Example #1
SUMOReal MSDevice_Battery::getPropEnergy(SUMOVehicle& veh) {
    // calculate current kinetic energy
    SUMOReal height_cur = veh.getPositionOnLane() / veh.getLane()->getLength() * (veh.getLane()->getShape().back().z() - veh.getLane()->getShape().front().z());

    // kinetic energy of vehicle with current velocity
    SUMOReal currentEnergy = 0.5 * getMass() * veh.getSpeed() * veh.getSpeed();

    // add current potential energy of vehicle at current position
    currentEnergy += getMass() * 9.81 * height_cur;

    // Calculate the radius of the vehicle's current path if is distintc (r = ds / dphi)
    SUMOReal radius = 0;

    // If angle of vehicle was changed
    if (getLastAngle() != veh.getAngle()) {
        // Compute new radio
        radius = SPEED2DIST(veh.getSpeed()) / fabs(GeomHelper::angleDiff(getLastAngle(), veh.getAngle()));

        // Check if radius is in the interval [0.0001 - 10000] (To avoid overflow and division by zero)
        if (radius < 0.0001) {
            radius = 0.0001;
        } else if (radius > 10000) {
            radius = 10000;

    // add current rotational energy of internal rotating elements
    currentEnergy += getInternalMomentOfInertia() * veh.getSpeed() * veh.getSpeed();

    // kinetic + potential + rotational energy gain [Ws] (MODIFICATED LAST ANGLE)
    SUMOReal EnergyLoss = (currentEnergy - getLastEnergy());

    // save current total energy for next time step

    // Calculate energy losses:
    // EnergyLoss,Air = 1/2 * rho_air [kg/m^3] * FrontSurfaceArea [m^2] * AirDragCoefficient [-] * v_Veh^2 [m/s] * s [m]
    //                    ... with rho_air [kg/m^3] = 1,2041 kg/m^3 (at T = 20°C)
    //                    ... with s [m] = v_Veh [m/s] * 1 [s]
    EnergyLoss += 0.5 * 1.2041 * getFrontSurfaceArea() * getAirDragCoefficient() * fabs(veh.getSpeed() * veh.getSpeed() * veh.getSpeed());

    // Energy loss through Air resistance [Ws]
    // EnergyLoss,Tire = c_R [-] * F_N [N] * s [m]
    //                    ... with c_R = ~0.012    (car tire on asphalt)
    //                    ... with F_N [N] = Mass [kg] * g [m/s^2]
    EnergyLoss += getRollDragCoefficient() * 9.81 * getMass() * fabs(veh.getSpeed());

    // Energy loss through Roll resistance [Ws]
    //                    ... (fabs(veh.getSpeed())>=0.01) = 0, if vehicle isn't moving
    // EnergyLoss,internalFrictionRadialForce = c [m] * F_rad [N];
    if (getLastAngle() != veh.getAngle()) {
        // Energy loss through friction by radial force [Ws]
        EnergyLoss += getRadialDragCoefficient() * getMass() * veh.getSpeed() * veh.getSpeed() / radius;

    // EnergyLoss,constantConsumers
    // Energy loss through constant loads (e.g. A/C) [Ws]
    EnergyLoss += getConstantPowerIntake();

    //E_Bat = E_kin_pot + EnergyLoss;
    if (EnergyLoss > 0) {
        // Assumption: Efficiency of PropulsionEfficiency when accelerating
        EnergyLoss = EnergyLoss / getPropulsionEfficiency();
    } else {
        // Assumption: Efficiency of RecuperationEfficiency when recuperating
        EnergyLoss = EnergyLoss * getRecuperationEfficiency();

    // convert from [Ws] to [kWh] (3600s / 1h):
    EnergyLoss = EnergyLoss / 3600 ; // EnergyLoss[Ws] * 1[h]/3600[s] * 1[k]/1000

    // Return calculated energy
Example #2
bool MSDevice_Battery::notifyMove(SUMOVehicle& veh, SUMOReal /* oldPos */, SUMOReal /* newPos */, SUMOReal /* newSpeed */) {
    // Start vehicleStoppedTimer if the vehicle is stopped (that's mean, speed is < 0.2). In other case reset timer
    if (veh.getSpeed() < 0.2) {
        // Increase vehicle stopped timer
    } else {
        // Reset vehicle Stopped

    // Update Energy from the battery
    if (getMaximumBatteryCapacity() != 0) {
        Consum = getPropEnergy(veh);

        // Energy lost/gained from vehicle movement (via vehicle energy model) [kWh]
        setActualBatteryCapacity(getActualBatteryCapacity() - Consum);

        // saturate between 0 and MaxBatKap [kWh]
        if (getActualBatteryCapacity() < 0) {

            if (getMaximumBatteryCapacity() > 0) {
                WRITE_WARNING("Battery of vehicle '" + veh.getID() + "' is depleted.");

        } else if (getActualBatteryCapacity() > getMaximumBatteryCapacity()) {


    // Check if vehicle has under their position one charge Station
    std::string ChargingStationID = MSNet::getInstance()->getChargingStationID(veh.getLane(), veh.getPositionOnLane());

    // If vehicle is over a charging station
    if (ChargingStationID != "") {
        // Declare a pointer to the charging station
        MSChargingStation* ChargingStationPointer = MSNet::getInstance()->getChargingStation(ChargingStationID);

        // if the vehicle is almost stopped, or charge in transit is enabled, then charge vehicle
        if ((veh.getSpeed() < 0.2) || (ChargingStationPointer->getChargeInTransit() == 1)) {
            // Set Flags Stopped/intransit to
            if (veh.getSpeed() < 0.2) {
                // vehicle ist almost stopped, then is charging stopped
                ItsChargingStopped = true;

                // therefore isn't charging in transit
                ItsChargingInTransit = false;
            } else {
                // vehicle is moving, and the Charging station allow charge in transit
                ItsChargingStopped = false;

                // Therefore charge in transit
                ItsChargingInTransit = true;

            // Set actChargingStation parameter
            actChargingStation = ChargingStationID;

            // Only update charging start time if vehicle allow charge in transit, or in other case
            // if the vehicle not allow charge in transit but it's stopped.
            if (ChargingStationPointer->getChargeInTransit() == 1 || veh.getSpeed() < 0.2) {
                // Update Charging start time

            // time it takes the vehicle at the station < charging station time delay?
            if (getChargingStartTime() > ChargingStationPointer->getChargeDelay()) {
                // Calulate energy charged (Fix);
                energyCharged = ChargingStationPointer->getChrgPower() * ChargingStationPointer->getEfficency();

                // Convert from [kWs] to [kWh] (3600s / 1h):
                energyCharged /= 3600;

                // Update Battery charge
                if ((energyCharged + getActualBatteryCapacity()) > getMaximumBatteryCapacity()) {
                } else {
                    setActualBatteryCapacity(getActualBatteryCapacity() + energyCharged);
    // In other case, vehicle will be not charged
    else {
        // Disable flags
        ItsChargingInTransit = false;
        ItsChargingStopped = false;

        // Disable charging station
        actChargingStation = "NULL";

        // Set energy charged to 0
        energyCharged = 0.00;

        // Reset timer

    // Always return true.
    return true;