Example #1
    DBClientConnection* DBClientReplicaSet::selectNodeUsingTags(
            shared_ptr<ReadPreferenceSetting> readPref) {
        if (!shouldReevaluate() && checkLastHost(readPref.get())) {

            LOG( 3 ) << "dbclient_rs selecting compatible last used node " << _lastSlaveOkHost
                                << endl;

            return _lastSlaveOkConn.get();

        ReplicaSetMonitorPtr monitor = _getMonitor();
        _lastSlaveOkHost = monitor->getHostOrRefresh(*readPref);

        if ( _lastSlaveOkHost.empty() ){

            LOG( 3 ) << "dbclient_rs no compatible node found" << endl;

            return NULL;

        _lastReadPref = readPref;

        // Primary connection is special because it is the only connection that is
        // versioned in mongos. Therefore, we have to make sure that this object
        // maintains only one connection to the primary and use that connection
        // every time we need to talk to the primary.
        if (monitor->isPrimary(_lastSlaveOkHost)) {
            _lastSlaveOkConn = _master;
            _lastSlaveOkHost = _masterHost; // implied, but still assign just to be safe

            LOG( 3 ) << "dbclient_rs selecting primary node " << _lastSlaveOkHost << endl;

            return _master.get();

        string errmsg;
        ConnectionString connStr(_lastSlaveOkHost);
        // Needs to perform a dynamic_cast because we need to set the replSet
        // callback. We should eventually not need this after we remove the
        // callback.
        DBClientConnection* newConn = dynamic_cast<DBClientConnection*>(
                connStr.connect(errmsg, _so_timeout));

        // Assert here instead of returning NULL since the contract of this method is such
        // that returning NULL means none of the nodes were good, which is not the case here.
        uassert(16532, str::stream() << "Failed to connect to " << _lastSlaveOkHost.toString(),
                newConn != NULL);



        LOG( 3 ) << "dbclient_rs selecting node " << _lastSlaveOkHost << endl;

        return _lastSlaveOkConn.get();