Example #1
std::string ZatData::GetChannelStreamUrl(int uniqueId) {

    ZatChannel *channel = FindChannel(uniqueId);
    //XBMC->QueueNotification(QUEUE_INFO, "Getting URL for channel %s", XBMC->UnknownToUTF8(channel->name.c_str()));

    ostringstream dataStream;
    dataStream << "cid=" << channel->cid << "&stream_type=hls&format=json";

    HTTPSocketRaw *socket = new HTTPSocketRaw();
    Request request;
    request.url = "zattoo.com/zapi/watch";
    request.method = POST;
    request.body = dataStream.str();
    request.AddHeader("Cookie", cookie);
    Response response;
    socket->Execute(request, response);
    cookie = response.cookie;

    std::string jsonString = response.body;

    Json::Value json;
    Json::Reader reader;
    bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(jsonString,json);

    string url = json["stream"]["url"].asString();
    return url;

Example #2
Json::Value ZatData::loadFavourites() {

    ostringstream urlStream;
    urlStream << "zattoo.com/zapi/channels/favorites";

    HTTPSocketRaw *socket = new HTTPSocketRaw();
    Request request;
    request.url = urlStream.str();
    request.AddHeader("Cookie", cookie);
    Response response;
    socket->Execute(request, response);
    cookie = response.cookie;
    std::string jsonString = response.body;

    cout << jsonString << endl;
    Json::Value json;
    Json::Reader reader;

    return json["favorites"];
Example #3
void ZatData::sendHello() {

    ostringstream dataStream;
    dataStream << "uuid=888b4f54-c127-11e5-9912-ba0be0483c18&lang=en&format=json&client_app_token=" << appToken;

    HTTPSocketRaw *socket = new HTTPSocketRaw();
    Request request;
    request.url = "zattoo.com/zapi/session/hello";
    request.method = POST;
    request.body = dataStream.str();
    request.AddHeader("Cookie", cookie);
    Response response;
    socket->Execute(request, response);
    cookie = response.cookie;

    //httpResponse resp = postRequest("/zapi/session/hello", data);

Example #4
bool ZatData::login() {

    ostringstream dataStream;
    dataStream << "login="******"&password="******"&format=json";

    HTTPSocketRaw *socket = new HTTPSocketRaw();
    Request request;
    request.url = "zattoo.com/zapi/account/login";
    request.method = POST;
    request.body = dataStream.str();
    request.AddHeader("Cookie", cookie);
    Response response;
    socket->Execute(request, response);
    cookie = response.cookie;
    std::string jsonString = response.body;

    Json::Value json;
    Json::Reader reader;
    bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(jsonString,json);

    if (!parsingSuccessful){
        // report to the user the failure and their locations in the document.
        D(cout  << "Failed to parse login\n" << reader.getFormatedErrorMessages());
        return false;

    string succ = json["success"].asString();
    if(succ == "False") {
        return false;
    powerHash = json["account"]["power_guide_hash"].asString();
    D(cout << "Power Hash: " << powerHash << endl);
    return true;
Example #5
bool ZatData::LoadEPG(time_t iStart, time_t iEnd) {

//    iStart -= (iStart % (3600/2)) - 86400; // Do s
//    iEnd = iStart + 3600*3;

    //Do some time magic that the start date is not to far in the past because zattoo doesnt like that
    time_t tempStart = iStart - (iStart % (3600/2)) - 86400;
    time_t tempEnd = tempStart + 3600*5; //Add 5 hours

    while(tempEnd < iEnd) {
        ostringstream urlStream;
        urlStream << "zattoo.com/zapi/v2/cached/program/power_guide/" << powerHash << "?end=" << tempEnd << "&start=" << tempStart << "&format=json";

        HTTPSocket *socket = new HTTPSocketRaw();
        Request request;
        request.url = urlStream.str();
        request.AddHeader("Cookie", cookie);
        Response response;
        cookie = response.cookie;

        std::string jsonString = response.body;

        Json::Value json;
        Json::Reader reader;
        bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse(jsonString,json);

        //D(cout << json << endl);

        Json::Value channels = json["channels"];

        //Load the channel groups and channels
        for ( int index = 0; index < channels.size(); ++index ) {

            string cid = channels[index]["cid"].asString();
            for (int i = 0; i < channels[index]["programs"].size(); ++i) {

                Json::Value program = channels[index]["programs"][i];
                int channelId = GetChannelId(cid.c_str());
                ZatChannel *channel = FindChannel(channelId);

                if (!channel) {

                PVRIptvEpgEntry entry;
                entry.strTitle = program["t"].asString();
                entry.startTime = program["s"].asInt();
                entry.endTime = program["e"].asInt();
                entry.iBroadcastId = program["id"].asInt();
                entry.strIconPath = program["i_url"].asString();
                entry.iChannelId = channel->iChannelNumber;
                entry.strPlot = program["et"].asString();

                Json::Value genres = program["g"];
                ostringstream generesStream;
                for (int genre = 0; genre < genres.size(); genre++) {
                    generesStream << genres[genre].asString() << " ";
                entry.strGenreString = generesStream.str();

                if (channel)
                    channel->epg.insert(channel->epg.end(), entry);


        tempStart = tempEnd;
        tempEnd = tempStart + 3600*5; //Add 5 hours

    return true;
Example #6
void ZatData::loadChannels() {

    Json::Value favs = loadFavourites();

    ostringstream urlStream;
    urlStream << "zattoo.com/zapi/v2/cached/channels/" << powerHash << "?details=False";

    HTTPSocketRaw *socket = new HTTPSocketRaw();
    Request request;
    request.url = urlStream.str();
    request.AddHeader("Cookie", cookie);
    Response response;
    socket->Execute(request, response);
    cookie = response.cookie;
    std::string jsonString = response.body;

    Json::Value json;
    Json::Reader reader;
    if (!reader.parse(jsonString,json)){
        // report to the user the failure and their locations in the document.
        std::cout  << "Failed to parse configuration\n"
        << reader.getFormatedErrorMessages();

    channelNumber = 1;
    Json::Value groups = json["channel_groups"];

    PVRZattooChannelGroup favGroup;
    favGroup.name = "Favoriten";
    //Load the channel groups and channels
    for ( int index = 0; index < groups.size(); ++index ) {
        PVRZattooChannelGroup group;
        group.name = groups[index]["name"].asString();
        Json::Value channels = groups[index]["channels"];
        for(int i = 0; i < channels.size(); ++i) {
            Json::Value qualities = channels[i]["qualities"];
            for(int q = 0; q < qualities.size(); ++q) {
                if(qualities[q]["availability"].asString() == "available") {
                    ZatChannel channel;
                    channel.name = qualities[q]["title"].asString();
                    channel.strStreamURL = "";
                    //cout << channel.name << endl;
                    std::string cid = channels[i]["cid"].asString(); //returns std::size_t
                    channel.iUniqueId = GetChannelId(cid.c_str());
                    channel.cid = cid;
                    channel.iChannelNumber = ++channelNumber;
                    channel.strLogoPath = "http://logos.zattic.com";
                    group.channels.insert(group.channels.end(), channel);
                    //Yeah thats bad performance
                    for (int fav = 0; fav < favs.size(); fav++) {
                        if (favs[fav].asString() == cid) {
                            favGroup.channels.insert(favGroup.channels.end(), channel);
        if (group.channels.size() > 0)

    if (favGroup.channels.size() > 0)