int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "parser_test"); ros::NodeHandle nh; try { std::string name = "red_arm"; RobotPtr robot = std::make_shared<Robot>(name); ParserPtr parser = std::make_shared<Parser>(); std::string path = "/home/daichi/Work/catkin_ws/src/ahl_ros_pkg/ahl_robot/ahl_robot/yaml/red_arm.yaml"; parser->load(path, robot); ros::MultiThreadedSpinner spinner; TfPublisherPtr tf_publisher = std::make_shared<TfPublisher>(); const std::string mnp_name = "mnp"; unsigned long cnt = 0; ros::Rate r(10.0); while(ros::ok()) { Eigen::VectorXd q = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(robot->getDOF(mnp_name)); ManipulatorPtr mnp = robot->getManipulator(mnp_name); double goal = sin(2.0 * M_PI * 0.2 * cnt * 0.1); ++cnt; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < q.rows(); ++i) { q.coeffRef(6) = M_PI / 4.0 * goal; } std::cout << M_PI / 4.0 * goal << std::endl; //q = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(q.rows(), 0.0 * M_PI / 4.0); robot->update(q); robot->computeJacobian(mnp_name); robot->computeMassMatrix(mnp_name); M = robot->getMassMatrix(mnp_name); J = robot->getJacobian(mnp_name, "gripper"); calc(); tf_publisher->publish(robot, false); r.sleep(); } } catch(ahl_utils::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM(e.what()); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "parser_test"); ros::NodeHandle nh; try { std::string name = "personal_robot"; RobotPtr robot = RobotPtr(new Robot(name)); ParserPtr parser = ParserPtr(new Parser()); std::string path = "/home/daichi/Work/catkin_ws/src/ahl_ros_pkg/ahl_robot/ahl_robot/yaml/pr2.yaml"; parser->load(path, robot); ros::MultiThreadedSpinner spinner; TfPublisherPtr tf_publisher = TfPublisherPtr(new TfPublisher()); const std::string mnp_name1 = "left_mnp"; const std::string mnp_name2 = "right_mnp"; unsigned long cnt = 0; ros::Rate r(10.0); while(ros::ok()) { Eigen::VectorXd q = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(robot->getDOF()); ManipulatorPtr left_mnp = robot->getManipulator(mnp_name1); double goal = sin(2.0 * M_PI * 0.2 * cnt * 0.1); ++cnt; //std::cout << M_PI / 4.0 * goal << std::endl; q = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(q.rows(), 0.0); q[10] = goal; robot->update(q); //robot->update(mnp_name2, q); robot->computeJacobian(mnp_name1); robot->computeJacobian(mnp_name2); robot->computeMassMatrix(mnp_name1); robot->computeMassMatrix(mnp_name2); M1 = robot->getMassMatrix(mnp_name1); M2 = robot->getMassMatrix(mnp_name2); J1 = robot->getJacobian(mnp_name1, "gripper_l_link"); J2 = robot->getJacobian(mnp_name2, "gripper_r_link"); calc(); tf_publisher->publish(robot, false); r.sleep(); } } catch(ahl_utils::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM(e.what()); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "parser_test"); ros::NodeHandle nh; try { std::string name = "youbot"; RobotPtr robot = RobotPtr(new Robot(name)); ParserPtr parser = ParserPtr(new Parser()); std::string path = "/home/daichi/Work/catkin_ws/src/ahl_ros_pkg/ahl_robot/ahl_robot/yaml/youbot.yaml"; parser->load(path, robot); robot->getMobility()->print(); ros::MultiThreadedSpinner spinner; TfPublisherPtr tf_publisher = TfPublisherPtr(new TfPublisher()); const std::string mnp_name = "mnp"; unsigned long cnt = 0; const double period = 0.001; ros::Rate r(1 / period); ahl_filter::DifferentiatorPtr differentiator = ahl_filter::DifferentiatorPtr(new ahl_filter::PseudoDifferentiator(period, 1.0)); Eigen::VectorXd q = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(robot->getDOF(mnp_name), 0.0); Eigen::VectorXd dq = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(robot->getDOF(mnp_name), 0.0); differentiator->init(q, dq); Eigen::VectorXd pre_q = q; //std::ofstream ofs1; //"result1.hpp"); //std::ofstream ofs2; //"result2.hpp"); //std::ofstream ofs3; //"result3.hpp"); while(ros::ok()) { q = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(robot->getDOF(mnp_name), 1.0); double coeff = 1.0 * sin(2.0 * M_PI * 0.1 * cnt * period); ++cnt; q = coeff * q; //q = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(robot->getDOF(mnp_name), M_PI / 2.0); q.coeffRef(0) = 0.0; q.coeffRef(1) = 0.0; q.coeffRef(2) = 0.0; robot->update(mnp_name, q); robot->computeBasicJacobian(mnp_name); robot->computeMassMatrix(mnp_name); differentiator->apply(q); Eigen::VectorXd dq1 = robot->getJointVelocity(mnp_name); Eigen::VectorXd dq2; differentiator->copyDerivativeValueTo(dq2); std::cout << "p : " << q.transpose() << std::endl; std::cout << "pre_p : " << pre_q.transpose() << std::endl; Eigen::VectorXd dq3 = (q - pre_q) / period; pre_q = q; //std::cout << "dq1 : " << dq1.block(3, 0, dq.rows() - 3, 1).transpose() << std::endl; //std::cout << "dq2 : " << dq2.block(3, 0, dq.rows() - 3, 1).transpose() << std::endl; //std::cout << "dq3 : " << dq3.block(3, 0, dq.rows() - 3, 1).transpose() << std::endl; //std::cout << dq << std::endl << std::endl; //std::cout << cos(2.0 * M_PI * 0.1 * cnt * 0.1) << std::endl; tf_publisher->publish(robot, false); /* ofs1 << cnt * period << " "; ofs2 << cnt * period << " "; ofs3 << cnt * period << " "; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < dq.rows() - 3; ++i) { ofs1 << dq1[i + 3] << " "; ofs2 << dq2[i + 3] << " "; ofs3 << dq3[i + 3] << " "; } ofs1 << std::endl; ofs2 << std::endl; ofs3 << std::endl; */ r.sleep(); } } catch(ahl_robot::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM(e.what()); } return 0; }
TEST_F(FeatureConstraintsTest, constrainConfiguration) { // setting up environment and robot OpenRAVE::RaveInitialize(); OpenRAVE::EnvironmentBasePtr env = OpenRAVE::RaveCreateEnvironment(); OpenRAVE::RobotBasePtr herb = env->ReadRobotXMLFile("robots/herb2_padded_nosensors.robot.xml"); env->Add(herb); OpenRAVE::RobotBase::ManipulatorPtr right_arm; std::vector<OpenRAVE::RobotBase::ManipulatorPtr> herb_manipulators = herb->GetManipulators(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<herb_manipulators.size(); i++) { if(herb_manipulators[i] && (herb_manipulators[i]->GetName().compare("right_wam") == 0)) { right_arm = herb_manipulators[i]; } } herb->SetActiveManipulator(right_arm); herb->SetActiveDOFs(right_arm->GetArmIndices()); // putting the bottle in the robot's right hand OpenRAVE::KinBodyPtr bottle_body = OpenRAVE::RaveCreateKinBody(env, ""); ASSERT_TRUE(env->ReadKinBodyURI(bottle_body, "objects/household/fuze_bottle.kinbody.xml")); bottle_body->SetName("bottle"); env->Add(bottle_body); OpenRAVE::geometry::RaveTransformMatrix<OpenRAVE::dReal> m; m.rotfrommat(-0.86354026, 0.50427591, 0.00200643, -0.25814712, -0.44547139, 0.85727201, 0.43319543, 0.73977094, 0.51485985); m.trans.x = 1.10322189; m.trans.y = -0.24693695; m.trans.z = 0.87205762; bottle_body->SetTransform(OpenRAVE::Transform(m)); OpenRAVE::Transform bottle_transform1 = bottle_body->GetTransform(); ASSERT_TRUE(herb->Grab(bottle_body)); // adding a flying pan OpenRAVE::KinBodyPtr pan_body = OpenRAVE::RaveCreateKinBody(env, ""); ASSERT_TRUE(env->ReadKinBodyURI(pan_body, "objects/household/pan.kinbody.xml")); pan_body->SetName("pan"); env->Add(pan_body); m.rotfrommat(2.89632833e-03, 9.99995806e-01, 1.19208782e-07, -9.99995806e-01, 2.89632833e-03, -1.18864027e-07, -1.19208797e-07, -1.18864013e-07, 1.00000000e+00); m.trans.x = 0.58; m.trans.y = -0.02; m.trans.z = 0.33; pan_body->SetTransform(OpenRAVE::Transform(m)); // giving constraints access to environment and robot RobotPtr robot = RobotPtr(new Robot(herb)); EnvironmentPtr environment = EnvironmentPtr(new Environment(env)); constraints.setRobot(robot); constraints.setEnvironment(environment); // first test constraints.calculateConstraintValues(); EXPECT_FALSE(constraints.areConstraintsFulfilled()); // moving robot and bottle to new start configuration std::vector<double> new_config; new_config.push_back(2.0); new_config.push_back(1.0); new_config.push_back(-0.8); new_config.push_back(1.0); new_config.push_back(-1.0); new_config.push_back(0.0); new_config.push_back(0.0); robot->setJointValues(new_config); constraints.setJointValues(robot->getJointValues()); constraints.calculateConstraintValues(); // test we've really moved OpenRAVE::Transform bottle_transform2 = bottle_body->GetTransform(); ASSERT_GT((bottle_transform1.trans - bottle_transform2.trans).lengthsqr3(), 0.1); ASSERT_GT((bottle_transform1.rot - bottle_transform2.rot).lengthsqr4(), 0.1); // actual projection test ASSERT_EQ(robot->getDOF(), constraints.getJointValues().size()); std::cout << "\nprior to constraining:\n"; std::vector<double> tmp = constraints.getTaskValues(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<tmp.size(); i++) { std::cout << tmp[i] << " "; } constraints.constrainCurrentConfiguration(); std::cout << "\npost to constraining:\n"; tmp = constraints.getTaskValues(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<tmp.size(); i++) { std::cout << tmp[i] << " "; } std::cout << "\n"; EXPECT_TRUE(constraints.areConstraintsFulfilled()); OpenRAVE::RaveDestroy(); }
void control(const ros::TimerEvent&) { try { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex); if(gazebo_interface->subscribed()) { Eigen::VectorXd q = gazebo_interface->getJointStates(); robot->update("mnp", q); joint_updated = true; } if(updated) { static long cnt = 0; if(initialized == false) { Eigen::VectorXd qd = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(robot->getDOF("mnp"), M_PI / 4.0); double sin_val = 1.0;//std::abs(sin(2.0 * M_PI * 0.1 * cnt * 0.001)); qd = sin_val * qd; joint_control->setGoal(qd); static int reached = 0; if(robot->reached("mnp", qd, 0.03)) { ++reached; if(reached > 500) { initialized = true; controller->clearTask(); controller->addTask(damping, 0); controller->addTask(gravity_compensation, 100); controller->addTask(position_control, 10); controller->addTask(orientation_control, 5); controller->addTask(joint_limit, 100); Eigen::Vector3d xd; xd << 0.35, 0.4, 0.75; position_control->setGoal(xd); Eigen::Matrix3d R = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity(); double rad = 0.0; R << cos(rad), 0, sin(rad), 0, 1, 0, -sin(rad), 0, cos(rad); orientation_control->setGoal(R); } } else { reached = 0; } } else { Eigen::Vector3d xd; xd << 0.35, 0.4, 0.75; //xd.coeffRef(0) += 0.1 * sin(2.0 * M_PI * 0.2 * cnt * 0.001); //xd.coeffRef(1) += 0.1 * sin(2.0 * M_PI * 0.2 * cnt * 0.001); //xd.coeffRef(2) += 0.1 * sin(2.0 * M_PI * 0.2 * cnt * 0.001); position_control->setGoal(xd); Eigen::Matrix3d R = Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity(); double rad = M_PI / 3.0 * sin(2.0 * M_PI * 0.2 * cnt * 0.001); R << cos(rad), 0, sin(rad), 0, 1, 0, -sin(rad), 0, cos(rad); orientation_control->setGoal(R); } ++cnt; Eigen::VectorXd tau(robot->getDOF("mnp")); controller->computeGeneralizedForce(tau); gazebo_interface->applyJointEfforts(tau); } } catch(ahl_ctrl::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM(e.what()); } catch(ahl_gazebo_if::Exception& e) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM(e.what()); } }