Example #1
PowerHist::setData(RideItem *_rideItem)
    rideItem = _rideItem;

    RideFile *ride = rideItem->ride();

    if (ride) {

        static const int maxSize = 4096;

        // recording interval in minutes
        dt = ride->recIntSecs() / 60.0;



        // unit conversion factor for imperial units for selected parameters
        double torque_factor = (useMetricUnits ? 1.0 : 0.73756215);
        double speed_factor  = (useMetricUnits ? 1.0 : 0.62137119);

        foreach(const RideFilePoint *p1, ride->dataPoints()) {
            bool selected = isSelected(p1, ride->recIntSecs());

            // watts array
            int wattsIndex = int(floor(p1->watts / wattsDelta));
            if (wattsIndex >= 0 && wattsIndex < maxSize) {
                if (wattsIndex >= wattsArray.size())
                    wattsArray.resize(wattsIndex + 1);

                if (selected) {
                    if (wattsIndex >= wattsSelectedArray.size())
                        wattsSelectedArray.resize(wattsIndex + 1);

            // watts zoned array
            const Zones *zones = rideItem->zones;
            int zoneRange = zones ? zones->whichRange(ride->startTime().date()) : -1;

            // Only calculate zones if we have a valid range and check zeroes
            if (zoneRange > -1 && (withz || (!withz && p1->watts))) {
                wattsIndex = zones->whichZone(zoneRange, p1->watts);

                if (wattsIndex >= 0 && wattsIndex < maxSize) {
                    if (wattsIndex >= wattsZoneArray.size())
                        wattsZoneArray.resize(wattsIndex + 1);

                    if (selected) {
                        if (wattsIndex >= wattsZoneSelectedArray.size())
                            wattsZoneSelectedArray.resize(wattsIndex + 1);

            int nmIndex = int(floor(p1->nm * torque_factor / nmDelta));
            if (nmIndex >= 0 && nmIndex < maxSize) {
                if (nmIndex >= nmArray.size())
                    nmArray.resize(nmIndex + 1);

                if (selected) {
                    if (nmIndex >= nmSelectedArray.size())
                        nmSelectedArray.resize(nmIndex + 1);

	    int hrIndex = int(floor(p1->hr / hrDelta));
	    if (hrIndex >= 0 && hrIndex < maxSize) {
            if (hrIndex >= hrArray.size())
               hrArray.resize(hrIndex + 1);

            if (selected) {
                if (hrIndex >= hrSelectedArray.size())
                    hrSelectedArray.resize(hrIndex + 1);

        // hr zoned array
        int hrZoneRange = mainWindow->hrZones() ? mainWindow->hrZones()->whichRange(ride->startTime().date()) : -1;

        // Only calculate zones if we have a valid range
        if (hrZoneRange > -1 && (withz || (!withz && p1-hr))) {
            hrIndex = mainWindow->hrZones()->whichZone(hrZoneRange, p1->hr);

            if (hrIndex >= 0 && hrIndex < maxSize) {
                if (hrIndex >= hrZoneArray.size())
                    hrZoneArray.resize(hrIndex + 1);

                if (selected) {
                    if (hrIndex >= hrZoneSelectedArray.size())
                        hrZoneSelectedArray.resize(hrIndex + 1);

	    int kphIndex = int(floor(p1->kph * speed_factor / kphDelta));
	    if (kphIndex >= 0 && kphIndex < maxSize) {
	        if (kphIndex >= kphArray.size())
	            kphArray.resize(kphIndex + 1);

            if (selected) {
                if (kphIndex >= kphSelectedArray.size())
                    kphSelectedArray.resize(kphIndex + 1);

	    int cadIndex = int(floor(p1->cad / cadDelta));
	    if (cadIndex >= 0 && cadIndex < maxSize) {
		    if (cadIndex >= cadArray.size())
		        cadArray.resize(cadIndex + 1);

            if (selected) {
                if (cadIndex >= cadSelectedArray.size())
                    cadSelectedArray.resize(cadIndex + 1);


    else {
Example #2
RideFile *SrmFileReader::openRideFile(QFile &file, QStringList &errorStrings, QList<RideFile*>*) const
    if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
        errorStrings << QString("can't open file %1").arg(file.fileName());
        return NULL;
    QDataStream in(&file);
    in.setByteOrder( QDataStream::LittleEndian );

    RideFile *result = new RideFile;
    result->setFileFormat("SRM training files (srm)");
    result->setTag("Sport", "Bike" );

    char magic[4];
    in.readRawData(magic, sizeof(magic));
    if( strncmp(magic, "SRM", 3)){
        errorStrings << QString("Unrecognized file type, missing magic." );
        return NULL;

    int version = magic[3] - '0';
    switch( version ){
      case 5:
      case 6:
      case 7:
        // ok

        errorStrings << QString("Unsupported SRM file format version: %1")
        return NULL;

    quint16 dayssince1880 = readShort(in);
    quint16 wheelcirc = readShort(in);
    quint8 recint1 = readByte(in);
    quint8 recint2 = readByte(in);
    quint16 blockcnt = readShort(in);
    quint16 markercnt = readShort(in);
    readByte(in); // padding
    quint8 commentlen = readByte(in);

    if( commentlen > 70 )
        commentlen = 70;

    char comment[71];
    in.readRawData(comment, sizeof(comment) - 1);
    comment[commentlen] = '\0';
    result->setTag("Notes", QString(comment) );

    // assert propper markercnt to avoid segfaults
    if( in.status() != QDataStream::Ok ){
        errorStrings << QString("failed to read file header" );
        return NULL;

    result->setRecIntSecs(((double) recint1) / recint2);
    unsigned recintms = (unsigned) round(result->recIntSecs() * 1000.0);

    result->setTag("Wheel Circumference", QString("%1").arg(wheelcirc) );

    QDate date(1880, 1, 1);
    date = date.addDays(dayssince1880);

    QVector<marker> markers(markercnt + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i <= markercnt; ++i) {
        char mcomment[256];
        size_t mcommentlen = version < 6 ? 3 : 255;
        assert( mcommentlen < sizeof(mcomment) );
        in.readRawData(mcomment, mcommentlen );
        mcomment[mcommentlen] = '\0';

        quint8 active = readByte(in);
        quint16 start = readShort(in);
        quint16 end = readShort(in);
        quint16 avgwatts = readShort(in);
        quint16 avghr = readShort(in);
        quint16 avgcad = readShort(in);
        quint16 avgspeed = readShort(in);
        quint16 pwc150 = readShort(in);

    // data fixup: Although the data chunk index in srm files starts
    // with 1, some srmwin wrote files referencing index 0.
    if( end < 1 ) end = 1;
    if( start < 1 ) start = 1;

    // data fixup: some srmwin versions wrote markers with start > end
    if( end < start ){
        markers[i].start = end;
        markers[i].end = start;
    } else {
        markers[i].start = start;
        markers[i].end = end;

        markers[i].note = QString( mcomment);

        if( i == 0 ){
            result->setTag("Athlete Name", QString(mcomment) );

        (void) active;
        (void) avgwatts;
        (void) avghr;
        (void) avgcad;
        (void) avgspeed;
        (void) pwc150;
        (void) wheelcirc;

    // fail early to tell devs whats wrong with file
    if( in.status() != QDataStream::Ok ){
        errorStrings << QString("failed to read marker" );
        return NULL;

    blockhdr *blockhdrs = new blockhdr[blockcnt+1];
    for (int i = 0; i < blockcnt; ++i) {
        // In the .srm files generated by Rainer Clasen's srmcmd,
        // hsecsincemidn is a *signed* 32-bit integer.  I haven't seen a
        // negative value in any .srm files generated by srmwin.exe, but
        // since the number of hundredths of a second in a day is << 2^31,
        // it seems safe to always treat this number as signed.
        qint32 hsecsincemidn = readLong(in);
        blockhdrs[i].chunkcnt = readShort(in);
        blockhdrs[i].dt = QDateTime(date);
        blockhdrs[i].dt = blockhdrs[i].dt.addMSecs(hsecsincemidn * 10);

    // fail early to tell devs whats wrong with file
    if( in.status() != QDataStream::Ok ){
        errorStrings << QString("failed to read block headers" );
        return NULL;

    quint16 zero = readShort(in);
    quint16 slope = readShort(in);
    quint16 datacnt = readShort(in);
    readByte(in); // padding

    // fail early to tell devs whats wrong with file
    if( in.status() != QDataStream::Ok ){
        errorStrings << QString("failed to read calibration data" );
        return NULL;

    result->setTag("Slope", QString("%1")
        .arg( 140.0 / 42781 * slope, 0, 'f', 2) );
    result->setTag("Zero Offset", QString("%1").arg(zero) );

    // SRM5 files have no blocks - synthesize one
    if( blockcnt < 1 ){
        blockcnt = 0;
        blockhdrs[0].chunkcnt = datacnt;
        blockhdrs[0].dt = QDateTime(date);

    int blknum = 0, blkidx = 0, mrknum = 0, interval = 0;
    double km = 0.0, secs = 0.0;

    if (markercnt > 0)
        mrknum = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < datacnt; ++i) {
        int cad, hr, watts;
        double kph, alt;
        double temp=-255;
        if (version < 7) {
            quint8 ps[3];
            in.readRawData((char*) ps, sizeof(ps));
            cad = readByte(in);
            hr = readByte(in);
            kph = (((((unsigned) ps[1]) & 0xf0) << 3)
                   | (ps[0] & 0x7f)) * 3.0 / 26.0;
            watts = (ps[1] & 0x0f) | (ps[2] << 0x4);
            alt = 0.0;
        else {
            assert(version == 7);
            watts = readShort(in);
            cad = readByte(in);
            hr = readByte(in);

            qint32 kph_tmp = readSignedLong(in);
            kph = kph_tmp < 0 ? 0 : kph_tmp * 3.6 / 1000.0;

            alt = readSignedLong(in);
            temp = 0.1 * readSignedShort(in);

        if (i == 0) {
        if (mrknum < markers.size() && i == markers[mrknum].end) {

        // markers count from 1
        if ((i > 0) && (mrknum < markers.size()) && (i == markers[mrknum].start - 1))

        km += result->recIntSecs() * kph / 3600.0;

        double nm = watts / 2.0 / PI / cad * 60.0;
        result->appendPoint(secs, cad, hr, km, kph, nm, watts, alt, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, temp, 0.0, interval);

        if ((blkidx == blockhdrs[blknum].chunkcnt) && (blknum + 1 < blockcnt)) {
            QDateTime end = blockhdrs[blknum].dt.addMSecs(
                recintms * blockhdrs[blknum].chunkcnt);
            blkidx = 0;
            QDateTime start = blockhdrs[blknum].dt;
            qint64 endms =
                ((qint64) end.toTime_t()) * 1000 + end.time().msec();
            qint64 startms =
                ((qint64) start.toTime_t()) * 1000 + start.time().msec();
            double diff_secs = (startms - endms) / 1000.0;
            if (diff_secs < result->recIntSecs()) {
                errorStrings << QString("ERROR: time goes backwards by %1 s"
                                        " on trans " "to block %2"
                secs += result->recIntSecs(); // for lack of a better option
            else {
                secs += diff_secs;
        else {
            secs += result->recIntSecs();

    // assert some points were found. prevents segfault when looking at
    // the overall markers[0].start/.end
    // note: we're not checking in.status() to cope with truncated files

    if( result->dataPoints().size() < 1 ){
        errorStrings << QString("file contains no data points");
        return NULL;

    double last = 0.0;
    for (int i = 1; i < markers.size(); ++i) {
        const marker &marker = markers[i];
        int start = qMin(marker.start, result->dataPoints().size()) - 1;
        double start_secs = result->dataPoints()[start]->secs;
        int end = qMin(marker.end - 1, result->dataPoints().size() - 1);
        double end_secs = result->dataPoints()[end]->secs + result->recIntSecs();
        if( last < start_secs )
            result->addInterval(last, start_secs, "");
        QString note = QString("%1").arg(i);
        if( marker.note.length() )
            note += QString(" ") + marker.note;
        if( start_secs <= end_secs )
            result->addInterval(start_secs, end_secs, note );
        last = end_secs;
    if (!markers.empty() && markers.last().end < result->dataPoints().size()) {
        double start_secs = result->dataPoints().last()->secs + result->recIntSecs();
        result->addInterval(last, start_secs, "");

    return result;
Example #3
RideFile *SrmFileReader::openRideFile(QFile &file, QStringList &errorStrings) const
    if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
        errorStrings << QString("can't open file %1").arg(file.fileName());
        return NULL;
    QDataStream in(&file);
    RideFile *result = new RideFile;

    char magic[4];
    in.readRawData(magic, sizeof(magic));
    assert(strncmp(magic, "SRM", 3) == 0);
    int version = magic[3] - '0';
    assert(version == 5 || version == 6 || version == 7);

    quint16 dayssince1880 = readShort(in);
    quint16 wheelcirc = readShort(in);
    quint8 recint1 = readByte(in);
    quint8 recint2 = readByte(in);
    quint16 blockcnt = readShort(in);
    quint16 markercnt = readShort(in);
    readByte(in); // padding
    quint8 commentlen = readByte(in);

    char comment[71];
    in.readRawData(comment, sizeof(comment) - 1);
    comment[commentlen - 1] = '\0';

    result->setRecIntSecs(((double) recint1) / recint2);
    unsigned recintms = (unsigned) round(result->recIntSecs() * 1000.0);

    QDate date(1880, 1, 1);
    date = date.addDays(dayssince1880);

    QVector<marker> markers(markercnt + 1);
    for (int i = 0; i <= markercnt; ++i) {
        char mcomment[256];
        size_t mcommentlen = version < 6 ? 3 : 255;
        assert( mcommentlen < sizeof(mcomment) );
        in.readRawData(mcomment, mcommentlen );
        mcomment[mcommentlen] = '\0';

        quint8 active = readByte(in);
        quint16 start = readShort(in);
        quint16 end = readShort(in);
        quint16 avgwatts = readShort(in);
        quint16 avghr = readShort(in);
        quint16 avgcad = readShort(in);
        quint16 avgspeed = readShort(in);
        quint16 pwc150 = readShort(in);

	// data fixup: Although the data chunk index in srm files starts
	// with 1, some srmwin wrote files referencing index 0.
	if( end < 1 ) end = 1;
	if( start < 1 ) start = 1;

	// data fixup: some srmwin versions wrote markers with start > end
	if( end < start ){
		markers[i].start = end;
		markers[i].end = start;
	} else {
		markers[i].start = start;
		markers[i].end = end;

        (void) active;
        (void) avgwatts;
        (void) avghr;
        (void) avgcad;
        (void) avgspeed;
        (void) pwc150;
        (void) wheelcirc;

    blockhdr *blockhdrs = new blockhdr[blockcnt+1];
    for (int i = 0; i < blockcnt; ++i) {
        // In the .srm files generated by Rainer Clasen's srmcmd,
        // hsecsincemidn is a *signed* 32-bit integer.  I haven't seen a
        // negative value in any .srm files generated by srmwin.exe, but
        // since the number of hundredths of a second in a day is << 2^31,
        // it seems safe to always treat this number as signed.
        qint32 hsecsincemidn = readLong(in);
        blockhdrs[i].chunkcnt = readShort(in);
        blockhdrs[i].dt = QDateTime(date);
        blockhdrs[i].dt = blockhdrs[i].dt.addMSecs(hsecsincemidn * 10);

    quint16 zero = readShort(in);
    quint16 slope = readShort(in);
    quint16 datacnt = readShort(in);
    readByte(in); // padding

    (void) zero;
    (void) slope;

    // SRM5 files have no blocks - synthesize one
    if( blockcnt < 1 ){
        blockcnt = 0;
        blockhdrs[0].chunkcnt = datacnt;
        blockhdrs[0].dt = QDateTime(date);

    int blknum = 0, blkidx = 0, mrknum = 0, interval = 0;
    double km = 0.0, secs = 0.0;

    if (markercnt > 0)
        mrknum = 1;

    for (int i = 0; i < datacnt; ++i) {
        int cad, hr, watts;
        double kph, alt;
        if (version < 7) {
            quint8 ps[3];
            in.readRawData((char*) ps, sizeof(ps));
            cad = readByte(in);
            hr = readByte(in);
            kph = (((((unsigned) ps[1]) & 0xf0) << 3)
                   | (ps[0] & 0x7f)) * 3.0 / 26.0;
            watts = (ps[1] & 0x0f) | (ps[2] << 0x4);
            alt = 0.0;
        else {
            assert(version == 7);
            watts = readShort(in);
            cad = readByte(in);
            hr = readByte(in);
            kph = readLong(in) * 3.6 / 1000.0;
            alt = readLong(in);
            double temp = 0.1 * (qint16) readShort(in);
            (void) temp; // unused for now

        if (i == 0) {
        if (mrknum < markers.size() && i == markers[mrknum].end) {

        // markers count from 1
        if ((i > 0) && (mrknum < markers.size()) && (i == markers[mrknum].start - 1))

        km += result->recIntSecs() * kph / 3600.0;

        double nm = watts / 2.0 / PI / cad * 60.0;
        result->appendPoint(secs, cad, hr, km, kph, nm, watts, alt, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, interval);

        if ((blkidx == blockhdrs[blknum].chunkcnt) && (blknum + 1 < blockcnt)) {
            QDateTime end = blockhdrs[blknum].dt.addMSecs(
                recintms * blockhdrs[blknum].chunkcnt);
            blkidx = 0;
            QDateTime start = blockhdrs[blknum].dt;
            qint64 endms =
                ((qint64) end.toTime_t()) * 1000 + end.time().msec();
            qint64 startms =
                ((qint64) start.toTime_t()) * 1000 + start.time().msec();
            double diff_secs = (startms - endms) / 1000.0;
            if (diff_secs < result->recIntSecs()) {
                errorStrings << QString("ERROR: time goes backwards by %1 s"
                                        " on trans " "to block %2"
                secs += result->recIntSecs(); // for lack of a better option
            else {
                secs += diff_secs;
        else {
            secs += result->recIntSecs();

    double last = 0.0;
    for (int i = 1; i < markers.size(); ++i) {
        const marker &marker = markers[i];
        int start = marker.start - 1;
        double start_secs = result->dataPoints()[start]->secs;
        int end = qMin(marker.end - 1, result->dataPoints().size() - 1);
        double end_secs = result->dataPoints()[end]->secs + result->recIntSecs();
        result->addInterval(last, start_secs, "");
        result->addInterval(start_secs, end_secs, QString("%1").arg(i));
        last = end_secs;
    if (!markers.empty() && markers.last().end < result->dataPoints().size()) {
        double start_secs = result->dataPoints().last()->secs + result->recIntSecs();
        result->addInterval(last, start_secs, "");

    return result;
Example #4
Aerolab::setData(RideItem *_rideItem, bool new_zoom) {

  // HARD-CODED DATA: p1->kph
  double vfactor = 3.600;
  double m       =  totalMass;
  double small_number = 0.00001;

  rideItem = _rideItem;
  RideFile *ride = rideItem->ride();


  if( ride ) {

    const RideFileDataPresent *dataPresent = ride->areDataPresent();

    if( dataPresent->watts ) {

      // If watts are present, then we can fill the veArray data:
      const RideFileDataPresent *dataPresent = ride->areDataPresent();
      int npoints = ride->dataPoints().size();
      double dt = ride->recIntSecs();
      veArray.resize(dataPresent->watts ? npoints : 0);
      altArray.resize(dataPresent->alt || constantAlt ? npoints : 0);
      timeArray.resize(dataPresent->watts ? npoints : 0);
      distanceArray.resize(dataPresent->watts ? npoints : 0);

      // quickly erase old data

      // detach and re-attach the ve curve:
      if (!veArray.empty()) {

      // detach and re-attach the ve curve:
      bool have_recorded_alt_curve = false;
      if (!altArray.empty()) {
        have_recorded_alt_curve = true;
        altCurve->setVisible(dataPresent->alt || constantAlt );

      // Fill the virtual elevation profile with data from the ride data:
      double t = 0.0;
      double vlast = 0.0;
      double e     = 0.0;
      arrayLength = 0;
      foreach(const RideFilePoint *p1, ride->dataPoints()) {
      if ( arrayLength == 0 )
        e = eoffset;

      timeArray[arrayLength]  = p1->secs / 60.0;
      if ( have_recorded_alt_curve ) {
          if ( constantAlt && arrayLength > 0) {
              altArray[arrayLength] = altArray[arrayLength-1];
          else  {
              if ( constantAlt && !dataPresent->alt)
                  altArray[arrayLength] = 0;
                altArray[arrayLength] = (context->athlete->useMetricUnits
                   ? p1->alt
                   : p1->alt * FEET_PER_METER);

      // Unpack:
      double power = max(0, p1->watts);
      double v     = p1->kph/vfactor;
      double headwind = v;
      if( dataPresent->headwind ) {
        headwind   = p1->headwind/vfactor;
      double f     = 0.0;
      double a     = 0.0;

      // Use km data insteed of formula for file with a stop (gap).
      //d += v * dt;
      //distanceArray[arrayLength] = d/1000;

      distanceArray[arrayLength] = p1->km;

      if( v > small_number ) {
        f  = power/v;
        a  = ( v*v - vlast*vlast ) / ( 2.0 * dt * v );
      } else {
        a = ( v - vlast ) / dt;

      f *= eta; // adjust for drivetrain efficiency if using a crank-based meter
      double s   = slope( f, a, m, crr, cda, rho, headwind );
      double de  = s * v * dt;

      e += de;
      t += dt;
      veArray[arrayLength] = e;

      vlast = v;


  } else {
  } else {
Example #5
PowerHist::setData(RideItem *_rideItem, bool force)
    // predefined deltas for each series
    static const double wattsDelta = 1.0;
    static const double wattsKgDelta = 0.01;
    static const double nmDelta    = 0.1;
    static const double hrDelta    = 1.0;
    static const double kphDelta   = 0.1;
    static const double cadDelta   = 1.0;

    source = Ride;

    // we set with this data already
    if (force == false && _rideItem == LASTrideItem && source == LASTsource) return;

    rideItem = _rideItem;
    if (!rideItem) return;

    RideFile *ride = rideItem->ride();

    bool hasData = ((series == RideFile::watts || series == RideFile::wattsKg) && ride->areDataPresent()->watts) ||
                   (series == RideFile::nm && ride->areDataPresent()->nm) ||
                   (series == RideFile::kph && ride->areDataPresent()->kph) ||
                   (series == RideFile::cad && ride->areDataPresent()->cad) ||
                   (series == RideFile::aPower && ride->areDataPresent()->apower) ||
                   (series == RideFile::hr && ride->areDataPresent()->hr);

    if (ride && hasData) {

        static const int maxSize = 4096;

        // recording interval in minutes
        dt = ride->recIntSecs() / 60.0;



        // unit conversion factor for imperial units for selected parameters
        double torque_factor = (context->athlete->useMetricUnits ? 1.0 : 0.73756215);
        double speed_factor  = (context->athlete->useMetricUnits ? 1.0 : 0.62137119);

        foreach(const RideFilePoint *p1, ride->dataPoints()) {
            bool selected = isSelected(p1, ride->recIntSecs());

            // watts array
            int wattsIndex = int(floor(p1->watts / wattsDelta));
            if (wattsIndex >= 0 && wattsIndex < maxSize) {
                if (wattsIndex >= wattsArray.size())
                    wattsArray.resize(wattsIndex + 1);

                if (selected) {
                    if (wattsIndex >= wattsSelectedArray.size())
                        wattsSelectedArray.resize(wattsIndex + 1);

            // watts zoned array
            const Zones *zones = rideItem->zones;
            int zoneRange = zones ? zones->whichRange(ride->startTime().date()) : -1;

            // Only calculate zones if we have a valid range and check zeroes
            if (zoneRange > -1 && (withz || (!withz && p1->watts))) {
                wattsIndex = zones->whichZone(zoneRange, p1->watts);

                if (wattsIndex >= 0 && wattsIndex < maxSize) {
                    if (wattsIndex >= wattsZoneArray.size())
                        wattsZoneArray.resize(wattsIndex + 1);

                    if (selected) {
                        if (wattsIndex >= wattsZoneSelectedArray.size())
                            wattsZoneSelectedArray.resize(wattsIndex + 1);

            // aPower array
            int aPowerIndex = int(floor(p1->apower / wattsDelta));
            if (aPowerIndex >= 0 && aPowerIndex < maxSize) {
                if (aPowerIndex >= aPowerArray.size())
                    aPowerArray.resize(aPowerIndex + 1);

                if (selected) {
                    if (aPowerIndex >= aPowerSelectedArray.size())
                        aPowerSelectedArray.resize(aPowerIndex + 1);

            // wattsKg array
            int wattsKgIndex = int(floor(p1->watts / ride->getWeight() / wattsKgDelta));
            if (wattsKgIndex >= 0 && wattsKgIndex < maxSize) {
                if (wattsKgIndex >= wattsKgArray.size())
                    wattsKgArray.resize(wattsKgIndex + 1);

                if (selected) {
                    if (wattsKgIndex >= wattsKgSelectedArray.size())
                        wattsKgSelectedArray.resize(wattsKgIndex + 1);

            int nmIndex = int(floor(p1->nm * torque_factor / nmDelta));
            if (nmIndex >= 0 && nmIndex < maxSize) {
                if (nmIndex >= nmArray.size())
                    nmArray.resize(nmIndex + 1);

                if (selected) {
                    if (nmIndex >= nmSelectedArray.size())
                        nmSelectedArray.resize(nmIndex + 1);

            int hrIndex = int(floor(p1->hr / hrDelta));
            if (hrIndex >= 0 && hrIndex < maxSize) {
                if (hrIndex >= hrArray.size())
                    hrArray.resize(hrIndex + 1);

                if (selected) {
                    if (hrIndex >= hrSelectedArray.size())
                        hrSelectedArray.resize(hrIndex + 1);

            // hr zoned array
            int hrZoneRange = context->athlete->hrZones() ? context->athlete->hrZones()->whichRange(ride->startTime().date()) : -1;

            // Only calculate zones if we have a valid range
            if (hrZoneRange > -1 && (withz || (!withz && p1->hr))) {
                hrIndex = context->athlete->hrZones()->whichZone(hrZoneRange, p1->hr);

                if (hrIndex >= 0 && hrIndex < maxSize) {
                    if (hrIndex >= hrZoneArray.size())
                        hrZoneArray.resize(hrIndex + 1);

                    if (selected) {
                        if (hrIndex >= hrZoneSelectedArray.size())
                            hrZoneSelectedArray.resize(hrIndex + 1);

            int kphIndex = int(floor(p1->kph * speed_factor / kphDelta));
            if (kphIndex >= 0 && kphIndex < maxSize) {
                if (kphIndex >= kphArray.size())
                    kphArray.resize(kphIndex + 1);

                if (selected) {
                    if (kphIndex >= kphSelectedArray.size())
                        kphSelectedArray.resize(kphIndex + 1);

            int cadIndex = int(floor(p1->cad / cadDelta));
            if (cadIndex >= 0 && cadIndex < maxSize) {
                if (cadIndex >= cadArray.size())
                    cadArray.resize(cadIndex + 1);

                if (selected) {
                    if (cadIndex >= cadSelectedArray.size())
                        cadSelectedArray.resize(cadIndex + 1);

    } else {