static void loadmult_datafile_sub(istream &f, bool binary, const char *fname, xvec_t &xp, yvec_t &yp, int &maxdim, int maxrows) { cout << "# Reading file " << fname << endl; if (! f.good()) assertfail("Cannot open " << fname); int pcount = 0; while (f.good() && maxrows--) { double y; SVector x; y = (f.get()); x.load(f); if (f.good()) { xp.push_back(x); yp.push_back(y); pcount += 1; if (x.size() > maxdim) maxdim = x.size(); } } cout << "# Read " << pcount << " examples." << endl; }
void load(const char *fname, xvec_t &xp, yvec_t &yp) { cout << "Loading " << fname << "." << endl; igzstream f;; if (! f.good()) { cerr << "ERROR: cannot open " << fname << "." << endl; exit(10); } int pcount = 0; int ncount = 0; bool binary; string suffix = fname; if (suffix.size() >= 7) suffix = suffix.substr(suffix.size() - 7); if (suffix == ".dat.gz") binary = false; else if (suffix == ".bin.gz") binary = true; else { cerr << "ERROR: filename should end with .bin.gz or .dat.gz" << endl; exit(10); } while (f.good()) { SVector x; double y; if (binary) { y = (f.get()) ? +1 : -1; x.load(f); } else { f >> y >> x; } if (f.good()) { assert(y == +1 || y == -1); xp.push_back(x); yp.push_back(y); if (y > 0) pcount += 1; else ncount += 1; if (x.size() > dim) dim = x.size(); } if (trainsize > 0 && xp.size() > (unsigned int)trainsize) break; } cout << "Read " << pcount << "+" << ncount << "=" << pcount + ncount << " examples." << endl; }
void SVSet::deleteVec(DLPSV* ps) { /* delete last entries, in an SVECTOR and also in an DLPSV there is always the position -1 used for memorizing * the size; this is the reason why we need to delete max()+1 entries */ if (list.last() == ps) removeLast(ps->max() + 1); /* merge space of predecessor with position which will be deleted, therefore we do not need to delete any * memory or do an expensive memmove * * @note an SVECTOR and also in an DLPSV memorize the size always on position -1; this is the reason why we * need to set the new mem size to the old combined size + 2 */ else if (list.first() != ps) { SVector* prev = ps->prev(); int sz = prev->size(); prev->setMem(prev->max() + ps->max() + 2, prev->mem()); prev->set_size(sz); } /* delete the front entries of the first list entry and correct the memory pointers in the vectors */ /* @note we do this by merging the first both vectors, move the entries from the second vector up front, and * correct the size */ else { SVector* next = ps->next(); int sz = next->size(); int bothmax = next->max() + ps->max(); int offset = 0; /* the first element does not need to start at the beginning of the data array; why ??? */ while( &(this->SVSetBase::operator[](offset)) != ps->mem() ) { ++offset; assert(offset < size()); } /* move all entries of the second vector to the front */ for(int j = 0; j <= sz; ++j) { this->SVSetBase::operator[](offset + j) = next->mem()[j]; } /* correct the data memmory pointer and the maximal space */ next->setMem(bothmax + 2, ps->mem()); /* correct size */ next->set_size(sz); } list.remove(ps); }
DSVector::DSVector(const SVector& old) : theelem( 0 ) { allocMem(old.size() + 1); SVector::operator= ( old ); assert(DSVector::isConsistent()); }
Real Vector::operator*(const SVector& v) const { assert(dim() >= v.dim()); int i; Real x = 0; for (i = v.size(); i-- > 0;) x += val[v.index(i)] * v.value(i); return x; }
void load_classes(const char *fname, int &nclass) { string filename = fname; ifstream f; SVector x;; x.load(f); nclass = x.size(); }
void SVSet::xtend(SVector& svec, int newmax) { if (svec.max() < newmax) { if (possiblyUnusedMem * memFactor > memSize()) memPack(); assert(has(&svec)); DLPSV* ps = static_cast<DLPSV*>( & svec ); if (ps == list.last()) { int sz = ps->size(); ensureMem (newmax - ps->max() + 1); insert(memSize(), newmax - ps->max()); ps->setMem (newmax + 1, ps->mem()); ps->set_size( sz ); } else { ensureMem(newmax + 1); SVector newps(newmax + 1, &last() + 1); int sz = ps->size(); insert(memSize(), newmax + 1); newps = svec; if (ps != list.first()) { SVector* prev = ps->prev(); int prevsz = prev->size(); prev->setMem (prev->max() + ps->max() + 2, prev->mem()); prev->set_size(prevsz); possiblyUnusedMem += ps->max(); } list.remove(ps); list.append(ps); ps->setMem(newmax + 1, newps.mem()); ps->set_size(sz); } } }
void SVSet::add2(SVector &svec, int n, const int idx[], const Real val[]) { xtend(svec, svec.size() + n); svec.add(n, idx, val); }
void SVSet::add2(SVector &svec, int idx, Real val) { xtend(svec, svec.size() + 1); svec.add(idx, val); }