void sendRollCommand(char ch,int pre) { rollComm.preamble = pre; //command.info_byte = 0b00000000; rollComm.ch = ch; sPort.Write(&rollComm, sizeof(rollCommand)); }
void RfidListener::waitForSerialData() { Serial serial = Serial(); while (serial.Init(_port) == 0) Sleep(200); serial.Write("auth"); serial.Read(); if (serial.DataRead.compare("0") == 0) { serial.Write("init"); serial.Read(); if (serial.DataRead.compare("ok") == 0) serial.Write("ok"); } while (!_quit) // Ends thread on end { serial.Write("check"); serial.Read(); if (serial.DataRead.compare("1") == 0) { serial.Write("get"); serial.Read(); list<Credential>::iterator it = _credentials.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < _credentials.size(); i++) { advance(it, 0); if (serial.DataRead.compare(it->id) == 0) { ZeroMemory(_username, sizeof(_username)); ZeroMemory(_password, sizeof(_password)); wcscpy_s(_username, 1024, it->username); wcscpy_s(_password, 1024, it->password); _connected = TRUE; _pProvider->OnConnectStatusChanged(); break; } } if (_connected) break; } Sleep(1000); // Wait so as no to flood the serial port } }
void sendCommand(Robot_Config myRobot,int pre) { command.preamble = pre; command.info_byte = 0b00000000; command.myRobot = myRobot; sPort.Write(&command, sizeof(botPacket)); }