Example #1
NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType NodeQuery::queryNodeClassDeclarationsFromTypeName(SgNode* node, SgNode* nameNode)
  NodeQuerySynthesizedAttributeType returnList;
  ROSE_ASSERT( nameNode != NULL );
  ROSE_ASSERT( node     != NULL );

  // finds the name which should be matched to 
  SgName* sageName = isSgName(nameNode);
  ROSE_ASSERT( sageName != NULL );
  std::string nameToMatch = sageName->str();
  ROSE_ASSERT( nameToMatch.length() > 0 );

  SgClassDeclaration *sageClassDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration (node);

  if (sageClassDeclaration != NULL)
    if(TransformationSupport::getTypeName(sageClassDeclaration->get_type()) == nameToMatch)
      SgClassDefinition* classDefinition = isSgClassDefinition(sageClassDeclaration->get_definition());
      ROSE_ASSERT( classDefinition != NULL );

      // SgBaseClassList baseClassList = classDefinition->get_inheritances();
      SgBaseClassPtrList baseClassList = classDefinition->get_inheritances();

      typedef SgBaseClassPtrList::iterator SgBaseClassPtrListIterator;
      for( SgBaseClassPtrListIterator baseClassElm = baseClassList.begin();
          baseClassElm != baseClassList.end(); ++baseClassElm)
        // SgBaseClass baseClass = *baseClassElm;
        SgBaseClass* baseClass = *baseClassElm;
        // sageClassDeclaration = baseClass.get_base_class();
        sageClassDeclaration = baseClass->get_base_class();
        std::string typeName  = TransformationSupport::getTypeName ( sageClassDeclaration->get_type() );
        if( typeName == nameToMatch )

       SgType* typeNode = sageClassDeclaration->get_type ();
       ROSE_ASSERT (typeNode != NULL);

       string currentTypeName  = "";
       string previousTypeName = ""; 

       previousTypeName = currentTypeName;
       currentTypeName  = TransformationSupport::getTypeName (typeNode);

       typeNode = typeNode->findBaseType();
       ROSE_ASSERT( typeNode != NULL );

       if( currentTypeName == nameToMatch ){
       cout<< "\n\n The typenames is : " << currentTypeName << "\n\n" << previousTypeName << "\n\n";

       }while( previousTypeName != currentTypeName);

  return returnList;
} /* End function:queryNodeCLassDeclarationFromName() */
bool isDeclaredVirtualWithinClassAncestry(SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration, SgClassDefinition *classDefinition)
  SgType *functionType =
  ROSE_ASSERT(functionType != NULL);

  // Look in each of the class' parent classes.
  SgBaseClassPtrList & baseClassList = classDefinition->get_inheritances(); 
  for (SgBaseClassPtrList::iterator i = baseClassList.begin(); 
       i != baseClassList.end(); ++i) {
    SgBaseClass *baseClass = *i;
    ROSE_ASSERT(baseClass != NULL);

    SgClassDeclaration *classDeclaration = baseClass->get_base_class(); 
    ROSE_ASSERT(classDeclaration != NULL);

    SgDeclarationStatement *definingDecl =
    if ( definingDecl == NULL )
    SgClassDeclaration *definingClassDeclaration =
    ROSE_ASSERT(classDeclaration != NULL);

    SgClassDefinition *parentClassDefinition =

    if ( parentClassDefinition == NULL )

    // Visit all methods in the parent class.
    SgDeclarationStatementPtrList &members = 

    bool isDeclaredVirtual = false;

    for (SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::iterator it = members.begin(); 
	 it != members.end(); ++it) { 
      SgDeclarationStatement *declarationStatement = *it; 
      ROSE_ASSERT(declarationStatement != NULL);
      switch(declarationStatement->variantT()) {
      case V_SgMemberFunctionDeclaration:
	  SgMemberFunctionDeclaration *memberFunctionDeclaration =  

	  if ( isVirtual(memberFunctionDeclaration) ) {

	    SgType *parentMemberFunctionType =
	    ROSE_ASSERT(parentMemberFunctionType != NULL);

	    if ( parentMemberFunctionType == functionType ) {
	      return true;





    if ( isDeclaredVirtualWithinClassAncestry(functionDeclaration, 
					      parentClassDefinition) ) {
      return true;


  return false;
Example #3
StructLayoutInfo NonpackedTypeLayoutGenerator::layoutType(SgType* t) const {
  switch (t->variantT()) {
    case V_SgClassType: { // Also covers structs and unions
      SgClassDeclaration* decl = isSgClassDeclaration(isSgClassType(t)->get_declaration());
      ROSE_ASSERT (decl);
      decl = isSgClassDeclaration(decl->get_definingDeclaration());
      ROSE_ASSERT (decl);
      SgClassDefinition* def = decl->get_definition();
      ROSE_ASSERT (def);
      StructLayoutInfo layout;
      size_t currentOffset = 0;
      const SgBaseClassPtrList& bases = def->get_inheritances();
      for (SgBaseClassPtrList::const_iterator i = bases.begin();
           i != bases.end(); ++i) {
        SgBaseClass* base = *i;
        SgClassDeclaration* basecls = base->get_base_class();
        layoutOneField(basecls->get_type(), base, false, currentOffset, layout);
      const SgDeclarationStatementPtrList& body = def->get_members();
      bool isUnion = (decl->get_class_type() == SgClassDeclaration::e_union);
      for (SgDeclarationStatementPtrList::const_iterator i = body.begin();
           i != body.end(); ++i) {
        SgDeclarationStatement* mem = *i;
        SgVariableDeclaration* vardecl = isSgVariableDeclaration(mem);
        SgClassDeclaration* classdecl = isSgClassDeclaration(mem);
        bool isUnnamedUnion = classdecl ? classdecl->get_isUnNamed() : false;
        if (vardecl) {
          if (!vardecl->get_declarationModifier().isDefault()) continue; // Static fields and friends
          ROSE_ASSERT (!vardecl->get_bitfield());
          const SgInitializedNamePtrList& vars = isSgVariableDeclaration(mem)->get_variables();
          for (SgInitializedNamePtrList::const_iterator j = vars.begin();
               j != vars.end(); ++j) {
            SgInitializedName* var = *j;
            layoutOneField(var->get_type(), var, isUnion, currentOffset, layout);
        } else if (isUnnamedUnion) {
          layoutOneField(classdecl->get_type(), classdecl, isUnion, currentOffset, layout);
        } // else continue;
      if (layout.alignment != 0 && layout.size % layout.alignment != 0) {
        size_t paddingNeeded = layout.alignment - (layout.size % layout.alignment);
        if (!isUnion) {
          layout.fields.push_back(StructLayoutEntry(NULL, layout.size, paddingNeeded));
        layout.size += paddingNeeded;
      return layout;
    case V_SgArrayType: {
      StructLayoutInfo layout = this->beginning->layoutType(isSgArrayType(t)->get_base_type());
      SgExpression* numElements = isSgArrayType(t)->get_index();

      //Adjustment for UPC array like a[100*THREADS],treat it as a[100]
      // Liao, 8/7/2008
      if (isUpcArrayWithThreads(isSgArrayType(t)))
        SgMultiplyOp* multiply = isSgMultiplyOp(isSgArrayType(t)->get_index());

     // DQ (9/26/2011): Do constant folding if required.
     // SageInterface::constantFolding(multiply);

        numElements = multiply->get_lhs_operand();
      if (!isSgValueExp(numElements)) {
        cerr << "Error: trying to compute static size of an array with non-constant size" << endl;
      layout.size *= SageInterface::getIntegerConstantValue(isSgValueExp(numElements));
      return layout;
    case V_SgTypeComplex: {
    //"Each complex type has the same representation and alignment requirements as 
    //an array type containing exactly two elements of the corresponding real type"
      StructLayoutInfo layout = this->beginning->layoutType(isSgTypeComplex(t)->get_base_type());
      layout.size *= 2;
      return layout;
    case V_SgTypeImaginary: {
      StructLayoutInfo layout = this->beginning->layoutType(isSgTypeImaginary(t)->get_base_type());
      return layout;

    default: return ChainableTypeLayoutGenerator::layoutType(t);
FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit ( SgNode* node )
  // DQ (11/24/2007): Output the current IR node for debugging the traversal of the Fortran AST.
     printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit() (preorder AST traversal) node = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());

#if 0
  // DQ (7/23/2011): New support for linking namespaces sharing the same name (mangled name).
  // std::map<SgName,std::vector<SgNamespaceDefinition*> > namespaceMap;
     SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement* namespaceDefinition = isSgNamespaceDefinitionStatement(node);
     if (namespaceDefinition != NULL)
       // DQ (7/23/2011): Assemble namespaces with the same name into vectors defined in the map 
       // accessed using the name of the namespace as a key.

#error "DEAD CODE"

          SgName name = namespaceDefinition->get_namespaceDeclaration()->get_name();
          printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: namespace definition found for name = %s #symbols = %d \n",name.str(),namespaceDefinition->get_symbol_table()->size());
       // It is important to use mangled names to define unique names when namespaces are nested.
          SgName mangledNamespaceName = namespaceDefinition->get_namespaceDeclaration()->get_mangled_name();
          printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: namespace definition associated mangled name = %s \n",mangledNamespaceName.str());
       // DQ (7/23/2011): Fixup the name we use as a key in the map to relect that some namespaces don't have a name.
          if (name == "")
            // Modify the mangled name to reflect the unnamed namespace...

               printf ("Warning in FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit(): Unnamed namespaces shuld be mangled to reflect the lack of a name \n");
               mangledNamespaceName += "_unnamed_namespace";

          printf ("namespace definition associated mangled name = %s \n",mangledNamespaceName.str());
          printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: associated mangled name = %s namespaceMap size = %" PRIuPTR " \n",mangledNamespaceName.str(),namespaceMap.size());
          std::map<SgName,std::vector<SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement*> >::iterator i = namespaceMap.find(mangledNamespaceName);
          if (i != namespaceMap.end())
               std::vector<SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement*> & namespaceVector = i->second;
               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: (found an entry): Namespace vector size = %" PRIuPTR " \n",namespaceVector.size());
            // Testing each entry...
               for (size_t j = 0; j < namespaceVector.size(); j++)
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[j] != NULL);
                    SgName existingNamespaceName = namespaceVector[j]->get_namespaceDeclaration()->get_name();
                    printf ("Existing namespace (SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement) %p = %s \n",namespaceVector[j],existingNamespaceName.str());
                    if (j > 0)
                         ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[j]->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() != NULL);

                    if (namespaceVector.size() > 1 && j < namespaceVector.size() - 2)
                         ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[j]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() != NULL);

#error "DEAD CODE"

               size_t namespaceListSize = namespaceVector.size();
               if (namespaceListSize > 0)
                    size_t lastNamespaceIndex = namespaceListSize - 1;

                 // DQ (5/9/2013): Before setting these, I think they should be unset (to NULL values).
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() != NULL);

                 // namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->set_nextNamespaceDefinition(namespaceDefinition);
#if 1
                    printf ("namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() = %p \n",namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition());
                    if (namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL)
                      // DQ (5/9/2013): If this is already set then make sure it was set to the correct value.
                         ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == namespaceDefinition);

#error "DEAD CODE"

                 // DQ (5/9/2013): If this is already set then make sure it was set to the correct value.
                 // namespaceDefinition->set_previousNamespaceDefinition(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]);
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() != NULL);
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() == namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]);

                 // DQ (5/9/2013): I think I can assert this.
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_namespaceDeclaration()->get_name() == namespaceDefinition->get_namespaceDeclaration()->get_name());
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() != NULL);
#if 1
                    printf ("namespaceDefinition = %p namespaceDefinition->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() = %p \n",namespaceDefinition,namespaceDefinition->get_nextNamespaceDefinition());
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_nextNamespaceDefinition()     == NULL);
                 // ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceVector[lastNamespaceIndex]->get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);

            // Add the namespace matching a previous name to the list.

#error "DEAD CODE"

            // Setup scopes as sources and distinations of alias symbols.
               SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement* referencedScope = namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition();
               ROSE_ASSERT(referencedScope != NULL);
               SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement* currentScope = namespaceDefinition;
               ROSE_ASSERT(currentScope != NULL);

               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: Suppress injection of symbols from one namespace to the other for each reintrant namespace \n");
               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: referencedScope #symbols = %d currentScope #symbols = %d \n",referencedScope->get_symbol_table()->size(),currentScope->get_symbol_table()->size());
               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: referencedScope = %p currentScope = %p \n",referencedScope,currentScope);
#if 1
            // Generate the alias symbols from the referencedScope and inject into the currentScope.
               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols: (entry NOT found): Insert namespace %p for name = %s into the namespaceMap \n",namespaceDefinition,mangledNamespaceName.str());
               std::vector<SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement*> list(1);
               ROSE_ASSERT(list.size() == 1);

#error "DEAD CODE"

               list[0] = namespaceDefinition;
#if 0
            // DQ (3/11/2012): New code, but maybe we should instead put the implicit "std" namespace into the global scope more directly.
               if (mangledNamespaceName == "std" && false)
                 // This case has to be handled special since the implicit "std" namespace primary declaration was 
                 // constructed but not added to the global scope.  But maybe it should be.
                 // DQ (7/24/2011): get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL is false in the case of the AST copy tests 
                 // (see tests/nonsmoke/functional/CompileTests/copyAST_tests/copytest2007_30.C). Only  get_nextNamespaceDefinition() 
                 // appears to sometimes be non-null, so we reset them both to NULL just to make sure.

                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_nextNamespaceDefinition()     == NULL);
                    ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);
            // DQ (7/24/2011): get_nextNamespaceDefinition() == NULL is false in the case of the AST copy tests 
            // (see tests/nonsmoke/functional/CompileTests/copyAST_tests/copytest2007_30.C). Only  get_nextNamespaceDefinition() 
            // appears to sometimes be non-null, so we reset them both to NULL just to make sure.

               ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_nextNamespaceDefinition()     == NULL);
               ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDefinition->get_previousNamespaceDefinition() == NULL);
               namespaceMap.insert(std::pair<SgName,std::vector<SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement*> >(mangledNamespaceName,list));

#error "DEAD CODE"

               printf ("namespaceMap.size() = %" PRIuPTR " \n",namespaceMap.size());

#error "DEAD CODE"

  // DQ (5/23/2013): Commented out since we now have a newer and better namespace support for symbol handling.
  // printf ("NOTE:: COMMENTED OUT old support for namespace declarations in FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols traversal \n");

     SgUseStatement* useDeclaration = isSgUseStatement(node);
     if (useDeclaration != NULL)
       // This must be done in the Fortran AST construction since aliased symbols must be inserted
       // before they are looked up as part of name resolution of variable, functions, and types.
       // For C++ we can be more flexible and support the construction of symbol aliases within 
       // post-processing.

  // DQ (4/14/2010): Added this C++ specific support.
  // In the future we may want to support the injection of alias symbols for C++ "using" directives and "using" declarations.
     SgUsingDeclarationStatement* usingDeclarationStatement = isSgUsingDeclarationStatement(node);
     if (usingDeclarationStatement != NULL)
          printf ("Found the SgUsingDeclarationStatement \n");
          SgScopeStatement* currentScope = usingDeclarationStatement->get_scope();
          ROSE_ASSERT(currentScope != NULL);

          SgDeclarationStatement* declaration     = usingDeclarationStatement->get_declaration();
          SgInitializedName*      initializedName = usingDeclarationStatement->get_initializedName();

       // Only one of these can be non-null.
          ROSE_ASSERT(initializedName != NULL || declaration != NULL);
          ROSE_ASSERT( (initializedName != NULL && declaration != NULL) == false);

          if (declaration != NULL)
               printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit(): declaration = %p = %s \n",declaration,declaration->class_name().c_str());
               if (initializedName != NULL)
                    printf ("In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit(): initializedName = %s \n",initializedName->get_name().str());
                    printf ("Error: both declaration and initializedName in SgUsingDeclarationStatement are NULL \n");

#if 0
          printf ("Exiting at the base of FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit() \n");

     SgUsingDirectiveStatement* usingDirectiveStatement = isSgUsingDirectiveStatement(node);
     if (usingDirectiveStatement != NULL)
          printf ("Found the SgUsingDirectiveStatement \n");
          SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement* namespaceDeclaration = usingDirectiveStatement->get_namespaceDeclaration();
          ROSE_ASSERT(namespaceDeclaration != NULL);

          SgScopeStatement* currentScope    = usingDirectiveStatement->get_scope();

       // To be more specific this is really a SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement
          SgScopeStatement* referencedScope = namespaceDeclaration->get_definition();

          if (referencedScope == NULL)
            // DQ (5/21/2010): Handle case of using "std" (predefined namespace in C++), but it not having been explicitly defined (see test2005_57.C).
               if (namespaceDeclaration->get_name() != "std")
                    printf ("ERROR: namespaceDeclaration has no valid definition \n");
                    namespaceDeclaration->get_startOfConstruct()->display("ERROR: namespaceDeclaration has no valid definition");

                 // DQ (5/20/2010): Added assertion to trap this case.
                    printf ("Exiting because referencedScope could not be identified.\n");

       // Note that "std", as a predefined namespace, can have a null definition, so we can't 
       // insist that we inject all symbols in namespaces that we can't see explicitly.
          if (referencedScope != NULL)
               ROSE_ASSERT(referencedScope != NULL);
               ROSE_ASSERT(currentScope != NULL);
#if 0
               printf ("Calling injectSymbolsFromReferencedScopeIntoCurrentScope() for usingDirectiveStatement = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());

#if 0
          printf ("Exiting at the base of FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit() \n");

  // DQ (5/6/2011): Added support to build SgAliasSymbols in derived class scopes that reference the symbols of the base classes associated with protected and public declarations.
     SgClassDefinition* classDefinition = isSgClassDefinition(node);
     if (classDefinition != NULL)
       // Handle any derived classes.
          SgBaseClassPtrList & baseClassList = classDefinition->get_inheritances();
          SgBaseClassPtrList::iterator i = baseClassList.begin();
          for ( ; i != baseClassList.end(); ++i)
            // Check each base class.
               SgBaseClass* baseClass = *i;
               ROSE_ASSERT(baseClass != NULL);

               /* skip processing for SgExpBaseClasses (which don't have to define p_base_class) */
               if (baseClass->variantT() == V_SgExpBaseClass) {

            // printf ("baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().displayString()                      = %s \n",baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().displayString().c_str());
            // printf ("baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().get_accessModifier().displayString() = %s \n",baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().get_accessModifier().displayString().c_str());

            // if (baseClass->get_modifier() == SgBaseClass::e_virtual)
               if (baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().get_modifier() == SgBaseClassModifier::e_virtual)
                 // Not clear if virtual as a modifier effects the handling of alias symbols.
                 // printf ("Not clear if virtual as a modifier effects the handling of alias symbols. \n");

            // DQ (6/22/2011): Define the access level for alias symbol's declarations to be included.
               SgAccessModifier::access_modifier_enum accessLevel = baseClass->get_baseClassModifier().get_accessModifier().get_modifier();

               SgClassDeclaration* tmpClassDeclaration    = baseClass->get_base_class();
               ROSE_ASSERT(tmpClassDeclaration != NULL);
#if 0
            // ROSE_ASSERT(tmpClassDeclaration->get_definingDeclaration() != NULL);
               SgClassDeclaration* targetClassDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(tmpClassDeclaration->get_definingDeclaration());
               ROSE_ASSERT(targetClassDeclaration != NULL);
               SgScopeStatement*   referencedScope  = targetClassDeclaration->get_definition();
            // We need this function to restrict it's injection of symbol to just those that are associated with public and protected declarations.
            // DQ (2/25/2012) We only want to inject the symbol where we have identified the defining scope.
               if (tmpClassDeclaration->get_definingDeclaration() != NULL)
                    SgClassDeclaration* targetClassDeclaration = isSgClassDeclaration(tmpClassDeclaration->get_definingDeclaration());
                    ROSE_ASSERT(targetClassDeclaration != NULL);
                    SgScopeStatement*   referencedScope  = targetClassDeclaration->get_definition();
#if 0
                    printf ("Calling injectSymbolsFromReferencedScopeIntoCurrentScope() for classDefinition = %p = %s baseClass = %p accessLevel = %d \n",
                 // DQ (7/12/2014): Use the SgBaseClass as the causal node that has triggered the insertion of the SgAliasSymbols.
                 // We need this function to restrict it's injection of symbol to just those that are associated with public and protected declarations.
                 // DQ (2/25/2012): Print a warning message when this happens (so far only test2012_08.C).
                    if (SgProject::get_verbose() > 0)
                         mprintf ("WARNING: In FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit(): Not really clear how to handle this case where tmpClassDeclaration->get_definingDeclaration() == NULL! \n");

     SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration = isSgFunctionDeclaration(node);
     if (functionDeclaration != NULL)
          printf ("Found a the SgFunctionDeclaration \n");
       // SgScopeStatement*  functionScope   = functionDeclaration->get_scope();
          SgScopeStatement*  currentScope    = isSgScopeStatement(functionDeclaration->get_parent());
          SgClassDefinition* classDefinition = isSgClassDefinition(currentScope);

          if (classDefinition != NULL)
            // This is a function declared in a class definition, test of friend (forget why it is important to test for isOperator().
               if (functionDeclaration->get_declarationModifier().isFriend() == true || functionDeclaration->get_specialFunctionModifier().isOperator() == true)
                 // printf ("Process all friend function with a SgAliasSymbol to where they are declared in another scope (usually global scope) \n");
#if 0
                    SgName name = functionDeclaration->get_name();

                    SgSymbol* symbol = functionDeclaration->search_for_symbol_from_symbol_table();
                    ROSE_ASSERT ( symbol != NULL );

                    SgAliasSymbol* aliasSymbol = new SgAliasSymbol (symbol);

                 // Use the current name and the alias to the symbol
#if 0
                    printf ("Error: friend functions not processed yet! \n");

     printf ("Leaving FixupAstSymbolTablesToSupportAliasedSymbols::visit() (preorder AST traversal) node = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());