Example #1
static void
updateSSAForUseOfInst(SILSSAUpdater &Updater,
                      SmallVectorImpl<SILArgument*> &InsertedPHIs,
                      const llvm::DenseMap<ValueBase *, SILValue> &ValueMap,
                      SILBasicBlock *Header, SILBasicBlock *EntryCheckBlock,
                      ValueBase *Inst) {
    if (Inst->use_empty())

    // Find the mapped instruction.
    assert(ValueMap.count(Inst) && "Expected to find value in map!");
    SILValue MappedValue = ValueMap.find(Inst)->second;

    // For each use of a specific result value of the instruction.
    if (Inst->hasValue()) {
        SILValue Res(Inst);
        assert(Res->getType() == MappedValue->getType() && "The types must match");

        Updater.AddAvailableValue(Header, Res);
        Updater.AddAvailableValue(EntryCheckBlock, MappedValue);

        // Because of the way that phi nodes are represented we have to collect all
        // uses before we update SSA. Modifying one phi node can invalidate another
        // unrelated phi nodes operands through the common branch instruction (that
        // has to be modified). This would invalidate a plain ValueUseIterator.
        // Instead we collect uses wrapping uses in branches specially so that we
        // can reconstruct the use even after the branch has been modified.
        SmallVector<UseWrapper, 8> StoredUses;
        for (auto *U : Res->getUses())
        for (auto U : StoredUses) {
            Operand *Use = U;
            SILInstruction *User = Use->getUser();
            assert(User && "Missing user");

            // Ignore uses in the same basic block.
            if (User->getParent() == Header)

            assert(User->getParent() != EntryCheckBlock &&
                   "The entry check block should dominate the header");
        // Canonicalize inserted phis to avoid extra BB Args.
        for (SILArgument *Arg : InsertedPHIs) {
            if (SILInstruction *Inst = replaceBBArgWithCast(Arg)) {
                // DCE+SimplifyCFG runs as a post-pass cleanup.
                // DCE replaces dead arg values with undef.
                // SimplifyCFG deletes the dead BB arg.
Example #2
// At each release point, release the reaching values that have been stored to
// this address.
// The caller has already determined that all Stores are to the same element
// within an otherwise dead object.
static void insertReleases(ArrayRef<StoreInst*> Stores,
                           ArrayRef<SILInstruction*> ReleasePoints,
                           SILSSAUpdater &SSAUp) {
  SILValue StVal = Stores.front()->getSrc();


  for (auto *Store : Stores)
    SSAUp.AddAvailableValue(Store->getParent(), Store->getSrc());

  SILLocation Loc = Stores[0]->getLoc();
  for (auto *RelPoint : ReleasePoints) {
    SILBuilder B(RelPoint);
    // This does not use the SSAUpdater::RewriteUse API because it does not do
    // the right thing for local uses. We have already ensured a single store
    // per block, and all release points occur after all stores. Therefore we
    // can simply ask SSAUpdater for the reaching store.
    SILValue RelVal = SSAUp.GetValueAtEndOfBlock(RelPoint->getParent());
    if (StVal->getType().isReferenceCounted(RelPoint->getModule()))
      B.createStrongRelease(Loc, RelVal, Atomicity::Atomic);
      B.createReleaseValue(Loc, RelVal, Atomicity::Atomic);
Example #3
static void
updateSSA(SILModule &M, SILLoop *Loop,
          DenseMap<SILValue, SmallVector<SILValue, 8>> &LoopLiveOutValues) {
  SILSSAUpdater SSAUp;
  for (auto &MapEntry : LoopLiveOutValues) {
    // Collect out of loop uses of this value.
    auto OrigValue = MapEntry.first;
    SmallVector<UseWrapper, 16> UseList;
    for (auto Use : OrigValue->getUses())
      if (!Loop->contains(Use->getUser()->getParent()))
    // Update SSA of use with the available values.
    SSAUp.AddAvailableValue(OrigValue->getParentBlock(), OrigValue);
    for (auto NewValue : MapEntry.second)
      SSAUp.AddAvailableValue(NewValue->getParentBlock(), NewValue);
    for (auto U : UseList) {
      Operand *Use = U;