    * Runs the motors with arcade steering.
   void OperatorControl(void)
       while (IsOperatorControl())
           bool setLimit;
           double cimValue1= -scaleThrottle(-(stick->GetZ())); //Set desired speed from the Throttle, assuming from -1 to 1, also invert the cim, since we want it to rotate coutnerclockwise/clockwise
           double cimValue2= scaleThrottle(-(stick->GetZ())); //Set desired speed from the Throttle, assuming from -1 to 1
           //For shooter
           /*if (stick.GetRawButton(1) == true) {
                           //back of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick
                                   (stick.GetX()), false); // inverted drive control    
                       } else {
                           //front of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick
                                   (stick.GetX()), false); // normal drive control        
           //For manual button speed control, this sets the speed
            if (stick->GetRawButton(4) == true) {
                      cim1->Set(cimValue1); //use the value from the throttle to set cim speed
                      cim2->Set(cimValue2);//Get speed from throttle, and then scale it
                      setLimit = true;
                      //Open Ball Stopper
                       else {
                           setLimit = false;
                      //Close Ball Stopper  

           //For precisebelt pickup
           if (stick->GetRawButton(1) == true) {
               //back of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick
               if (setLimit == true) {
                       (stick->GetX()), false); // inverted drive control
               } else {
                       (stick->GetX()), false); // inverted drive control
           } else {
               //front of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick
               if (setLimit == true) {
                                       (stick->GetX()), false); // inverted drive control
                               } else {
                                       (stick->GetX()), false); // inverted drive control
           //For normal belt pickup
           /*if (stick->GetRawButton(6) == true) {
                                       JagBelt->Drive(1.0, 0); //opens gripper
                                   } else {
                                       JagBelt->Drive(0.0, 0); //closes gripper
           //For drive
           if (rightstick->GetRawButton(1) == true) {
                           //back of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick
                       if (rightstick->GetRawButton(10) == true) {
                           precisionMode= true;
                       else {
                           precisionMode= false;
                           myRobot->ArcadeDrive((rightstick->GetY()), (rightstick->GetX()), precisionMode); // inverted drive control    
                       } else
                           if (rightstick->GetRawButton(10) == true) {
                                                       precisionMode= true;
                                                   else {
                                                       precisionMode= false;
                           //front of the robot is moved forward by pushing forward on the joystick
                           myRobot->ArcadeDrive(-(rightstick->GetY()), (rightstick->GetX()), precisionMode); // normal drive control        
           /*if (stick->GetRawButton(8) == true) {
                                               cim1->Set(-0.37); //run cim 1 at 50% speed counterclockwise??
                                               cim2->Set(0.37); // run cim  at 50% speed clockwise
                                               check = true; //indicate if motors are running
                                           } else if (check == true){ // if motors are running a
                                               belt->Set(1); // run the belt
                                               Wait(2.0); // one sec delay
                                               belt->Set(0.0); // turn belt off
                                               check = false; // put new check
                                           else if (check == false){ //if false
                                                // 2 sec delay to wait for the first ball to shoot
                                               cim1->Set(0.0); //stop cims
                                           else { // Stop everything
                                               cim1->Set(0.0); //stop cims

           //Code for using window motor
           if (rightstick->GetRawButton(4)) {
               window->Set(Relay::kForward); // tell window motor to go forward
                       }  else if (rightstick->GetRawButton(5) == true){
                       window->Set(Relay::kReverse); //tell window motor to go backward

                       else {
                       window->Set(Relay::kOff); //turn it off, if the relays aint being used
           //Code for Banebot Motor for stopping ballz
           if (stick->GetRawButton(2) == true) { // press button TWO to close
                               pickStop->Set(-0.5); //closes ball stopper
                               } else if (stick->GetRawButton(3) == true){ //press button three to open
                                   pickStop->Set(0.5); //opens ball stopper
                                   Wait(1.2); // too slow, so needs more time
                               else if (stick->GetRawButton(5)== true){ //press 5 to stop imediately, useful for adjusting angles...
//Code for ... servoooo
           if (stick->GetRawButton(10) == true) { //press 10 on the left stick...
           bar->SetAngle(60); // set the angles to 60...clockwise?
       } else if (stick->GetRawButton(11) == true) // press 11 on the left stick
           bar->SetAngle(-60);   //set the angles to -60...counterclockwise?
           // Initialize functions...
           //  RelayServo();
           // Accelerometer();

// send data back to dashboard
           dash->GetPacketNumber(); //not sure why this is here 0_0
           //int limitValue= limitSwitch->Get() ? 1 : 0; // retrieve 1 and 0 only.../ look for 0 and 1
           float servoAngle = bar->GetAngle();
           //dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1, 1, "Limit State: %d", limitValue); //send data back to driver station...
          // dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2, 2, "Servo Angle: %f", servoAngle); //send data back to driver station...
                   float gyroVal = gyro -> GetVoltage();//Gets voltage  from gyro
                   float ultraVal = rangeFinder -> GetVoltage(); //Get voltage from ultrasonic sensor
                   float tempVal = Temperature -> GetVoltage();//Gets temperature

//Do the math to convert data received from the ultrasonic volts->miliVolts->milivolts per inch->inches
                   float Vm = (ultraVal*1000);
                   float Ri = (Vm/9.765625);
                   // Print data back to dashboard
                   dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line1, 1, "Ultrasonic Range: %f",Ri);
                   dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line2, 1, "Gyro: %f", gyroVal);
                   dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line3, 1, "Temperature: %f", tempVal);
                   dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line4, 1, "Cim1 Speed: %f%%", (cimValue1*100)); //display speed that the mototrs are reunning at different percentages...
                   dsLCD->Printf(DriverStationLCD::kUser_Line5, 1, "Cim2 Speed: %f%%", (cimValue2*100));
		   //Update dashboard