Example #1
TypeInferenceOracle::getOsrTypes(jsbytecode *osrPc, Vector<MIRType> &slotTypes)
    JS_ASSERT(script()->code < osrPc);
    JS_ASSERT(osrPc < script()->code + script()->length);

    Vector<types::StackTypeSet *> slotTypeSets(cx);
    if (!slotTypeSets.resize(TotalSlots(script())))
        return false;

    for (uint32_t slot = ThisSlot(); slot < TotalSlots(script()); slot++)
        slotTypeSets[slot] = TypeScript::SlotTypes(script(), slot);

    jsbytecode *pc = script()->code;
    ScriptAnalysis *analysis = script()->analysis();

    // To determine the slot types at the OSR pc, we have to do a forward walk
    // over the bytecode to reconstruct the types.
    for (;;) {
        Bytecode *opinfo = analysis->maybeCode(pc);
        if (opinfo) {
            if (opinfo->jumpTarget) {
                // Update variable types for all new values at this bytecode.
                if (const SlotValue *newv = analysis->newValues(pc)) {
                    while (newv->slot) {
                        if (newv->slot < TotalSlots(script()))
                            slotTypeSets[newv->slot] = analysis->getValueTypes(newv->value);

            if (BytecodeUpdatesSlot(JSOp(*pc))) {
                uint32_t slot = GetBytecodeSlot(script(), pc);
                if (analysis->trackSlot(slot))
                    slotTypeSets[slot] = analysis->pushedTypes(pc, 0);

        if (pc == osrPc)

        pc += GetBytecodeLength(pc);

    JS_ASSERT(pc == osrPc);

    // TI always includes the |this| slot, but Ion only does so for function
    // scripts. This means we have to subtract 1 for global/eval scripts.
    JS_ASSERT(ThisSlot() == 1);
    JS_ASSERT(ArgSlot(0) == 2);

#ifdef DEBUG
    uint32_t stackDepth = analysis->getCode(osrPc).stackDepth;

    if (script()->function()) {
        JS_ASSERT(slotTypes.length() == TotalSlots(script()) + stackDepth);

        for (size_t i = ThisSlot(); i < TotalSlots(script()); i++)
            slotTypes[i] = getMIRType(slotTypeSets[i]);
    } else {
        JS_ASSERT(slotTypes.length() == TotalSlots(script()) + stackDepth - 1);

        for (size_t i = ArgSlot(0); i < TotalSlots(script()); i++)
            slotTypes[i - 1] = getMIRType(slotTypeSets[i]);

    return true;