Example #1
int MOAILuaObject::_tostring ( lua_State* L ) {

	MOAILuaState state ( L );

	MOAILuaObject* data = ( MOAILuaObject* )state.GetPtrUserData ( 1 );
	if ( data ) {
		STLString str;
		lua_getfield ( state, 1, "getClassName" );
		if ( state.IsType ( -1, LUA_TFUNCTION )) {
			lua_pushvalue ( state, 1 );
			state.DebugCall ( 1, 1 );
			cc8* classname = state.GetValue < cc8* >( -1, "" );
			str.write ( "%p <%s>", data, classname );
			state.Push ( str );
			return 1;
		str.write ( "%p <%s>", data, data->TypeName ());
		state.Push ( str );
		return 1;
	return 0;
Example #2
STLString MOAILuaState::GetStackTrace ( int level ) {

	int firstpart = 1;  /* still before eventual `...' */
	lua_Debug ar;
	lua_State* L = this->mState;

	STLString out;
	out.append ( "stack traceback:" );
	while ( lua_getstack ( L, level++, &ar )) {
		if ( level > LEVELS1 && firstpart ) {
			if ( !lua_getstack ( L, level + LEVELS2, &ar )) {
			else {
				// too many levels
				out.append ( "\n\t..." );  /* too many levels */
				// find last levels */
				while ( lua_getstack ( L, level + LEVELS2, &ar ))  
			firstpart = 0;
		out.append ( "\n\t" );
		lua_getinfo ( L, "Snl", &ar );
		out.append ( ar.short_src );
		if ( ar.currentline > 0 ) {
			out.write ( ":%d", ar.currentline );
		if ( *ar.namewhat != '\0' ) {
			out.write ( " in function '%s'", ar.name );
		else {
			if ( *ar.what == 'm' ) {
				out.write ( " in main chunk" );
			else if ( *ar.what == 'C' || *ar.what == 't' ) {
				out.write ( " ?" );
			else {
				out.write ( " in function <%s:%d>", ar.short_src, ar.linedefined );
	out.append ( "\n" );

	return out;
void ZLAdapterInfo::SetNameFromMACAddress ( u8* address, u32 length ) {

	STLString result;

	for ( u32 i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
		if ( i ) {
			result.write ( "-" );
		result.write ( "%.2X", ( u32 )address [ i ]);
	this->mName = result;
Example #4
STLString USMemStream::ToString ( u32 size ) {

	if ( size == 0 ) return 0;

	if (( this->mCursor + size ) > this->mLength ) {
		size = this->mLength - this->mCursor;
	STLString str;
	char buffer [ DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE + 1 ];
	u32 readSize = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE;
	while ( size > 0 ) {
		if ( size < readSize ) {
			readSize = size;
		this->ReadBytes ( buffer, readSize );
		buffer [ readSize ] = 0;
		str.write ( "%s", buffer );
		size -= readSize;
	return str;
Example #5
int MOAILuaObject::_tostring ( lua_State* L ) {

	MOAILuaState state ( L );

	MOAILuaObject* data = ( MOAILuaObject* )state.GetPtrUserData ( 1 );
	if ( data ) {
		STLString str;
		str.write ( "0x%p <%s>", data, data->TypeName ()); // TODO: 64-bit
		state.Push ( str );
		return 1;
	return 0;
Example #6
// This beast will walk through all tables and functions accessible in the
// current lua state and print a reference line for each one found to help
// track who is pointing to it.
void MOAILuaRuntime::FindAndPrintLuaRefs ( int idx, cc8* prefix, FILE *f, const LeakPtrList& objects ) {

	lua_State* L = this->mMainState;

	// Convert to absolute index
	if ( idx < 0 ) {
		idx = lua_gettop(L) + idx + 1;
	// Check if the item at the top of the stack has been traversed yet.
	lua_pushvalue ( L, -1 );
	lua_gettable ( L, idx );
	if( lua_type ( L, -1 ) != LUA_TNIL ) {
		// It has, let's bail.
		lua_pop ( L, 1 ); // Clean our 'true'
	lua_pop(L, 1); // Remove the nil
	int tt = lua_type ( L, -1 );
	if( tt == LUA_TTABLE ) {
//		printf("finding refs in: %s\n", prefix);
		// It hasn't been visited, so mark it in our traversal set
		lua_pushvalue ( L, -1 ); // Push table as key
		lua_pushboolean ( L, true );
		lua_settable ( L, idx );
		lua_pushnil ( L );  // first key
		while ( lua_next ( L, -2 ) != 0 ) {
			// use the 'key' (at index -2) and 'value' (at index -1)
			STLString key;
			if ( lua_type ( L, -2) == LUA_TSTRING ) {
				if ( MOAILuaRuntime::IsLuaIdentifier ( lua_tostring ( L, -2 ))) {
					key.write ( "%s.%s", prefix, lua_tostring ( L, -2 ));
				else {
					// TODO: escape '\"'
					key.write ( "%s[\"%s\"]", prefix, lua_tostring ( L, -2 ));
			else {
				// stringify key
				lua_getglobal ( L, "tostring" );
				lua_pushvalue ( L, -3 );
				lua_call ( L, 1, 1 );
				key.write ( "%s[%s]", prefix, lua_tostring ( L, -1 ));
				// Pop stringified key
				lua_pop ( L, 1 );
			this->FindAndPrintLuaRefs ( idx, key.c_str (), f, objects );

			// removes 'value'; keeps 'key' for next iteration
			lua_pop ( L, 1 );
		// Check its metatable (if it has one)
		if ( lua_getmetatable ( L, -1 )) {
			STLString key;
			key.write ( "%s~mt", prefix );
			this->FindAndPrintLuaRefs ( idx, key.c_str(), f, objects );
			lua_pop ( L, 1 ); // Pop metatable
	else if ( tt == LUA_TFUNCTION ) {
//		printf("finding refs in: %s\n", prefix);
		// It hasn't been visited, so mark it in our tarversal set
		lua_pushvalue ( L, -1 ); // Push table as key
		lua_pushboolean ( L, true );
		lua_settable ( L, idx );
		const char *upname;
		for ( int i = 1; ( upname = lua_getupvalue ( L, -1, i )) != NULL; ++i ) {
			STLString key;
			key.write ( "%s(%s)", prefix, upname );
			this->FindAndPrintLuaRefs ( idx, key.c_str(), f, objects );
			// Pop the upvalue
			lua_pop ( L, 1 );
	else if ( tt == LUA_TUSERDATA ) {
		// It hasn't been visited, so mark it in our traversal set
		lua_pushvalue ( L, -1 ); // Push table as key
		lua_pushboolean ( L, true );
		lua_settable ( L, idx );

		MOAILuaState state ( L );
		void *ud = state.GetPtrUserData ( -1 );
		for ( LeakPtrList::const_iterator i = objects.begin (); i != objects.end (); ++i ) {
			if( *i == ud ) {
				fprintf ( f, "\tLua Ref: %s = %s <%p>\n", prefix, ( *i )->TypeName (), ud );
//				if ( strcmp((*i)->TypeName(), "MOAICoroutine") == 0 ) {
//					MOAICoroutine *t = (MOAICoroutine*)ud;
//				}
		// Check its metatable (if it has one)
		if ( lua_getmetatable ( L, -1 )) {
			STLString key;
			key.write ( "%s~mt", prefix );
			this->FindAndPrintLuaRefs ( idx, key.c_str (), f, objects );
			lua_pop ( L, 1 ); // Pop metatable