void Foam::immersedBoundaryFvPatch::makeTriAddressing() const
    if (debug)
        InfoIn("void immersedBoundaryFvPatch::makeTriAddressing() const")
            << "creating tri addressing for immersed boundary " << name()
            << endl;

    // It is an error to attempt to recalculate
    // if the pointer is already set
    if (cellsToTriAddrPtr_ || cellsToTriWeightsPtr_)
        FatalErrorIn("immersedBoundaryFvPatch::makeTriAddressing() const")
            << "tri addressing already exist"
            << "for immersed boundary" << name()
            << abort(FatalError);

    // Get reference to tri patch and hit faces
    const triSurface& triPatch = ibPolyPatch_.ibMesh();
    const vectorField& triCentres = triPatch.faceCentres();

    const labelList& hf = hitFaces();
    const vectorField& ibp = ibPoints();

    // Create a markup field and mark all tris containing an ib point with its
    // index
    labelList hitTris(triPatch.size(), -1);

    forAll (hf, hfI)
        hitTris[hf[hfI]] = hfI;

    // Allocate storage
    cellsToTriAddrPtr_ = new labelListList(triPatch.size());
    labelListList& addr = *cellsToTriAddrPtr_;

    cellsToTriWeightsPtr_ = new scalarListList(triPatch.size());
    scalarListList& w = *cellsToTriWeightsPtr_;

    // Algorithm:
    // For each tri face, check if it contains an IB point
    // - if so, set the addressing to the index of IB point and weight to 1
    // - if not, search the neighbouring faces of the visited faces until
    //   at least 3 IB points are found, or the neighbourhood is exhausted.
    //   When a sufficient number of points is found, calculate the weights
    //   using inverse distance weighting

    // Get addressing from the triangular patch
    const labelListList& pf = triPatch.pointFaces();

    forAll (triPatch, triI)
        if (hitTris[triI] > -1)
            // Triangle contains IB point

            addr[triI] = hitTris[triI];
            w[triI] = 1;
            // No direct hit.  Start a neighbourhood search

            // Record already visited faces
            labelHashSet visited;

            // Collect new faces to visit
            SLList<label> nextToVisit;

            // Collect IB points for interpolation
            labelHashSet ibPointsToUse;

            // Initialise with the original tri

                const label curTri = nextToVisit.removeHead();

                // Discard tri if already visited
                if (visited[curTri]) continue;


                const triFace& curTriPoints = triPatch[curTri];

                // For all current points of face, pick up neighbouring faces
                forAll (curTriPoints, tpI)
                    const labelList curNbrs = pf[curTriPoints[tpI]];

                    forAll (curNbrs, nbrI)
                        if (!visited.found(curNbrs[nbrI]))
                            // Found a face which is not visited.  Add it to
                            // the list of faces to visit

                            if (hitTris[curNbrs[nbrI]] > -1)
                                // Found a neighbour with a hit: use this
                                // IB point
            } while
                ibPointsToUse.size() < 3
             && !nextToVisit.empty()

            // Found neighbourhood: collect addressing and weights
            addr[triI] = ibPointsToUse.toc();

            labelList& curAddr = addr[triI];
            scalarList& curW = w[triI];

            vector curTriCentre = triCentres[triI];

            scalar sumW = 0;

            forAll (curAddr, ibI)
                curW[ibI] = 1/mag(curTriCentre - ibp[curAddr[ibI]]);
                sumW += curW[ibI];

            // Divide weights by sum distance
            forAll (curW, ibI)
                curW[ibI] /= sumW;