Example #1
SceneRenderState::SceneRenderState( SceneManager* sceneManager,
                                    ScenePassType passType,
                                    const SceneCameraState& view,
                                    RenderPassManager* renderPass /* = NULL */,
                                    bool usePostEffects /* = true */ )
   :  mSceneManager( sceneManager ),
      mCullingState( sceneManager, view ),
      mRenderPass( renderPass ? renderPass : sceneManager->getDefaultRenderPass() ),
      mScenePassType( passType ),
      mRenderNonLightmappedMeshes( true ),
      mRenderLightmappedMeshes( true ),
      mUsePostEffects( usePostEffects ),
      mDisableAdvancedLightingBins( false ),
      mRenderArea( view.getFrustum().getBounds() ),
      mAmbientLightColor( sceneManager->getAmbientLightColor() ),
      mSceneRenderStyle( SRS_Standard ),
      mRenderField( 0 )
   // Setup the default parameters for the screen metrics methods.
   mDiffuseCameraTransform = view.getViewWorldMatrix();

   // The vector eye is the camera vector with its 
   // length normalized to 1 / zFar.
   getCameraTransform().getColumn( 1, &mVectorEye );
   mVectorEye.normalize( 1.0f / getFarPlane() );

   // TODO: What about ortho modes?  Is near plane ok
   // or do i need to remove it... maybe ortho has a near
   // plane of 1 and it just works out?

   const Frustum& frustum = view.getFrustum();
   const RectI& viewport = view.getViewport();

   mWorldToScreenScale.set(   ( frustum.getNearDist() * viewport.extent.x ) / ( frustum.getNearRight() - frustum.getNearLeft() ),
                              ( frustum.getNearDist() * viewport.extent.y ) / ( frustum.getNearTop() - frustum.getNearBottom() ) );

   // Assign shared matrix data to the render pass.

   mRenderPass->assignSharedXform( RenderPassManager::View, view.getWorldViewMatrix() );
   mRenderPass->assignSharedXform( RenderPassManager::Projection, view.getProjectionMatrix() );
void OcclusionVolume::buildSilhouette( const SceneCameraState& cameraState, Vector< Point3F >& outPoints )
   // Extract the silhouette of the polyhedron.  This works differently
   // depending on whether we project orthogonally or in perspective.

   TempAlloc< U32 > indices( mPolyhedron.getNumPoints() );
   U32 numPoints;

   if( cameraState.getFrustum().isOrtho() )
      // Transform the view direction into object space.

      Point3F osViewDir;
      getWorldTransform().mulV( cameraState.getViewDirection(), &osViewDir );

      // And extract the silhouette.

      SilhouetteExtractorOrtho< PolyhedronType > extractor( mPolyhedron );
      numPoints = extractor.extractSilhouette( osViewDir, indices, indices.size );
      // Create a transform to go from view space to object space.

      MatrixF camView( true );
      camView.scale( Point3F( 1.0f / getScale().x, 1.0f / getScale().y, 1.0f / getScale().z ) );
      camView.mul( getRenderWorldTransform() );
      camView.mul( cameraState.getViewWorldMatrix() );

      // Do a perspective-correct silhouette extraction.

      numPoints = mSilhouetteExtractor.extractSilhouette(
         indices, indices.size );

   // If we haven't yet, transform the polyhedron's points
   // to world space.

   if( mTransformDirty )
      const U32 numPoints = mPolyhedron.getNumPoints();
      const PolyhedronType::PointType* points = getPolyhedron().getPoints();

      mWSPoints.setSize( numPoints );
      for( U32 i = 0; i < numPoints; ++ i )
         Point3F p = points[ i ];
         p.convolve( getScale() );
         getTransform().mulP( p, &mWSPoints[ i ] );

      mTransformDirty = false;

   // Now store the points.

   outPoints.setSize( numPoints );
   for( U32 i = 0; i < numPoints; ++ i )
      outPoints[ i ] = mWSPoints[ indices[ i ] ];