumFaces ( bFacesFound + numInternalFaces );
            sw.create ( "FIXED_FACE_COUNTER", true );

    if ( fix && mesh.storedFaces() == bFacesFound + numInternalFaces)
        mesh.setLinkSwitch ( "HAS_ALL_FACETS" );

    if (verbose)
        out << std::endl;
        out << " Boundary faces found        :" << bFacesFound << std::endl;
        out << " Num Faces Stored stored     :" << mesh.storedFaces() << std::endl;
        out << " Num faces in mesh           :" << mesh.numFaces() << std::endl;
        out << " Boundary faces counter gives:" << mesh.numBFaces() << std::endl;
        out << std::endl;
    //                                    BOUNDARY EDGES

    boost::shared_ptr<MeshUtility::temporaryEdgeContainer_Type> bedges (
        new MeshUtility::temporaryEdgeContainer_Type );

    UInt bEdgesFound = MeshUtility::findBoundaryEdges ( mesh, *bedges );
    MeshUtility::EnquireBEdge<RegionMesh> enquireBEdge (*bedges );

    UInt intedge (0);
    UInt Ned (0);
    MeshUtility::temporaryEdgeContainer_Type iedges;

    if ( mesh.storedEdges() == 0 ||
            mesh.numBEdges() > mesh.storedEdges() ||
            bEdgesFound > mesh.storedEdges() )
        if (verbose)
            err << "WARNING: mesh does not store (all) boundary edges" << std::endl;
        sw.create ( "NOT_HAS_EDGES", true );
        if ( fix )
            if (verbose)
                out << "Build boundary edges" << std::endl;
            MeshUtility::buildEdges ( mesh, clog, err, bEdgesFound, intedge, true, false,
                                      false, bedges.get() );
        Ned = bEdgesFound + intedge;
        if ( fix )
            sw.create ( "BUILD_BEDGES", true );

        // Make sure BEdges are first
        // Here I need to use a method that does not require the proper
        // setting of boundary Points!
        // With the edges I am being a bit sloppy. I am trusting the given mesh
        // todo do the same it was done for faces!
        if ( mesh.numBEdges() !=  bEdgesFound)
            if ( verbose )
                err << " ERROR: Number of BEdges does not correspond to real one" << std::endl;
            if (fix)
                if ( verbose )
                    err << "FIXED Number of BEdges has been fixed to:" << bEdgesFound << std::endl;
                mesh.setNumBEdges ( bEdgesFound);

        if ( fix )
            if (verbose)
                out << "Reorder edges so that boundary are first" << std::endl;
            mesh.edgeList.reorderAccordingToFlag (EntityFlags::PHYSICAL_BOUNDARY, &Flag::testOneSet);

            sw.create ( "FIXED_BEDGES_FIRST" );
        if ( !MeshUtility::checkId ( mesh.edgeList ) )
            if ( verbose )
                err << "ERROR: edge ids were wrongly set" << std::endl;
            if (fix)
                if ( verbose )
                    err << "FIXED" << std::endl;
                sw.create ( "FIXED_EDGES_ID", true );
                MeshUtility::fixId ( mesh.edgeList );

        if ( !MeshUtility::checkIsMarkerSet ( mesh.edgeList ) )
            if ( verbose )
                err << "WARNING: Not all edges have marker flag set" << std::endl;
            sw.create ( "EDGE_MARKER_UNSET", true );
            if ( fix )
                if (verbose)
                    out << "Fix boundary edges marker" << std::endl;
                MeshUtility::setBoundaryEdgesMarker ( mesh, clog, err, verbose );
            if ( fix && MeshUtility::checkIsMarkerSet ( mesh.edgeList ) )
                sw.unset ( "EDGE_MARKER_UNSET" );
                sw.create ( "EDGE_MARKER_FIXED", true );
        if (verbose)
            out << "Computing number of internal edges";
        if ( fix )
            Ned = bEdgesFound + MeshUtility::findInternalEdges ( mesh, *bedges, iedges );
    MeshUtility::temporaryEdgeContainer_Type tmp;
    iedges.swap (tmp);

    if ( mesh.numBEdges() != bEdgesFound )
        if ( verbose ) err << "WARNING: number of found boundary edges:" << bEdgesFound
                               << std::endl
                               << " does not match that declared in mesh, i.e. "
                               << mesh.numBEdges() << std::endl;
        if ( mesh.numBEdges() == 0 )
            if ( fix )
                if ( verbose )
                    err << "FIXING" << std::endl;
                sw.create ( "FIXED_BEDGES_COUNTER", true );
                mesh.setNumBEdges ( bEdgesFound );

    if ( Ned != mesh.numEdges() )
        if ( fix )
            if ( verbose ) err << "WARNING: Counter of number of edges badly set: Should be (actual number)" << Ned << std::endl
                                   << "It is instead equal to " << mesh.numEdges() << std::endl;
            err << " **FIXED" << std::endl;
            mesh.setNumEdges ( Ned );
    UInt nbed;
    UInt counte = MeshUtility::testDomainTopology ( mesh, nbed );
    if ( counte == 0 )
        if ( verbose )
            out << "**DOMAIN SURFACE IS (TOPOLOGICALLY) CLOSED" << std::endl;
        sw.create ( "DOMAIN_NOT_CLOSED", true );
        if ( verbose ) err << "WARNING: DOMAIN APPEARS TO HAVE AN OPEN BOUNDARY (TOPOLOGY CHECK)" << std::endl
                               << "Number of inconsistent edges:" << counte << std::endl;

    //                                    POINTS

    if (verbose)
        out << "Checking vertexes" << std::endl;
    UInt numVerticesFound = mesh.pointList.countElementsWithFlag (EntityFlags::VERTEX, &Flag::testOneSet);
    if (numVerticesFound != mesh.numVertices() )
        if ( verbose )
            err << "warning: The number of Points with vertex flag on does not coincide with the declared one." << std::endl;
        if (fix)
            if ( verbose )
                err << "It will be fixed now" << std::endl;
            // unset the flag. It will be remade
            for (UInt i = 0; i < mesh.numPoints(); ++i)
                mesh.point (i).unSetFlag (EntityFlags::VERTEX);
            // Find the real vertices and set the flag
            for (UInt i = 0; i < mesh.numElements(); ++i)
                for (UInt j = 0; j < mesh.numLocalVertices(); ++j)
                    ID k = mesh.element (i).point (j).localId();
                    mesh.pointList (k).setFlag (EntityFlags::VERTEX);
            numVerticesFound = mesh.pointList.countElementsWithFlag (
                                   EntityFlags::VERTEX, &Flag::testOneSet);
            mesh.setNumVertices (numVerticesFound);
            UInt numBVerticesFound = mesh.pointList.countElementsWithFlag (
                                         EntityFlags::VERTEX | EntityFlags::PHYSICAL_BOUNDARY, &Flag::testAllSet);
            mesh.setNumBVertices (numBVerticesFound);
            sw.create ( "FIXED_VERTICES_COUNTER", true );

    // Now that boundary faces have been correctly set we may work out
    // boundaty points

    if (fix)
        if (verbose)
            out << "Fix boundary points using boundary faces info" << std::endl;
        MeshUtility::fixBoundaryPoints (mesh, clog, err, verbose);

    MeshUtility::EnquireBPoint<RegionMesh> enquirebpoint ( mesh );

    UInt foundBPoints = mesh.pointList.countElementsWithFlag (EntityFlags::PHYSICAL_BOUNDARY,
    if (verbose)
        out << "B Points Found " << foundBPoints << std::endl;
    if ( foundBPoints == 0 || foundBPoints < mesh.storedBPoints() )
        if ( verbose )
            err << "ERROR Bpoints indicator not correctly set" << std::endl;
        if ( fix )
            sw.create ( "FIXED_BOUNDARY_POINTS", true );

    // Now that we are sure that (jus) boundary points are flagged as such we check if the marker id is set
    if (verbose)
        out << "Chsck point marker Ids" << std::endl;
    if ( ! MeshUtility::checkIsMarkerSet ( mesh.pointList ) )
        if (verbose)
            err << "Points MARKER id incorrectly set" << std::endl;

        if ( fix )
            if ( verbose )
                err << " Fixing Points Marker ID" << std::endl << "If unset the boundary will inherit the strongest among faces" << std::endl;
            if ( verbose )
                err << " The internal will be set to the domain flag" << std::endl;
            MeshUtility::setBoundaryPointsMarker ( mesh, clog, err, false );
            // fix marker at interior points. It takes
            if ( ! MeshUtility::checkIsMarkerSet ( mesh.pointList ) )
                // Maybe boundary points marker is fine, this is enough
                bool boundaryIsOk (true);
                std::vector<point_Type const*>
                listOfPt = mesh.pointList.extractElementsWithFlag (
                               EntityFlags::PHYSICAL_BOUNDARY, &Flag::testOneSet);
                for (typename std::vector<point_Type const*>::const_iterator
                        it = listOfPt.begin();
                        it < listOfPt.end();
                    boundaryIsOk = boundaryIsOk | (*it)->isMarkerSet();
                std::vector<point_Type const*>().swap (listOfPt); // save memory
                if ( verbose )
                    clog << " Marker ID on boundary points is fine. Internal points may have marker unset" << std::endl;
                if (verbose)
                    err << "Cannot Fix Points MARKER" << std::endl;
                if ( verbose && boundaryIsOk )
                    err << "But boundary points are fine" << std::endl;
                sw.create ( "POINT_MARKER_UNSET", true );
                if (verbose)
                    err << "FIXED" << std::endl;
                sw.create ( "FIXED_POINT_MARKER", true );

    if ( mesh.storedBPoints() == 0 )
        if ( verbose )
            err << "WARNING B. Points COUNTER incorrectly set" << std::endl;
        if ( fix )
            MeshUtility::setBoundaryPointsCounters ( mesh ) ;
            if ( verbose )
                err << " FIXED" << std::endl;
            sw.create ( "FIXED_BPOINTS_COUNTER", true );

    if ( mesh.numPoints() == 0 )
        if ( verbose )
            err << "WARNING Points Counter unset" << std::endl;
        if ( fix )
            mesh.numPoints() = mesh.storedPoints();
            sw.create ( "FIXED_POINTS_COUNTER", true );

    //                                   FINAL CHECKS
    if ( verbose ) out << " ********     COUNTERS CONTENT **********************************" << std::endl

                           << " Num Volumes    : " << mesh.numVolumes() << std::endl
                           << " Num Vertices   : " << mesh.numVertices() << std::endl
                           << " Num B. Vertices: " << mesh.numBVertices() << std::endl
                           << " Num Points     : " << mesh.numPoints() << std::endl
                           << " Num B. Points  : " << mesh.numBPoints() << std::endl
                           << " Num Edges      : " << mesh.numEdges() << std::endl
                           << " Num B. Edges   : " << mesh.numBEdges() << std::endl
                           << " Num Faces      : " << mesh.numFaces() << std::endl
                           << " Num B. Faces   : " << mesh.numBFaces() << std::endl
                           << " ********     END COUNTERS **********************************"
                           << std::endl;

    bool eulok1 = ( 2 * mesh.numFaces() -
                    mesh.numLocalFaces() * mesh.numVolumes() -
                    mesh.numBFaces() ) == 0;

    bool eulok2 ( true );

    if ( RegionMesh::elementShape_Type::S_shape == TETRA )
        if ( verbose )
            out << std::endl << "Checking Euler formulae: ";
        eulok2 = ( mesh.numEdges() -
                   mesh.numVolumes() -
                   mesh.numVertices() -
                   ( 3 * mesh.numBFaces() -
                     2 * mesh.numBVertices() ) / 4 ) == 0;

    if ( ! ( eulok1 && eulok2 ) )
        if ( verbose ) err << "WARNING: The following Euler formula(s) are not satisfied"
                               << std::endl;
        sw.create ( "NOT_EULER_OK" );
        if ( verbose )
            out << std::endl << " ok." << std::endl;

    if ( !eulok1 )
        if ( verbose ) err << "  2*nFaces = nFacesPerVolume*nVolumes + nBoundaryFaces"
                               << std::endl
                               << "  2*" << mesh.numFaces() << " != " << mesh.numLocalFaces()
                               << " * " << mesh.numVolumes() << " + " << mesh.numBFaces()
                               << std::endl;

    if ( !eulok2 )
        if ( verbose ) err << "  nEdges = nVolumes + nVertices + (3*nBoundaryFaces - 2*nBoundaryVertices)/4" << std::endl
                               << "  " << mesh.numEdges() << " != " << mesh.numVolumes() << " + "
                               << mesh.numVertices() << " + (3*" << mesh.numBFaces() << " - 2*"
                               << mesh.numBVertices() << ")/4" << std::endl;

    mesh.setLinkSwitch ( "HAS_BEEN_CHECKED" );

    return true;
Example #2
static void
check_face (RegionMesh<LinearTetra>& mesh, ID i, ID j)
  ID faceId = mesh.localFaceId (i, j);

  if ( (ID) faceId != NotAnId)
    RegionMesh<LinearTetra>::face_Type& face
    = mesh.face (faceId);

    if (0)
    fprintf (stdout, "  face: %5d %5d, ",
        faceId, face.id() );

    ID v0, v1, v2, gv0, gv1, gv2;
    v0 = LinearTetra::faceToPoint (j, 0);
    v1 = LinearTetra::faceToPoint (j, 1);
    v2 = LinearTetra::faceToPoint (j, 2);
    // fprintf(stdout, "[%5d %5d %5d], ", v0, v1, v2);

    gv0 = mesh.element (i).point (v0).id();
    gv1 = mesh.element (i).point (v1).id();
    gv2 = mesh.element (i).point (v2).id();
    fprintf (stdout, "[ %7d %7d %7d ], ", gv0, gv1, gv2);

    int mark = 0;
    if (face.flag() &
      mark = 1;
    if (face.flag() &
      mark += 2;
    fprintf (stdout, "mark: %d, ", mark);

    ID vol0, vol1;
    ID pos0, pos1;
    vol0 = face.firstAdjacentElementIdentity();
    pos0 = face.firstAdjacentElementPosition();
    vol1 = face.secondAdjacentElementIdentity();
    pos1 = face.secondAdjacentElementPosition();

    if (vol0 == NotAnId)
      vol0 = -1;
    if (vol1 == NotAnId)
      vol1 = -1;
    if (pos0 == NotAnId)
      pos0 = -1;
    if (pos1 == NotAnId)
      pos1 = -1;

    fprintf (stdout, "first: %5d %d, second: %5d %d",
        vol0, pos0, vol1, pos1);

    fprintf (stdout, "\n");
    fprintf (stdout, "Invalid face!!!\n");