Example #1
  SPOTriplets str2triplets ( std::string str )
    SPOTriplets tv;

    std::istringstream iss ( str );
    SPOTriplet t;
    iss >> t;

    tv.push_back ( t );

    return tv;
Example #2
double read_cache ( std::string & key, int &cnt, int &brel )
  double sum {0.0};
  int count {0};
  for ( auto const & t: cache[key] )
      if ( !samu.sleep() )

      if ( count++ >= samuHasAlreadyLearned )

      SPOTriplets tv;
      tv.push_back ( t );
      sum += to_samu ( 12, tv );
      brel += samu.get_brel();

  return sum;
Example #3
int main ( int argc, char **argv )

  std::string samuImage {"samu.soul.txt"};

  std::fstream samuFile ( samuImage,  std::ios_base::in );
  if ( samuFile )
    samu.load ( samuFile );

  struct sigaction sa;
  sa.sa_handler = save_samu;
  sigemptyset ( &sa.sa_mask );
  sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;

  sigaction ( SIGINT, &sa, NULL );
  sigaction ( SIGTERM, &sa, NULL );
  sigaction ( SIGKILL, &sa, NULL );
  sigaction ( SIGHUP, &sa, NULL );

  // Do not remove this copyright notice!
  std::cerr << "This program is Isaac, the son of Samu Bátfai."
            << std::endl
            << "Copyright (C) 2015 Norbert Bátfai"
            << std::endl
            << "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>"
            << std::endl
            << "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it."
            << std::endl
            << "There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
            << std::endl
            << std::endl;

  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> tests
      "sentences of the paper [1]",
        "A rare black squirrel has become a regular visitor to a suburban garden",
        "This is a car",
        "This car is mine",
        "I have a little car",
        "The sky is blue",
        "The little brown bear has eaten all of the honey",
        "I love Samu"
      "introduce myself",
        "Who are you",
        "I am a robot",
        "What is your name",
        "My name is Judah",
        "Where do you live",
        "I live in Debrecen",
        "How old are you",
        "I am one year old",
        "Where were you born"
        "I was born is Debrecen"
        "What is your favourite colour"
        "My favourite colours are red, white and green"

  std::map<std::string, SPOTriplets> test_triplets
      "introduce myself",
        { "who", "are", "you" },
        { "i", "am", "robot"  },
        {"what",  "is",  "name"},
        {"name", "is", "Judah"},
        {"you", "live", "where"},
        {"I", "live", "Debrecen"},
        {"you", "are", "how"},
        {"i", "am", "one"},
        {"you", "born", "where"},
        {"I", "born", "Debrecen"}

  int j {0};
  int N_e {25};
  std::string training_file = samu.get_training_file();

  samu.set_training_file ( "bbe" );

  double prev_mbrel {0};
  int mbrelc {0};

  //for ( int ii {0}; samu.run() && ii < 1000 + 4000 + 5000 + 4000 + 1000; ++ii )
  for ( int ii {0}; samu.run() /*&& ii < 50000*/; ++ii )
  for ( ; samu.run(); )
  //for ( int ii {0}; samu.run() && ii < 50; ++ii )
      auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
      double sum {0.0};
      int cnt {0};
      int brel {0};
      if ( samu.sleep() )

                    if ( ii == 1 )
                        std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                        samu.set_training_file ( "bbe" );
                    else if ( ii == 3 )
                        std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                        training_file = "bbe";
                if ( ii == 1000 )
                    std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                    samu.set_training_file ( "bbe" );
                else if ( ii == 1000 + 4000 )
                    std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                    training_file = "none";
                    samu.set_training_file ( training_file );
                else if ( ii == 1000 + 4000 + 5000 )
                    std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                    samu.set_training_file ( "bbe" );
                else if ( ii == 1000 + 4000 + 5000 + 4000 )
                    std::cerr << " iter, training file changed " << std::endl;
                    training_file = "none";
                    samu.set_training_file ( training_file );

          if ( samu.get_training_file() == training_file )
              samu.set_N_e ( N_e );
              for ( int i {0}; i<test_triplets["introduce myself"].size() && samu.sleep(); ++i )
                  SPOTriplets tv;
                  tv.push_back ( test_triplets["introduce myself"][i] );
                  sum += to_samu ( 11, tv );
                  brel += samu.get_brel();
              samu.set_N_e ( N_e );
              std::string key = samu.get_training_file();

              if ( cache.find ( key ) == cache.end() )

                  std::fstream triplet_train ( key+".triplets",  std::ios_base::in );
                  if ( triplet_train )


                          SPOTriplet t;
                          triplet_train >> t;

                          if ( !t.empty() )
                            cache[key].push_back ( t );

                      while ( !triplet_train.eof() && samu.sleep() );


                      sum = read_cache ( key, cnt, brel );


                      std::fstream train ( samu.get_training_file(),  std::ios_base::in );
                      if ( train )
                          std::string file = key+".triplets";
                          for ( std::string line; std::getline ( train, line ) && samu.sleep(); )

                              sum += to_samu ( 12, line );
                              sum += to_samu ( 12, line, file );
                              brel += samu.get_brel();



Example #4
 SPOTriplets NLP::sentence2triplets ( const char* sentence )
   // vector of triplets
   SPOTriplets triplets;

   #ifdef DEBUG
     std::cout << "The sentence: " << sentence << std::endl;
   // creates a Sentence from the input char*
   Sentence sent = sentence_create ( sentence, dict_ );
   #ifdef DEBUG
     std::cout << "Sentence created" << std::endl;
   // tokenizes the sentence
   sentence_split ( sent, parse_opts_ );
   #ifdef DEBUG
     std::cout << "Sentence splitted" << std::endl;
   // searches for all possible linkages
   int num_linkages = sentence_parse ( sent, parse_opts_ );
   #ifdef DEBUG
     std::cout << "Sentence parsed" << std::endl;
     std::cout << "Number of linkages: " << num_linkages << std::endl;

   // just one triplet
   SPOTriplet triplet;

   // if there is any linkage in the sentence
   if( num_linkages > 0 )
     // create the linkage
     Linkage linkage = linkage_create ( 0, sent, parse_opts_ );

     #ifdef DEBUG
       // prints the sentence's diagram
       std::cout << "The diagram: " << std::endl;
       char *diagram = linkage_print_diagram(linkage, true, 800);
       std::cout << diagram << std::endl;
       linkage_free_diagram( diagram );
       // end print diagram

     std::vector<std::string> labels;

     // 1. find the S_link
     // S* except there is an SJ* because then S* except Spx
     // two cases: there is SJ* and there is not SJ*

     // TODO: VJlp VJrp same as SJ but to predications
     // TODO: SFut SFst what the f**k?                                     ###FIXED###
     // TODO: His form was shining like the light not working              ###FIXED###
     // TODO: Car is mine not working                                      ###FIXED###
     // TODO: The little brown bear has eaten all of the honey not working ###FIXED###

     // REGEXES
     std::regex SJ_( "SJ.*" );
     std::regex VJ_( "VJ.*");
     std::regex subject( "(Ss.*)|(SFut)|(Sp\*.*)" );
     std::regex Spx( "Spx.*" );
     // TODO:fix theese initializer list not allowed                       ###FIXED###
     std::regex predicate( "(Pv.*)|(Pg.*)|(PP.*)|(I.*)|(TO)|(MVi.*)" );
     // TODO: make one from theese // (Sp.*)|(Ss.*)                        ###FIXED###
     std::regex noun_adject_object ( "(O.*)|(Os.*)|(Op.*)|(MVpn.*)|(Pa.*)|(MVa.*)" );
     std::regex preposition ( "(MVp.*)|(Pp.*)|(OF)|(TO)" );
     std::regex prep_object ( "(J.*)|(TI)|(I.*)|(ON)" );
     // TODO: problems with matching!! Pg*!!                               ###FIXED###
     // TODO: problems with matching!! Mvp.*!!                             ###FIXED###

     bool s_found = false;
     bool p_found = false;
     bool o_found = false;
     bool SJ = false;

     // search for SJ.s labels
     for( auto label: labels )
       if( std::regex_match( label, SJ_ ) )
         SJ = true;

     // multiple subject in the sentence
     if( SJ )
       // SPls left -> first subject
       // SPrs right -> second subject
       // Spx right -> predicate
       // SJ-s are multiple subjects
       std::string temp;
       // go through every linkage
       for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
         // get their label
         std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
         // if there is an SJl* label
         if( std::regex_match( l, std::regex( "SJl.*" ) ) )
           // SJls left side
           triplet.s = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
           triplet.cut( triplet.s );
           temp = triplet.s + " ";
           // and word
           triplet.s = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
           triplet.cut( triplet.s );
           temp += triplet.s + " ";

           // find SJr*
           for( int j = 0; j < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++j )
             std::string m = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, j );
             if( std::regex_match( m, std::regex( "SJr.*" ) ) )
               triplet.s = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, j ) );
               temp += triplet.s;
               triplet.s = temp;

               s_found = true;
               #ifdef DEBUG
                 std::cout << "Subject found: " << triplet.s << std::endl;
             } // if
           } // for
         } // if
       } // for

       // now we have the subject

       // find Spx and its right side will be the starter predicate
       std::string current_word;
       for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
         std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
         if( std::regex_match( l, std::regex( "Spx.*" ) ) )
           triplet.p = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
           current_word = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
       // from now all the same as on the else branch !!!!

       bool predicate_match = false;

       // search for the linkage that has triplet.s as left!
         predicate_match = false;

         for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
           // every linkage's left word
           std::string word_i = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
           // every linkage's label
           std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );

           if( std::regex_match( l, predicate ) && word_i == current_word )
             // found predicate
             triplet.p = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
             current_word = triplet.p;
             predicate_match = true;
       while( predicate_match );

       // we now have the predicate too
       // TODO: multiple predicates!
       p_found = true;
       #ifdef DEBUG
         std::cout << "Predicate found: " << triplet.p << std::endl;

       // ###COPY BEGIN###

       // search for noun object or adjective object
       for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
         // get every linkage label
         std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
         // get the left word of every linkage
         std::string l_word = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
         // if thete is a label that match AND its left word is the predicate
         if( std::regex_match( l, noun_adject_object ) && triplet.p == l_word )
           // then the object is that linkage's right word
           triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
           triplet.cut( triplet.o );
           o_found = true;
           #ifdef DEBUG
             std::cout << "Adjective or noun object found: " << triplet.o << std::endl;
         } // if
       } // for

       // still not found object, then search for preposition
       if( !o_found )
         // go through every linkage
         for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
           // get the linkage's label
           std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
           // and left word
           std::string word_i = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
           // if there is a linkage which is a preposition and its left word is the predicate
           if( std::regex_match( l, preposition ) && triplet.p == word_i )
             // found preposition
             // search for prep_object
             // then the temp will contain the preposition label's right word
             std::string temp = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
             #ifdef DEBUG
               std::cout << "Preposition found! and its rigth word is: " << temp << std::endl;

             for( int j = 0; j < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++j )
               // every linkages
               std::string m = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, j );
               // every left word
               std::string word_j = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, j ) );

               // if there is a label with match and its left is exactly the preposition's right
               if( std::regex_match( m, prep_object ) && temp == word_j )
                 triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, j ) );

                 triplet.o += " ";
                 // save o
                 std::string temp = triplet.o;

                 triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, j ) );
                 temp += triplet.o;

                 triplet.o = temp;
                 o_found = true;
                 #ifdef DEBUG
                   std::cout << "Object found: " << triplet.o << std::endl;
               } // if( std::regex_match( m, prep_object ) && temp == word_j ) END
             } // for J END
           } // if( std::regex_match( l, preposition ) && triplet.p == word_i ) END
         } // for I END
       } // if( !o_found ) END

       if( s_found && p_found && o_found )
         // TODO: cut the words itself not the whole triplet
         // have to cut every word itself
         // triplet.cut();
         triplets.push_back( triplet );
         s_found = false;
         p_found = false;
         o_found = false;
       // ###COPY END###
     else // only one subject
       // except Spx!!!
       // S left -> subject
       // S right -> predicate at first
       // if the word next to S right, is an element of Pv*, Pg* PP*, I*, TO, MVi*
       // then the new predicate will be that word

       std::string current_word;

       // search for subject (S_link)
       for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
         // get the linkage's label
         std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );

         if( std::regex_match( l, subject ) )
           // subject found
           triplet.s = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
           s_found = true;
           current_word = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
           triplet.p = current_word;
           #ifdef DEBUG
             std::cout << "Subject found: " << triplet.s << std::endl;

       if( s_found )
         bool predicate_match = false;

         // search for the linkage that has triplet.s as left!
           predicate_match = false;

           for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
             // every linkage's left word
             std::string l_word = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
             // every linkage's label
             std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );

             if( std::regex_match( l, predicate ) && l_word == current_word )
               // found predicate
               triplet.p = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
               current_word = triplet.p;
               predicate_match = true;
           } // for END
         } while( predicate_match );

         p_found = true;
         #ifdef DEBUG
           std::cout << "Predicate found: " << triplet.p << std::endl;
       } // if( s_found ) END

       // subject and predicate found
       // search for object

       // from k to linkage_get_num_links( linkage )
       // if there is any of the noun, adjective od preposition object then that
       // label's right will give the object.

       // !!! search only between labels that has triplet.p as left word !!!!!

       // search for noun object or adjective objects
       // go through all links
       for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
         // get every linkage label
         std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
         // get the left word of every linkage
         std::string word_i = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );
         // if thete is a label that match AND its left word is the predicate
         if( std::regex_match( l, noun_adject_object ) && triplet.p == word_i )
           // then the object is that linkage's right word
           triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
           o_found = true;
           #ifdef DEBUG
             std::cout << "Adjective or noun object found: " << triplet.o << std::endl;
         } // if END
       } // for END

       // still not found object, then search for preposition
       if( !o_found )
         // go through every linkage
         for( int i = 0; i < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++i )
           // get the linkage's label
           std::string l = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, i );
           // and left word
           std::string word_i = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, i ) );

           // if there is a linkage which is a preposition and its left word is the predicate
           if( std::regex_match( l, preposition ) && triplet.p == word_i )
             // found preposition
             // search for prep_object
             // then the temp will contain the preposition label's right word
             std::string temp = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, i ) );
             #ifdef DEBUG
               std::cout << "Preposition found! and its rigth word is: " << temp << std::endl;

             // start search from there
             for( int j = 0; j < linkage_get_num_links( linkage ); ++j )
               // every linkages
               std::string m = linkage_get_link_label( linkage, j );
               // every left word
               std::string word_j = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, j ) );
               #ifdef DEBUG
                 if( std::regex_match( m, prep_object ) )
                     std::cout << m << " DOES match to (J.*)|(TI)|(I.*)|(ON)" << std::endl;

               // if there is a label with match and its left is exactly the preposition's right
               if( std::regex_match( m, prep_object ) && temp == word_j )
                 triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_lword( linkage, j ) );

                 triplet.o += " ";
                 // save o
                 std::string temp = triplet.o;

                 triplet.o = linkage_get_word( linkage, linkage_get_link_rword( linkage, j ) );
                 temp += triplet.o;

                 triplet.o = temp;
                 #ifdef DEBUG
                   std::cout << "Object found: " << triplet.o << std::endl;
                 o_found = true;
             } // for
           } // if
         } // for
       } // if( o_found ) END

       if( s_found && p_found && o_found )
         // TODO: cut the words itself not the whole triplet ###FIXED###
         // have to cut every word itself
         // triplet.cut();

         triplets.push_back( triplet );
         s_found = false;
         p_found = false;
         o_found = false;

     } // end else

     linkage_delete ( linkage );
   } // if( num_linkages > 0 ) END
Example #5
void Samu::NetworkCaregiverShell ( void )

  std::string cmd_prefix = "cmd";

  int sleep {0};

  if ( sleep_ )
    sleep = sleep_after_ + 1;

  int prev_sec {0};
  for ( ; run_ ; )



          if ( ++sleep > sleep_after_ )
              if ( state == NETWORK )
                  std::cerr << "Isaac went to sleep." << std::endl;
                  disp.log ( "I went to sleep." );
                  sleep_ = true;
                  state = SLEEP;
              sleep = sleep_after_ + 1;

          else if ( state == NETWORK )
              std::cerr << sleep << " *** " << std::flush;

              int sec = ( sleep * read_usec_ ) / ( 1000*1000 );
              if ( sec != prev_sec )
                  int after = ( sleep_after_ * read_usec_ ) / ( 1000*1000 );

                  std::stringstream sleep_after;

                  sleep_after << "I will go to sleep after ";
                  sleep_after << ( after-sec );
                  sleep_after <<  " seconds";

                  disp.log ( sleep_after.str() );
                  prev_sec = sec;
      catch ( std::string line )

          if ( state != TERMINAL )
              if ( sleep_ )
                  std::cerr << "Isaac is awake now." << std::endl;
                  disp.log ( "I am awake now." );
              sleep_ = false;
              sleep = 0;
              state = NETWORK;

              if ( !line.compare ( 0, cmd_prefix.length(), cmd_prefix ) )
                  std::string readCmd {"cmd read"};

                  size_t f = line.find ( readCmd );
                  if ( f != std::string::npos )
                      f = f+readCmd.length() +1;
                      if ( f < line.length() )
                          std::string fname = line.substr ( f );
                          set_training_file ( fname );
                  std::istringstream iss ( line );
                  SPOTriplet t;
                  iss >> t;

                  SPOTriplets tv;
                  tv.push_back ( t );

                      //sentence ( -1, line );
                      triplet ( -1000, tv );
                  catch ( const char* err )
                      std::cerr << err << std::endl;
                      disp.log ( err );

      usleep ( read_usec_ );


  run_ = false;
Example #6
File: samu.hpp Project: nbatfai/ram
    void operator<< ( std::vector<SPOTriplet> triplets )

      if ( !triplets.size() )

      for ( auto triplet : triplets )
          if ( program.size() >= stmt_max )

          program.push ( triplet );

      if ( feelings.size() >= stmt_max )

      feelings.push ( ql.feeling() );

      boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::universal_time();

      std::string image_file = "samu_vi_"+boost::posix_time::to_simple_string ( now ) +".png";
      char * image_file_p = strdup ( image_file.c_str() );
      pngwriter image ( 256, 256, 65535, image_file_p );
      free ( image_file_p );
      char console[nrows][ncols];
      std::memset ( console, 0, nrows*ncols );

      char stmt_buffer[1024];
      char *stmt_buffer_p = stmt_buffer;

      std::queue<SPOTriplet> run = program;
      std::queue<Feeling> feels = feelings;


      std::string prg;
      stmt_counter = 0;
      SPOTriplets pyramid;

      double wbuf[nrows][3];

      while ( !run.empty() )
          auto triplet = run.front();

          prg += triplet.s.c_str();
          prg += triplet.p.c_str();
          prg += triplet.o.c_str();


          // std::cerr << "iter " << triplet.s << "iter " << triplet.p<< "iter " << triplet.o<< std::endl;

          wbuf[stmt_counter][0] = w2d ( triplet.s );
          wbuf[stmt_counter][1] = w2d ( triplet.p );
          wbuf[stmt_counter][2] = w2d ( triplet.o );

          pyramid.push_back ( triplet );
          SPOTriplets reverse_pyramid ( pyramid.size() );
          std::reverse_copy ( pyramid.begin(), pyramid.end(), reverse_pyramid.begin() );

          int cnt {0};
          for ( SPOTriplets::iterator it=reverse_pyramid.begin(); it!=reverse_pyramid.end() && cnt < 80; ++it )
            //while ( cnt < 80 )
            //cnt += std::snprintf ( stmt_buffer+cnt, 1024-cnt, "%s.%s(%s);", triplet.s.c_str(), triplet.p.c_str(), triplet.o.c_str() );
            cnt += std::snprintf ( stmt_buffer+cnt, 1024-cnt, "%s.%s(%s);", ( *it ).s.c_str(), ( *it ).p.c_str(), ( *it ).o.c_str() );
          int cnt {0};
          while ( cnt < mcols )
            cnt += std::snprintf ( stmt_buffer+cnt, 1024-cnt, "%s.%s(%s);", triplet.s.c_str(), triplet.p.c_str(), triplet.o.c_str() );

#ifndef FEELINGS
#ifdef DRAW_WNUM
          std::snprintf ( stmt_buffer, 1024, "%s.%s(%s); %f.%f(%f)",
                          triplet.s.c_str(), triplet.p.c_str(), triplet.o.c_str(),
                          w2d ( triplet.s ), w2d ( triplet.p ), w2d ( triplet.o ) );
          std::snprintf ( stmt_buffer, 1024, "%s.%s(%s);", triplet.s.c_str(), triplet.p.c_str(), triplet.o.c_str() );

          if ( !feels.empty() )
              auto s = feels.front();
              std::stringstream ss;
#ifndef FEELINGS
              ss << triplet.s << "." << triplet.p << "(" << triplet.o << ");";
              ss << triplet.s << "." << triplet.p << "(" << triplet.o << "); "
                 << w2d ( triplet.s ) << "." << w2d ( triplet.p ) << "(" << w2d ( triplet.o ) << "); ";
              std::string spo = ss.str();
              std::snprintf ( stmt_buffer, 1024, "%-30s %s", spo.c_str(), s.c_str() );

          char font[] = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.ttf";
          char *font_p = font;

          image.plot_text_utf8 ( font_p,
                                 256- ( ++stmt_counter ) *28,
                                 stmt_buffer_p, 0, 0, 0 );

          std::strncpy ( console[stmt_counter++], stmt_buffer, 80 );



      char console2[nrows][ncols];
      for ( int i {1}; i<nrows-1; ++i )
        for ( int j {1}; j<ncols-1; ++j )
          console2[i][j] = console[i-1][j]+console[i][j-1]+console[i+1][j]+console[i][j+1];

      for ( int i {1}; i<nrows-1; ++i )
        for ( int j {1}; j<ncols-1; ++j )
          console[i][j] = console2[i][j];


      double *img_input = new double[nrows*3];
      for ( int i {0}; i<nrows; ++i )
          for ( int j {0}; j<3; ++j )
              img_input[i*3+j] = wbuf[i][j];
              //std::cerr << "iter " << img_input[i*3+j] << " | ";

          //std::cerr << "iter " << std::endl;

      double *img_input = new double[2*nrows*2*ncols];
      double *img_input = new double[nrows*ncols];

      std::stringstream con;

      for ( int i {0}; i<nrows; ++i )
          std::string ci;
          for ( int j {0}; j<ncols; ++j )
              img_input[2*i*ncols+2*j] = ( ( double ) console[i][j] ) / 255.0;
              img_input[2*i*ncols+2*j+1] = ( ( double ) console[i][j] ) / 255.0;
              img_input[2* ( i+1 ) *ncols+2*j] = ( ( double ) console[i][j] ) / 255.0;
              img_input[2* ( i+1 ) *ncols+2*j+1] = ( ( double ) console[i][j] ) / 255.0;
              img_input[i*ncols+j] = ( ( double ) console[i][j] ) / 255.0;

              //if ( isgraph ( console[i][j] ) )
              if ( isprint ( console[i][j] ) )
                ci += console[i][j];

          con << " " << i << ". " << ( ( ci.length() <75 ) ?ci:ci.substr ( 0, 75 ) ) << std::endl;



      samu.disp.vi ( con.str() );
      samu.disp.vi ( &console[0][0] );



      double *img_input = new double[256*256];

      for ( int i {0}; i<256; ++i )
        for ( int j {0}; j<256; ++j )
            img_input[i*256+j] = image.dread ( i, j );


      std::string prg;
      while ( !run.empty() )
          auto triplet = run.front();

          prg += triplet.s.c_str();
          prg += triplet.p.c_str();
          prg += triplet.o.c_str();


      auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

      std::cerr << "QL start... ";


      SPOTriplet response = ql ( triplets[0], prg, img_input );

      std::stringstream resp;

      resp << samu.name
#ifdef QNN_DEBUG
           << "@"
           << ( samu.sleep_?"sleep":"awake" )
           << "."
           << ql.get_action_count()
           << "."
           << ql.get_action_relevance()
           << "%"
           <<"> "
           << response;

      std::string r = resp.str();

      std::cerr << r << std::endl;

      samu.disp.log ( r );


      std::cerr << ql ( triplets[0], prg ) << std::endl;


      std::cerr << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds> ( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - start ).count()
                << " ms "
                <<  std::endl;


      delete[] img_input;


      delete[] img_input;
