void RimCellRangeFilter::defineEditorAttribute(const caf::PdmFieldHandle* field, QString uiConfigName, caf::PdmUiEditorAttribute * attribute)
    caf::PdmUiSliderEditorAttribute* myAttr = static_cast<caf::PdmUiSliderEditorAttribute*>(attribute);
    if (!myAttr || !m_parentContainer)

    RigGridBase* grid = selectedGrid();

    if (field == &startIndexI || field == &cellCountI)
        myAttr->m_minimum = 1;
        myAttr->m_maximum = static_cast<int>(grid->cellCountI());
    else if (field == &startIndexJ  || field == &cellCountJ)
        myAttr->m_minimum = 1;
        myAttr->m_maximum = static_cast<int>(grid->cellCountJ());
    else if (field == &startIndexK || field == &cellCountK)
        myAttr->m_minimum = 1;
        myAttr->m_maximum = static_cast<int>(grid->cellCountK());

    RigActiveCellInfo* actCellInfo = m_parentContainer->activeCellInfo();
    if (grid == m_parentContainer->mainGrid() && actCellInfo)
        cvf::Vec3st min, max;
        actCellInfo->IJKBoundingBox(min, max);

        // Adjust to Eclipse indexing
        min.x() = min.x() + 1;
        min.y() = min.y() + 1;
        min.z() = min.z() + 1;

        max.x() = max.x() + 1;
        max.y() = max.y() + 1;
        max.z() = max.z() + 1;

        startIndexI.setUiName(QString("I Start (%1)").arg(min.x()));
        startIndexJ.setUiName(QString("J Start (%1)").arg(min.y()));
        startIndexK.setUiName(QString("K Start (%1)").arg(min.z()));
        cellCountI.setUiName(QString("  Width (%1)").arg(max.x() - min.x() + 1));
        cellCountJ.setUiName(QString("  Width (%1)").arg(max.y() - min.y() + 1));
        cellCountK.setUiName(QString("  Width (%1)").arg(max.z() - min.z() + 1));
        startIndexI.setUiName(QString("I Start"));
        startIndexJ.setUiName(QString("J Start"));
        startIndexK.setUiName(QString("K Start"));
        cellCountI.setUiName(QString("  Width"));
        cellCountJ.setUiName(QString("  Width"));
        cellCountK.setUiName(QString("  Width"));
void RimCellRangeFilter::setDefaultValues()

    RigGridBase* grid = selectedGrid();

    RigActiveCellInfo* actCellInfo = m_parentContainer->activeCellInfo();
    if (grid == m_parentContainer->mainGrid() && actCellInfo)
        cvf::Vec3st min, max;
        actCellInfo->IJKBoundingBox(min, max);

        // Adjust to Eclipse indexing
        min.x() = min.x() + 1;
        min.y() = min.y() + 1;
        min.z() = min.z() + 1;

        max.x() = max.x() + 1;
        max.y() = max.y() + 1;
        max.z() = max.z() + 1;

        startIndexI = static_cast<int>(min.x());
        startIndexJ = static_cast<int>(min.y());
        startIndexK = static_cast<int>(min.z());
        cellCountI = static_cast<int>(max.x() - min.x() + 1);
        cellCountJ = static_cast<int>(max.y() - min.y() + 1);
        cellCountK = static_cast<int>(max.z() - min.z() + 1);
        startIndexI = 1;
        startIndexJ = 1;
        startIndexK = 1;
        cellCountI = static_cast<int>(grid->cellCountI() );
        cellCountJ = static_cast<int>(grid->cellCountJ() );
        cellCountK = static_cast<int>(grid->cellCountK() );
Example #3
void RigReservoirBuilderMock::populateReservoir(RigEclipseCaseData* eclipseCase)
    std::vector<cvf::Vec3d>& mainGridNodes = eclipseCase->mainGrid()->nodes();
    appendNodes(m_minWorldCoordinate, m_maxWorldCoordinate, cellDimension(), mainGridNodes);
    size_t mainGridNodeCount = mainGridNodes.size();
    size_t mainGridCellCount = mainGridNodeCount / 8;

    // Must create cells in main grid here, as this information is used when creating LGRs
    appendCells(0, mainGridCellCount, eclipseCase->mainGrid(), eclipseCase->mainGrid()->globalCellArray());

    size_t totalCellCount = mainGridCellCount;

    size_t lgrIdx;
    for (lgrIdx = 0; lgrIdx < m_localGridRefinements.size(); lgrIdx++)
        LocalGridRefinement& lgr = m_localGridRefinements[lgrIdx];

        // Compute all global cell indices to be replaced by local grid refinement
        std::vector<size_t> mainGridIndicesWithSubGrid;
            size_t i;
            for (i = lgr.m_mainGridMinCellPosition.x(); i <= lgr.m_mainGridMaxCellPosition.x(); i++)
                size_t j;
                for (j = lgr.m_mainGridMinCellPosition.y(); j <= lgr.m_mainGridMaxCellPosition.y(); j++)
                    size_t k;
                    for (k = lgr.m_mainGridMinCellPosition.z(); k <= lgr.m_mainGridMaxCellPosition.z(); k++)
                        mainGridIndicesWithSubGrid.push_back(cellIndexFromIJK(i, j, k));

        // Create local grid and set local grid dimensions
        RigLocalGrid* localGrid = new RigLocalGrid(eclipseCase->mainGrid());
        localGrid->setIndexToStartOfCells(mainGridNodes.size() / 8);
        cvf::Vec3st gridPointDimensions(
            lgr.m_singleCellRefinementFactors.x() * (lgr.m_mainGridMaxCellPosition.x() - lgr.m_mainGridMinCellPosition.x() + 1) + 1,
            lgr.m_singleCellRefinementFactors.y() * (lgr.m_mainGridMaxCellPosition.y() - lgr.m_mainGridMinCellPosition.y() + 1) + 1,
            lgr.m_singleCellRefinementFactors.z() * (lgr.m_mainGridMaxCellPosition.z() - lgr.m_mainGridMinCellPosition.z() + 1) + 1);

        cvf::BoundingBox bb;
        size_t cellIdx;
        for (cellIdx = 0; cellIdx < mainGridIndicesWithSubGrid.size(); cellIdx++)
            RigCell& cell = eclipseCase->mainGrid()->globalCellArray()[mainGridIndicesWithSubGrid[cellIdx]];
            caf::SizeTArray8& indices = cell.cornerIndices();
            int nodeIdx;
            for (nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < 8; nodeIdx++)
            // Deactivate cell in main grid

        cvf::Vec3st lgrCellDimensions = gridPointDimensions - cvf::Vec3st(1, 1, 1);
        appendNodes(bb.min(), bb.max(), lgrCellDimensions, mainGridNodes);

        size_t subGridCellCount = (mainGridNodes.size() / 8) - totalCellCount;
        appendCells(totalCellCount*8, subGridCellCount, localGrid, eclipseCase->mainGrid()->globalCellArray());
        totalCellCount += subGridCellCount;


    if (m_enableWellData)
        addWellData(eclipseCase, eclipseCase->mainGrid());


    // Set all cells active
    RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo = eclipseCase->activeCellInfo(RiaDefines::MATRIX_MODEL);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < eclipseCase->mainGrid()->globalCellArray().size(); i++)
        activeCellInfo->setCellResultIndex(i, i);

    activeCellInfo->setGridActiveCellCounts(0, eclipseCase->mainGrid()->globalCellArray().size());

    // Add grid coarsening for main grid
    if (cellDimension().x() > 4 &&
        cellDimension().y() > 5 &&
        cellDimension().z() > 6)
        eclipseCase->mainGrid()->addCoarseningBox(1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 4);
        eclipseCase->mainGrid()->addCoarseningBox(3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6);
Example #4
    bool interpretCommand(RiaSocketServer* server, const QList<QByteArray>&  args, QDataStream& socketStream) override
        RimEclipseCase* rimCase = RiaSocketTools::findCaseFromArgs(server, args);

        QString porosityModelName;
        porosityModelName = args[2];

        RiaDefines::PorosityModelType porosityModelEnum = RiaDefines::MATRIX_MODEL;
        if (porosityModelName.toUpper() == "FRACTURE")
            porosityModelEnum = RiaDefines::FRACTURE_MODEL;

        if (!rimCase || !rimCase->eclipseCaseData() )
            // No data available
            socketStream << (quint64)0 << (quint64)0 ;
            return true;

        RigActiveCellInfo* actCellInfo = rimCase->eclipseCaseData()->activeCellInfo(porosityModelEnum);
        RigMainGrid* mainGrid = rimCase->eclipseCaseData()->mainGrid();

        size_t activeCellCount = actCellInfo->reservoirActiveCellCount();
        size_t doubleValueCount = activeCellCount * 3 * 8;

        socketStream << (quint64)activeCellCount;
        quint64 byteCount = doubleValueCount * sizeof(double);
        socketStream << byteCount;

        // This structure is supposed to be received by Octave using a NDArray. The ordering of this loop is
        // defined by the ordering of the receiving NDArray
        // See riGetCellCorners
        //  dim_vector dv;
        //  dv.resize(3);
        //  dv(0) = coordCount;
        //  dv(1) = 8;
        //  dv(2) = 3;

        cvf::Vec3d cornerVerts[8];
        size_t blockByteCount = activeCellCount * sizeof(double);
        std::vector<double> doubleValues(blockByteCount);

        for (int coordIdx = 0; coordIdx < 3; coordIdx++)
            for (size_t cornerIdx = 0; cornerIdx < 8; cornerIdx++)
                size_t cornerIndexMapping = cellCornerMappingEclipse[cornerIdx];

                quint64 valueIndex = 0;

                for (size_t reservoirCellIndex = 0; reservoirCellIndex < mainGrid->globalCellArray().size(); reservoirCellIndex++)
                    if (!actCellInfo->isActive(reservoirCellIndex)) continue;

                    mainGrid->cellCornerVertices(reservoirCellIndex, cornerVerts);

                    doubleValues[valueIndex++] = getCellCornerWithPositiveDepth(cornerVerts, cornerIndexMapping, coordIdx);

                CVF_ASSERT(valueIndex == activeCellCount);

                RiaSocketTools::writeBlockData(server, server->currentClient(), (const char *)doubleValues.data(), blockByteCount);

        return true;
    virtual bool interpretMore(RiaSocketServer* server, QTcpSocket* currentClient)
//        std::cout << "RiaSetActiveCellProperty, interpretMore: scalarIndex : " << m_currentScalarIndex;

        if (m_invalidActiveCellCountDetected) return true;

        // If nothing should be read, or we already have read everything, do nothing

        if ((m_timeStepCountToRead == 0) || (m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead >= m_timeStepCountToRead) )  return true;

        if (!currentClient->bytesAvailable()) return false;

        if (m_timeStepCountToRead != m_requestedTimesteps.size())

        // Check if a complete timestep is available, return and whait for readyRead() if not
        if (currentClient->bytesAvailable() < (int)m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead) return false;

        size_t  cellCountFromOctave = m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead / sizeof(double);

        RigActiveCellInfo* activeCellInfo = m_currentReservoir->reservoirData()->activeCellInfo(m_porosityModelEnum);

        size_t globalActiveCellCount    = activeCellInfo->globalActiveCellCount();
        size_t totalCellCount           = activeCellInfo->globalCellCount();
        size_t globalCellResultCount    = activeCellInfo->globalCellResultCount();

        bool isCoarseningActive = globalCellResultCount != globalActiveCellCount;

        if (cellCountFromOctave != globalActiveCellCount )
            server->errorMessageDialog()->showMessage(RiaSocketServer::tr("ResInsight SocketServer: \n") +
                                              RiaSocketServer::tr("The number of cells in the data coming from octave does not match the case") + ":\""  + m_currentReservoir->caseUserDescription() + "\"\n"
                                              "   Octave: " + QString::number(cellCountFromOctave) + "\n"
                                              "  " + m_currentReservoir->caseUserDescription() + ": Active cell count: " + QString::number(globalActiveCellCount) + " Total cell count: " +  QString::number(totalCellCount)) ;

            cellCountFromOctave = 0;
            m_invalidActiveCellCountDetected = true;

            return true;

        // Make sure the size of the retreiving container is correct.
        // If it is, this is noops

        for (size_t tIdx = 0; tIdx < m_timeStepCountToRead; ++tIdx)
            size_t tsId = m_requestedTimesteps[tIdx];
            m_scalarResultsToAdd->at(tsId).resize(globalCellResultCount, HUGE_VAL);

        std::vector<double> readBuffer;
        double * internalMatrixData = NULL;

        if (isCoarseningActive)
            readBuffer.resize(cellCountFromOctave, HUGE_VAL);
            internalMatrixData = readBuffer.data();

        QDataStream socketStream(currentClient);

        // Read available complete timestepdata

        while ((currentClient->bytesAvailable() >= (int)m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead) && (m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead < m_timeStepCountToRead))
            qint64 bytesRead = 0;
            if ( !isCoarseningActive)
                internalMatrixData = m_scalarResultsToAdd->at(m_requestedTimesteps[m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead]).data();

#if 1 // Use raw data transfer. Faster.
            bytesRead = currentClient->read((char*)(internalMatrixData), m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead);
            for (size_t cIdx = 0; cIdx < cellCountFromOctave; ++cIdx)
                socketStream >> internalMatrixData[cIdx];

                if (socketStream.status() == QDataStream::Ok) bytesRead += sizeof(double);
            // Map data from active  to result index based container ( Coarsening is active)
            if (isCoarseningActive)
                size_t acIdx = 0;
                for (size_t gcIdx = 0; gcIdx < totalCellCount; ++gcIdx)
                    if (activeCellInfo->isActive(gcIdx))
                        m_scalarResultsToAdd->at(m_requestedTimesteps[m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead])[activeCellInfo->cellResultIndex(gcIdx)] = readBuffer[acIdx];

            if ((int)m_bytesPerTimeStepToRead != bytesRead)
                server->errorMessageDialog()->showMessage(RiaSocketServer::tr("ResInsight SocketServer: \n") +
                                                  RiaSocketServer::tr("Could not read binary double data properly from socket"));


        // If we have read all the data, refresh the views

        if (m_currentTimeStepNumberToRead == m_timeStepCountToRead)
            if (m_currentReservoir != NULL)
                // Create a new input property if we have an input reservoir
                RimInputCase* inputRes = dynamic_cast<RimInputCase*>(m_currentReservoir);
                if (inputRes)
                    RimInputProperty* inputProperty = NULL;
                    inputProperty = inputRes->m_inputPropertyCollection->findInputProperty(m_currentPropertyName);
                    if (!inputProperty)
                        inputProperty = new RimInputProperty;
                        inputProperty->resultName = m_currentPropertyName;
                        inputProperty->eclipseKeyword = "";
                        inputProperty->fileName = "";
                        RimUiTreeModelPdm* treeModel = RiuMainWindow::instance()->uiPdmModel();
                    inputProperty->resolvedState = RimInputProperty::RESOLVED_NOT_SAVED;

                if( m_currentScalarIndex != cvf::UNDEFINED_SIZE_T &&
                        m_currentReservoir->reservoirData() &&
                        m_currentReservoir->reservoirData()->results(m_porosityModelEnum) )

                for (size_t i = 0; i < m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews.size(); ++i)
                    if (m_currentReservoir->reservoirViews[i])
                        // As new result might have been introduced, update all editors connected

                        // It is usually not needed to create new display model, but if any derived geometry based on generated data (from Octave) 
                        // a full display model rebuild is required

            return true;

        return false;
