Example #1
 void InitSerialPort(const wxString& portname, int baudrate)
     static char errmsg[100];
     if (portname == "NotConnected") return;
     serptr=new SerialPort();
     int errcode=serptr->Open(portname, baudrate, SerialConfig);
     if (errcode < 0)
         sprintf(errmsg,"unable to open serial port, error code=%d",errcode);
         throw errmsg;
Example #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	const char default_path[] = "/dev/ttyUSB2";
	const char *path;
	if(argc < 2)
		path = default_path;
		path = argv[1];
	char buf[1024];
	SerialPort sp;
	sp.Open(path, 9600, 8, 1, 'n');
		cout<<"Please key in data"<<endl;
		sp.Write(buf, strlen(buf)+1);
	return 0;
Example #3
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    int         sig;
    sigset_t    termSig;
    pthread_t   readSerialThreadId;
    pthread_t   readStdinThreadId;
    int         rc;
    int         opt;
    const char *baudStr = NULL;
#if defined( linux )
    const char *portStr = "ttyS0";
    const char *portStr = "com1";

#if USE_I2C
    PKT_TextChar        = PacketTextChar;
    PKT_SendChar        = PacketSendChar;
    PKT_PacketReceived  = PacketReceived;

//    signal( SIGINT, ControlC );
//    signal( SIGTERM, ControlC );

    LogInit( stdout );

    while (( opt = getopt_long( argc, argv, "b:dhmp:rsv", gLongOption, NULL )) > 0 )
        switch ( opt )
            case 'b':
                baudStr = optarg;

            case 'd':
                gDebug = true;

            case 'g':
                gDongle = true;

            case 'm':
                gMegaLoad = true;

            case 'p':
                portStr = optarg;

            case 'r':
                gUseRtsToReset = true;

            case 's':
                gStk500 = true;

            case 'v':
                gVerbose = true;

#if USE_I2C
            case OPT_DEBUG_DONGLE:
                gSerialDongle.m_debugDongle = true;

            case OPT_DEBUG_DONGLE_DATA:
                gSerialDongle.m_debugDongleData = true;

            case '?':
            case 'h':
                return 1;

    if ( optind < argc )
        if (( optind + 1 ) != argc )
            fprintf( stderr, "Only one download file supported\n" );
            return 1;

        gDownloadFileName = argv[ optind ];

    // Open the file to download

    if ( gDownloadFileName != NULL )
        // If we are asked to download a file, then read the entire file
        // into memory.

        if (( gDownloadInfo = ReadFile( gDownloadFileName )) == NULL )
            return 1;

    if ( !gSerialPort.Open( portStr, baudStr ))
        return 1;
    if ( gUseRtsToReset )
        gSerialPort.StrobeRTS( 10 );

    // Put stdin in raw mode

    setbuf( stdin, NULL );
    setbuf( stdout, NULL );

#if defined( unix )
    sigemptyset( &termSig );
    sigaddset( &termSig, SIGINT );
    sigaddset( &termSig, SIGTERM );

    pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &termSig, NULL );

    struct termios tio_new;

    if ( tcgetattr( fileno( stdin ), &gTio_org ) < 0 )
        LogError( "Unable to retrieve terminal settings\n" );
        return 1;
    tio_new = gTio_org;
    tio_new.c_lflag &= ~( ICANON | ECHO );
    tio_new.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
    tio_new.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;

    if ( tcsetattr( fileno( stdin ), TCSANOW, &tio_new ) < 0 )
        LogError( "Unable to update terminal settings\n" );
        return 1;

    const char *bootLoaderType = "*** Unknown ***";

    if ( gDongle )
        bootLoaderType = "Serial Dongle";
    if ( gMegaLoad )
        bootLoaderType = "MegaLoad v2.3";
    if ( gStk500 )
        bootLoaderType = "STK500";

    gLogFs2 = fopen( "BootHost.log", "wb" );

    Log( "BootHost - BootLoader: %s\n", bootLoaderType );

    // Kick off the serial port reader thread.

    rc = pthread_create( &readSerialThreadId, NULL, ReadSerialThread, &gSerialPort );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        fprintf( stderr, "Error creating ReadSerialThread: %d\n", rc );
        return 1;

    // Kick off the stdin reader thread.

    rc = pthread_create( &readStdinThreadId, NULL, ReadStdinThread, NULL );
    if ( rc != 0 )
        fprintf( stderr, "Error creating ReadSerialThread: %d\n", rc );
        return 1;

#if defined( unix )

    // Wait for a termmination signal

    if (( rc = sigwait( &termSig, &sig )) != 0 )
        fprintf( stderr, "sigwait failed\n" );
        fprintf( stderr, "Exiting...\n" );

    pthread_cancel( readSerialThreadId );
    pthread_cancel( readStdinThreadId );

    // Restore stdin back to the way it was when we started

    if ( tcsetattr( fileno( stdin ), TCSANOW, &gTio_org ) == -1 )
        LogError( "Unable to restore terminal settings\n" );

#if defined( __CYGWIN__ )

    // Under Windows closing the serial port and stdin will cause the reads
    // to unblock. Under linux, this isn't required, but it doesn't hurt 
    // either.

    fclose( stdin );

    // Unblock the termination signals so the user can kill us if we hang up
    // waiting for the reader threads to exit.

#if defined( unix )
    pthread_sigmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &termSig, NULL );

    pthread_join( readSerialThreadId, NULL );
    pthread_join( readStdinThreadId, NULL );

#if !defined( __CYGWIN__ )
    fclose( stdin );

    if ( gVerbose )
        printf( "Done\n" );

    return 0;

} // main
Example #4
int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    ros::init(argc, argv, "sonar");
    ros::NodeHandle n;
    ros::NodeHandle nh("~");
    // get the number of sonar sensors
    nh.getParam("sensors", no_of_sensors);

    if (no_of_sensors <= 0) {
        ROS_ERROR("The number of sensors must be specified");
    else {

        // get the device to read from
        std::string device_name = "";
        nh.getParam("device", device_name);
        if (device_name == "") device_name = "/dev/ttyUSB0";

        // do we need to set the address?
        std::string sensor_address_str = "";        
        nh.getParam("address", sensor_address_str);
        nh.setParam("address", ""); // clear the address parameter after it has been read
        if (sensor_address_str != "") {
            char* endstr;
            sensor_address = strtol(sensor_address_str.c_str(), &endstr, 16);
            if ((sensor_address > 0xfe) || (sensor_address < 0xe0)) {
                ROS_ERROR("The sensor address must be between 0xe0 and 0xfe");
                sensor_address_str = "";
            else {
                if (no_of_sensors != 1) {
                    ROS_ERROR("When setting the address %s only one sensor should be attached to the module", sensor_address_str.c_str());
                    sensor_address_str = "";
                else {
                    ROS_INFO("Setting sensor address to %s", sensor_address_str.c_str());

        // sonar ranges are stored in this array
        int range_mm[no_of_sensors];

        // create the publisher
        sonar_pub = n.advertise<usbi2c::sonar_params>("sonar", 10);
	sonar_filtered_pub = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::Range> ("/sonar_height", 2, true);

	// create filters
	cAFilter = new ContingencyAnalysisWindowMeanFilter(3, 1.0);
  	outlierFilter = new OutlierRejectionFilter(-0.25, 0.5);

        SerialPort serial;
        if (serial.Open(device_name) == 0) {
            // 19200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits
            serial.Initialise(19200, 8, 2, PARITY_NONE);

            ROS_INFO("Connected to %s", device_name.c_str());

            if (sensor_address_str != "") {
                // set the address of the sonar sensor
                SetSensorAddress(serial, (unsigned char)sensor_address, 2000);

            //ros::Rate loop_rate(20);
            while ((n.ok()) && (!transmission_complete)) {

            ROS_INFO("Closing %s", device_name.c_str());
        else {
            ROS_WARN("Can't open %s", device_name.c_str());

    return 0;