Example #1
void SILGenFunction::emitClassConstructorInitializer(ConstructorDecl *ctor) {
  MagicFunctionName = SILGenModule::getMagicFunctionName(ctor);

  assert(ctor->getBody() && "Class constructor without a body?");

  // True if this constructor delegates to a peer constructor with self.init().
  bool isDelegating = false;
  if (!ctor->hasStubImplementation()) {
    isDelegating = ctor->getDelegatingOrChainedInitKind(nullptr) ==

  // Set up the 'self' argument.  If this class has a superclass, we set up
  // self as a box.  This allows "self reassignment" to happen in super init
  // method chains, which is important for interoperating with Objective-C
  // classes.  We also use a box for delegating constructors, since the
  // delegated-to initializer may also replace self.
  // TODO: If we could require Objective-C classes to have an attribute to get
  // this behavior, we could avoid runtime overhead here.
  VarDecl *selfDecl = ctor->getImplicitSelfDecl();
  auto *dc = ctor->getDeclContext();
  auto selfClassDecl = dc->getAsClassOrClassExtensionContext();
  bool NeedsBoxForSelf = isDelegating ||
    (selfClassDecl->hasSuperclass() && !ctor->hasStubImplementation());
  bool usesObjCAllocator = Lowering::usesObjCAllocator(selfClassDecl);

  // If needed, mark 'self' as uninitialized so that DI knows to
  // enforce its DI properties on stored properties.
  MarkUninitializedInst::Kind MUKind;

  if (isDelegating)
    MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::DelegatingSelf;
  else if (selfClassDecl->requiresStoredPropertyInits() &&
           usesObjCAllocator) {
    // Stored properties will be initialized in a separate
    // .cxx_construct method called by the Objective-C runtime.
    assert(selfClassDecl->hasSuperclass() &&
           "Cannot use ObjC allocation without a superclass");
    MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::DerivedSelfOnly;
  } else if (selfClassDecl->hasSuperclass())
    MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::DerivedSelf;
    MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::RootSelf;

  if (NeedsBoxForSelf) {
    // Allocate the local variable for 'self'.
    emitLocalVariableWithCleanup(selfDecl, false)->finishInitialization(*this);

    auto &SelfVarLoc = VarLocs[selfDecl];
    SelfVarLoc.value = B.createMarkUninitialized(selfDecl,
                                                 SelfVarLoc.value, MUKind);

  // Emit the prolog for the non-self arguments.
  // FIXME: Handle self along with the other body patterns.
             TupleType::getEmpty(F.getASTContext()), ctor, ctor->hasThrows());

  SILType selfTy = getLoweredLoadableType(selfDecl->getType());
  SILValue selfArg = new (SGM.M) SILArgument(F.begin(), selfTy, selfDecl);

  if (!NeedsBoxForSelf) {
    SILLocation PrologueLoc(selfDecl);
    B.createDebugValue(PrologueLoc, selfArg);

  if (!ctor->hasStubImplementation()) {
    assert(selfTy.hasReferenceSemantics() &&
           "can't emit a value type ctor here");
    if (NeedsBoxForSelf) {
      SILLocation prologueLoc = RegularLocation(ctor);
      B.createStore(prologueLoc, selfArg, VarLocs[selfDecl].value,
    } else {
      selfArg = B.createMarkUninitialized(selfDecl, selfArg, MUKind);
      VarLocs[selfDecl] = VarLoc::get(selfArg);

  // Prepare the end of initializer location.
  SILLocation endOfInitLoc = RegularLocation(ctor);

  // Create a basic block to jump to for the implicit 'self' return.
  // We won't emit the block until after we've emitted the body.
  prepareEpilog(Type(), ctor->hasThrows(),

  // If the constructor can fail, set up an alternative epilog for constructor
  // failure.
  SILBasicBlock *failureExitBB = nullptr;
  SILArgument *failureExitArg = nullptr;
  auto &resultLowering = getTypeLowering(ctor->getResultType());

  if (ctor->getFailability() != OTK_None) {
    SILBasicBlock *failureBB = createBasicBlock(FunctionSection::Postmatter);

    RegularLocation loc(ctor);

    // On failure, we'll clean up everything and return nil instead.
    SavedInsertionPoint savedIP(*this, failureBB, FunctionSection::Postmatter);

    failureExitBB = createBasicBlock();
    failureExitArg = new (F.getModule())
      SILArgument(failureExitBB, resultLowering.getLoweredType());

    SILValue nilResult = B.createEnum(loc, {},
    B.createBranch(loc, failureExitBB, nilResult);

    B.createReturn(loc, failureExitArg);

    FailDest = JumpDest(failureBB, Cleanups.getCleanupsDepth(), ctor);

  // Handle member initializers.
  if (isDelegating) {
    // A delegating initializer does not initialize instance
    // variables.
  } else if (ctor->hasStubImplementation()) {
    // Nor does a stub implementation.
  } else if (selfClassDecl->requiresStoredPropertyInits() &&
             usesObjCAllocator) {
    // When the class requires all stored properties to have initial
    // values and we're using Objective-C's allocation, stored
    // properties are initialized via the .cxx_construct method, which
    // will be called by the runtime.

    // Note that 'self' has been fully initialized at this point.
  } else {
    // Emit the member initializers.
    emitMemberInitializers(dc, selfDecl, selfClassDecl);

  // Emit the constructor body.

  // Build a custom epilog block, since the AST representation of the
  // constructor decl (which has no self in the return type) doesn't match the
  // SIL representation.
    SavedInsertionPoint savedIP(*this, ReturnDest.getBlock());
    assert(B.getInsertionBB()->empty() && "Epilog already set up?");
    auto cleanupLoc = CleanupLocation(ctor);

    // If we're using a box for self, reload the value at the end of the init
    // method.
    if (NeedsBoxForSelf) {
      // Emit the call to super.init() right before exiting from the initializer.
      if (Expr *SI = ctor->getSuperInitCall())

      selfArg = B.createLoad(cleanupLoc, VarLocs[selfDecl].value,
    // We have to do a retain because we are returning the pointer +1.
    B.emitCopyValueOperation(cleanupLoc, selfArg);

    // Inject the self value into an optional if the constructor is failable.
    if (ctor->getFailability() != OTK_None) {
      RegularLocation loc(ctor);
      selfArg = B.createEnum(loc, selfArg,
  // Emit the epilog and post-matter.
  auto returnLoc = emitEpilog(ctor, /*UsesCustomEpilog*/true);

  // Finish off the epilog by returning.  If this is a failable ctor, then we
  // actually jump to the failure epilog to keep the invariant that there is
  // only one SIL return instruction per SIL function.
  if (B.hasValidInsertionPoint()) {
    if (failureExitBB)
      B.createBranch(returnLoc, failureExitBB, selfArg);
      B.createReturn(returnLoc, selfArg);
Example #2
void SILGenFunction::emitClassConstructorInitializer(ConstructorDecl *ctor) {
  MagicFunctionName = SILGenModule::getMagicFunctionName(ctor);

  assert(ctor->getBody() && "Class constructor without a body?");

  // True if this constructor delegates to a peer constructor with self.init().
  bool isDelegating = false;
  if (!ctor->hasStubImplementation()) {
    isDelegating = ctor->getDelegatingOrChainedInitKind(nullptr) ==

  // Set up the 'self' argument.  If this class has a superclass, we set up
  // self as a box.  This allows "self reassignment" to happen in super init
  // method chains, which is important for interoperating with Objective-C
  // classes.  We also use a box for delegating constructors, since the
  // delegated-to initializer may also replace self.
  // TODO: If we could require Objective-C classes to have an attribute to get
  // this behavior, we could avoid runtime overhead here.
  VarDecl *selfDecl = ctor->getImplicitSelfDecl();
  auto *dc = ctor->getDeclContext();
  auto selfClassDecl = dc->getAsClassOrClassExtensionContext();
  bool NeedsBoxForSelf = isDelegating ||
    (selfClassDecl->hasSuperclass() && !ctor->hasStubImplementation());
  bool usesObjCAllocator = Lowering::usesObjCAllocator(selfClassDecl);

  // If needed, mark 'self' as uninitialized so that DI knows to
  // enforce its DI properties on stored properties.
  MarkUninitializedInst::Kind MUKind;

  if (isDelegating)
    MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::DelegatingSelf;
  else if (selfClassDecl->requiresStoredPropertyInits() &&
           usesObjCAllocator) {
    // Stored properties will be initialized in a separate
    // .cxx_construct method called by the Objective-C runtime.
    assert(selfClassDecl->hasSuperclass() &&
           "Cannot use ObjC allocation without a superclass");
    MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::DerivedSelfOnly;
  } else if (selfClassDecl->hasSuperclass())
    MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::DerivedSelf;
    MUKind = MarkUninitializedInst::RootSelf;

  if (NeedsBoxForSelf) {
    // Allocate the local variable for 'self'.
    emitLocalVariableWithCleanup(selfDecl, MUKind)->finishInitialization(*this);

  // Emit the prolog for the non-self arguments.
  // FIXME: Handle self along with the other body patterns.
  uint16_t ArgNo = emitProlog(ctor->getParameterList(1),
                              TupleType::getEmpty(F.getASTContext()), ctor,

  SILType selfTy = getLoweredLoadableType(selfDecl->getType());
  ManagedValue selfArg = B.createInputFunctionArgument(selfTy, selfDecl);

  if (!NeedsBoxForSelf) {
    SILLocation PrologueLoc(selfDecl);
    SILDebugVariable DbgVar(selfDecl->isLet(), ++ArgNo);
    B.createDebugValue(PrologueLoc, selfArg.getValue(), DbgVar);

  if (!ctor->hasStubImplementation()) {
    assert(selfTy.hasReferenceSemantics() &&
           "can't emit a value type ctor here");
    if (NeedsBoxForSelf) {
      SILLocation prologueLoc = RegularLocation(ctor);
      // SEMANTIC ARC TODO: When the verifier is complete, review this.
      B.emitStoreValueOperation(prologueLoc, selfArg.forward(*this),
    } else {
      selfArg = B.createMarkUninitialized(selfDecl, selfArg, MUKind);
      VarLocs[selfDecl] = VarLoc::get(selfArg.getValue());

  // Prepare the end of initializer location.
  SILLocation endOfInitLoc = RegularLocation(ctor);

  // Create a basic block to jump to for the implicit 'self' return.
  // We won't emit the block until after we've emitted the body.
  prepareEpilog(Type(), ctor->hasThrows(),

  auto resultType = ctor->mapTypeIntoContext(ctor->getResultInterfaceType());

  // If the constructor can fail, set up an alternative epilog for constructor
  // failure.
  SILBasicBlock *failureExitBB = nullptr;
  SILArgument *failureExitArg = nullptr;
  auto &resultLowering = getTypeLowering(resultType);

  if (ctor->getFailability() != OTK_None) {
    SILBasicBlock *failureBB = createBasicBlock(FunctionSection::Postmatter);

    RegularLocation loc(ctor);

    // On failure, we'll clean up everything and return nil instead.
    SILGenSavedInsertionPoint savedIP(*this, failureBB,

    failureExitBB = createBasicBlock();
    failureExitArg = failureExitBB->createPHIArgument(
        resultLowering.getLoweredType(), ValueOwnershipKind::Owned);

    SILValue nilResult =
        B.createEnum(loc, SILValue(), getASTContext().getOptionalNoneDecl(),
    B.createBranch(loc, failureExitBB, nilResult);

    B.createReturn(loc, failureExitArg);

    FailDest = JumpDest(failureBB, Cleanups.getCleanupsDepth(), ctor);

  // Handle member initializers.
  if (isDelegating) {
    // A delegating initializer does not initialize instance
    // variables.
  } else if (ctor->hasStubImplementation()) {
    // Nor does a stub implementation.
  } else if (selfClassDecl->requiresStoredPropertyInits() &&
             usesObjCAllocator) {
    // When the class requires all stored properties to have initial
    // values and we're using Objective-C's allocation, stored
    // properties are initialized via the .cxx_construct method, which
    // will be called by the runtime.

    // Note that 'self' has been fully initialized at this point.
  } else {
    // Emit the member initializers.
    emitMemberInitializers(ctor, selfDecl, selfClassDecl);

  // Emit the constructor body.

  // Emit the call to super.init() right before exiting from the initializer.
  if (NeedsBoxForSelf) {
    if (auto *SI = ctor->getSuperInitCall()) {


      B.emitBlock(B.splitBlockForFallthrough(), ctor);

      ReturnDest = JumpDest(B.getInsertionBB(),

  CleanupStateRestorationScope SelfCleanupSave(Cleanups);

  // Build a custom epilog block, since the AST representation of the
  // constructor decl (which has no self in the return type) doesn't match the
  // SIL representation.
    // Ensure that before we add additional cleanups, that we have emitted all
    // cleanups at this point.
                                          ReturnDest.getDepth()) &&
           "emitting epilog in wrong scope");

    SILGenSavedInsertionPoint savedIP(*this, ReturnDest.getBlock());
    auto cleanupLoc = CleanupLocation(ctor);

    // If we're using a box for self, reload the value at the end of the init
    // method.
    if (NeedsBoxForSelf) {
      ManagedValue storedSelf =
      selfArg = B.createLoadCopy(cleanupLoc, storedSelf);
    } else {
      // We have to do a retain because we are returning the pointer +1.
      // SEMANTIC ARC TODO: When the verifier is complete, we will need to
      // change this to selfArg = B.emitCopyValueOperation(...). Currently due
      // to the way that SILGen performs folding of copy_value, destroy_value,
      // the returned selfArg may be deleted causing us to have a
      // dead-pointer. Instead just use the old self value since we have a
      // class.
      selfArg = B.createCopyValue(cleanupLoc, selfArg);

    // Inject the self value into an optional if the constructor is failable.
    if (ctor->getFailability() != OTK_None) {
      RegularLocation loc(ctor);
      selfArg = B.createEnum(loc, selfArg,

    // Save our cleanup state. We want all other potential cleanups to fire, but
    // not this one.
    if (selfArg.hasCleanup())

    // Translate our cleanup to the new top cleanup.
    // This is needed to preserve the invariant in getEpilogBB that when
    // cleanups are emitted, everything above ReturnDest.getDepth() has been
    // emitted. This is not true if we use ManagedValue and friends in the
    // epilogBB, thus the translation. We perform the same check above that
    // getEpilogBB performs to ensure that we still do not have the same
    // problem.
    ReturnDest = std::move(ReturnDest).translate(getTopCleanup());
  // Emit the epilog and post-matter.
  auto returnLoc = emitEpilog(ctor, /*UsesCustomEpilog*/true);

  // Unpop our selfArg cleanup, so we can forward.

  // Finish off the epilog by returning.  If this is a failable ctor, then we
  // actually jump to the failure epilog to keep the invariant that there is
  // only one SIL return instruction per SIL function.
  if (B.hasValidInsertionPoint()) {
    if (failureExitBB)
      B.createBranch(returnLoc, failureExitBB, selfArg.forward(*this));
      B.createReturn(returnLoc, selfArg.forward(*this));