SDoublePlane is a type of two-dimensional matrix in C++ which stores double precision values. It is often used in image processing and computer vision applications.
Here are some code examples using SDoublePlane cols:
1. Accessing the number of columns in an SDoublePlane variable:
SDoublePlane img(100, 200); // create a 100x200 image int num_cols = img.cols(); // returns 200
2. Looping through each column in an SDoublePlane variable:
SDoublePlane img(100, 200); // create a 100x200 image for (int col = 0; col < img.cols(); col++) { // do something with each column }
3. Using SDoublePlane cols to crop an image:
SDoublePlane img(200, 300); // create a 200x300 image SDoublePlane cropped_img = img(50, 100, 150, 200); // crop from row 50 to 150 and column 100 to 200
The SDoublePlane class is part of the CImg library, which is a C++ toolkit for image processing.
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