void checkForMatch(const shared_ptr<const Element>& e)
    HandleScope handleScope;
    Context::Scope context_scope(_script->getContext());

    auto_ptr<Envelope> env(e->getEnvelope(_map));
    //if _searchRadius is unchanged, don't use it as an auto-calculated search radius value and
    //expand the search envelope based on the element's circular error and map worst circular error
    if (_searchRadius == -1.0)
      env->expandBy(_candidateDistanceSigma * _worstCircularError + getSearchRadius(e));
      env->expandBy(_candidateDistanceSigma * _searchRadius);

    // find other nearby candidates
    set<ElementId> neighbors = _map->findElements(*env);
    ElementId from(e->getElementType(), e->getId());

    int neighborCount = 0;

    for (set<ElementId>::const_iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it)
      ConstElementPtr e2 = _map->getElement(*it);
      if ((e->getStatus() != e2->getStatus() || from < *it) && isMatchCandidate(e2))
        // score each candidate and push it on the result vector
        ScriptMatch* m = new ScriptMatch(_script, getPlugin(), _map, from, *it, _mt);
        // if we're confident this is a miss
        if (m->getType() == MatchType::Miss)
          delete m;

    _neighborCountSum += neighborCount;
    _neighborCountMax = std::max(_neighborCountMax, neighborCount);
Example #2
  void checkForMatch(const boost::shared_ptr<const Element>& e)
    Isolate* current = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();
    HandleScope handleScope(current);
    Context::Scope context_scope(_script->getContext(current));
    Persistent<Object> plugin(current, getPlugin(_script));
    Local<Object> mapJs(ToLocal(&_mapJs));

    ConstOsmMapPtr map = getMap();

    // create an envlope around the e plus the search radius.
    boost::shared_ptr<Envelope> env(e->getEnvelope(map));
    Meters searchRadius = getSearchRadius(e);

    // find other nearby candidates
    set<ElementId> neighbors =
      IndexElementsVisitor::findNeighbors(*env, getIndex(), _indexToEid, getMap());
    ElementId from = e->getElementId();


    for (set<ElementId>::const_iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it)
      ConstElementPtr e2 = map->getElement(*it);
      if (isCorrectOrder(e, e2) && isMatchCandidate(e2))
        // score each candidate and push it on the result vector
        ScriptMatch* m = new ScriptMatch(_script, plugin, map, mapJs, from, *it, _mt);
        // if we're confident this is a miss
        if (m->getType() == MatchType::Miss)
          delete m;

    _neighborCountSum += neighbors.size();
    _neighborCountMax = std::max(_neighborCountMax, (int)neighbors.size());