Example #1
	// This method is cloned from Operator, just resetting sign and exception bits
	// (because we don't have any exception support in this toy example)
	TestCase* FPSumOf3Squares::buildRandomTestCase(int i){

		TestCase *tc;
		/* Generate test cases using random input numbers */
			tc = new TestCase(this); // TODO free all this memory when exiting TestBench
			/* Fill inputs */
			for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ioList_.size(); j++) {
				Signal* s = ioList_[j]; 
				if (s->type() == Signal::in) {
					// ****** Modification: positive normal numbers with small exponents 
					mpz_class m = getLargeRandom(wF);
					mpz_class bias = (mpz_class(1)<<(wE-1)) - 1; 
					mpz_class e = getLargeRandom(wE-2) - (mpz_class(1)<<(wE-3)) + bias; // ensure no overflow
					mpz_class a = (mpz_class(1)<<(wE+wF+1)) // 01 to denote a normal number
						+ (e<<wF) + m;
					tc->addInput(s->getName(), a);
			/* Get correct outputs */

			//		cout << tc->getInputVHDL();
			//    cout << tc->getExpectedOutputVHDL();

			return tc;
Example #2
void Operator::inPortMap(Operator* op, string componentPortName, string actualSignalName) throw(std::string) {
	Signal* formal;
	ostringstream e;
	string name;
	e << "ERROR in inPortMap(), "; // just in case
	if(isSequential()) {
		Signal *s;
		try {
		catch (string e2) {
			e << endl << tab << e2;
			throw e.str();
		if(s->getCycle() < 0) {
			ostringstream e;
			e << "signal " << actualSignalName<< " doesn't have (yet?) a valid cycle";
			throw e.str();
		if(s->getCycle() > currentCycle_) {
			ostringstream e;
			e << "active cycle of signal " << actualSignalName<< " is later than current cycle, cannot delay it";
			throw e.str();
		// update the lifeSpan of s
		s->updateLifeSpan( currentCycle_ - s->getCycle() );
		name = s->delayedName( currentCycle_ - s->getCycle() );
		name = actualSignalName;

	try {
	catch (string e2) {
		e << endl << tab << e2;
		throw e.str();
	if (formal->type()!=Signal::in){
		e << "signal " << componentPortName << " of component " << op->getName() 
		  << " doesn't seem to be an input port";
		throw e.str();

	// add the mapping to the mapping list of Op
	op->portMap_[componentPortName] = name;
Example #3
void Operator::inPortMapCst(Operator* op, string componentPortName, string actualSignal) throw(std::string) {
	Signal* formal;
	ostringstream e;
	string name;
	e << "ERROR in inPortMap(), "; // just in case

	try {
	catch (string e2) {
		e << endl << tab << e2;
		throw e.str();
	if (formal->type()!=Signal::in){
		e << "signal " << componentPortName << " of component " << op->getName() 
		  << " doesn't seem to be an input port";
		throw e.str();

	// add the mapping to the mapping list of Op
	op->portMap_[componentPortName] = actualSignal;
Example #4
void Operator::outPortMap(Operator* op, string componentPortName, string actualSignalName) throw(std::string) {
	Signal* formal;
	Signal* s;
	ostringstream e;
	e << "ERROR in outPortMap(), "; // just in case
	// check the signals doesn't already exist
	if(signalMap_.find(actualSignalName) !=  signalMap_.end()) {
		e << "signal " << actualSignalName << " already exists";
		throw e.str();
	try {
	catch (string e2) {
		e << endl << tab << e2;
		throw e.str();
	if (formal->type()!=Signal::out){
		e << "signal " << componentPortName << " of component " << op->getName() 
		  << " doesn't seem to be an output port";
		throw e.str();
	int width = formal -> width();
	bool isbus = formal -> isBus();
	// construct the signal (lifeSpan and cycle are reset to 0 by the constructor)
	s = new Signal(actualSignalName, Signal::wire, width, isbus);
	// define its cycle 
		s->setCycle( this->currentCycle_ + op->getPipelineDepth() );
	// add the signal to signalMap and signalList
	signalMap_[actualSignalName] = s ;

	// add the mapping to the mapping list of Op
	op->portMap_[componentPortName] = actualSignalName;