Example #1
/** Parses an ELF Segment (Program Header) Table and constructs and parses all segments reachable from the table. The section
 *  is extended as necessary based on the number of entries and teh size of each entry. */
SgAsmElfSegmentTable *

    SgAsmElfFileHeader *fhdr = dynamic_cast<SgAsmElfFileHeader*>(get_header());
    ByteOrder sex = fhdr->get_sex();

    size_t ent_size, struct_size, opt_size, nentries;
    calculate_sizes(&ent_size, &struct_size, &opt_size, &nentries);
    ROSE_ASSERT(opt_size==fhdr->get_phextrasz() && nentries==fhdr->get_e_phnum());

    /* If the current size is very small (0 or 1 byte) then we're coming straight from the constructor and the parsing should
     * also extend this section to hold all the entries. Otherwise the caller must have assigned a specific size for a good
     * reason and we should leave that alone, reading zeros if the entries extend beyond the defined size. */
    if (get_size()<=1 && get_size()<nentries*ent_size)
        extend(nentries*ent_size - get_size());
    rose_addr_t offset=0;                                /* w.r.t. the beginning of this section */
    for (size_t i=0; i<nentries; i++, offset+=ent_size) {
        /* Read/decode the segment header */
        SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntry *shdr = NULL;
        if (4==fhdr->get_word_size()) {
            SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntry::Elf32SegmentTableEntry_disk disk;
            read_content_local(offset, &disk, struct_size);
            shdr = new SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntry(sex, &disk);
        } else {
            SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntry::Elf64SegmentTableEntry_disk disk;
            read_content_local(offset, &disk, struct_size);
            shdr = new SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntry(sex, &disk);
        if (opt_size>0)
            shdr->get_extra() = read_content_local_ucl(offset+struct_size, opt_size);

        /* Null segments are just unused slots in the table; no real section to create */
        if (SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntry::PT_NULL == shdr->get_type())

        /* Create SgAsmElfSection objects for each ELF Segment. However, if the ELF Segment Table describes a segment
         * that's the same offset and size as a section from the Elf Section Table (and the memory mappings are
         * consistent) then use the preexisting section instead of creating a new one. */
        SgAsmElfSection *s = NULL;
        SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList possible = fhdr->get_file()->get_sections_by_offset(shdr->get_offset(), shdr->get_filesz());
        for (size_t j=0; !s && j<possible.size(); j++) {
            if (possible[j]->get_offset()!=shdr->get_offset() || possible[j]->get_size()!=shdr->get_filesz())
                continue; /*different file extent*/
            if (possible[j]->is_mapped()) {
                if (possible[j]->get_mapped_preferred_rva()!=shdr->get_vaddr() ||
                    continue; /*different mapped address or size*/
                unsigned section_perms = (possible[j]->get_mapped_rperm() ? 0x01 : 0x00) |
                                         (possible[j]->get_mapped_wperm() ? 0x02 : 0x00) |
                                         (possible[j]->get_mapped_xperm() ? 0x04 : 0x00);
                unsigned segment_perms = (shdr->get_flags() & SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntry::PF_RPERM ? 0x01 : 0x00) |
                                         (shdr->get_flags() & SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntry::PF_WPERM ? 0x02 : 0x00) |
                                         (shdr->get_flags() & SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntry::PF_XPERM ? 0x04 : 0x00);
                if (section_perms != segment_perms)
                    continue; /*different mapped permissions*/

            /* Found a match. Set memory mapping params only. */
            s = dynamic_cast<SgAsmElfSection*>(possible[j]);
            if (!s) continue; /*potential match was not from the ELF Section or Segment table*/
            if (s->get_segment_entry()) continue; /*potential match is assigned to some other segment table entry*/
            s->init_from_segment_table(shdr, true); /*true=>set memory mapping params only*/

        /* Create a new segment if no matching section was found. */
        if (!s) {
            if (SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntry::PT_NOTE == shdr->get_type()) {
                s = new SgAsmElfNoteSection(fhdr);
            } else {
                s = new SgAsmElfSection(fhdr);
    return this;
Example #2
/** Parses an ELF Section Table and constructs and parses all sections reachable from the table. The section is extended as
 *  necessary based on the number of entries and the size of each entry. */
SgAsmElfSectionTable *

    SgAsmElfFileHeader *fhdr = dynamic_cast<SgAsmElfFileHeader*>(get_header());
    ByteOrder::Endianness sex = fhdr->get_sex();

    size_t ent_size, struct_size, opt_size, nentries;
    calculate_sizes(&ent_size, &struct_size, &opt_size, &nentries);
    ROSE_ASSERT(opt_size==fhdr->get_shextrasz() && nentries==fhdr->get_e_shnum());

    /* If the current size is very small (0 or 1 byte) then we're coming straight from the constructor and the parsing should
     * also extend this section to hold all the entries. Otherwise the caller must have assigned a specific size for a good
     * reason and we should leave that alone, reading zeros if the entries extend beyond the defined size. */
    if (get_size()<=1 && get_size()<nentries*ent_size)
        extend(nentries*ent_size - get_size());

    // Read all the section headers.  Section headers are not essential to the Unix loader, which uses only segments. Therefore
    // we should be prepared to handle bad entries.
    std::vector<SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry*> entries;
    rose_addr_t offset = 0;
    try {
        for (size_t i=0; i<nentries; i++, offset+=ent_size) {
            SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry *shdr = NULL;
            if (4 == fhdr->get_word_size()) {
                SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::Elf32SectionTableEntry_disk disk;
                read_content_local(offset, &disk, struct_size);
                shdr = new SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry(sex, &disk);
            } else {
                SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::Elf64SectionTableEntry_disk disk;
                read_content_local(offset, &disk, struct_size);
                shdr = new SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry(sex, &disk);
            if (opt_size>0)
                shdr->get_extra() = read_content_local_ucl(offset+struct_size, opt_size);
    } catch (const ShortRead &error) {
        mlog[ERROR] <<"short read for elf section header #" <<entries.size()
                    <<" at file offset " <<StringUtility::addrToString(error.offset)
                    <<" when reading " <<StringUtility::plural(error.size, "bytes") <<"\n";
        mlog[ERROR] <<"expected " <<StringUtility::plural(nentries, "sections") <<", but bailing out early\n";
        nentries = entries.size();

    /* This vector keeps track of which sections have already been parsed. We could get the same information by calling
     * fhdr->get_section_by_id() and passing the entry number since entry numbers and IDs are one and the same in ELF. However,
     * this is a bit easier. */
    std::vector<SgAsmElfSection*> is_parsed;
    is_parsed.resize(entries.size(), NULL);

    /* All sections implicitly depend on the section string table for their names. */
    SgAsmElfStringSection *section_name_strings=NULL;
    if (fhdr->get_e_shstrndx() > 0 && fhdr->get_e_shstrndx() < entries.size()) {
        SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry *entry = entries[fhdr->get_e_shstrndx()];
        section_name_strings = new SgAsmElfStringSection(fhdr);
        section_name_strings->init_from_section_table(entry, section_name_strings, fhdr->get_e_shstrndx());
        is_parsed[fhdr->get_e_shstrndx()] = section_name_strings;

    /* Read all the sections. Some sections depend on other sections, so we read them in such an order that all dependencies
     * are satisfied first. */
    while (1) {
        bool try_again=false;
        for (size_t i=0; i<entries.size(); i++) {
            SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry *entry = entries[i];

            /* Some sections might reference another section through the sh_link member. */
            bool need_linked = entry->get_sh_link() > 0;
            ROSE_ASSERT(!need_linked || entry->get_sh_link()<entries.size());
            SgAsmElfSection *linked = need_linked ? is_parsed[entry->get_sh_link()] : NULL;

            /* Relocation sections might have a second linked section stored in sh_info. */
            bool need_info_linked = (entry->get_sh_type() == SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_REL ||
                                     entry->get_sh_type() == SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_RELA) &&
                                    entry->get_sh_info() > 0;
            ROSE_ASSERT(!need_info_linked || entry->get_sh_info()<entries.size());
            SgAsmElfSection *info_linked = need_info_linked ? is_parsed[entry->get_sh_info()] : NULL;

            if (is_parsed[i]) {
                /* This section has already been parsed. */
            } else if ((need_linked && !linked) || (need_info_linked && !info_linked)) {
                /* Don't parse this section yet because it depends on something that's not parsed yet. */
                try_again = true;
            } else {
                switch (entry->get_sh_type()) {
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_NULL:
                        /* Null entry. We still create the section just to hold the section header. */
                        is_parsed[i] = new SgAsmElfSection(fhdr);
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_NOBITS:
                        /* These types of sections don't occupy any file space (e.g., BSS) */
                        is_parsed[i] = new SgAsmElfSection(fhdr);
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_DYNAMIC: {
                        SgAsmElfStringSection *strsec = dynamic_cast<SgAsmElfStringSection*>(linked);
                        is_parsed[i] = new SgAsmElfDynamicSection(fhdr, strsec);
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_DYNSYM: {
                        SgAsmElfStringSection *strsec = dynamic_cast<SgAsmElfStringSection*>(linked);
                        SgAsmElfSymbolSection *symsec = new SgAsmElfSymbolSection(fhdr, strsec);
                        is_parsed[i] = symsec;
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_SYMTAB: {
                        SgAsmElfStringSection *strsec = dynamic_cast<SgAsmElfStringSection*>(linked);
                        SgAsmElfSymbolSection *symsec = new SgAsmElfSymbolSection(fhdr, strsec);
                        is_parsed[i] = symsec;
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_STRTAB:
                        is_parsed[i] = new SgAsmElfStringSection(fhdr);
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_REL: {
                        SgAsmElfSymbolSection *symbols = dynamic_cast<SgAsmElfSymbolSection*>(linked);
                        SgAsmElfRelocSection *relocsec = new SgAsmElfRelocSection(fhdr, symbols, info_linked);
                        is_parsed[i] = relocsec;
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_RELA: {
                        SgAsmElfSymbolSection *symbols = dynamic_cast<SgAsmElfSymbolSection*>(linked);
                        SgAsmElfRelocSection *relocsec = new SgAsmElfRelocSection(fhdr, symbols, info_linked);
                        is_parsed[i] = relocsec;
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_PROGBITS: {
                        if (!section_name_strings) {
                            fprintf(stderr, "SgAsmElfSectionTable::parse(): no string table for section table\n");
                            is_parsed[i] = new SgAsmElfSection(fhdr);
                        } else {
                            std::string section_name = section_name_strings->read_content_local_str(entry->get_sh_name());
                            if (section_name == ".eh_frame") {
                                is_parsed[i] = new SgAsmElfEHFrameSection(fhdr);
                            } else {
                                is_parsed[i] = new SgAsmElfSection(fhdr);
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_GNU_versym: {
                        is_parsed[i] = new SgAsmElfSymverSection(fhdr);
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_GNU_verdef: {
                        SgAsmElfStringSection *strsec = dynamic_cast<SgAsmElfStringSection*>(linked);
                        is_parsed[i] = new SgAsmElfSymverDefinedSection(fhdr,strsec);
                    case SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry::SHT_GNU_verneed: {
                        SgAsmElfStringSection *strsec = dynamic_cast<SgAsmElfStringSection*>(linked);
                        is_parsed[i] = new SgAsmElfSymverNeededSection(fhdr,strsec);
                        is_parsed[i] = new SgAsmElfSection(fhdr);
                is_parsed[i]->init_from_section_table(entry, section_name_strings, i);
        if (!try_again)

    /* Initialize links between sections */
    for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
        SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry *shdr = entries[i];
        if (shdr->get_sh_link() > 0) {
            SgAsmElfSection *source = isSgAsmElfSection(fhdr->get_file()->get_section_by_id(i));
            SgAsmElfSection *target = isSgAsmElfSection(fhdr->get_file()->get_section_by_id(shdr->get_sh_link()));
            assert(source);     /* because we created it above */

    /* Finish parsing sections now that we have basic info for all the sections. */
    for (size_t i=0; i<is_parsed.size(); i++)

    return this;