Example #1
	SPString SPFileHelper::GetUpperPath( SPString path )
		SPString result1 = L"";
		SPString result2 = L"";

		if (path.find_last_of(L"\\") != wstring::npos)
			result2 = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of(L"\\"));

		if (path.find_last_of(L"/") != wstring::npos)
			result1 = path.substr(0, path.find_last_of(L"/"));

		return result1.size() > result2.size() ? result1 : result2;
Example #2
int bcnt;   // current brace count

 * Reads in a line, and eliminates anything in between comments
 * or quotes. Also keeps count of the brace level
int getline()
LTRACER("getline", 4)

    if(!(fin >> curln)) return 0;
    cout << curln << endl;
    LTRACE(2, curln)
    while(curln.m("\".*\"")){ // remove anything in quoted strings
        int o, c;
        SPString tl= curln.substr(0, o= curln.index("\""));
        do{ // make sure the quote is not backslashed
            c= curln.index("\"", o+1);
            o= c;
        }while(c > 1 && curln[c-1] == '\\');
        tl += curln.substr(c+1); // rest of line
        curln= tl;
//      cout << "quote stripped curln= " << curln <<endl;

    if(curln.m("//")){ // found a comment in line
        curln.substr(curln.index("//"))= ""; // chop it off

    if(curln.m("/\\*")){ // in c comment
        SPString tl= curln.substr(0, curln.index("/*"));