Example #1
// HandleNotUsedMainMenu
// Called when a problem occured before the main menu was used by user
// If fullscreen, then maybe change fullscreen mode
void HandleNotUsedMainMenu ( void )
    AddReportLog( 9310, "Loader - HandleNotUsedMainMenu" );
        // Slighty hacky way of checking in-game settings
        SString strCoreConfigFilename = CalcMTASAPath( PathJoin( "mta", "config", "coreconfig.xml" ) );
        SString strCoreConfig;
        FileLoad( strCoreConfigFilename, strCoreConfig );
        SString strWindowed        = strCoreConfig.SplitRight( "<display_windowed>" ).Left( 1 );
        SString strFullscreenStyle = strCoreConfig.SplitRight( "<display_fullscreen_style>" ).Left( 1 );
        if ( strFullscreenStyle == "1" )
            AddReportLog( 9315, "Loader - HandleNotUsedMainMenu - Already Borderless window" );
        if ( !strWindowed.empty() && !strFullscreenStyle.empty())
            if ( strWindowed == "0" && strFullscreenStyle == "0" )   // 0=FULLSCREEN_STANDARD
                // Inform user
                SString strMessage = _("Are you having problems running MTA:SA?.\n\nDo you want to change the following setting?");
                strMessage += "\n" + _("Fullscreen mode:") + " -> " + _("Borderless window");
                int iResponse = MessageBoxUTF8 ( NULL, strMessage, "MTA: San Andreas", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_TOPMOST );
                if ( iResponse == IDYES )
                    // Very hacky way of changing in-game settings
                    strCoreConfig = strCoreConfig.Replace( "<display_fullscreen_style>0", "<display_fullscreen_style>1" );
                    FileSave( strCoreConfigFilename, strCoreConfig );
                    AddReportLog( 9311, "Loader - HandleNotUsedMainMenu - User change to Borderless window" );
                    AddReportLog( 9313, "Loader - HandleNotUsedMainMenu - User said no" );
                AddReportLog( 9314, "Loader - HandleNotUsedMainMenu - Mode not fullscreen standard" );
            // If no valid settings file yet, do the change without asking
            strCoreConfig = "<mainconfig><settings><display_fullscreen_style>1</display_fullscreen_style></settings></mainconfig>";
            FileSave( strCoreConfigFilename, strCoreConfig );
            AddReportLog( 9312, "Loader - HandleNotUsedMainMenu - Set Borderless window" );

    // Check if Evolve is active
    for ( auto processId : MyEnumProcesses( true ) )
        SString strFilename = ExtractFilename( GetProcessPathFilename( processId ) );
        if ( strFilename.BeginsWithI( "Evolve" ) )
            SString strMessage = _("Are you having problems running MTA:SA?.\n\nTry disabling the following products for GTA and MTA:");
            strMessage += "\n\nEvolve";
            DisplayErrorMessageBox ( strMessage, _E("CL43"), "not-used-menu-evolve" );
// CDatabaseConnectionSqlite::Query
bool CDatabaseConnectionSqlite::Query ( const SString& strQuery, CRegistryResult& registryResult )
    // VACUUM query does not work with transactions
    if ( strQuery.BeginsWithI( "VACUUM" ) )
        EndAutomaticTransaction ();
        BeginAutomaticTransaction ();
    return QueryInternal ( strQuery, registryResult );
Example #3
// Remove base path from the start of abs path
SString SharedUtil::PathMakeRelative ( const SString& strInBasePath, const SString& strInAbsPath )
    SString strBasePath = PathConform ( strInBasePath );
    SString strAbsPath = PathConform ( strInAbsPath );
    if ( strAbsPath.BeginsWithI ( strBasePath ) )
        return strAbsPath.SubStr ( strBasePath.length () ).TrimStart ( PATH_SEPERATOR );
    return strAbsPath;
Example #4
// MyShellExecute
// Returns true if successful
static bool MyShellExecute ( bool bBlocking, const SString& strAction, const SString& strInFile, const SString& strInParameters = "", const SString& strDirectory = "", int nShowCmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL )
    SString strFile = strInFile;
    SString strParameters = strInParameters;

    if ( strAction == "open" && strFile.BeginsWithI ( "http://" ) && strParameters.empty () )
        strParameters = "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler " + strFile;
        strFile = "rundll32.exe";

    if ( bBlocking )
        memset( &info, 0, sizeof ( info ) );
        info.cbSize = sizeof ( info );
        info.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS;
        info.lpVerb = strAction;
        info.lpFile = strFile;
        info.lpParameters = strParameters;
        info.lpDirectory = strDirectory;
        info.nShow = nShowCmd;
        bool bResult = ShellExecuteExA( &info ) != FALSE;
        if ( info.hProcess )
            WaitForSingleObject ( info.hProcess, INFINITE );
            CloseHandle ( info.hProcess );
        return bResult;
        int iResult = (int)ShellExecute ( NULL, strAction, strFile, strParameters, strDirectory, nShowCmd );
        return iResult > 32;
Example #5
bool CAccountManager::IntegrityCheck ()
    // Check database integrity
        CRegistryResult result;
        bool bOk = m_pDatabaseManager->QueryWithResultf ( m_hDbConnection, &result, "PRAGMA integrity_check" );

        // Get result as a string
        SString strResult;
        if ( result->nRows && result->nColumns )
            CRegistryResultCell& cell = result->Data.front()[0];
            if ( cell.nType == SQLITE_TEXT )
                strResult = std::string ( (const char *)cell.pVal, cell.nLength - 1 );

        // Process result
        if ( !bOk || !strResult.BeginsWithI ( "ok" ) )
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "%s", *strResult );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "%s\n", *m_pDatabaseManager->GetLastErrorMessage () );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Errors were encountered loading '%s' database\n", *ExtractFilename ( PathConform ( "internal.db" ) ) );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Maybe now is the perfect time to panic.\n" );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "See - http://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/fixdb\n" );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "************************\n" );
            // Allow server to continue

    // Check can update file
        m_pDatabaseManager->Execf ( m_hDbConnection, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS write_test" );
        m_pDatabaseManager->Execf ( m_hDbConnection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS write_test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, value INTEGER)" );
        m_pDatabaseManager->Execf ( m_hDbConnection, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO write_test (id, value) VALUES(1,2)" ) ;
        bool bOk = m_pDatabaseManager->QueryWithResultf ( m_hDbConnection, NULL, "UPDATE write_test SET value=3 WHERE id=1" );
        if ( !bOk )
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "%s\n", *m_pDatabaseManager->GetLastErrorMessage () );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Errors were encountered updating '%s' database\n", *ExtractFilename ( PathConform ( "internal.db" ) ) );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Database might have incorrect file permissions, or locked by another process, or damaged.\n" );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "See - http://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/fixdb\n" );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "************************\n" );
            return false;
        m_pDatabaseManager->Execf ( m_hDbConnection, "DROP TABLE write_test" );

    // Do compact if required
    if ( g_pGame->GetConfig()->ShouldCompactInternalDatabases() )
        CLogger::LogPrintf ( "Compacting accounts database '%s' ...\n", *ExtractFilename ( PathConform ( "internal.db" ) ) );

        CRegistryResult result;
        bool bOk = m_pDatabaseManager->QueryWithResultf ( m_hDbConnection, &result, "VACUUM" );

        // Get result as a string
        SString strResult;
        if ( result->nRows && result->nColumns )
            CRegistryResultCell& cell = result->Data.front()[0];
            if ( cell.nType == SQLITE_TEXT )
                strResult = std::string ( (const char *)cell.pVal, cell.nLength - 1 );

        // Process result
        if ( !bOk )
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "%s", *strResult );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "%s\n", *m_pDatabaseManager->GetLastErrorMessage () );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Errors were encountered compacting '%s' database\n", *ExtractFilename ( PathConform ( "internal.db" ) ) );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Maybe now is the perfect time to panic.\n" );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "See - http://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/fixdb\n" );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "************************\n" );
            // Allow server to continue
    return true;
Example #6
bool CRegistry::IntegrityCheck ( void )
    // Check database integrity
        CRegistryResult result;
        bool bOk = Query( &result, "PRAGMA integrity_check" );

        // Get result as a string
        SString strResult;
        if ( result->nRows && result->nColumns )
            CRegistryResultCell& cell = result->Data.front()[0];
            if ( cell.nType == SQLITE_TEXT )
                strResult = std::string ( (const char *)cell.pVal, cell.nLength - 1 );

        // Process result
        if ( !bOk || !strResult.BeginsWithI ( "ok" ) )
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "%s", *strResult );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "%s\n", GetLastError ().c_str() );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Errors were encountered loading '%s' database\n", *ExtractFilename ( PathConform ( m_strFileName ) ) );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Maybe now is the perfect time to panic.\n" );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "See - http://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/fixdb\n" );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "************************\n" );
            return false;

    // Do compact if required
    if ( g_pGame->GetConfig()->ShouldCompactInternalDatabases() )
        CLogger::LogPrintf ( "Compacting database '%s' ...\n", *ExtractFilename ( PathConform ( m_strFileName ) ) );

        CRegistryResult result;
        bool bOk = Query( &result, "VACUUM" );

        // Get result as a string
        SString strResult;
        if ( result->nRows && result->nColumns )
            CRegistryResultCell& cell = result->Data.front()[0];
            if ( cell.nType == SQLITE_TEXT )
                strResult = std::string ( (const char *)cell.pVal, cell.nLength - 1 );

        // Process result
        if ( !bOk )
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "%s", *strResult );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "%s\n", GetLastError ().c_str() );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Errors were encountered compacting '%s' database\n", *ExtractFilename ( PathConform ( m_strFileName ) ) );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "Maybe now is the perfect time to panic.\n" );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "See - http://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/fixdb\n" );
            CLogger::ErrorPrintf ( "************************\n" );
            // Allow server to continue

    return true;
Example #7
bool CRegistry::Query ( CRegistryResult* pResult, const char* szQuery, va_list vl )
    // Clear result
    if ( pResult )
        *pResult = CRegistryResult ();

    if ( m_bOpened == false )
        SetLastErrorMessage ( "SQLite3 was not opened, cannot perform query!", szQuery );
        return false;

    SString strParsedQuery;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; szQuery[i] != '\0'; i++ )
        if ( szQuery[i] != SQL_VARIABLE_PLACEHOLDER )
            strParsedQuery += szQuery[i];
            switch ( va_arg( vl, int ) )
                case SQLITE_INTEGER:
                    int iValue = va_arg( vl, int );
                    strParsedQuery += SString ( "%d", iValue );

                case SQLITE_FLOAT:
                    double fValue = va_arg( vl, double );
                    strParsedQuery += SString ( "%f", fValue );

                case SQLITE_TEXT:
                    const char* szValue = va_arg( vl, const char* );
                    assert ( szValue );
                    strParsedQuery += SString ( "'%s'", SQLEscape ( szValue, true, false ).c_str () );

                case SQLITE_BLOB:
                    strParsedQuery += "CANT_DO_BLOBS_M8";

                case SQLITE_NULL:
                    strParsedQuery += "NULL";

                    // someone passed a value without specifying its type
                    assert ( 0 );
    va_end ( vl );
    // VACUUM query does not work with transactions
    if ( strParsedQuery.BeginsWithI( "VACUUM" ) )
        EndAutomaticTransaction ();
        BeginAutomaticTransaction ();
    return QueryInternal ( strParsedQuery.c_str (), pResult );