   * If a Message Authentication Code (MAC) is required for the specified
   * {@code CipherText} object, then attempt to validate the MAC that
   * should be embedded within the {@code CipherText} object by using a
   * derived key based on the specified {@code SecretKey}.
   * @param secretKey   The {@code SecretKey} used to derived a key to check
   *                    the authenticity via the MAC.
   * @param cipherText  The {@code CipherText} that we are checking for a
   *                    valid MAC. 
   * @return  True is returned if a MAC is required and it is valid as
   *          verified using a key derived from the specified
   *          {@code SecretKey} or a MAC is not required. False is returned
   *          otherwise.
  bool CryptoHelper::isCipherTextMACvalid(const SecretKey& secretKey, const CipherText& cipherText)
    ASSERT(secretKey.getEncoded().length() > 0);

    return false;
   * The ESAPI Key Derivation Function (KDF) that computes a derived key from
   * the {@code keyDerivationKey} for either encryption, decryption, or authentication.
   * <p>
   * <b>CAUTION:</b> If this algorithm for computing derived keys from the key derivation key
   * is <i>ever</i> changed, we risk breaking backward compatibility of being able to decrypt
   * data previously encrypted with earlier / different versions of this method. Therefore,
   * do not change this unless you are 100% certain that what you are doing will NOT change
   *  either of the derived keys for ANY "key derivation key" AT ALL!!!
   * <p>
   * <b>NOTE:</b> This method is generally not intended to be called separately.
   * It is used by ESAPI's reference crypto implementation class {@code JavaEncryptor}
   * and might be useful for someone implementing their own replacement class, but
   * generally it is not something that is useful to application client code.
   * @param keyDerivationKey  A key used as an input to a key derivation function
   *                          to derive other keys. This is the key that generally
   *                          is created using some key generation mechanism such as
   *                          {@link #generateSecretKey(String, int)}. The
   *                          "input" key from which the other keys are derived.
   *                          The derived key will have the same algorithm type
   *                          as this key.
   * @param keyBits       The cipher's key size (in bits) for the {@code keyDerivationKey}.
   *                      Must have a minimum size of 56 bits and be an integral multiple of 8-bits.
   *                      <b>Note:</b> The derived key will have the same size as this.
   * @param purpose       The purpose or use for the derived key. Must be either the
   *                      string "encryption" or "authenticity". Use "encryption" for
   *                      creating a derived key to use for confidentiality, and "authenticity"
   *                      for a derived key to use with a MAC to ensure message authenticity.
   *                      Note that the parameter "purpose" serves the same function as "labe" 
   *                      in section 5.1 of NIST SP 800-108.
   * @return              The derived {@code SecretKey} to be used according
   *                      to the specified purpose.
   * @deprecated Use{@code KeyDerivationFunction} instead. This method will be removed as of
   *                ESAPI release 2.1 so if you are using this, please change your code.
  SecretKey CryptoHelper::computeDerivedKey(const SecretKey& keyDerivationKey, unsigned int keyBits, const NarrowString& purpose)
    // Shamelessly ripped from KeyDerivationFunction.cpp
    ASSERT( keyDerivationKey.getEncoded().length()  > 0 );
    ASSERT( keyBits >= 56 );
    ASSERT( (keyBits % 8) == 0 );
    ASSERT( purpose == "authenticity" || purpose == "encryption" );

    return KeyDerivationFunction::computeDerivedKey(keyDerivationKey, keyBits, purpose);