Example #1
const QStringList MyProcess::splitArgList(SCRef cmd) {
// return argument list handling quotes and double quotes
// substring, as example from:
// cmd some_arg "some thing" v='some value'
// to (comma separated fields)
// sl = <cmd,some_arg,some thing,v='some value'>

	// early exit the common case
	if (!(   cmd.contains(QGit::QUOTE_CHAR)
	      || cmd.contains("\"")
	      || cmd.contains("\'")))
		return cmd.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts);

	// we have some work to do...
	// first find a possible separator
	const QString sepList("#%&!?"); // separator candidates
	int i = 0;
	while (cmd.contains(sepList[i]) && i < sepList.length())

	if (i == sepList.length()) {
		dbs("ASSERT no unique separator found.");
		return QStringList();
	const QChar& sepChar(sepList[i]);

	// remove all spaces
	QString newCmd(cmd);
	newCmd.replace(QChar(' '), sepChar);

	// re-add spaces in quoted sections
	restoreSpaces(newCmd, sepChar);

	// QUOTE_CHAR is used internally to delimit arguments
	// with quoted text wholly inside as
	// arg1 = <[patch] cool patch on "cool feature">
	// and should be removed before to feed QProcess

	// QProcess::setArguments doesn't want quote
	// delimited arguments, so remove trailing quotes
	QStringList sl(newCmd.split(sepChar, QString::SkipEmptyParts));
	QStringList::iterator it(sl.begin());
	for ( ; it != sl.end(); ++it) {
		if (((*it).left(1) == "\"" && (*it).right(1) == "\"") ||
		   ((*it).left(1) == "\'" && (*it).right(1) == "\'"))
			*it = (*it).mid(1, (*it).length() - 2);
	return sl;