#includeint main() { CryptoPP::SHA1 sha; byte data[] = "example data"; sha.Update(data, sizeof(data)-1); // hash value can now be extracted using sha.Final() return 0; }
#includeIn this example, a Sha1Hash object called 'sha' is created using the OpenSSL library. The 'SHA1_Init' function is used to initialize the Sha1Hash object, and the 'SHA1_Update' function is used to update the hash value with input data, which is a string called 'data'. The hash value can then be obtained using the 'SHA1_Final' function. Overall, both examples demonstrate how to update data in a Sha1Hash object using C++ libraries, Crypto++ and OpenSSL.int main() { SHA_CTX sha; unsigned char data[] = "example data"; SHA1_Init(&sha); SHA1_Update(&sha, data, sizeof(data)-1); // hash value can now be extracted using SHA1_Final() return 0; }