Example #1
//Updates account status to closed
Account *Database::CloseAccount(int customerId,string time)
	// create and open database
	SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = this->connect();
	SQLiteStatement *pStmt = this->createStatement(pDatabase);

	Account *acct = getAccount(customerId);

	int acctId = acct->getAccountNumber();

	//Close account  by accountId4
	pStmt->Sql("UPDATE Account SET accountStatus = ? where accountId = ?");
	pStmt->BindString(1, "Closed");
	pStmt->BindInt(2, acctId);

	//Close out Account, set Balance to Zero. 
	Database::createTransaction(acctId, acct->getAccountBalance(), "Withdraw", time, "Account Closed");

	Database::updateAccount(0, acctId);

	//Uses getAccount to return the updated customer object
	return getAccount(customerId);

Example #2
//Create a new customer and return that object to the calling function
Customer *Database::createCustomer(string firstName, string lastName, int pin, string emailAddress) {
	// create a record in the database for the customer

	// create and open database
	SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = this->connect();
	SQLiteStatement *pStmt = this->createStatement(pDatabase);

	//Insert query
	pStmt->Sql("INSERT INTO Customer (lastName, firstName, emailAddress, PIN) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);");
	pStmt->BindString(1, lastName);
	pStmt->BindString(2, firstName);
	pStmt->BindString(3, emailAddress);
	pStmt->BindInt(4, pin);

	// executes the INSERT statement and cleans-up automatically

	// get the customer ID (the last row id)
	pStmt->Sql("SELECT last_insert_rowid();");
	int customerId = pStmt->GetColumnInt(0); // get the int value at the zeroth column 

	// return the customer to the calling function
	return new Customer(customerId, firstName, lastName, emailAddress, pin);
Example #3
// Account: Create, Update, Retrieve
Account *Database::createAccount(int customerId, double balance,string accountStatus, string accountType){

	// create and open database
	SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = this->connect();
	SQLiteStatement *pStmt = this->createStatement(pDatabase);

	pStmt->Sql("INSERT INTO Account (customerId, balance, accountStatus, accountType) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?);");
	pStmt->BindInt(1, customerId);
	pStmt->BindDouble(2, balance);
	pStmt->BindString(3, accountStatus);
	pStmt->BindString(4, accountType);

	// executes the INSERT statement and cleans-up automatically

	// get the customer ID (the last row id)
	pStmt->Sql("SELECT last_insert_rowid();");
	int accountId = pStmt->GetColumnInt(0); // get the int value at the zeroth column 
	// return the account to the calling function

	Database *dbObject = new Database();

	//Write this transaction to the database
	dbObject->createTransaction(accountId, balance, "Deposit", "Time", "Opening Account Deposit");

	//Build and return an account object to the calling function
	return new Account(accountId, customerId, balance,accountStatus, accountType);
Example #4
//Update a customer account (ie deposit, withdrawal)
Account *Database::updateAccount(double balance, int accountId){

	// create and open database
	SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = this->connect();
	SQLiteStatement *pStmt = this->createStatement(pDatabase);

	//Update account balance by accountId
	pStmt->Sql("UPDATE Account SET balance = ? where accountId = ?");
	pStmt->BindDouble(1, balance);
	pStmt->BindInt(2, accountId);


	//Use the getAccount function to return the updated account object
	return getAccount(accountId);
Example #5
Transaction *Database::createTransaction(int accountId, double amount, string tType, string tDate, string tDescript){

	//Open database
	SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = this->connect();
	SQLiteStatement *pStmt = this->createStatement(pDatabase);

	//Build new transaction query
	pStmt->Sql("INSERT INTO Transactions1 (accountId, amount, transactionType, transactionDate, transactionDescription) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
	pStmt->BindInt(1, accountId);
	pStmt->BindDouble(2, amount);
	pStmt->BindString(3, tType);
	pStmt->BindString(4, tDate);
	pStmt->BindString(5, tDescript);

	// executes the INSERT statement and cleans-up automatically

	return new Transaction();
Example #6
//Polls the database for this customer by ID and returns
Customer *Database::getCustomer(int customerId) {

	// create and open database
	SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = this->connect();
	SQLiteStatement *pStmt = this->createStatement(pDatabase);

	pStmt->Sql("SELECT firstName, lastName, emailAddress, PIN FROM Customer where customerId = ?");
	pStmt->BindInt(1, customerId);

	//Build the customer attributes from the returned query
	string lastName = pStmt->GetColumnString(0);
	string firstName = pStmt->GetColumnString(1);
	string emailAddress = pStmt->GetColumnString(2);
	int pin = pStmt->GetColumnInt(3);


	//Build and return a customer object
	return new Customer(customerId, firstName, lastName, emailAddress, pin);
Example #7
//Get a customer's account by customerId
Account *Database::getAccount(int custId){

	// create and open database
	SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = this->connect();
	SQLiteStatement *pStmt = this->createStatement(pDatabase);

	//Query by CustomerId
	pStmt->Sql("SELECT * FROM Account where customerId = ?");
	pStmt->BindInt(1, custId);

	//Account Table: accountId, customerId, balance, accountType
	int accountId = pStmt->GetColumnInt(0);
	int customerId = pStmt->GetColumnInt(1);
	double balance = pStmt->GetColumnDouble(2);
	string accountStatus = pStmt->GetColumnString(3);
	string accountType = pStmt->GetColumnString(4);


	// return the account to the calling function
	return new Account(accountId, customerId, balance, accountStatus,accountType);
Example #8
//Returns transaction log
void Database::getTransactions(int accountId){

	//Opens database
	SQLiteDatabase *pDatabase = this->connect();
	SQLiteStatement *pStmt = this->createStatement(pDatabase);

	//Holds the number of transactions for this account
	int transactionCount = 0;

	vector<int> transactionIds;

	//Query to poll the database for all transactions by accountId
	pStmt->Sql("Select * FROM Transactions1 where accountId = ?");
	pStmt->BindInt(1, accountId);

	//Controls the loop to add all transactions to the vector
	bool moreRows=true;

	//While there are additional rows of transactions, add them to the transaction log
	while (moreRows = pStmt->FetchRow())
		// if transactioncount+1=8, then you got to clear the screen. Want 8 transactions at a time. 
		if (transactionCount == 0 || transactionCount % 8 == 0)
			//if no transactions have been included, place zero.
			if (transactionCount == 0)
				cout << "Id \t" << "Amount \t" << "Transaction Type \t" << "Transaction Date \t" << endl << endl;

			//Control to Display only 10 transactions at a time.
			if (transactionCount % 8 == 0 && transactionCount > 0)
				int choice = 0;
				if (moreRows == false)
					cout << endl << endl << "1) View Specific Transaction?" << endl;
					cout << endl << endl << "2) Exit Transaction Log?" << endl << endl;
					cout << "Select Option Number: ";
					cin >> choice;

					if (choice == 1)
						int selection;
						cout << "View Transaction Number: ";
						cin >> selection;
						//view specific selection
						getTransaction(transactionIds[selection - 1]);
						//return to base account screen. 


				if (moreRows == true)
					cout << endl << "1) View Specific Transaction?";
					cout << endl << "2) View More Transactions?";
					cout << endl << "3) Exit Transaction Log?" << endl << endl;
					cout << "Select Option Number: ";
					cin >> choice;

					if (choice == 1)
						int selection;
						cout << "View Transaction Number: ";
						cin >> selection;
						getTransaction(transactionIds[selection - 1]);
						return;//leave loop.