int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { READ_CSL_OPTS; // read the standard CSL options logMsg("Running CSL4 RTP Server test"); Sine sineOsc (660.0, 0.2); // create 2 sine oscillators Sine sineOsc2(440.0, 0.2); sineOsc.setOffset(sineOsc2); // add 'em PAIO * theIO = new PAIO; // PortAudio IO object RtpSender rtpSend; theIO->open(); theIO->start(); rtpSend.setInput(sineOsc); // Plug in the rtpSender below the adder object rtpSend.addRtpDestination("", 46000); theIO->setRoot(rtpSend); // plug in the whole graph sleepSec(30); // sleep a bit rtpSend.BYEDestroy(RTPTime(10,0),"Test server stopped normally",0); theIO->stop(); theIO->close(); logMsg("done!"); return 0; }
void test_waveshaper2() { Sine vox; // declare oscillator ADSR env = ADSR(5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); int chebyHarmonics[NUMHARMONICS] = {1, 2, 4, MAXHARMONIC}; //What harmonic content we want sample chebyWeights[NUMHARMONICS] = {1, 0.3, 0.17, 1/10}; //Weight of each harmonic sample chebyCoefficients[MAXHARMONIC + 1]; //Array to store cheby coefficients Polynomial f = {MAXHARMONIC, chebyCoefficients}; //Descriptor for cheby coefficients EvaluateCheby(chebyCoefficients, chebyHarmonics, chebyWeights, NUMHARMONICS, MAXHARMONIC); //Produce the summation of Cheby polynomials corresponding to harmonics #ifndef USE_STATIC_WAVETABLE VWaveShaper vox2(vox, (void *)&f, simpleWaveShaperFxn); #else VWaveShaper vox2(vox, (void *)&f, simpleWaveShaperFxn, 1000); //use static table #endif vox.set_frequency(200); // set the carrier's frequency vox.set_scale(env); // set the carrier's frequency logMsg("CSL playing waveshaper..."); env.trigger(); run_test(vox2); logMsg("CSL done."); }
int main() { Sine s; Triangle t; Square sq; vector<double> buf(44100*5); s.generate(0, 440.0, &buf); // t.generate(0, 440.0, &buf); // sq.generate(0, 440.0, &buf); // printf("Generated Sine\n"); // for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) printf("%f\n", buf[i]); vector<short> bufShort(44100*5); transform(buf.begin(), buf.end(), bufShort.begin(), [](double x){ return static_cast<short>(x * 30000); }); // for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) printf("%d\n", bufShort[3000+i]); // printf("Ready to initialize\n"); initialize(); checkError(); ALuint buffer; alGenBuffers(1, &buffer); alBufferData(buffer, AL_FORMAT_MONO16,, bufShort.size(), 44100); checkError(); ALuint source; alGenSources(1, &source); checkError(); alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, buffer); checkError(); // printf("Before play\n"); alSourcePlay(source); checkError(); // printf("After play\n"); // printf("Before wait\n"); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(3000)); // printf("After wait\n"); checkError(); exit(); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void test_frequency_envelope() { Sine vox; Envelope env(3, 0, 220, 0.7, 280, 1.3, 180, 2.0, 200, 3, 1000); vox.set_frequency(env); logMsg("playing sin envelope on frequency"); env.trigger(); run_test(vox); logMsg("sin envelope on frequency done."); }
void test_gliss_sin() { Sine vox; LineSegment line(3, 100, 800); vox.set_frequency(line); StaticVariable vol(0.1); MulOp mul(vox, vol); logMsg("playing gliss sin..."); run_test(mul); logMsg("gliss sin done."); }
// TODO: Expand to allow for more functions. // TODO: When parsing e^(f(z)), use Exponential class instead of Power class. // Evaluates the given expression tree on the given variable value. ComplexNumber evaluate_tree(const ExpressionTreeNode *root, const ComplexNumber z) { if (root->is_op_node()) { ExpressionTreeBinaryOp *temp = (ExpressionTreeBinaryOp *) root; ComplexNumber left = evaluate_tree(temp->get_left(), z); ComplexNumber right = evaluate_tree(temp->get_right(), z); // Find the appropriate operator, apply, then return. if (temp->get_operator() == PLUS) { return left + right; } else if (temp->get_operator() == MINUS) { return left - right; } else if (temp->get_operator() == TIMES) { return left * right; } else if (temp->get_operator() == DIVIDE) { return left / right; } else { // temp->get_operator() == EXP Power p (right); return p.eval(left); } } else if (root->is_func_node()) { ExpressionTreeFunction *temp = (ExpressionTreeFunction *) root; ComplexNumber arg = evaluate_tree(temp->get_argument(), z); // Find the appropriate function, evaluate, then return. if (temp->get_function() == LOG) { Logarithm l (1, 0); return l.eval(arg); } else if (temp->get_function() == SIN) { Sine s (1, 1, 0); return s.eval(arg); } else if (temp->get_function() == COS) { Cosine c (1, 1, 0); return c.eval(arg); } else { // temp->get_function() == TAN Tangent t (1, 1, 0); return t.eval(arg); } } else if (root->is_leaf_node()) { ExpressionTreeLeaf *temp = (ExpressionTreeLeaf *) root; return temp->get_val(); // Return the value itself } else if (root->is_const_node()) { ExpressionTreeConstant *temp = (ExpressionTreeConstant *) root; // Return the corresponding mathematical constant if (temp->get_constant() == e) { return E; } else if (temp->get_constant() == pi) { return PI; } else { // temp->get_constant() == phi return PHI; } } else { // root->is_var_node() return z; } }
void test_notch() { // WhiteNoise osc; Sine osc(600); // LineSegment cutoffSweep(3, 2000.0, 200.0); Sine sweep; sweep.set_frequency(1); sweep.set_scale(550); sweep.set_offset(600); Notch lpfilter(osc, osc.sample_rate(), sweep, 0.99995F ); logMsg("playing band-reject (notch) filter..."); run_test(lpfilter); logMsg("notch test done."); }
void test_envelopes() { Sine vox; LineSegment line(3, 600, 100); vox.set_frequency(line); // ADSR env(3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.25, 1.5); // sharp ADSR // AR env(3, 1, 1.5); // gentle AR Triangle env(3, 1); // 3-sec triangle env.dump(); vox.set_scale(env); logMsg("playing gliss sin with envelope..."); env.trigger(); run_test(vox); logMsg("gliss sin done."); }
void test_filter_sweep() { WhiteNoise wnoise; Sine centerSin; centerSin.set_frequency(0.5); MulOp centerMod(centerSin, 500.0); StaticVariable centerOffset(1000); AddOp centerSweep(centerMod, 1000.0); Sine BWSin; BWSin.set_frequency(5); MulOp BWMod(BWSin, 50.0); AddOp BWSweep(BWMod, 100.0); Butter lpfilter(wnoise, wnoise.sample_rate(), Butter::BW_BAND_PASS, centerSweep, BWSweep); logMsg("playing filter_sweep..."); run_test(lpfilter); logMsg("filter_sweep done."); }
void test_formant() { // WhiteNoise osc; Sawtooth osc; osc.set_frequency(400); Sine sweep; sweep.set_frequency(1); sweep.set_scale(200); sweep.set_offset(600); // LineSegment cutoffSweep(3, 2000.0, 200.0); // StaticVariable cutoffSweep(2000); Formant lpfilter(osc, osc.sample_rate(), sweep, 0.995F ); // Formant lpfilter(osc, osc.sample_rate(), 600, 0.995F ); // lpfilter.set_normalize(false); // Filter lpfilter(osc); logMsg("playing Formant..."); run_test(lpfilter, 10); logMsg("Formant done."); }
void play(double &left, double &right) { if (count%(int)(SAMPLE_RATE*1.6)==0) { kick_freq.reset(); env_kick.reset(); } if (count%(int)(SAMPLE_RATE*6.4)==0) { env_bass.reset(); bass_freq.reset(); bass2_freq.reset(); } left += kick.freq(kick_freq.val()).val() * env_kick.val() * 0.3; left += bass.freq(bass_freq.val()).val() + bass2.freq(bass2_freq.val()).val() ) * env_bass.val() * 0.3; if (count%(int)(SAMPLE_RATE*25.6)==0) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { s0_freq[i] = rand()%5000+500; } } if (count%(int)(SAMPLE_RATE*3.2)==0) { s0_fade.reset(); } if (count%(int)(SAMPLE_RATE*0.1)==0) { if (s0_i > 7) s0_i = 0; s0.freq(s0_freq[s0_i++]); env_s0.reset(); if (rand()%4==0) { env_s1.reset(); } } left += s0.val() * env_s0.val() * s0_fade.val() * 0.1; left += s1.val() * env_s1.val() * 0.05; for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) { if (ars[n].done()) { sines[n].freq(rand()%1000+100); ars[n].set(0, 1, rand()%1000*0.01, 0, rand()%1000*0.01); } } for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) { left += sines[n].val() * ars[n].val() * 0.02; } right = left; }
void test_waveshaper() { Sine vox; // declare oscillator ADSR env = ADSR(5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); #ifndef USE_STATIC_TABLE VWaveShaper vox2(vox, NULL, linearWaveShaperFxn); #else VWaveShaper vox2(vox, NULL, linearWaveShaperFxn, 1000); //Using static table #endif vox.set_frequency(200); // set the carrier's frequency vox.set_scale(env); // set the carrier's envelop logMsg("CSL playing waveshaper..."); env.trigger(); run_test(vox2); logMsg("CSL done."); }
int ModuleController::sine(const char *path, const char *types, lo_arg **argv, int argc, void *data, void *user_data) { ModuleController *mc = (ModuleController *)user_data; char p[64] = "/ModuleManager/GN/Sine/Tile"; strcat(p, &argv[1]->s); if (argv[0]->i) {//argv[0] = 1:モジュール生成 0:モジュール解放 for (std::list<Sine*>::iterator iter = mc->sineList.begin(); iter != mc->sineList.end(); iter++) { Sine* sine = (*iter); if (strcmp(p,sine->OSCAddr)==0) { if (sine->tID == atoi(&argv[1]->s)) { printf("err: Creating Sine\n"); return 0; } } } Sine *sine = new Sine(mc->st, p); sine->setTID(atoi(&argv[1]->s)); sine->mColor = 3; sine->sendSetMdtkn(); mc->sineList.push_back(sine); printf("create Sine\n"); }else { for (std::list<Sine*>::iterator iter = mc->sineList.begin(); iter != mc->sineList.end(); iter++) { Sine* sine = (*iter); if (strcmp(p,sine->OSCAddr)==0) { delete sine; mc->sineList.remove(sine); printf("delete Sine\n"); } } } return 0; }
void audioCB(AudioIOData& io){ while(io()){ float s = osc(); io.out(0) = io.out(1) = s * 0.2f; osc.phaseAdd(s*0.01*mod.hann()); //osc.freq((s*0.5+0.5)*mod.hann()*800 + 400); } }
void audioCB(AudioIOData& io){ while(io()){ oscM.freq(modFreq.hann() * 110 + 1); // change modulator frequency float s = oscC() * (oscM() * 0.5 + 0.5) * 0.2; io.out(0) = io.out(1) = s; } }
void audioCB(AudioIOData& io){ while(io()){ oscM.freq(modFreq.hann() * 110 + 1); // change modulator frequency oscC.freq(ff + oscM()*100); // modulate frequency of carrier float s = oscC() * 0.2; io.out(0) = io.out(1) = s; } }
void audioCB(AudioIOData& io){ while(io()){ if(tmr()){ env = fund*2 + rnd::uni(10.0); // set new target value of envelope } osc2.freq(env()); // modulate frequency of 2nd harmonic float s = (osc1() + osc2()) * 0.1; io.out(0) = io.out(1) = s; } }
void audioCB(AudioIOData& io){ while(io()){ if(tmr()){ freq = pow(2, rnd::uniS(1.))*440; } src.freq(freq()); float s = src(); io.out(0) = io.out(1) = s * 0.2f; } }
void onAudio(AudioIOData& io){ tmr.period(0.25); // Set time taken to reach new frequency value freq.lag(0.1); while(io()){ if(tmr()){ // Set new target frequency of one-pole freq = pow(2, rnd::uniS(1.))*440; } // Use smoothed output of one-pole for oscillator frequency src.freq(freq()); float s = src(); io.out(0) = io.out(1) = s * 0.2f; } }
void onAudio(AudioIOData& io){ while(io()){ src.freq(220); float s = src(); // Input next sample for analysis // When this returns true, then we have a new spectral frame if(stft(s)){ // Loop through all the bins for(unsigned k=0; k<stft.numBins(); ++k){ // Here we simply scale the complex sample stft.bin(k) *= 0.2; } } // Get next resynthesized sample s = stft(); io.out(0) = s; io.out(1) = s; } }
ComplexNumber Tangent::eval(const ComplexNumber z) const { Sine sine (a, b, c); Cosine cosine (a, b, c); return sine.eval(z) / cosine.eval(z); }