Example #1
void visitorTraversal::visit(SgNode* n)
  // There are three types ir IR nodes that can be queried for scope:
  //   - SgStatement, and 
  //   - SgInitializedName
     SgStatement* statement = isSgStatement(n);
     if (statement != NULL)
          SgScopeStatement* scope = statement->get_scope();
          ROSE_ASSERT(scope != NULL);
          printf ("SgStatement       = %12p = %30s has scope = %12p = %s (total number = %d) \n",

     SgInitializedName* initializedName = isSgInitializedName(n);
     if (initializedName != NULL)
          SgScopeStatement* scope = initializedName->get_scope();
          ROSE_ASSERT(scope != NULL);
          printf ("SgInitializedName = %12p = %30s has scope = %12p = %s (total number = %d)\n",
Example #2
void StaticConstructorTraversal::visit(SgNode *n) {

  // Get declared variables
  SgInitializedName *vName = isSgInitializedName(n);

  if (vName && !isAcreIgnore(vName->get_declaration())) {
    Sg_File_Info *fInfo = vName->get_file_info();
    SgScopeStatement *scope = vName->get_scope();
    // Find global variables (variables in namespaces count, e.g. std)
    if (!fInfo->isCompilerGenerated() && (isSgGlobal(scope) || isSgNamespaceDefinitionStatement(scope))) {

      // Walk typedefs until reach pointer to base type  
      SgTypedefType *tdType = isSgTypedefType(vName->get_type());
      while (tdType && isSgTypedefType(tdType->get_base_type())) 
        tdType = isSgTypedefType(tdType->get_base_type());
      // Determine if type is a class (i.e. type with a constructor)
      SgClassType *cType = isSgClassType(vName->get_type());
      if (tdType)
        cType = isSgClassType(tdType->get_base_type());
      // Output location of globals with a static constructor
      if (cType) {
        *out << "Static Constructor Violation: " << fInfo->get_filename() << " @ " << fInfo->get_line() << "\n";
Example #3
File: DCL.C Project: 8l/rose
 * Use visually distinct identifiers 
 * \note also checks DCL31-C
bool DCL02_C( const SgNode *node ) {
	static std::map<const SgScopeStatement *, std::set<std::string> > scopeMap;
	static std::map<std::string, const SgInitializedName *> strVarMap;

	const SgScopeStatement *scope = isSgScopeStatement(node);
	if (!scope)
		return false;

	bool violation = false;

	if (isSgGlobal(scope)) {
		std::set<std::string> externNames;

		/** populate scopeMap */
		FOREACH_SUBNODE(scope, nodes, i, V_SgInitializedName) {
			SgInitializedName *var = isSgInitializedName(*i);
			if (isCompilerGeneratedNode(var)
			|| !isSgDeclarationStatement(var->get_parent())
			|| findParentOfType(var, SgCtorInitializerList)
			|| findParentOfType(var, SgClassDeclaration) // Might be too strong
			|| var->get_name().getString().empty()
			|| (var->get_name().getString().substr(0,2) == "__"))

			/** Ignore function prototypes */
			const SgFunctionDeclaration * fnDecl = findParentOfType(var, SgFunctionDeclaration);
			if (fnDecl && !fnDecl->get_definition())

			if (isExternVar(var)) {
				if (externNames.find(var->get_name().getString()) != externNames.end())


			const SgScopeStatement *varScope = var->get_scope();
			std::string str (normalize_string(var->get_name().str(), isExternVar(var)));
			if (scopeMap[varScope].find(str) != scopeMap[varScope].end()) {
				violation = true;
			} else {
				strVarMap[str] = var;
		return false;
	foreach(SgAssignOp* op, assigns)
		SgVarRefExp* var = isSgVarRefExp(op->get_lhs_operand());
		SgInitializedName* decl = var->get_symbol()->get_declaration();
		std::cout << "Found assignment to " << var->get_symbol()->get_name().str();
		if (decl->get_protected_declaration())
			std::cout << ", which is protected.";
		std::cout << "\t\t" << op->unparseToString();
		std::cout << std::endl;
		SgNode* assign_scope = SageInterface::getScope(op);
		SgNode* var_scope = decl->get_scope();
		if (SageInterface::isAncestor(var_scope, assign_scope))
			std::cout << "\tAnd both are in the same scope.\n";
			std::cout << "\tIn different scopes.\n";
Example #5
buildListOfVariableReferenceExpressionsUsingGlobalVariables ( SgNode* node )
  // This function builds a list of "uses" of variables (SgVarRefExp IR nodes) within the AST.

  // return variable
     Rose_STL_Container<SgVarRefExp*> globalVariableUseList;

  // list of all variables (then select out the global variables by testing the scope)
     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodeList = NodeQuery::querySubTree ( node, V_SgVarRefExp );

     Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::iterator i = nodeList.begin();
     while(i != nodeList.end())
          SgVarRefExp *variableReferenceExpression = isSgVarRefExp(*i);
          assert(variableReferenceExpression != NULL);

          assert(variableReferenceExpression->get_symbol() != NULL);
          assert(variableReferenceExpression->get_symbol()->get_declaration() != NULL);
          assert(variableReferenceExpression->get_symbol()->get_declaration()->get_scope() != NULL);

       // Note that variableReferenceExpression->get_symbol()->get_declaration() returns the 
       // SgInitializedName (not the SgVariableDeclaration where it was declared)!
          SgInitializedName* variable = variableReferenceExpression->get_symbol()->get_declaration();

          SgScopeStatement* variableScope = variable->get_scope();

       // Check if this is a variable declared in global scope, if so, then save it
          if (isSgGlobal(variableScope) != NULL)

     return globalVariableUseList;
Example #6
void CudaOptimizer::slidingRowOptimizer(SgFunctionDeclaration* kernel, 
					const std::set<SgInitializedName*>& readOnlyVars,
					SgInitializedName* candidateVar, 
					MintForClauses_t clauseList,
					int num_planes, int order, bool first)

  SgFunctionDefinition* func_def = kernel->get_definition();
  SgBasicBlock* kernel_body = func_def ->get_body();
  //if() opt:register flag is set? assumes it is already set 
  bool loadEvenCountZero = true;

  SgVariableSymbol* upper_sym = CudaOptimizerInterface::getSymbolFromName(kernel_body, "_upper" + GIDZ);
  //find the scope to declare the variable     
  SgScopeStatement* computeScope = CudaOptimizerInterface::findScopeForVarDeclaration(func_def, candidateVar);

  SgScopeStatement* upper_scope = NULL;
  if(upper_sym != NULL)
    upper_scope = upper_sym->get_scope();
    upper_scope = computeScope ; 


  //load down into the register idz + 1
  SgInitializedName* downReg = OnChipMemoryOpt::registerOptimizer(readOnlyVars, kernel, candidateVar, 
								  computeScope, loadEvenCountZero, 1);
  if (MintOptions::GetInstance()->isSharedOpt()){
    //bool regSameShared = true;
    //call shared memory optimization only if it is asked
    //int num_planes = 1;
    //int order = StencilAnalysis::performHigherOrderAnalysis(kernel_body, candidateVar, num_planes);
    OnChipMemoryOpt::sharedMemoryOptimizer(kernel, readOnlyVars, candidateVar, clauseList, num_planes, first, order);

  //load center 
  SgInitializedName* centerReg = OnChipMemoryOpt::registerOptimizer(readOnlyVars, kernel, candidateVar, 
								    upper_scope, loadEvenCountZero);

  //load up idz - 1 
  SgInitializedName* upReg = OnChipMemoryOpt::registerOptimizer(readOnlyVars, kernel, candidateVar, 
								upper_scope, loadEvenCountZero, -1);
  SgVarRefExp* upRef = buildVarRefExp(upReg, upper_scope);
  SgVarRefExp* downRef = buildVarRefExp(downReg, downReg->get_scope());
  SgVarRefExp* centerRef = buildVarRefExp(centerReg, upper_scope);

  SgStatement* swap1 = buildAssignStatement(upRef, centerRef);
  SgStatement* swap2 = buildAssignStatement(centerRef, downRef);

  //SgStatement* loopBody = for_loop->get_loop_body();
  //SgBasicBlock* loopBlock = isSgBasicBlock(loopBody);
  appendStatement(swap1, computeScope);
  appendStatement(swap2, computeScope);

  SgStatement *syncthreads= buildFunctionCallStmt("__syncthreads", buildVoidType(), NULL, computeScope);

  appendStatement(syncthreads, computeScope );

  //checking if the variable is read-only 
  /*  if(!isReadOnly(readOnlyVars,candidateVar))
      SgExprStatement * writeBack= buildAssignStatement(glmem , regExp);
      insertStatementAfter(inner_scope, writeBack);
FunctionCallNormalization::visit( SgNode *astNode )
     SgStatement *stm = isSgStatement( astNode );

     // visiting all statements which may contain function calls;
     // Note 1: we do not look at the body of loops, or sequences of statements, but only
     // at statements which may contain directly function calls; all other statements will have their component parts visited in turn
     if ( isSgEnumDeclaration( astNode ) || isSgVariableDeclaration( astNode ) || isSgVariableDefinition( astNode ) ||
                               isSgExprStatement( astNode ) || isSgForStatement( astNode ) || isSgReturnStmt( astNode ) ||
                               isSgSwitchStatement( astNode ) )
       // maintain the mappings from function calls to expressions (variables or dereferenced variables)
          map<SgFunctionCallExp *, SgExpression *> fct2Var;

       // list of Declaration structures, one structure per function call
          DeclarationPtrList declarations;
          bool variablesDefined = false;
       // list of function calls, in correnspondence with the inForTest list below
          list<SgNode*> functionCallExpList;
          list<bool> inForTest;

          SgForStatement *forStm = isSgForStatement( stm );
          SgSwitchStatement *swStm = isSgSwitchStatement( stm );
          list<SgNode*> temp1, temp2;

       // for-loops and Switch statements have conditions ( and increment ) expressed as expressions
       // and not as standalone statements; this will change in future Sage versions
       // TODO: when for-loops and switch statements have conditions expressed via SgStatements
       // these cases won't be treated separately; however, do-while will have condition expressed via expression
       // so that will be the only exceptional case to be treated separately
          if (forStm != NULL)
            // create a list of function calls in the condition and increment expression
            // the order is important, the condition is evaluated after the increment expression
            // temp1 = FEOQueryForNodes( forStm->get_increment_expr_root(), V_SgFunctionCallExp );
            // temp2 = FEOQueryForNodes( forStm->get_test_expr_root(), V_SgFunctionCallExp );
               temp1 = FEOQueryForNodes( forStm->get_increment(), V_SgFunctionCallExp );
               temp2 = FEOQueryForNodes( forStm->get_test_expr(), V_SgFunctionCallExp );
               functionCallExpList = temp1;
               functionCallExpList.splice( functionCallExpList.end(), temp2 );
               if (swStm != NULL)
                 // create a list of function calls in the condition in the order of function evaluation
                 // DQ (11/23/2005): Fixed SgSwitchStmt to have SgStatement for conditional.
                 // list<SgNode*> temp1 = FEOQueryForNodes( swStm->get_item_selector_root(), V_SgFunctionCallExp );
                    list<SgNode*> temp1 = FEOQueryForNodes( swStm->get_item_selector(), V_SgFunctionCallExp );
                    functionCallExpList = temp1;
                 // create a list of function calls in the statement in the order of function evaluation
                    functionCallExpList = FEOQueryForNodes( stm, V_SgFunctionCallExp );

         // all function calls get replaced: this is because they can occur in expressions (e.g. for-loops)
         // which makes it difficult to build control flow graphs
         if ( functionCallExpList.size() > 0 )
             cout << "--------------------------------------\nStatement ";
             cout << stm->unparseToString() << "\n";;
             // traverse the list of function calls in the current statement, generate a structure  Declaration for each call
             // put these structures in a list to be inserted in the code later
             for ( list<SgNode *>::iterator i = functionCallExpList.begin(); i != functionCallExpList.end(); i++ )
                 variablesDefined = true;

                 // get function call exp
                 SgFunctionCallExp *exp = isSgFunctionCallExp( *i );
                 ROSE_ASSERT ( exp );
                 // get type of expression, generate unique variable name
                 SgType *expType = exp->get_type();
                 ROSE_ASSERT ( expType );
                 Sg_File_Info *location = Sg_File_Info::generateDefaultFileInfoForTransformationNode();
                 ROSE_ASSERT ( location );
                 ostringstream os;
                 os << "__tempVar__" << location;
                 SgName name = os.str().c_str();

                 // replace previous variable bindings in the AST
                 SgExprListExp *paramsList = exp->get_args();
                 SgExpression *function = exp->get_function();
                 ROSE_ASSERT ( paramsList && function );
                 replaceFunctionCallsInExpression( paramsList, fct2Var );
                 replaceFunctionCallsInExpression( function, fct2Var );

                 // duplicate function call expression, for the initialization declaration and the assignment
                 SgTreeCopy treeCopy;
                 SgFunctionCallExp *newExpInit = isSgFunctionCallExp( exp->copy( treeCopy ) );
                 ROSE_ASSERT ( newExpInit );
                 SgFunctionCallExp *newExpAssign = isSgFunctionCallExp( exp->copy( treeCopy ) );
                 ROSE_ASSERT ( newExpAssign );

                 // variables
                 Sg_File_Info *initLoc = Sg_File_Info::generateDefaultFileInfoForTransformationNode(),
                   *nonInitLoc = Sg_File_Info::generateDefaultFileInfoForTransformationNode(),
                   *assignLoc = Sg_File_Info::generateDefaultFileInfoForTransformationNode();
                 Declaration *newDecl = new Declaration();
                 SgStatement *nonInitVarDeclaration, *initVarDeclaration, *assignStmt;
                 SgExpression *varRefExp;
                 SgVariableSymbol *varSymbol;
                 SgAssignOp *assignOp;
                 SgInitializedName *initName;

                 bool pointerTypeNeeded = false;

                 // mark whether to replace inside or outside of ForStatement due to the
                 // function call being inside the test or the increment for a for-loop statement
                 // the 'inForTest' list is in 1:1  ordered correpondence with the 'declarations' list
                 if ( forStm )
        // SgExpressionRoot
                  //   *testExp = isSgForStatement( astNode )->get_test_expr_root(),
                  //   *incrExp = isSgForStatement( astNode )->get_increment_expr_root();
                       *testExp = isSgForStatement( astNode )->get_test_expr(),
                       *incrExp = isSgForStatement( astNode )->get_increment();
                     SgNode *up = exp;
                     while ( up && up != testExp && up != incrExp )
                       up = up->get_parent();
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( up );

                     // function call is in the condition of the for-loop
                     if ( up == testExp )
                       inForTest.push_back( true );
                     // function call is in the increment expression
                         inForTest.push_back( false );

                         // for increment expressions we need to be able to reassign the return value
                         // of the function; if the ret value is a reference, we need to generate a
                         // pointer of that type (to be able to reassign it later)
                         if ( isSgReferenceType( expType ) )
                           pointerTypeNeeded = true;

                 // for do-while statements:  we need to generate declaration of type pointer to be able to have
                 // non-assigned references when looping and assign them at the end of the body of the loop
                 if ( isSgDoWhileStmt( stm->get_parent() ) && isSgReferenceType( expType ) )
                   pointerTypeNeeded = true;

                 // we have a function call returning a reference and we can't initialize the variable
                 // at the point of declaration; we need to define the variable as a pointer
                 if ( pointerTypeNeeded )
                     // create 'address of' term for function expression, so we can assign it to the pointer
                     SgAddressOfOp *addressOp = new SgAddressOfOp( assignLoc, newExpAssign, expType );

                     // create noninitialized declaration
                     SgType *base = isSgReferenceType( expType )->get_base_type();
                     ROSE_ASSERT( base );
                     SgPointerType *ptrType = SgPointerType::createType( isSgReferenceType( expType )->get_base_type() );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( ptrType );
                     nonInitVarDeclaration = new SgVariableDeclaration ( nonInitLoc, name, ptrType );

                     // create assignment (symbol, varRefExp, assignment)
                     initName = isSgVariableDeclaration( nonInitVarDeclaration )->get_decl_item( name );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( initName );

                     varSymbol = new SgVariableSymbol( initName );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( varSymbol );
                     varRefExp = new SgVarRefExp( assignLoc, varSymbol );

                     SgPointerDerefExp *ptrDeref= new SgPointerDerefExp( assignLoc, varRefExp, expType );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( isSgExpression( varRefExp ) && ptrDeref );
                     assignOp = new SgAssignOp( assignLoc, varRefExp, addressOp, ptrType );
                     assignStmt = new SgExprStatement( assignLoc, assignOp );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( assignStmt &&  nonInitVarDeclaration );
                     // we don't need initialized declarations in this case
                     initVarDeclaration = NULL;

                     // save new mapping
                     fct2Var.insert( Fct2Var( exp, ptrDeref ) );
                     // create (non- &)initialized declarations, initialized name & symbol
                     SgAssignInitializer *declInit = new SgAssignInitializer( initLoc, newExpInit, expType );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( declInit );
                     initVarDeclaration = new SgVariableDeclaration ( initLoc, name, expType, declInit );
                     nonInitVarDeclaration = new SgVariableDeclaration ( nonInitLoc, name, expType );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( initVarDeclaration && nonInitVarDeclaration );

                     initName = isSgVariableDeclaration( nonInitVarDeclaration )->get_decl_item( name );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( initName );
                     newExpInit->set_parent( initName );
                     varSymbol = new SgVariableSymbol( initName );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( varSymbol );

                     // create variable ref exp
                     varRefExp = new SgVarRefExp( assignLoc, varSymbol );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( isSgVarRefExp( varRefExp ) );

                     // create the assignment
                     assignOp = new SgAssignOp( assignLoc, varRefExp, newExpAssign, expType );
                     assignStmt = new SgExprStatement( assignLoc, assignOp );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( assignStmt );

                     initVarDeclaration->set_parent( stm->get_parent() );
                     isSgVariableDeclaration( initVarDeclaration )->set_definingDeclaration( isSgDeclarationStatement( initVarDeclaration ) );

                     // save new mapping
                     fct2Var.insert( Fct2Var( exp, varRefExp ) );

                 // save the 'declaration' structure, with all 3 statements and the variable name
                 newDecl->nonInitVarDeclaration = nonInitVarDeclaration;
                 newDecl->initVarDeclaration = initVarDeclaration;
                 newDecl->assignment = assignStmt;
                 newDecl->name = name;
                 nonInitVarDeclaration->set_parent( stm->get_parent() );
                 isSgVariableDeclaration( nonInitVarDeclaration )->set_definingDeclaration( isSgVariableDeclaration( nonInitVarDeclaration ) );
                 assignStmt->set_parent( stm->get_parent() );
                 declarations.push_back( newDecl );
               } // end for
           } // end if  fct calls in crt stmt > 1

         SgScopeStatement *scope = stm->get_scope();
         ROSE_ASSERT ( scope );
         // insert function bindings to variables; each 'declaration' structure in the list
         // corresponds to one function call
         for ( DeclarationPtrList::iterator i = declarations.begin(); i != declarations.end(); i++ )
             Declaration *d = *i;
             ROSE_ASSERT ( d && d->assignment && d->nonInitVarDeclaration );

             // if the current statement is a for-loop, we insert Declarations before & in the loop body, depending on the case
             if ( forStm )
                 SgStatement *parentScope = isSgStatement( stm->get_scope() );
                 SgBasicBlock *body = SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfFor(forStm);
                 ROSE_ASSERT ( !inForTest.empty() && body && parentScope );
                 // SgStatementPtrList &list = body->get_statements();

                 // if function call is in loop condition, we add initialized variable before the loop and at its end
                 // hoist initialized variable declarations outside the loop
                 if ( inForTest.front() )
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( d->initVarDeclaration );
                     parentScope->insert_statement( stm, d->initVarDeclaration );

                     // set the scope of the initializedName
                     SgInitializedName *initName = isSgVariableDeclaration( d->initVarDeclaration )->get_decl_item( d->name );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( initName );
                     initName->set_scope( isSgScopeStatement( parentScope ) );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( initName->get_scope() );
                 // function call is in loop post increment so add noninitialized variable decls above the loop
                     parentScope->insert_statement( stm, d->nonInitVarDeclaration );

                     // set the scope of the initializedName
                     SgInitializedName *initName = isSgVariableDeclaration( d->nonInitVarDeclaration )->get_decl_item( d->name );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( initName );
                     initName->set_scope( isSgScopeStatement( parentScope ) );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( initName->get_scope() );

                 // in a for-loop, always insert assignments at the end of the loop
                 body->get_statements().push_back( d->assignment );
                 d->assignment->set_parent( body );

                 // remove marker
                 // look at the type of the enclosing scope
                 switch ( scope->variantT() )

                     // while stmts have to repeat the function calls at the end of the loop;
                     // note there is no "break" statement, since we want to also add initialized
                     // declarations before the while-loop
                   case V_SgWhileStmt:
                       // assignments need to be inserted at the end of each while loop
                       SgBasicBlock *body = SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfWhile(isSgWhileStmt( scope ) );
                       ROSE_ASSERT ( body );
                       d->assignment->set_parent( body );
                       body->get_statements().push_back( d->assignment );

                     // SgForInitStatement has scope SgForStatement, move declarations before the for loop;
                     // same thing if the enclosing scope is an If, or Switch statement
                   case V_SgForStatement:
                   case V_SgIfStmt:
                   case V_SgSwitchStatement:
                       // adding bindings (initialized variable declarations only, not assignments)
                       // outside the statement, in the parent scope
                       SgStatement *parentScope = isSgStatement( scope->get_parent() );
                       ROSE_ASSERT ( parentScope );
                       parentScope->insert_statement( scope, d->initVarDeclaration, true );\

                       // setting the scope of the initializedName
                       SgInitializedName *initName = isSgVariableDeclaration( d->initVarDeclaration )->get_decl_item( d->name );
                       ROSE_ASSERT ( initName );
                       initName->set_scope( scope->get_scope() );
                       ROSE_ASSERT ( initName->get_scope() );

                     // do-while needs noninitialized declarations before the loop, with assignments inside the loop
                   case V_SgDoWhileStmt:
                       // adding noninitialized variable declarations before the body of the loop
                       SgStatement *parentScope = isSgStatement( scope->get_parent() );
                       ROSE_ASSERT ( parentScope );
                       parentScope->insert_statement( scope, d->nonInitVarDeclaration, true );

                       // initialized name scope setting
                       SgInitializedName *initName = isSgVariableDeclaration( d->nonInitVarDeclaration )->get_decl_item( d->name );
                       ROSE_ASSERT ( initName );
                       initName->set_scope( scope->get_scope() );
                       ROSE_ASSERT ( initName->get_scope() );

                       // adding assignemts at the end of the do-while loop
                       SgBasicBlock *body = SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfDoWhile( isSgDoWhileStmt(scope) );
                       ROSE_ASSERT ( body );
                       body->get_statements().push_back( d->assignment );

                     // for all other scopes, add bindings ( initialized declarations ) before the statement, in the same scope
                     scope->insert_statement( stm, d->initVarDeclaration, true );

                     // initialized name scope setting
                     SgInitializedName *initName = isSgVariableDeclaration( d->initVarDeclaration )->get_decl_item( d->name );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( initName );
                     initName->set_scope( scope->get_scope() );
                     ROSE_ASSERT ( initName->get_scope() );
         // once we have inserted all variable declarations, we need to replace top-level calls in the original statement
         if ( variablesDefined )
             cout << "\tReplacing in the expression " << stm->unparseToString() << "\n";

             // for ForStatements, replace expressions in condition and increment expressions,
             // not in the body, since those get replace later
             if ( forStm )
         // SgExpressionRoot *testExp = forStm->get_test_expr_root(), *incrExp = forStm->get_increment_expr_root();
            SgExpression *testExp = forStm->get_test_expr(), *incrExp = forStm->get_increment();
            replaceFunctionCallsInExpression( incrExp, fct2Var );
            replaceFunctionCallsInExpression( testExp, fct2Var );
               if ( swStm )
            // DQ (11/23/2005): Fixed SgSwitch to permit use of declaration for conditional
            // replaceFunctionCallsInExpression( swStm->get_item_selector_root(), fct2Var );
               replaceFunctionCallsInExpression( swStm->get_item_selector(), fct2Var );
             replaceFunctionCallsInExpression( stm, fct2Var );
       } // end if isSgStatement block