// Call all components that implement methodName giving them a chance to operate
// Components are called in reverse order of addition
const char *DynamicConsoleMethodComponent::_callMethod( U32 argc, const char *argv[], bool callThis /* = true  */ )
   // Set Owner
   SimObject *pThis = dynamic_cast<SimObject *>( this );
   AssertFatal( pThis, "DynamicConsoleMethodComponent::callMethod : this should always exist!" );

   const char *cbName = StringTable->insert(argv[0]);

   if( getComponentCount() > 0 )
      VectorPtr<SimComponent *>&componentList = lockComponentList();
      for( SimComponentIterator nItr = (componentList.end()-1);  nItr >= componentList.begin(); nItr-- )
         argv[0] = cbName;

         SimComponent *pComponent = (*nItr);
         AssertFatal( pComponent, "DynamicConsoleMethodComponent::callMethod - NULL component in list!" );

         DynamicConsoleMethodComponent *pThisComponent = dynamic_cast<DynamicConsoleMethodComponent*>( pComponent );
         AssertFatal( pThisComponent, "DynamicConsoleMethodComponent::callMethod - Non DynamicConsoleMethodComponent component attempting to callback!");

         // Only call on first depth components
         // Should isMethod check these calls?  [11/22/2006 justind]
            Con::execute( pThisComponent, argc, argv );

         // Bail if this was the first element
         //if( nItr == componentList.begin() )
         //   break;
   // Set Owner Field
   const char* result = "";
      result = Con::execute( pThis, argc, argv, true ); // true - exec method onThisOnly, not on DCMCs

   return result;