Example #1
Applies the view transform to the modelview matrix depending on the eye:
eye=-1 for left, eye=1 for right
void SLCamera::setView(const SLEye eye)
   SLSceneView* sv = SLScene::current->activeSV();
   if (eye == centerEye)
   {  stateGL->modelViewMatrix.identity();
   else // stereo viewing
      if (_projection == stereoSideBySideD)
         // half interpupilar distance
         _eyeSeparation = sv->oculus()->eyeSeparation();
         SLfloat halfIPD = (SLfloat)eye * _eyeSeparation * -0.5f;

         // get the oculus orientation
         SLMat4f rotation(sv->oculus()->orientation().toMat4());
         SLMat4f vmEye(SLMat4f(halfIPD, 0.0f, 0.f) * rotation * _vm);
         stateGL->modelViewMatrix = vmEye;
         stateGL->viewMatrix = vmEye;
         // Get central camera vectors eye, lookAt, lookUp out of the view matrix vm
         SLVec3f EYE, LA, LU, LR;
         _vm.lookAt(&EYE, &LA, &LU, &LR);
         // Shorten LR to half of the eye dist (eye=-1 for left, eye=1 for right)
         LR *= _eyeSeparation * 0.5f * (SLfloat)eye;
         // Set the OpenGL view matrix for the left eye
         SLMat4f vmEye;
         vmEye.lookAt(EYE+LR, EYE + _focalDist*LA+LR, LU);
         stateGL->modelViewMatrix = vmEye;
         stateGL->viewMatrix = vmEye;
Example #2
Applies the view transform to the modelview matrix depending on the eye:
eye=-1 for left, eye=1 for right
void SLCamera::setView(SLSceneView* sv, const SLEye eye)
    SLScene* s = SLScene::current;
    SLMat4f vm = updateAndGetWMI();

    if (eye == centerEye)
    {   _stateGL->modelViewMatrix.identity();
    else // stereo viewing
        if (_projection == stereoSideBySideD)
            // half interpupilar disqtance
            //_eyeSeparation = s->oculus()->interpupillaryDistance(); update old rift code
            SLfloat halfIPD = (SLfloat)eye * _eyeSeparation * -0.5f;
            SLMat4f trackingPos;
            if (_useDeviceRot)
                // get the oculus or mobile device orientation
                SLQuat4f rotation;
                if (s->oculus()->isConnected())
                    rotation = s->oculus()->orientation(eye);
                else rotation = sv->deviceRotation();

                SLfloat rotX, rotY, rotZ;
                rotation.toMat4().toEulerAnglesZYX(rotZ, rotY, rotX);
                //SL_LOG("rotx : %3.1f, roty: %3.1f, rotz: %3.1f\n", rotX*SL_RAD2DEG, rotY*SL_RAD2DEG, rotZ*SL_RAD2DEG);
                SLVec3f viewAdjust = s->oculus()->viewAdjust(eye) * _unitScaling;
                SLMat4f vmEye(SLMat4f(viewAdjust.x, viewAdjust.y, viewAdjust.z) * rotation.inverted().toMat4() * trackingPos * vm);
                _stateGL->modelViewMatrix = vmEye;
                _stateGL->viewMatrix = vmEye;
                SLMat4f vmEye(SLMat4f(halfIPD, 0.0f, 0.f) * vm);
                _stateGL->modelViewMatrix = vmEye;
                _stateGL->viewMatrix = vmEye;
            // Get central camera vectors eye, lookAt, lookUp out of the view matrix vm
            SLVec3f EYE, LA, LU, LR;
            vm.lookAt(&EYE, &LA, &LU, &LR);
            // Shorten LR to half of the eye dist (eye=-1 for left, eye=1 for right)
            LR *= _eyeSeparation * 0.5f * (SLfloat)eye;
            // Set the OpenGL view matrix for the left eye
            SLMat4f vmEye;
            vmEye.lookAt(EYE+LR, EYE + _focalDist*LA+LR, LU);
            _stateGL->modelViewMatrix = vmEye;
            _stateGL->viewMatrix = vmEye;