/** Determine if log item passes the severity filter. \param[in] item Item to filter. \returns true if item passes the filter. */ bool SCXLogSeverityFilter::IsLogable(const SCXLogItem& item) const { if (eNotSet == item.GetSeverity()) { return false; } SCXLogSeverity threshold = GetSeverityThreshold(item.GetModule()); if (eNotSet == threshold) { return false; } return item.GetSeverity() >= threshold; }
/** Log format method. \param[in] item An SCXLogItem to format. \returns A formatted message: "<time> <SEVERITY> [<module>:<linenumber>:<processid>:<threadid>] <message>" */ const std::wstring SCXLogStdoutBackend::Format(const SCXLogItem& item) const { static const wchar_t* severityStrings[] = { L"NotSet ", L"Hysterical", L"Trace ", L"Info ", L"Warning ", L"Error " }; std::wstringstream ss; ss << item.GetTimestamp().ToExtendedISO8601() << L" "; if (item.GetSeverity() > eError) { ss << L"Unknown " << item.GetSeverity(); } else { ss << severityStrings[item.GetSeverity()]; } ss << L" [" << item.GetModule() << L":" << item.GetLocation().WhichLine() << L":" << SCXProcess::GetCurrentProcessID() << L":" << item.GetThreadId() << L"] " << item.GetMessage(); return ss.str(); }
/** Log format method. \param[in] item An SCXLogItem to format. \returns A formatted message: "<time> <SEVERITY> [<module>:<linenumber>:<processid>:<threadid>] <message>" */ const std::wstring SCXLogFileBackend::Format(const SCXLogItem& item) const { static const wchar_t* severityStrings[] = { L"NotSet ", L"Hysterical", L"Trace ", L"Info ", L"Warning ", L"Error " }; std::wstringstream ss; ss << item.GetTimestamp().ToExtendedISO8601() << L" "; if (item.GetSeverity() > eError) { ss << L"Unknown " << item.GetSeverity(); } else { ss << severityStrings[item.GetSeverity()]; } // JWF -- Try and convert the string. If this call fails, then we cannot print the string const std::wstring in_message(item.GetMessage()); std::wstring message(in_message); bool messageHadUnprintable = false; const wchar_t replacementSymbol(L'?'); for (size_t i = 0; i < in_message.size(); i++) { wchar_t currentChar = in_message[i]; if (currentChar < 32 || currentChar > 126) { message[i] = replacementSymbol; messageHadUnprintable = true; } } if (messageHadUnprintable) { message += L" (* Message contained unprintable (?) characters *)"; } ss << L" [" << item.GetModule() << L":" << item.GetLocation().WhichLine() << L":" << SCXProcess::GetCurrentProcessID() << L":" << item.GetThreadId() << L"] " << message; // << item.GetMessage(); return ss.str(); }