Example #1
void ColorWashEffect::Render(Effect *effect, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {
    bool HorizFade = SettingsMap.GetBool(CHECKBOX_ColorWash_HFade);
    bool VertFade = SettingsMap.GetBool(CHECKBOX_ColorWash_VFade);
    float cycles = SettingsMap.GetDouble(TEXTCTRL_ColorWash_Cycles, 1.0);
    bool EntireModel = SettingsMap.GetInt(CHECKBOX_ColorWash_EntireModel, 1);
    int x1 = SettingsMap.GetInt(SLIDER_ColorWash_X1, -50);
    int y1 = SettingsMap.GetInt(SLIDER_ColorWash_Y1, -50);
    int x2 = SettingsMap.GetInt(SLIDER_ColorWash_X2, 50);
    int y2 = SettingsMap.GetInt(SLIDER_ColorWash_Y2, 50);
    bool shimmer = SettingsMap.GetInt(CHECKBOX_ColorWash_Shimmer, 0);
    bool circularPalette = SettingsMap.GetInt(CHECKBOX_ColorWash_CircularPalette, 0);
    int x,y;
    xlColor color, orig;
    double position = buffer.GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(cycles);
    buffer.GetMultiColorBlend(position, circularPalette, color);
    int startX = 0;
    int startY = 0;
    int endX = buffer.BufferWi - 1;
    int endY = buffer.BufferHt - 1;
    if (!EntireModel) {
        startX = std::min(x1, x2);
        endX = std::max(x1, x2);
        startY = std::min(y1, y2);
        endY = std::max(y1, y2);
        startX = std::round(double(buffer.BufferWi - 0.5) * (double)startX / 100.0);
        endX = std::round(double(buffer.BufferWi - 0.5) * (double)endX / 100.0);
        startY = std::round(double(buffer.BufferHt - 0.5) * (double)startY / 100.0);
        endY = std::round(double(buffer.BufferHt - 0.5) * (double)endY / 100.0);
        startX = std::max(startX, 0);
        endX = std::min(endX, buffer.BufferWi - 1);
        startY = std::max(startY, 0);
        endY = std::min(endY, buffer.BufferHt - 1);
    int tot = buffer.curPeriod - buffer.curEffStartPer;
    if (!shimmer || (tot % 2) == 0) {
        double HalfHt=double(endY - startY)/2.0;
        double HalfWi=double(endX - startX)/2.0;
        orig = color;
        HSVValue hsvOrig = color.asHSV();
        xlColor color2 = color;
        for (x=startX; x <= endX; x++)
            HSVValue hsv = hsvOrig;
            if (HorizFade) {
                if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
                    color.alpha = (double)orig.alpha*(1.0-std::abs(HalfWi-x-startX)/HalfWi);
                } else {
                    color = hsv;
            color2.alpha = color.alpha;
            for (y=startY; y<=endY; y++) {
                if (VertFade) {
                    if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
                        color.alpha = (double)color2.alpha*(1.0-std::abs(HalfHt-(y-startY))/HalfHt);
                    } else {
                        HSVValue hsv2 = hsv;
                        color = hsv2;
                buffer.SetPixel(x, y, color);
    } else {
        orig = xlBLACK;
    wxMutexLocker lock(effect->GetBackgroundDisplayList().lock);
    if (VertFade || HorizFade) {
        effect->GetBackgroundDisplayList().resize((buffer.curEffEndPer - buffer.curEffStartPer + 1) * 4 * 2);
        int total = buffer.curEffEndPer - buffer.curEffStartPer + 1;
        double x1 = double(buffer.curPeriod - buffer.curEffStartPer) / double(total);
        double x2 = (buffer.curPeriod - buffer.curEffStartPer + 1.0) / double(total);
        int idx = (buffer.curPeriod - buffer.curEffStartPer) * 8;
        buffer.SetDisplayListVRect(effect, idx, x1, 0.0, x2, 0.5,
                                   xlBLACK, orig);
        buffer.SetDisplayListVRect(effect, idx + 4, x1, 0.5, x2, 1.0,
                                   orig, xlBLACK);
    } else {
        effect->GetBackgroundDisplayList().resize((buffer.curEffEndPer - buffer.curEffStartPer + 1) * 4);
        int midX = (startX + endX) / 2;
        int midY = (startY + endY) / 2;
        buffer.CopyPixelsToDisplayListX(effect, midY, midX, midX);

Example #2
void OnEffect::Render(Effect *eff, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {
    int start = SettingsMap.GetInt(TEXTCTRL_Eff_On_Start, 100);
    int end = SettingsMap.GetInt(TEXTCTRL_Eff_On_End, 100);
    bool shimmer = SettingsMap.GetInt(CHECKBOX_On_Shimmer, 0) > 0;
    float cycles = SettingsMap.GetDouble(TEXTCTRL_On_Cycles, 1.0);
    int x,y;
    int cidx = 0;
    if (shimmer) {
        int tot = buffer.curPeriod - buffer.curEffStartPer;
        if (tot % 2) {
            if (buffer.palette.Size() <= 1) {
            cidx = 1;

    bool spatialcolour = buffer.palette.IsSpatial(cidx);

    double adjust = buffer.GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(cycles);

    xlColor color;
    if (start == 100 && end == 100) {
        buffer.palette.GetColor(cidx, color);
    } else {
        HSVValue hsv;
        double d = adjust;
        d = start + (end - start) * d;
        d = d / 100.0;
        hsv.value = hsv.value * d;
        color = hsv;
    int transparency = GetValueCurveInt("On_Transparency", 0, SettingsMap, adjust);
    if (transparency) {
        transparency *= 255;
        transparency /= 100;
        color.alpha = 255 - transparency;

    ///////////////////////// DMX Support ////////////////////////
    // if the model is a DMX model this will write the color into
    // the proper red, green, and blue channels.
    if (buffer.cur_model != "") {
        Model* model_info = buffer.frame->AllModels[buffer.cur_model];
        if (model_info != nullptr) {
            if( model_info->GetDisplayAs() == "DMX" ) {
                xlColor c;
                DmxModel* dmx = (DmxModel*)model_info;
                int red_channel = dmx->GetRedChannel();
                int grn_channel = dmx->GetGreenChannel();
                int blu_channel = dmx->GetBlueChannel();
                if( red_channel != 0 ) {
                    c.red = color.red;
                    c.green = color.red;
                    c.blue = color.red;
                    buffer.SetPixel(red_channel-1, 0, c);
                if( grn_channel != 0 ) {
                    c.red = color.green;
                    c.green = color.green;
                    c.blue = color.green;
                    buffer.SetPixel(grn_channel-1, 0, c);
                if( blu_channel != 0 ) {
                    c.red = color.blue;
                    c.green = color.blue;
                    c.blue = color.blue;
                    buffer.SetPixel(blu_channel-1, 0, c);
    ///////////////////// End DMX Support ////////////////////////

    //Every Node set to selected color
    for (x=0; x<buffer.BufferWi; x++)
        for (y=0; y<buffer.BufferHt; y++)
            if (spatialcolour)
                buffer.palette.GetSpatialColor(cidx, (float)x / (float)buffer.BufferWi, (float)y / (float)buffer.BufferHt, color);
                if (start == 100 && end == 100) {
                else {
                    HSVValue hsv = color.asHSV();
                    double d = adjust;
                    d = start + (end - start) * d;
                    d = d / 100.0;
                    hsv.value = hsv.value * d;
                    color = hsv;
                if (transparency) {
                    color.alpha = 255 - transparency;


    if (shimmer || cycles != 1.0) {
        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(eff->GetBackgroundDisplayList().lock);
        eff->GetBackgroundDisplayList().resize((buffer.curEffEndPer - buffer.curEffStartPer + 1) * 6);
        buffer.CopyPixelsToDisplayListX(eff, 0, 0, 0);
    } else if (buffer.needToInit) {
        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(eff->GetBackgroundDisplayList().lock);
        if (start == 100 && end == 100) {
            buffer.palette.GetColor(0, color);
            buffer.SetDisplayListHRect(eff, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, color, color);
        } else {
            HSVValue hsv;
            hsv.value = hsv.value * start / 100.0;
            color = hsv;

            hsv.value = hsv.value * end / 100.0;
            buffer.SetDisplayListHRect(eff, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, color, xlColor(hsv));
        buffer.needToInit = false;