Example #1
/// \brief Populate the body of the cloned closure, modifying instructions as
/// necessary. This is where we create the actual specialized BB Arguments.
void ClosureSpecCloner::populateCloned() {
  SILFunction *Cloned = getCloned();
  SILFunction *ClosureUser = CallSiteDesc.getApplyCallee();

  // Create arguments for the entry block.
  SILBasicBlock *ClosureUserEntryBB = &*ClosureUser->begin();
  SILBasicBlock *ClonedEntryBB = Cloned->createBasicBlock();

  // Remove the closure argument.
  SILArgument *ClosureArg = nullptr;
  for (size_t i = 0, e = ClosureUserEntryBB->args_size(); i != e; ++i) {
    SILArgument *Arg = ClosureUserEntryBB->getArgument(i);
    if (i == CallSiteDesc.getClosureIndex()) {
      ClosureArg = Arg;

    // Otherwise, create a new argument which copies the original argument
    SILValue MappedValue =
        ClonedEntryBB->createFunctionArgument(Arg->getType(), Arg->getDecl());
    ValueMap.insert(std::make_pair(Arg, MappedValue));

  // Next we need to add in any arguments that are not captured as arguments to
  // the cloned function.
  // We do not insert the new mapped arguments into the value map since there by
  // definition is nothing in the partial apply user function that references
  // such arguments. After this pass is done the only thing that will reference
  // the arguments is the partial apply that we will create.
  SILFunction *ClosedOverFun = CallSiteDesc.getClosureCallee();
  auto ClosedOverFunConv = ClosedOverFun->getConventions();
  unsigned NumTotalParams = ClosedOverFunConv.getNumParameters();
  unsigned NumNotCaptured = NumTotalParams - CallSiteDesc.getNumArguments();
  llvm::SmallVector<SILValue, 4> NewPAIArgs;
  for (auto &PInfo : ClosedOverFunConv.getParameters().slice(NumNotCaptured)) {
    auto paramTy = ClosedOverFunConv.getSILType(PInfo);
    SILValue MappedValue = ClonedEntryBB->createFunctionArgument(paramTy);

  SILBuilder &Builder = getBuilder();

  // Clone FRI and PAI, and replace usage of the removed closure argument
  // with result of cloned PAI.
  SILValue FnVal =
      Builder.createFunctionRef(CallSiteDesc.getLoc(), ClosedOverFun);
  auto *NewClosure = CallSiteDesc.createNewClosure(Builder, FnVal, NewPAIArgs);

  // Clone a chain of ConvertFunctionInsts.
  SILValue ConvertedCallee = cloneCalleeConversion(
      CallSiteDesc.getClosureCallerArg(), NewClosure, Builder);
  ValueMap.insert(std::make_pair(ClosureArg, ConvertedCallee));

  BBMap.insert(std::make_pair(ClosureUserEntryBB, ClonedEntryBB));
  // Recursively visit original BBs in depth-first preorder, starting with the
  // entry block, cloning all instructions other than terminators.

  // Now iterate over the BBs and fix up the terminators.
  for (auto BI = BBMap.begin(), BE = BBMap.end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {

  // Then insert a release in all non failure exit BBs if our partial apply was
  // guaranteed. This is b/c it was passed at +0 originally and we need to
  // balance the initial increment of the newly created closure.
  if ((CallSiteDesc.isClosureGuaranteed() ||
       CallSiteDesc.isTrivialNoEscapeParameter()) &&
      CallSiteDesc.closureHasRefSemanticContext()) {
    for (SILBasicBlock *BB : CallSiteDesc.getNonFailureExitBBs()) {
      SILBasicBlock *OpBB = BBMap[BB];

      TermInst *TI = OpBB->getTerminator();
      auto Loc = CleanupLocation::get(NewClosure->getLoc());

      // If we have a return/throw, we place the release right before it so we know
      // that it will be executed at the end of the epilogue.
      if (isa<ReturnInst>(TI)) {
        Builder.createReleaseValue(Loc, SILValue(NewClosure),
      } else if (isa<ThrowInst>(TI)) {
        Builder.createReleaseValue(Loc, SILValue(NewClosure),

      // We use casts where findAllNonFailureExitBBs should have made sure that
      // this is true. This will ensure that the code is updated when we hit the
      // cast failure in debug builds.
      auto *Unreachable = cast<UnreachableInst>(TI);
      auto PrevIter = std::prev(SILBasicBlock::iterator(Unreachable));
      auto NoReturnApply = FullApplySite::isa(&*PrevIter);

      // We insert the release value right before the no return apply so that if
      // the partial apply is passed into the no-return function as an @owned
      // value, we will retain the partial apply before we release it and
      // potentially eliminate it.
      Builder.createReleaseValue(Loc, SILValue(NewClosure), Builder.getDefaultAtomicity());
Example #2
static bool matchSwitch(SwitchInfo &SI, SILInstruction *Inst,
                        SILValue SwitchOperand) {
  auto *SwitchEnum = dyn_cast<SwitchEnumInst>(Inst);
  if (!SwitchEnum || SwitchEnum->getNumCases() != 2 ||
      SwitchEnum->getOperand() != SwitchOperand)
    return false;

  auto *SwitchBB = SwitchEnum->getParent();
  SILBasicBlock *SomeBB = SwitchEnum->getCase(0).second;
  SILBasicBlock *NoneBB = SwitchEnum->getCase(1).second;
  if (NoneBB->getSinglePredecessorBlock() != SwitchBB)
    return false;
  if (SomeBB->getSinglePredecessorBlock() != SwitchBB)
    return false;
  if (NoneBB->args_size() == 1)
    std::swap(NoneBB, SomeBB);
  if (SomeBB->args_size() != 1 || NoneBB->args_size() != 0)
    return false;

  // bb9:
  // %43 = enum $Optional<String>, #Optional.none!enumelt
  auto It = NoneBB->begin();
  auto *NoneEnum = dyn_cast<EnumInst>(It);
  if (!NoneEnum || NoneEnum->hasOperand() || !NoneEnum->hasOneUse())
    return false;

  // br bb10(%43 : $Optional<String>)
  auto *Br1 = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(It);
  if (!Br1 || Br1->getNumArgs() != 1 || Br1->getArg(0) != NoneEnum)
    return false;
  auto *MergeBB = Br1->getDestBB();

  // bb8(%36 : $NSString):
  It = SomeBB->begin();
  auto *SomeBBArg = SomeBB->getArgument(0);
  if (!SomeBBArg->hasOneUse())
    return false;

  // %37 = function_ref @$SSS10FoundationE36_unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveCSSSo8NSStringCSgFZ : $@convention(method) (@owned Optional<NSString>, @thin String.Type) -> @owned String
  auto *FunRef = dyn_cast<FunctionRefInst>(It);
  if (!FunRef || !FunRef->hasOneUse())
    return false;

  // %38 = enum $Optional<NSString>, #Optional.some!enumelt.1, %36 : $NSString
  auto *SomeEnum = dyn_cast<EnumInst>(It);
  if (!SomeEnum || !SomeEnum->hasOperand() || SomeEnum->getOperand() != SomeBBArg)
    return false;
  size_t numSomeEnumUses = std::distance(SomeEnum->use_begin(), SomeEnum->use_end());
  if (numSomeEnumUses > 2)
    return false;

  // %39 = metatype $@thin String.Type
  auto *Metatype = dyn_cast<MetatypeInst>(It);
  if (!Metatype || !Metatype->hasOneUse())
    return false;

  // %40 = apply %37(%38, %39) : $@convention(method) (@owned Optional<NSString>, @thin String.Type) -> @owned String
  auto *Apply = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(It);
  if (!Apply || !Apply->hasOneUse() || Apply->getCallee() != FunRef ||
      Apply->getNumArguments() != 2 || Apply->getArgument(0) != SomeEnum ||
      Apply->getArgument(1) != Metatype ||
      Apply->getSubstCalleeType()->getNumResults() != 1)
    return false;
  if (Apply->getSubstCalleeType()->getSingleResult().getConvention() !=
    return false;

  // Check that we call the _unconditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC witness.
  auto NativeType = Apply->getType().getASTType();
  auto *BridgeFun = FunRef->getReferencedFunction();
  auto *SwiftModule = BridgeFun->getModule().getSwiftModule();
  auto bridgeWitness = getBridgeFromObjectiveC(NativeType, SwiftModule);
  if (BridgeFun->getName() != bridgeWitness.mangle())
    return false;

  // %41 = enum $Optional<String>, #Optional.some!enumelt.1, %40 : $String
  auto *Enum3 = dyn_cast<EnumInst>(It);
  if (!Enum3 || !Enum3->hasOneUse() || !Enum3->hasOperand() ||
      Enum3->getOperand() != Apply)
    return false;

  if (numSomeEnumUses == 2) {
    // release_value %38 : $Optional<NSString>
    auto *RVI = dyn_cast<ReleaseValueInst>(It);
    if (!RVI || RVI->getOperand() != SomeEnum)
      return false;

  // br bb10(%41 : $Optional<String>)
  auto *Br = dyn_cast<BranchInst>(It);
  if (!Br || Br->getDestBB() != MergeBB || Br->getNumArgs() != 1 ||
      Br->getArg(0) != Enum3)
    return false;

  SI.SwitchEnum = SwitchEnum;
  SI.SomeBB = SomeBB;
  SI.NoneBB = NoneBB;
  SI.Br = Br;
  return true;