Example #1
    void run ()
        unsigned int seed;

        // VFALCO DEPRECATED Should use C++11
        RAND_pseudo_bytes (reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*> (&seed), sizeof (seed));
        srand (seed);

        beast::Journal const j;                            // debug journal

        TestFamily f(j);
        SHAMap source (SHAMapType::FREE, f, j);
        SHAMap destination (SHAMapType::FREE, f, j);

        int items = 10000;
        for (int i = 0; i < items; ++i)
            source.addItem (*makeRandomAS (), false, false);

        unexpected (!confuseMap (source, 500), "ConfuseMap");

        source.setImmutable ();

        std::vector<SHAMapNodeID> nodeIDs, gotNodeIDs;
        std::vector< Blob > gotNodes;
        std::vector<uint256> hashes;

        std::vector<SHAMapNodeID>::iterator nodeIDIterator;
        std::vector< Blob >::iterator rawNodeIterator;

        int passes = 0;
        int nodes = 0;

        destination.setSynching ();

        unexpected (!source.getNodeFat (SHAMapNodeID (), nodeIDs, gotNodes,
            (rand () % 2) == 0, rand () % 3),

        unexpected (gotNodes.size () < 1, "NodeSize");

        unexpected (!destination.addRootNode (*gotNodes.begin (), snfWIRE, nullptr).isGood(), "AddRootNode");

        nodeIDs.clear ();
        gotNodes.clear ();

#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
        int bytes = 0;

            hashes.clear ();

            // get the list of nodes we know we need
            destination.getMissingNodes (nodeIDs, hashes, 2048, nullptr);

            if (nodeIDs.empty ()) break;

            // get as many nodes as possible based on this information
            for (nodeIDIterator = nodeIDs.begin (); nodeIDIterator != nodeIDs.end (); ++nodeIDIterator)
                if (!source.getNodeFat (*nodeIDIterator, gotNodeIDs, gotNodes,
                    (rand () % 2) == 0, rand () % 3))
                    fail ("GetNodeFat");
                    pass ();

            assert (gotNodeIDs.size () == gotNodes.size ());
            nodeIDs.clear ();
            hashes.clear ();

            if (gotNodeIDs.empty ())
                fail ("Got Node ID");
                pass ();

            for (nodeIDIterator = gotNodeIDs.begin (), rawNodeIterator = gotNodes.begin ();
                    nodeIDIterator != gotNodeIDs.end (); ++nodeIDIterator, ++rawNodeIterator)
#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
                bytes += rawNodeIterator->size ();

                if (!destination.addKnownNode (*nodeIDIterator, *rawNodeIterator, nullptr).isGood ())
                    fail ("AddKnownNode");
                    pass ();

            gotNodeIDs.clear ();
            gotNodes.clear ();
        while (true);

        destination.clearSynching ();

#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
        log << "SYNCHING COMPLETE " << items << " items, " << nodes << " nodes, " <<
                                  bytes / 1024 << " KB";

        if (!source.deepCompare (destination))
            fail ("Deep Compare");
            pass ();

#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
        log << "SHAMapSync test passed: " << items << " items, " <<
            passes << " passes, " << nodes << " nodes";
Example #2
    void runTest ()
        unsigned int seed;

        // VFALCO TODO Replace this with beast::Random
        RAND_pseudo_bytes (reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*> (&seed), sizeof (seed));
        srand (seed);

        SHAMap source (smtFREE), destination (smtFREE);

        int items = 10000;
        for (int i = 0; i < items; ++i)
            source.addItem (*makeRandomAS (), false, false);

        beginTestCase ("add/remove");

        unexpected (!confuseMap (source, 500), "ConfuseMap");

        source.setImmutable ();

        std::vector<SHAMapNode> nodeIDs, gotNodeIDs;
        std::list< Blob > gotNodes;
        std::vector<uint256> hashes;

        std::vector<SHAMapNode>::iterator nodeIDIterator;
        std::list< Blob >::iterator rawNodeIterator;

        int passes = 0;
        int nodes = 0;

        destination.setSynching ();

        unexpected (!source.getNodeFat (SHAMapNode (), nodeIDs, gotNodes, (rand () % 2) == 0, (rand () % 2) == 0),

        unexpected (gotNodes.size () < 1, "NodeSize");

        unexpected (!destination.addRootNode (*gotNodes.begin (), snfWIRE, NULL), "AddRootNode");

        nodeIDs.clear ();
        gotNodes.clear ();

#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
        int bytes = 0;

            hashes.clear ();

            // get the list of nodes we know we need
            destination.getMissingNodes (nodeIDs, hashes, 2048, NULL);

            if (nodeIDs.empty ()) break;

            // get as many nodes as possible based on this information
            for (nodeIDIterator = nodeIDs.begin (); nodeIDIterator != nodeIDs.end (); ++nodeIDIterator)
                if (!source.getNodeFat (*nodeIDIterator, gotNodeIDs, gotNodes, (rand () % 2) == 0, (rand () % 2) == 0))
                    WriteLog (lsFATAL, SHAMap) << "GetNodeFat fails";
                    fail ("GetNodeFat");
                    pass ();

            assert (gotNodeIDs.size () == gotNodes.size ());
            nodeIDs.clear ();
            hashes.clear ();

            if (gotNodeIDs.empty ())
                fail ("Got Node ID");
                pass ();

            for (nodeIDIterator = gotNodeIDs.begin (), rawNodeIterator = gotNodes.begin ();
                    nodeIDIterator != gotNodeIDs.end (); ++nodeIDIterator, ++rawNodeIterator)
#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
                bytes += rawNodeIterator->size ();

                if (!destination.addKnownNode (*nodeIDIterator, *rawNodeIterator, NULL))
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, SHAMap) << "AddKnownNode fails";
                    fail ("AddKnownNode");
                    pass ();

            gotNodeIDs.clear ();
            gotNodes.clear ();
        while (true);

        destination.clearSynching ();

#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
        WriteLog (lsINFO, SHAMap) << "SYNCHING COMPLETE " << items << " items, " << nodes << " nodes, " <<
                                  bytes / 1024 << " KB";

        if (!source.deepCompare (destination))
            fail ("Deep Compare");
            pass ();

#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
        WriteLog (lsINFO, SHAMap) << "SHAMapSync test passed: " << items << " items, " <<
                                  passes << " passes, " << nodes << " nodes";