bool DIALOG_PAGES_SETTINGS::SavePageSettings()
    bool success = false;

    wxString fileName = GetWksFileName();

    if( fileName != BASE_SCREEN::m_PageLayoutDescrFileName )
        wxString fullFileName = WORKSHEET_LAYOUT::MakeFullFileName( fileName, m_projectPath );

        if( !fullFileName.IsEmpty() && !wxFileExists( fullFileName ) )
            wxString msg;
            msg.Printf( _( "Page layout description file \"%s\" not found." ),
                        GetChars( fullFileName ) );
            wxMessageBox( msg );
            return false;

        BASE_SCREEN::m_PageLayoutDescrFileName = fileName;
        WORKSHEET_LAYOUT& pglayout = WORKSHEET_LAYOUT::GetTheInstance();
        pglayout.SetPageLayout( fullFileName );
        m_localPrjConfigChanged = true;

    int idx = std::max( m_paperSizeComboBox->GetSelection(), 0 );
    const wxString paperType = m_pageFmt[idx];

    if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::Custom ) )

        success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::Custom );

        if( success )
            PAGE_INFO::SetCustomWidthMils( m_layout_size.x );
            PAGE_INFO::SetCustomHeightMils( m_layout_size.y );

            m_pageInfo.SetWidthMils( m_layout_size.x );
            m_pageInfo.SetHeightMils( m_layout_size.y );
        // search for longest common string first, e.g. A4 before A
        if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::USLetter ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::USLetter );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::USLegal ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::USLegal );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::USLedger ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::USLedger );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::GERBER ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::GERBER );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::A4 ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::A4 );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::A3 ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::A3 );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::A2 ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::A2 );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::A1 ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::A1 );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::A0 ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::A0 );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::A ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::A );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::B ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::B );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::C ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::C );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::D ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::D );
        else if( paperType.Contains( PAGE_INFO::E ) )
            success = m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::E );

        if( success )
            int choice = m_orientationComboBox->GetSelection();
            m_pageInfo.SetPortrait( choice != 0 );

    if( !success )
        wxASSERT_MSG( false, _( "the translation for paper size must preserve original spellings" ) );
        m_pageInfo.SetType( PAGE_INFO::A4 );

    m_parent->SetPageSettings( m_pageInfo );

    m_tb.SetRevision( m_TextRevision->GetValue() );
    m_tb.SetDate(     m_TextDate->GetValue() );
    m_tb.SetCompany(  m_TextCompany->GetValue() );
    m_tb.SetTitle(    m_TextTitle->GetValue() );
    m_tb.SetComment1( m_TextComment1->GetValue() );
    m_tb.SetComment2( m_TextComment2->GetValue() );
    m_tb.SetComment3( m_TextComment3->GetValue() );
    m_tb.SetComment4( m_TextComment4->GetValue() );

    m_parent->SetTitleBlock( m_tb );

    // Exports settings to other sheets if requested:
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;

    // Build the screen list
    SCH_SCREENS ScreenList;

    // Update title blocks for all screens
    for( screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = ScreenList.GetNext() )
        if( screen == m_screen )

        TITLE_BLOCK tb2 = screen->GetTitleBlock();

        if( m_RevisionExport->IsChecked() )
            tb2.SetRevision( m_tb.GetRevision() );

        if( m_DateExport->IsChecked() )
            tb2.SetDate( m_tb.GetDate() );

        if( m_TitleExport->IsChecked() )
            tb2.SetTitle( m_tb.GetTitle() );

        if( m_CompanyExport->IsChecked() )
            tb2.SetCompany( m_tb.GetCompany() );

        if( m_Comment1Export->IsChecked() )
            tb2.SetComment1( m_tb.GetComment1() );

        if( m_Comment2Export->IsChecked() )
            tb2.SetComment2( m_tb.GetComment2() );

        if( m_Comment3Export->IsChecked() )
            tb2.SetComment3( m_tb.GetComment3() );

        if( m_Comment4Export->IsChecked() )
            tb2.SetComment4( m_tb.GetComment4() );

        screen->SetTitleBlock( tb2 );


    return true;
Example #2
bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LoadOneEEProject( const wxString& aFileName, bool aIsNew )
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;
    wxString    FullFileName, msg;
    bool        LibCacheExist = false;
    SCH_SCREENS ScreenList;

    for( screen = ScreenList.GetFirst(); screen != NULL; screen = ScreenList.GetNext() )
        if( screen->IsModify() )

    if( screen )
        int response = YesNoCancelDialog( this, _( "The current schematic has been modified.  Do "
                                                   "you wish to save the changes?" ),
                                          _( "Save and Load" ), _( "Load Without Saving" ) );

        if( response == wxID_CANCEL )
            return false;
        else if( response == wxID_YES )
            wxCommandEvent dummy;
            OnSaveProject( dummy );

    FullFileName = aFileName;

    if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() && !aIsNew )
        wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Open Schematic" ), wxGetCwd(),
                          wxEmptyString, SchematicFileWildcard,
                          wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST );

        if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
            return false;

        FullFileName = dlg.GetPath();

    wxFileName fn = FullFileName;

    if( fn.IsRelative() )
        FullFileName = fn.GetFullPath();

    if( !wxGetApp().LockFile( FullFileName ) )
        DisplayError( this, _( "This file is already open." ) );
        return false;

    // Clear the screen before open a new file
    if( g_RootSheet )
        delete g_RootSheet;
        g_RootSheet = NULL;

    screen = GetScreen();

    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Loading schematic " ) + FullFileName );
    wxSetWorkingDirectory( fn.GetPath() );

    screen->SetFileName( FullFileName );
    g_RootSheet->SetFileName( FullFileName );
    SetStatusText( wxEmptyString );


    if( aIsNew )
        /* SCH_SCREEN constructor does this now
        screen->SetPageSettings( PAGE_INFO( wxT( "A4" ) ) );

        screen->SetZoom( 32 );
        screen->SetGrid( ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000 + m_LastGridSizeId  );

        TITLE_BLOCK tb;
        wxString    title;

        title += NAMELESS_PROJECT;
        title += wxT( ".sch" );
        tb.SetTitle( title );
        screen->SetTitleBlock( tb );

        GetScreen()->SetFileName( title );

        LoadProjectFile( wxEmptyString, true );
        Zoom_Automatique( false );
        return true;

    // Reloading configuration.
    msg.Printf( _( "Ready\nWorking dir: <%s>\n" ), GetChars( wxGetCwd() ) );
    PrintMsg( msg );

    LoadProjectFile( wxEmptyString, false );

    // Clear (if needed) the current active library in libedit because it could be
    // removed from memory

    // Delete old caches.

    LibCacheExist = LoadCacheLibrary( g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName() );

    if( !wxFileExists( g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName() ) && !LibCacheExist )
        Zoom_Automatique( false );
        msg.Printf( _( "File <%s> not found." ),
                    GetChars( g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName() ) );
        DisplayInfoMessage( this, msg );
        return false;

    // load the project.
    g_RootSheet->SetScreen( NULL );
    bool diag = g_RootSheet->Load( this );
    SetScreen( m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen() );

    UpdateFileHistory( g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName() );

    /* Redraw base screen (ROOT) if necessary. */
    GetScreen()->SetGrid( ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000 + m_LastGridSizeId );
    Zoom_Automatique( false );
    m_canvas->Refresh( true );
    return diag;